African Evaluation Database

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About the Evaluation Reports collection

Evaluation reports included in AfrED refer to evaluations and reviews of programmatic interventions in Sub-Sahara Africa that have been commissioned, funded and placed in the public domain. These reports are typically commissioned and funded by international (development) agencies such as DFID, SIDA, DANIDA, NORAD, USAID or foreign governments (most notably the USA, Canada, the Netherland, Sweden, France, Japan, Korea and others). A smaller number of reports are commissioned by African governments (most notably South Africa, Kenya, Uganda and others). Many these studies are specifically commissioned by the various agencies of the United Nations such as the UNDP, UNICEF, UNESCO and others. And then there are also reports commissioned and funded by the World Bank and the African Development Bank.

The current version of the Evaluation Reports section of AfrED covers the period 2005 to 2022 with a total of more than 4 000 individual reports. These reports cover the following countries: Botswana, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, South Africa, South Sudan, Eswatini, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.


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Reports (4 157)

Summative Evaluation of the Enhanced and Accelerated WASH Programmes ACCELERATED Programme Evaluation – Final Report Scope: March 2015 to June 2019 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Performance evaluation of the strengthening private sector services project in Zimbabwe REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID   View report
Mid-Term Evaluation of the Joint Programme on Promoting Access to Justice, Human Rights and Peace Consolidation (A2J JP) (July 2013 – September 2015) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG
Study of Inconsistencies and Best Practices in Service Delivery and Programme Management Approaches in Local Governments REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Ministry of Local Government
External evaluation team report on the Feed the Future innovation lab for collaborative research on grain legumes REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Concern Worldwide_Kibilizi (now Gisagara) district health partnership_child survival program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of Japan's ODA for Women's Empowerment REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: MOFA
Multi-Donor Democratic Institutions Programme: Terminal Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of DCA guarantee programs and Impact REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: USAID   View report
Outcome Evaluation Inclusive Private Sector Development REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
Strengthening Uganda's national response for implementation of services for orphans and other vulnerable children : final evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID
Evaluation of FAO's Emergency & Rehabilitation Assistance in the Greater Horn of Africa 2004-2007 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: FAO
Ex-Post Performance Evaluations in the Education Sector Improving the Quality of General Education and Improving Access to and Management of Textbooks Activities (2009-14) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)   View report
Capacity Building for the Management of the HIV/AIDS Response End of Project Cycle Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: UNEG   View report
WASH Programme Review UNICEF Kenya Country Office REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Evaluation of Sida’s International Training Programme in Child Rights, Classroom and School Management REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: SIDA   View report
Reversing Land and Water Degradation Trends in the Niger River Basin Final evaluation of Project components REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG
Independent Terminal Evaluation of the ‘UNDP-GEF CAPE Agulhas Biodiversity Initiative (ABI)’ REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: UNEG   View report
Standard methods and procedures for animal health (SMP-AH) project : external evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Mid-term performance evaluation of the West Africa fertilizer program (WAFP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID   View report
Direct Provision Versis Facility Collection: A Randomized Controlled Health Systems Trial of HIV Self-Testing Among Femal Sex Workers in Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: 3IE   View report
Evaluation of the Project “Defending Defenders in Crisis” REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: SIDA   View report
Africa research in sustainable intensification for the next generation (Africa RISING)_mid term evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
USAID/higa ubeho "be determined to live": most significant change midterm program evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Terminal Evaluation of the UN Environment Project “Capacity Strengthening and Technical Assistance for the Implementation of Stockholm Convention National Implementation Plans (NIPs) in African Least Developed Countries (LCDs) of the COMESA, SADC and ECOW REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of the Process, Impact, Efficiency and Effectiveness of the Swaziland Child Friendly Schools (CFS) Programme – (INQABA) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
Child survival project - midterm evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Results of collaborative improvement : effects on health outcomes and compliance with evidence-based standards in 27 applications in 12 countries REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: USAID   View report
Promotion of Youth Employment Towards Poverty Reduction in Lesotho External Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: UNEG
Evaluating The Effectiveness Of An Unconditional Social Cash Transfer Programme For the Ultra Poor in Malawi REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: 3IE   View report
UNDP/GEF/SANBI National Grasslands Biodiversity Programme (PIMS 2929) Mid-Term Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNEG   View report
How green is our Development Aid_Thematic Evaluation of the Belgian Cooperation in the Field of Environment REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: DGD   View report
Help Ethiopia address low TB performance (HEAL-TB) mid-term evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
CRS SUCCESS Palliative Care Nutritional Supplementation Targeted Evaluation Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: Catholic Relief Services   View report
Final Evaluation of GOAL's Integrated Health Project, Freetown, Sierra Leone REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: AidWorks   View report
Namibia Country Pilot Partnership Programme: Adapting to Climate Change through the Improvement of Traditional Crops & Livestock Farming (CPP NAM: CCA) Final Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG
Building resilience and managing risk in fragile and conflict-affected states: A thematic evaluation of DFID’s multi-year approaches to humanitarian action in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Sudan and Yemen REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: ALNAP   View report
Evaluation of UNICEF's Early Childhood Development Programme with Focus on Government of Netherlands Funding (2008-2010) - Ghana Country Case Study Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNICEF
In search of protection and livelihoods: Socio-economic and environmental impacts of Dadaab refugee camps on host communities REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: ALNAP   View report
Evaluation of the Uganda Social Assistance Grants for Empowerment (SAGE) Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Oxford Policy Management   View report
Zambian Peer Educators for HIV Self-Testing: A Randomized Study of Testing Provision to Female Sex Workers in Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: 3IE   View report
Project SEARCH end of project evaluation: supporting evaluation and research to combat HIV REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Second Health And Population Project and Health Sector Support Project (PPAR) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
A Decade of Action in Transport An Evaluation of World Bank Assistance to the Transport Sector, 1995–2005 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: NORAD   View report
Uganda community-based growth promotion_program review REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of the Irish Aid (Uganda) Country Strategy Paper 2007 – 2009 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: OECD   View report
Liberia municipal water project (LMWP) mid-term performance evaluation : final evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Final Independant Evaluation of the project 'Saving Lives and Protecting Livelihoods in arid and semiarid lands of Kenya' REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: ALNAP   View report
South Africa: Environment Outlook - A report on the state of the environment REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: DPME   View report
Evaluation of the Bringing Nutrition to Scale Project in Iringa, Mbeya and Njombe Regions (2013–2017) Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Building Local Capacity for Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity in the Okavango Delta (BioKavango) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNDP   View report
Final evaluation of Capacity building for South African Professionals in the Field of Agriculture and Food Security REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG
Mainstreaming environment in poverty reduction in Rwanda: achievements, impacts and opportunities REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNEG   View report
