African Evaluation Database

Database statistics

The database currently contains:

953 articles
4157 reports
599 theses

Total: 5805 documents

Contact us

If you have any queries, the AfrED team may be contacted at


We would also like to extend an invitation to any person from an African country who has produced an evaluation report or evaluation article that is not currently in our database, to submit such documents to us for possible inclusion in the database. You are welcome to send such documents to Lauren Wildschut at

About AfrED

The evaluation sector in Africa is evolving rapidly, and Africa’s unique developmental context means that the profession and its trajectory of growth takes on its own shape. The growing institutionalisation of M&E on the African continent has resulted in increased queries about what is currently being produced and published on African evaluation studies, who are the ‘emerging’ African evaluators, what are their professional profiles and career trajectories and also who they collaborate with within Africa and the rest of the world. These questions led us to develop a first version on the African Evaluation Database (AfrED) in 2015 with partial funding from CLEAR-AA at the University of the Witwatersrand. As a result of further funding from CLEAR-AA, a partnership was established with CREST in order to update and expand the database.

The primary goal of the development of the AfrED project was to capture, clean and present information on evaluation projects, studies, agencies, and actors in 19 sub-Saharan African countries. The database currently captures basic bibliographic and other related metadata on evaluation reports, journal articles and doctoral dissertations (currently limited to South Africa) in the field of M&E that have been produced since 2000. More information on each of these categories is provided in the dedicated web-page for each document type.


The AfrED system is divided into three document types. To view or search all documents, irrespective of their type, use the Documents collection.

To search according to values in different fields using boolean logic, use the advanced search function.

Evaluation Articles

AfrED contains information on journal articles in the field of M&E that were published in peer-reviewed journals and indexed either in the Web of Science or Scopus databases.

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Evaluation Reports

Evaluation reports included in AfrED refer to evaluations and reviews of programmatic interventions in Sub-Sahara Africa that have been commissioned, funded and placed in the public domain.

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Evaluation Theses

AfrED has recently begun to include doctoral theses or dissertations in the field of M&E. All of the theses to be included will have been authored by a candidate at an African university.

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