Strengthening Responses to Create Wealth and Reduce Poverty for Women in Cross Border Trade (WICBT) in Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of General Food Distribution in Northern Uganda: Gulu, Amuru and Kitgum Districts 2005-2008 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: ALNAP   View report
External evaluation of ICEIDA support to the implementation of FALP in Kalangala district REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Real-time evaluation of the Kenya drought response REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: ALNAP   View report
Evaluation of NRC's Recovery for Acholi Youth (RAY) Project, Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: ALNAP
Resilience, Risk and Vulnerability at Sida REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: SIDA   View report
Transforming Global Health Through Hope, Health, Action and Knowledge: Lessons from the Largest Continuing Education Programme in Public Health in Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: Atlantic Philanthropies   View report
Real-time Evaluation of UNHCR's IDP Operation in Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: ALNAP
External evaluation panel five year technical review (2002_07) of the bean_cowpea collaborative research support program (CRSP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of Budget Support in South Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: DPME   View report
Child Health Initiatives for Lasting Development – in Ethiopia. Farta Woreda, Amhara Region, Ethiopia Child Survival and Health Grants Program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: OECD   View report
Process Evaluation of GOU Uganda Family Planning Programs and Policies to Design Robust Impact Evaluations: Increasing Demand through Male Involvement and Promotion among Young People REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: Uganda Office of Prime Minister
Final Independent Evaluation of the Community-based Management of Acute Malnutrition Integration Programme in Yobe State, Nigeria REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: ALNAP   View report
Republic of Liberia Smallholder Tree Crop Revitalization Support Project Project Performance Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: UNEG   View report
Project to Support the Strategic Capacity Building Initiative (SCBI) – Central Government Component Implemented by the Government of Rwanda and UNDP (2012-2013) Summative Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
Italian Contribution to the Health Sector Development Programme, 2010–12 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Zimbabwe: An Evaluation of WFP’s Portfolio (2006-2010) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: ALNAP   View report
An Independent External Evaluation of the International Fund or Agricultural Development REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: SIDA   View report
Impact evaluation – The Ujamaa Centre for Biblical and Theological Community Development and Research REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
"Small-Small Steps" to Rebuild Communities with YEP; Youth Education Pack Project in Liberia: Post Graduates and Income Generation Activities REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: ALNAP   View report
Post-Introduction Evaluation of 7-valent Conjugate Pneumococcal Vaccine (PCV-7) in Rwanda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Social Networks and Risk Management in Ghanas Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: 3IE   View report
Final Report Evaluation of Clubs within the Club Development Programme (CDP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Government Website   View report
Evaluation of the Strategy for Norway’s Culture and Sports Cooperation with Countries in the South Case Country Zimbabwe REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: NORAD
Evaluation of NGO partnerships aimed at capacity development REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: DGD   View report
UNDP South Sudan Community Security & Arms Control Project Summative Evaluation Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG
Financial Management Cooperation Project in the Eastern Cape Provincial Administration through Support from the Swedish National Financial Management Authority (ESV) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: SIDA   View report
Evaluation of FAO’s contribution to building resilience to El Niño-induced drought in Southern Africa 2016-2017 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)   View report
Rwanda UNDAF 2008- 2012 Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNEG   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Ministry for Foreign Affairs (MFA) Finland   View report
ALP Mid-Term Review. Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: OECD   View report
Independent Evaluation of the UNDP Country Programme Document (2006-2010) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: UNEG   View report
Nigeria floods 2012- An internal evaluation of the shelter kit response REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: ALNAP   View report
Evaluation of LO-Norway’s programme co-operation with the trade union movement in Malawi 2006 to 2008 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
CARE International DEC Ebola Emergency Response Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: ALNAP   View report
In search of the holy grail: can unconditional cash transfers graduate households out of poverty in Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: 3IE   View report
External End of Project Evaluation of the Food Security Project Supported by the Japanese Government and Implemented by IFRC & ZRCS REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: ALNAP   View report
Management Response to the Recommendations of the Summary Evaluation Report on Tanzania: An evaluation of WFP's portfolio (2011– 2014) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: ALNAP
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID   View report
Fisheries and coastal management capacity building support project final performance evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
End of Project Evaluation of the Dialogue Financing Facility (DFF): 2012-2014 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
Impact Assessment Department of Social Development Homes for the Aged REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: DPME   View report
Management response- Evaluation of WFP Country Programme 10418.0 Ghana (2006-2010) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: ALNAP   View report
Grid Electricity Expansion in Tanzania by MCC: Findings from a Rigorous Impact Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)   View report
Investing in Communities Achieves Results Findings from an Evaluation of Community Responses to HIV and AIDS REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: DFID   View report
Agricultural value chain in Oromia (AID 9374) Evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: Italian Development Cooperation   View report
End Evaluation of GoK/UNFPA 8th Country Programme 2014-2018 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)   View report
Final evaluation of Mine Action in Tigray, Afar Somali Region CRIS No. 20370 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: UNDP   View report
Tanzania food for progress KASI agriventures project: midterm evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of Employee Assistance Programmes in the Public Service REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: DPME   View report
Evaluation of the Democracy Consolidation Programme (DCP) Phase III (2008-2011) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of the Vulnerable Groups Feeding Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNEG   View report
World Bank Group Engagement in Resource-Rich Developing Countries: The Cases of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, and Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: ALNAP   View report
Terminal Evaluation of the GEF/UNDP/Gov't of Botswana supported project for 'Improved Management Effectiveness of the Chobe-Kwando-Linyanti Matrix of Protected Areas' REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
Mid-Term Review of the UNDP/GEF/MME PROJECT NAM/01/G32 Barrier Removal to Namibian Renewable Energy Programme (NAMREP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of the Mozambique Community Land Use Fund REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Evaluation of the USAID-Funded Textbooks and Learning Materials Program (TLMP) in Ethiopia, Ghana, Malawi, Senegal, South Africa and Tanzania REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of Community-Based Health Insurance Pilot Schemes in Ethiopia: Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Expanding Literacy and Life Skills in Jangamo District Inhambane Province Programme 2010 – 2012, mid-term review REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
The Gambia: Ex Post Assessment of Longer-Term Program Engagement REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Hygiene Promotion for Diarrhoeal Disease Prevention through the Government of Malawi Perinatal Care System Program Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Coverage assessment of the integrated therapeutic feeding program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: ALNAP   View report
Final Report of the Final Review of the 2007-2011 UNDP Country Programme and Action Plan (CPD/CPAP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNEG   View report
Enterprise Development for Rural Families Programme in Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: SIDA   View report
Targeted states high impact project (TSHIP) : end-of-project evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID   View report
United Republic of Tanzania Country Programme Evaluation Approach Paper REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: IFAD   View report
Targeted States High Impact Project (TSHIP) End-of-Project Evaluation Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Report on the Evaluation of the Implementation of the Batho Pele Principle of Consultation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: DPME   View report
End of the Government of Zimbabwe & UNFPA 6th Country Programme (2012-2015) Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)   View report
Evaluation of the Accelerated Learning Programme in Liberia Final REPORT REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Mid term evaluation of the rebuilding livelihoods and resiliency in Zimbabwe project - 674-A-00-10-00002-00 (January 17, 2010-November 30, 2013) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Malawi, School Meals Programme (2013-2015): an evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: WFP   View report
Reinforcing Institutional Capacity for Treatment of Acute Malnutrition, Prevention of Malnutrition and National Sensitization for Nutrition Security in Western Area District, Sierra Leone REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: ALNAP   View report
Mid Term Evaluation of DG ECHO's Regional Drought Decision in the Greater Horn of Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: ALNAP
PROFIT Zambia impact assessment : final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: USAID   View report
Final Report: Evaluation of the Ghana Roads Activities REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)   View report
Review of Swedish Support to the World Customs Organization (WCO) Capacity Building, 2008-2012 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: SIDA   View report
Sida’s Work with Culture and Media - Main Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: SIDA   View report
Evaluation of Neighbour in Need-funded Agencies' Response to the Horn of Africa Food Crisis REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: ALNAP   View report
Evaluating agricultural information dissemination in wester Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: 3IE   View report
North Karamoja Development Project Effectiveness Review - Full Technical Report - Livelihood Support to Women's Groups REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: ALNAP
Joint Evaluation of Budget Support to Uganda Final Report Volume 1 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Amhara Microenterprise Development, Agricultural Research, Extension and Watershed Management Project in Ethiopia July 2002 - December 2007 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: OECD   View report
Evaluation of Namibia’s Community Health Extension Workers Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Evaluation of Norwegian HIV/AIDS Responses: Evaluation Report 4/2008 Volume II REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Cross Programme Gender Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: OECD   View report
Child labor pilot project assessment report : Ghana youth education and skills (YES) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: USAID   View report
Using Health Facility Profiles as a Monitoring Tool: An Example Based on Data from Three African Countries REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: MEASURE   View report
Zambia: Victoria Falls – Katima Mulilo 132kV Interconnection Project. Project Performance Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: OECD   View report
Mid-Term Evaluation of the Ethiopia Country Programme 10430.0 (2007-2011) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: ALNAP   View report
Independent Evaluation of Delivering as One REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: OECD   View report
Independent Evaluation of Budget Support in Mozambique Final Report Volume I REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Ethiopia National Malaria Indicator Survey 2007: Technical Summary REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: Carter Center   View report
Agricultural growth program (AGP) of Ethiopia: Baseline report 2011 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)   View report
Review of TaTEDO - Integrated Sustainable Energy Services for Poverty Reduction and Environmental Conservation Program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Promoting Energy Efficiency in Residential and Public Sector in Nigeria REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNDP   View report
Organisation for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa (OSSREA) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: SIDA   View report
Impacts of removing user fees for maternal health services on universal health coverage in Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: 3IE   View report
Evaluating The Effectiveness of Gender-Based Violence Prevention Programs with Refugees in Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: OECD   View report
Ethiopia 2011 Drought Response Accountability review REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: ALNAP   View report
Enhancing resilience to climate change by mainstreaming adaptation concerns into Agricultural Sector Development in Liberia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of the Stop Stock Out Project, South Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: ALNAP   View report
Supporting Sustainable water management and governance for the poor in drought and flood prone areas in Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: UNICEF   View report
Mid-term Evaluation for the Energy, Environment & Natural Resource Management (EENRM) Cluster in Sierra Leone REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG
Summative Evaluation: Building Resilience for nutritional security in the Gambia through Social Transfers (BReST) 2016-2019 January 2020 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation Report Community Based Rangeland and Livestock Management Program Millennium Challenge Account - Namibia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)   View report
The impact of Tanzania’s Joint Forest Management programme on livelihoods, governance and forests REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: 3IE
External end-of-project evaluation : Ethiopian public health training initiative phase II (EPHTI II) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: USAID   View report
Environmental and Climate Change Indicators: Guidance at country and sector level REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: SIDA   View report
Impact and Implementation Evaluation of Government Coordination Systems: Final Report: Long Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Government Website   View report
Ethiopian Nile Irrigation and Drainage Project (Ribb Dam RAP: Project Task II Final Report) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: Government Website   View report
Voucher Scheme for Skilled Deliveries in Northern Kenya: A Government of Kenya and UNICEF Programme of Collaboration (2004-2008) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Republic of Ghana Country Programme Evaluation 2433-GH REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: IFAD   View report
Report Of Mid-Term/Outcome Evaluation UNDP Nigeria Country Programme Action Plan (CPAP) 2009 – 2012 Governance of HIV and AIDS REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: UNEG   View report
Joint Evaluation of Support to Anti-Corruption Efforts (2002-2009) - Tanzania Country Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Government Website   View report
Mid-Term Evaluation of the Budget Strengthening Initiative REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
External Evaluation of the Monyetla Work Readiness ProgrammeTM– Phase 2 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: Government Website   View report
Consolidating Gains from the KNDR Process Evaluation of Support to the Committee of Experts on Constitutional Review (COE) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNEG   View report
Salvation Army/Zambia (TSA), Salvation Army World Service Organization (SAWSO), and TSA Chikankata Health Services   Chikankata Child Survival Project (CCSP), 2005‐2010 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: USAID   View report
Real-Time Evaluation of Norway’s International Climate and Forest Initiative Contribution to Measurement,Reporting and Verification REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: NORAD
Project for improving access to Quality Health and Education Services in the Northern and Upper East Regions of Ghana-An Endline Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
Improve Livelihoods in Targeted Drought Affected Communities in Kenya OSRO/KEN/002/SWE Evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)   View report
Impact evaluation of drinking water supply and sanitation interventions in rural Mozambique REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Final evaluation of the fisheries integration of society and habitats (FISH) activity REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
End of project evaluation of the maternal and child health integrated program (MCHIP) in Zimbabwe REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Mid-term performance evaluation : school health and reading program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
End-of-project evaluation of the capacity project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: USAID   View report
Solar Energy Programme in Nigeria REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNDP   View report
Evaluation of USAID investments in Nyungwe National Park REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Mid-term evaluation: World Connect project "investing in locally-led development in Malawi" REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Final evaluation: saving lives at birth program evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
The Demographic Impacts of HIV/AIDS in Botswana: Modelling the Impacts of HIV/AIDS in Botswana REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: Government Website   View report
Mid-Term Performance Evaluation of the Sustainable Water and Sanitation in Africa (SUWASA) Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Promoting Community Engagement through Facilitation of Local Responses. End Term Evaluation for The Salvation Army Southern Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
South Africa Evaluation of the Bank's Country Strategy and Program 2004-2015 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Solutions for African food enterprises (SAFE) final evaluation report January June 2016 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Terminal Evaluation of the UN Environment Project “Resource Efficiency and Eco-Innovation in Developing and Transition Economies” (referred to as the “Eco-Innovation Project”) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG
Ex-post evaluation: Expanding Financial Inclusion in Africa Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: Catholic Relief Services   View report
Support to Civil Society Engagement in Policy Dialogue - Synthesis Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: DANIDA   View report
Exploring the impact of the community‐based care for orphans and vulnerable children (CBCO) program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: OECD   View report
School Based HIV Testing and Counselling Pilot Programme Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNICEF   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)   View report
The Evaluation Report for The Joint UN Programme of Support on AIDS in Uganda (JUPSA 2011-2014) and Priorities for the January-December 2015 Work-Plan REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation Of General Budget Support – Rwanda Country Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: DFID   View report
Outcome Evaluation of the UNDP Country Programme of Cooperation 2007-2011 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNEG   View report
Primary Education in Zambia IOB Evaluaion Report no312 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: AIID   View report
Evaluation of Budget Support in South Africa - Volume 2 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Victim Friendly System – Mid term Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Terminal Report: An assessment of the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) for Swaziland, 2011-2015 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG   View report
Terminal Evaluation of the UN Environment-GEF Project “Promoting Sustainable Transport Solutions for East African Cities” REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNEG   View report
The Feed the Future integrating nutrition in value chains project performance evaluation: final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of HERproject REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: SIDA   View report
Child Grants Programme Impact Evaluation Follow-up Report – Executive Summary REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
Improvement of Household Food Security and Woreda Integrated Basic Services Project in Oromiya and Tigray Regions REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: UNICEF   View report
Independent UNIDO Country Evaluation Federal Republic of Nigeria REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNEG   View report
Basis for Decisions to use Results-Based Payments in Norwegian Development Aid REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: NORAD   View report
Lessons learned evaluation : access to justice and information REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Mid-term evaluation report_innovation for scale_enhancing Ethiopias health extension package in the Southern Nations and Nationalities Peoples Region (SNNPR)_Shebedino and Lanfero Woredas REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: USAID   View report
Independent Verification and Evaluation of the End Child Marriage Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Impact evaluation of Support Programme for Industrial Innovation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: DPME   View report
Tanzania - Impact Evaluation of Scaling-up Handwashing and Rural Sanitation Behavior Projects in Tanzania 2012, Endline Survey REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: World Bank   View report
Filtu Water and Sanitation Project- Final Evaluation Report, Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Report on the Audit of Reporting Requirements and Departmental Monitoring and Evaluation Systems within Central and Provincial Government REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: Government Website
End of Project Evaluation for ATJK WEHEA II, ADRA Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Impacts of community stakeholder engagement interventions in Ugandan oil extractives REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: 3IE   View report
Final Independent Evaluation of Project 'WaSH Provision in Bahn Refugee Camp in Nimba, Liberia' REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: ALNAP
Final Project Review “Safe and Effective Programs through Fully Integrated Security Management” (FISM) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: ALNAP   View report
Report of the Inter-agency Humanitarian Evaluation (IAHE) of the Response to the Crisis in South Sudan REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of the Norwegian Centre for Democracy Support 2002-2009 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: NORAD   View report
Evaluation of Denmark’s Climate Change Funding to Developing Countries REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: DANIDA   View report
LSMS-Integrated Surveys on Agriculture General Household Survey Panel 2012/2013 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Government Website   View report
End of project evaluation Education and Rural Development, Phase II REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Midterm evaluation of the FISTULA care project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Republic of Rwanda Support Project for the Strategic Plan for the Transformation of Agriculture PROJECT PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)   View report
Kenya Assessment Preparedness Initiative REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: ALNAP   View report
Realising Potential Evaluation of Norway’s Support to Education in Conflict and Crisis through Civil Society Organisations REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: NORAD   View report
Final Independent Evaluation of the Community Based Drought Risk Management in the Borena Zone of Oromiya Region, Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: ALNAP   View report
The Gambia National Disaster Management Programme Evaluation Report for Jan. – Dec. 2008 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: UNEG   View report
Institutionalization of the Primary Health Care Planning and Reviews in Nigeria: Progress and Status REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Government Website   View report
Youth leadership for agriculture (YLA): end-of-activity evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Catholic Relief Services/Uganda_mid term evaluation_FY 2002-2006 Uganda Title II development activity program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: USAID   View report
Functional Review of the Parliament Draft Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: Government Website   View report
Final evaluation of theproject Education for Effective Nutrition in Action (ENACT) and Mid-term evaluation of Le projet ENACT Francophone (ENAF) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
End of Programme Evaluation Public Sector Reforms Programme, Phase II UNDP REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
Proving collateral and Improving product market access for smallholder farmers: A Randomized evaluation of inventory credit in Sierra Leone REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: 3IE   View report
GoB/UNDP “Strengthening Capacity for Gender Sensitive Multi-Sectoral Response to HIV And Aids in Botswana” Programme, 2003 - 2009 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNDP   View report
Annual Report of Sida Evaluation Activities 2005 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: SIDA   View report
Impact Assessment of SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL Liberia WASH programmes 2010-2012 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: ALNAP   View report
Comprehensive Evaluation of the Community Health Program in Rwanda Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Ingwe Rail Project Impact Assessment Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Government Website   View report
GOAL Uganda: scaling up innovative HIV/AIDS interventions through strong partnerships amongst conflict-affected populations of Pader (Agago) District, Northern Uganda, 2008-2011: end project evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of UNHCR’s Response to the L3 South Sudan Refugee Crisis In Uganda and Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: ALNAP   View report
Operations Report External Evaluation of the Mchinji Social Cash Transfer Pilot REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Evaluation of DG ECHO’s Action in the Water and Sanitation/Public Health Sector in Zimbabwe - Main Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: ALNAP   View report
Sida’s Support to the Agency for Cooperation and Research in Development (ACORD) to the HIV and AIDS Support and Advocacy Programme (HASAP) in Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: SIDA
Formative Evaluation Report for The Project entitled “Accelerating efforts to reduce maternal, neonatal and child mortality in the Northern and Upper East regions of Ghana” REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Mwanzo bora nutrition program: mid-term evaluation report for the program implementation in Morogoro, Dodoma and Manyara regions REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Government of the Kingdom of Eswatini/UNFPA 6th Country Programme Evaluation (2016-2020) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)   View report
Final Evaluation of the UVETA Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Protecting and Promoting the Food and Nutrition Security in the Yobe State, Phase II, North Easter Nigeria REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: ALNAP   View report
External Review of Core Support under Joint Financial Agreement to Zambia National Farmers Union REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: SIDA   View report
End of first phase project evaluation - Niassa Reserve Community-Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Evaluation of Japan's Contribution to the Achievement of the MDGs In the Health Sector REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: MOFA
Evaluation of Natural Resources Conservation and Livelihoods Innovation in Maizegzeg REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: ALNAP   View report
The Great Lakes Civil Society Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: SamuelHall   View report
HRCSI Programme Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Department for International Development (DFID)   View report
Provincial transport operations Grants (PTOG) Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: DPME   View report
Sida/SAREC Bilateral Research Cooperation: Lessons Learned REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: SIDA   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Government Website   View report
Evaluation of the Development of the Sustainable City Approach Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: SIDA   View report
The 2012-2016 Gambia United Nations Development Assistance Framework Final Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of Sida’s Support to Tostan (2010-2016) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: SIDA   View report
Child support grant evaluation 2010: Qualitative research report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)   View report
Evaluation of the Stop Stock Outs Project (SSP), South Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: MSF   View report
Management response- Zimbabwe, Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation 200453 “Responding to Humanitarian Needs and Strengthening Resilience to Food Insecurity”: An evaluation of WFP’s Operation (September 2012–March 2014) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: ALNAP
Evaluation of The Ghana – Denmark Partnership (2007- 2017) Results, sustainability and transformation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: DANIDA   View report
Healthy practices, strong communities : mid-term evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
GEF Country Portfolio Evaluation: South Africa (1994–2007) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: UNEG   View report
Management response- Evaluation: Zimbabwe Humanitarian Assistance REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: ALNAP   View report
Mid-Term Evaluation of the Siyazondla Homestead Food Gardens Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: DPME   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Outcome Evaluation For UNDP Environment Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: UNEG   View report
Country Assistance Evaluation of Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: MOFA   View report
Wellness and agriculture for life advancement (WALA): mid-term evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of The Certified Trade Advisers Programme (CTAP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
The contribution of The Atlantic Philanthropies Population Health Programme to Primary Health Care and Human Resources for Health from 2004 to 2016 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: Atlantic Philanthropies   View report
Mid-Term Evaluation of Women in Financial Inclusion and Capabilities Project in Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: SIDA   View report
Faith-based Regional Initiative For Orphans and Vulnerable Children REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: Boston University   View report
Impacts of IRCs Fifth Child community engagement strategy to increas Immunisation in Northern Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: 3IE   View report
Independent mid-term review Nigeria Mini grid based renewable energy (biomass) sources to augment rural electrification REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of Tinkhundla Fit for Children (TFFC) Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of the Norwegian Programme for Development, Research and Education (NUFU) and of Norad’s Programme for Master Studies (NOMA) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: NORAD   View report
CARE Ethiopia / UNOCHA Emergency Nutritional Support Project Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: ALNAP   View report
Lesotho CP 200369: An Operation Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: ALNAP   View report
Republic of Ghana Upper East Region Land Conservation and Smallholder Rehabilitation Project (LACOSREP) – Phase II Interim Evaluation Report No. 1757-GH REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: IFAD   View report
Summative Evaluation of Ghana Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) Policy (2004–2019) Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Impact Assessments of Livelihoods-based Drought Interventions in Moyale and Dire Woredas REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: ALNAP
Evaluation of TUSEME Programme in Tanzania REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNICEF   View report
The Development Potential of Regional Programs An Evaluation of World Bank Support of Multicountry Operations REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: NORAD   View report
Meta-evaluation of USAID/Liberia's portfolio, 2016-2020 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Women's legal rights initiative of the women in development IQC_Rwanda assessment and analysis report_October 11_24_2004 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: USAID
Evaluation of the In-Service National Training Programme for Nutrition Officers in Tanzania, 2014/15 Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Government Website   View report
Evaluations of Country Strategies: An Overview of Experiences and a Proposal for Shaping Future Country Programme Evaluations REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: SIDA
Evaluation of UNDP Support to Zimbabwe under ZUNDAF: 2012-2015 Enhanced Economic Management and Pro-poor Development Policies and Strategies REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
Impact Evaluation of WFP’s Fresh Food Voucher Pilot Programme in Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: WFP   View report
Mangochi Basic Services Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
End of Term Evaluation for UNDP Malawi Country Programme (2012 – 2016) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
Partnership for integrated social marketing (PRISM) program mid-term evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Mid term review of the isibindi program_national roll out of the ministerial isibindi program in South Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Sports for social inclusion evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Evaluation of the social cash transfer pilot programme, Tigray region, Ethiopia - Endline report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: American Institure for Research (AIR)   View report
An evaluation of a South African combination HIV prevention intervention for adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC)   View report
Independent Evaluation of ‘Journalists Training on Ethical Reporting on Child Rights Issues in Sierra Leone’ REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of DFID Country Programmes: Malawi, 2000-2005 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Botswana’s Integration of Data Quality Assurance Into Standard Operating Procedures: Adaptation of the Routine Data Quality Assessment Tool (Boone D, Cloutier S, Lins S, Makulec A) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: MEASURE   View report
Africa Bureau anti corruption initiative (ACI) mid term evaluation_final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: USAID   View report
Review of the Technical Barriers to Trade Mentorship Programme 2008-2011 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: SIDA   View report
Retrospective evaluation of the GFDRR Programme in a sample of disaster-prone countries REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: ALNAP   View report
End of Term Evaluation for Zimbabwe OD/DM Programme 2009/2012 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Final performance evaluation report for community-based natural resource management and biodiversity implemented by the Laikipia Wildlife Forum REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
ZIMWASH Project End- Term Evaluation Report: ACP EU Water Facility Project - 2006-2011 - Addressing water and sanitation needs of the rural poor in the context of HIV and AIDS in Zimbabwe REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNICEF   View report
Evaluation of the UNSD-DFID project: ‘Improving the collation, availability and dissemination of national development indicators, including MDGs’ REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: DFID   View report
Evaluation of Support to the Rwanda National Electoral Commission Strategic Plan (for period 2008-2009) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: UNEG   View report
USAID activities under GEMAP in Liberia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: USAID   View report
Strategic Evaluation of the Pilot Country Strategic Plans Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of the UNICEF Response to the South Sudan Humanitarian Crisis (2016-2019) Part 2: Emergency Education, Child Protection and related issues REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2021   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Evaluation of Sida's Humanitarian Assistance - Case Study Report Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: ALNAP
Support to Capacity Development – Identifying Good Practice in Swedish Development Cooperation Sida Evaluation Sida Evaluation Report for the Joint Scandinavian Evaluation of Support to Capacity Development REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: SIDA   View report
Final performance evaluation of the school-community partnership serving orphan and vulnerable children affected by HIV/AIDS (SCOPSO) project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
External mid-term evaluation of USAID Ethiopia's empowering new generations to improve nutrition and economic opportunities (ENGINE) project intermediate result 4: "rigorous and innovative learning agenda adopted" REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Final Evaluation of WFP’S USDA McGovern-Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition Programme’s Support in Afar and Somali Regions in Ethiopia 2013–2017 Evaluation Report - Final REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
Final Evaluation of the Natural Resource Management Facility At Act! REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: SIDA   View report
Zambia prevention, care & treatment partnership project II: mid-term evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
What happens once the intervention ends? The medium-term impacts of a cash transfer programme in Malawi REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: ALNAP   View report
Periperi U phase III summative evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of Results-Based Aid in Rwandan Education - Final evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Draft Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNEG   View report
A Case Study from Ethiopia: Supportive Supervision in Monitoring and Evaluation with Community-Based Health Staff in HIV Programs REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: MEASURE
UNICEF GEROS Meta-Analysis 2015 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNICEF   View report
Assessment_CARE Tumaini program_provides home based care for people living with HIV_AIDS and support for orphans and vulnerable children REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: USAID   View report
Review of the Uganda Country Strategy 2010–2015 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: OECD   View report
Evaluation of the DFID-funded Safer South Africa Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNICEF   View report
South African Wind Energy Programme (SAWEP) – an UNDP supported Technical Assistance programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNEG   View report
Challenges in banking the rural poor: Evidence from Kenya’s Western Province REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: 3IE   View report
Mid Term Evaluation National Gender Strategic Plan 2010 - 2014 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation report: Unity in Christ Phase II – Peace Building after 2007-2008 Post-election Violent Conflict in Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Sendacow   View report
Evaluation of the Education Sector of Austrian Development Cooperation and Cooperation with South-East Europe REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: OECD   View report
Impact Evaluation of the Strengthen PSNP4 Institutions and Resilience (SPIR) Development Food Security Activity (DFSA) Midline Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)   View report
Final Report Formative Evaluation of the Sara Radio Programme (SRP) in Iringa DC, Iringa MC, Kilolo DC and Mufindi DC REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Implementation Evaluation of the Comprehensive Rural Development Programme (CRDP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: DPME   View report
Formative Evaluation of the UNICEF Child Survival and Development program in The Gambia (2012-2021) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNEG   View report
Management response- to the Recommendations of the Summary Evaluation Report: WFP/FAO/UNICEF/WHO/DFATD Canada Joint Evaluation of Renewed Effort Against Child Hunger and Under-nutrition (REACH): A Strategic Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: ALNAP   View report
Review of the Child Support Grant Uses, Implementation and Obstacles REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: DPME   View report
CSJP interim performance evaluation & impacts effectiveness assessments REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of Operation Clean Audit: Eastern Cape REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: DPME   View report
Ghana Child Verbal Autopsy Study 2008 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: MEASURE   View report
Tanzania Evaluation of Bank Assistance to the Health Sector Operations Evaluation Department REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: African Development Bank Group   View report
Final Evaluation South Sudan Thematic window Youth, Employment and Migration Programme Title: Creating opportunities for youth employment in South Sudan REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
KENYA Real Time Evaluation (RTE) mission REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Sida Supported Infant and Young Child Feeding Networks An Evaluation of Activities, Achievements and Aspirations REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: SIDA   View report
Targeting Report External Evaluation of the Mchinji Social Cash Transfer Pilot REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Joint external evaluation of the Health Sector in Tanzania 1999-2006 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: DANIDA   View report
Management Sciences for Health-Malawi final evaluation report : reducing child morbidity and strengthening health care systems REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: USAID   View report
Final Report of the Midterm Evaluation of the Country Programme Action Plan (CPAP) 2011-2015 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of the National Association of Child Care Workers (NACCW) Isibindi model of care for children affected by HIV and AIDS REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Africa RISING Baseline Evaluation Survey (ARBES) report for Tanzania REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)   View report
Mid-term evaluation of the EU water facility funded project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: UNICEF   View report
Facing the Resource Curse: Norway’s Oil for Development Program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: NORAD   View report
Evaluation of CPAP Outcome 44 Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
Republic of Malawi Rural Livelihoods Support Programme Project Performance Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
Diagnostic Evaluation of the Implementation of the Pomfret Rehabilitation and Relocation Project Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: DPME   View report
Report of the real time evaluation of Ebola control programs in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: ALNAP   View report
Mid-term Evaluation of the UN Environment “Clean Seas Campaign” (Contributing to the Global Partnership on Marine Litter project) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNEG   View report
PharmAccess International Tanzania police, prisons, and immigration (TPPI) project - final evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Terminal Evaluation of the Project “Support to improved voter and civic education for the 2011 Presidential And 2012 National Assembly Elections” REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
Zambia Assessment of Development Results: Evaluation of UNDP Contribution to Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Partnership for growth (PFG) mid-term evaluation : Ghana and Tanzania crosscutting report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Final evaluation report of the relief to development (R2D) pilot project in Sekota and Gubalafto Woredas_ANRS REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of DG Echo’s Funded Actions in Kenya (2008-2009) Funding nutrition and livelihood support within drought responses Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: European Commission Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (ECHO)   View report
Local Economy-wide Impact Evaluation (LEWIE) of Ethiopia’s social cash transfer pilot programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Department for International Development (DFID)   View report
Evaluation of the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC) Gender Policy between 2004–2011 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: ADA   View report
Evaluation Report UNDP Sierra Leone (Irish Aid) Improving Rule of Law & Access to Justice Programme (2013-2014, NCE 30th June, 2015) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG
Evaluation of Norwegian health sector support to Botswana: volume 1 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Evaluation of Swedish–East African Music Network 2008–2011, A cultural programme in Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda implemented by Selam REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: SIDA   View report
Mid-term performance evaluation of the West Africa water supply, sanitation and hygiene program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID   View report
Final Independent Evaluation of the Coverage Monitoring Network project: Improving nutrition programmes through the promotion of quality coverage assessment tools, capacity building and information sharing REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: ALNAP   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: OECD   View report
Evaluation of Oxfam's 2017 Drought Response in Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: ALNAP
Report on the Evaluation of the Implementation of the Batho Pele Principle of Information REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: DPME   View report
Country Evaluation of the Implementation of the Paris Declaration in Zambia Phase II REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Mid-term review of the northern Uganda malaria, AIDS, and tuberculosis (NUMAT) program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation Report for the Anti Female Genital Mutilation Maasai (FGM) Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)
Preventing the medical transmission of HIV in Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: USAID   View report
Interim evaluation of systems for improved access to pharmaceuticals and services (SIAPS) project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID
Evaluation of the Maternal, Newborn and Child Health Week in Nigeria REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Zimbabwe strategic economic research & analysis (SERA) program mid-term evaluation (final report) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Uganda: an evaluation of WFP's Portfolio (2009-2013) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: ALNAP
PEPFAR treatment program: final evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
IASC Real-Time Evaluation of the Humanitarian Response to the Horn of Africa Drought Crisis - Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA)   View report
Evaluation of Japan's ODA to Africa through the TICAS Process for the Past 10 Years REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: MOFA
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the National Prevention of Mother To Child Transmission of HIV (PMTCT) Programme at 6-8 weeks Post-partum in Swaziland REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Mid-term performance evaluation of the USAID media strengthening program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Process Evaluation of Zimbabwe’s Harmonised Social Cash Transfer Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: American Institure for Research (AIR)   View report
Evaluation of Namibia’s PMTCT Programme-2016 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Final evaluation report of agricultural cooperatives in Ethiopia (ACE) program activities REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: USAID   View report
Sustainable Management of Namibia's Forested Lands (NAFOLA) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: UNDP
Mozambique Midterm review - Assistance to the Fisheries Sector of Mozambique Co-financed by Norway and Iceland (2009 – 2013) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Zambia-led prevention initiative (ZPI) end-of-project performance evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
PGB External Evaluation Report ASRH/HIV/AIDS, Geracao BIZ Program, Mozambique : Progress and challenges REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Government Website   View report
Ethiopia: An Evaluation of WFP's Portfolio REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: ALNAP   View report
Women’s empowerment in agriculture index (WEAI) impact assessment report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Cleaning Up - An Evaluation of the ACT Response in Liberia 2004-2006 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: ALNAP   View report
Mid-Term Review of Sida’s regional core support (2014–2019) to the Eastern African Grain Council promoting grain trade in the East African region “Strengthening Regional Grain Markets II” REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: SIDA   View report
Study on the Demand for and Supply of Evaluation in Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: World Bank   View report
Management response- to the Recommendations of the Summary Report of the Evaluation of the Impact of Food for Assets on Livelihood Resilience in Uganda (2005-2010) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: ALNAP   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Livelihood empowerment against poverty program impact evaluation in Ghana REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: 3IE   View report
Support for Development of Inclusive Markets in Agriculture and Trade (DIMAT) Project (2011-2015) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG   View report
Final Evaluation of the Business Sector Advocacy Challenge Fund, Ghana REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: OECD   View report
Africa Adaptation Project Rwanda Final Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
A Decade of Learning: Lessons from an Evaluation of the Emergency Capacity Building (ecb) Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: ALNAP   View report
Pro-Resilience Action PRO-ACT 2015: Supporting the Poor and Food and Nutrition Insecure to React to Crises and Strengthen Resilience in Liberia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: ALNAP   View report
Impacts of formal business registration in Malawi REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: 3IE   View report
Performance evaluation of USAID support to palliative care in South Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Ethiopia positive change : children, communities, and care (PC3) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: USAID   View report
Ethiopia: 2010 MGDs Report Trends and Prospects for Meeting MDGs by 2015 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: Government Website   View report
II Multi-Year Assistance Program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of the Tanzania Gender Networking Programme Strategic Plan REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: SIDA   View report
Training journalists to report on HIV/AIDS REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of the International Training Programme “Education for Sustainable Development in Higher Education (ITP 257 ESD HE)” REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: SIDA   View report
Study on Sida’s work on human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex persons REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: SIDA
Improved child survival in Nsanje District, Malawi through community based interventions and strengthening of the health delivery infrastructure REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: USAID   View report
Final Evaluation Report Support to the Electoral Cycle in Sierra Leone 2011-2014 United Nations Development Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG   View report
Strengthening Institutional Capacity for Sustainable Tourism Development Program Terminal Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNEG   View report
Final performance evaluation of partnership for capacity building in disaster management program: National Incident Management System (NIMS) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Operation Evaluation Country Programme Ghana 200247 (2012-2016) Mid-Term Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG   View report
Sida Support to the Afrobarometer Network REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: SIDA   View report
UNDP Capacity Development Partnership in South Africa Monitoring and Evaluation in KwaZulu-Natal Domestication of Millennium Development Goals Outcome Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
Development grants program performance evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
End-term evaluation of Strengthening Environmental Civil Society Engagement for Improved Natural Resource Governance in Kenya, 2011-2014 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
End of Term Evaluation of the Disaster Risk Management Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of the Malawi teacher professional development support (MTPDS) program: final evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
My Skills, My Money, My Brighter Future in Rwanda: An assessment of economic strengthening interventions for adolescent girls REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: Catholic Relief Services   View report
The Gambia PRRO 200557 Targeted Nutrition and Livelihood Support for Vulnerable People Impacted by Floods and Drought REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: WFP   View report
Final evaluation of Agriculture and Food Information Systems for Decision Support in South Sudan (AFIS) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of Norwegian Business-related Assistance Uganda Case Study REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: NORAD   View report
Final Evaluation of WFP’S USDA McGovern-Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition Programme’s Support in Afar and Somali Regions in Ethiopia 2013–2017 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: WFP   View report
Mid term evaluation report for the Zimbabwe development food assistance programs_ENSURE and Amalima REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Mid Term Evaluation of the ECOWAS EU Small Arms Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNDP   View report
Malawi teacher training activity REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: USAID   View report
Impact Evaluation Report External Evaluation of the Mchinji Social Cash Transfer Pilot REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
USAID support to Sudanese political parties and the Southern Sudanese legislative assembly REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of Phase II of the Joint Programme on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
Introducing community-based provision of family planning services in Rwanda : a process evaluation of the first six months of implementation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Kingdom of Lesotho Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resource Management Programme PROJECT PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)   View report
End of Programme Support Evaluation of Regional Psychosocial Support Initiative (REPSSI) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: SIDA   View report
Improvement of food security in cross border districts of Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda and Uganda, in support of the modernization of agriculture under the NEPAD-CAADP framework – GTFS/RAF/391/ITA REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)   View report
Childline Mpumalanga Evaluation of the OVC Community Development Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Great changes begin with small steps: Evaluation of CODEVPRO Norway partnership Community Development Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Embracing Evaluative Thinking for Better Outcomes: Four NGO Case Studies REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: ALNAP   View report
Evaluation of Norwegian Development Cooperation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: NORAD   View report
Final In-Depth Evaluation of the Regional Programme for Eastern Africa “Promoting the Rule of Law and Human Security in Eastern Africa” 2009 - 2016 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG   View report
Summative evaluation on HIV/AIDS Lifeskills Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: UNICEF   View report
Evaluation of the LLIN Universal Mass Distribution "Hang-Up" Campaign in Brong Ahafo, Central and Western Regions of Ghana: Costs and Effects REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNICEF   View report
RUBRICATE Independent Evaluation Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
Independent Mid-term Review of the Strengthening Biodiversity Conservation Capacity in the Forest Protected Area System of Rwanda (PAB) Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: UNEG   View report
An Evaluation of the MIDA FBO Training REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Mid-term performance evaluation of the USAID/Zambia integrated systems strengthening program (ZISSP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Experiences and Lessons Learnt from Sida’s Work with Human Rights and Democratic Governance REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: SIDA
Assessment of the BRIDGE project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: USAID   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)   View report
JAPR 2008 Report of the Joint HIV and AIDS Programme Review September 2008 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: UNESCO
End of Project Evalaution (EOPE) for the Consolidation of Democtracy and Good Governance (CDGG) project (2009-2014) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
Ethiopia’s Progress Towards Eradicating Poverty: An Interim Report on Poverty Analysis Study (2010/11) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Government Website   View report
The mid-term evaluation of USAID/PACT/TEACH program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: USAID   View report
Assessment of Development Results: Evaluation of UNDP Contribution - Botswana REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: OECD   View report
Enlisting National Mapping Agencies in the Fight against HIV/AIDS: Building Partnerships with Ministries of Health and Social Services, and National AIDS Commissions REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: MEASURE   View report
Evaluation of the Liberia sustainable tree crops program (STCP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of the Impact of the Policy and Procedure on Incapacity Leave and Ill-Health Retirement (PILIR) on Sick Leave Trends in the Public Service REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: DPME   View report
Joint evaluation of the role and contribution of the United Nations system in the Republic of South Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: ALNAP   View report
Evaluation of Policy Dialogue as an Instrument - the case of Gender Equality REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: SIDA   View report
End of Project End of Project Evaluation Enhance Resilience Karamoja Program Program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
A Report on Evaluation of Community Justice Facilitation Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: UNICEF   View report
2010 Kenya: Evaluation of the Emergency Blanket Supplementary Feeding Programme (BSFP) in Five Districts of Northern Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: ALNAP   View report
The Impact of Health Insurance Education on Enrolment of Microfinance Institution Clients in the Ghana National Health Insurance Scheme, Northern Region of Ghana REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: UNICEF   View report
Mid-Term Evaluation of the Akazi Kanoze Youth Livelihoods Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Annual Report of Sida Evaluation Activities 2004 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: SIDA   View report
Report on the Implementation Evaluation of the National Curriculum Statement Grade R to 12 Focusing on the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: DPME   View report
Terminal Evaluation Report. Reducing Disaster Risks from Wildfire Hazards Associated with Climate Change REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
Food Crisis Emergency and Recovery Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: ALNAP   View report
Mid-term evaluation of the conflict abatement through local mitigation (CALM) project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of the Implementation of the Paris Declaration in Uganda (First Phase 2005-2007) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: OECD   View report
USAID/Namibia : strengthening pharmaceutical systems (SPS) and supply chain management systems (SCMS) evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of the DG ECHO Food Aid Budget Line REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: ALNAP   View report
A Synthesis of Evaluations of Environmental Development Assistance by Multilateral Organisations REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: NORAD   View report
Evaluation report_implementation of the 2012 joint strategy for supply chain integration in Malawi REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition (IMAM) & Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) Programs REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG
External end-of-project evaluation : health center renovation coordination project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: USAID   View report
2010 National MSME Collaborative Survery REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Government Website   View report
USAID_Zambia gender-based violence programming evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: USAID   View report
ZAMFAM evaluation report : Zambia family activity in southern and central provinces ZAMFAM SC project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Real-time evaluation of Ethiopia drought response REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: ALNAP   View report
2011 Evaluation of ACCORD, SAIIA and CCR – Regional Peace and Security in Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: SIDA   View report
RPM+/SPS (rational pharmaceutical management plus (RPM Plus)/strengthening pharmaceutical systems (SPS) and SCMS (supply chain management system) in Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: USAID   View report
Review of Sweden’s Support to the ONE UN Programme in Rwanda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: SIDA   View report
Evaluation of the Water and Sanitation (WASH) Programme in Malawi (2007-2013) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of Swedish International Training Programme (ITP); Climate Change – Mitigation and Adaptation (2007-2011) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: SIDA
FINAL EVALUATION: Psychosocial Support, Child Protection and Development, and Youth HIV and AIDS Prevention Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
USAID/South Africa tuberculosis South Africa project (TBSAP) : midterm evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Report on the Summative External Evaluation of the Catalytic Initiative (CI)/ Integrated Health Systems Strengthening (IHSS) Programme in Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC)   View report
Blind Sides and Soft Spots – An Evaluation of Norway's Aid Engagement in South Sudan REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: NORAD
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: IFAD   View report
Access to Energy in Rwanda: Impact evaluation of activities supported by the Dutch Promoting Renewable Energy Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: 3IE   View report
A randomized controlled trial of akazi kanoze youth in rural Rwanda : final evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Strengthening Responses to create wealth and reduce poverty for Women in Cross Border Trade in Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
Independent Terminal Evaluation Reducing greenhouse gases and ODS emissions through technology transfer in the industrial refrigeration and air conditioning sector REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
Final evaluation : Catholic Relief Services (CRS) -- institutional capacity buiding REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: USAID   View report
Extending globalizations opportunities to the rural poor REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of DG ECHO’s Action in the Water and Sanitation/Public Health Sector in Zimbabwe REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: European Commission Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (ECHO)   View report
Mobilizing Agroforestry Capacity for Development. Final Evaluation of The African Network for Agriculture, Agroforestry and Natural Resources Education (ANAFE) and Zambian Agroforestry Project (ZAP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: SIDA   View report
Zululand LED Strategy Support Impact Assessment Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: Government Website   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Assessment on Availability of African Indigenous Leafy Vegetables in Malawi and Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: Catholic Relief Services   View report
Mid-Term Review of the Indaba Agricultural Policy Research Institute (IAPRI) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: SIDA   View report
Management and Disposal of PCBs in Rwanda Terminal Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
Nigeria ADVANCE program midterm evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: USAID   View report
United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) of Ethiopia, 2007-2011 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: UNDP   View report
Country Programme Evaluation: Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: UNEG   View report
Management Response: Ethiopia PRRO 200700 (2015-2018) Food Assistance for Eritrea, South Sudanese, Sudanese and Somali Refugees: An Operation Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: ALNAP   View report
2016_Leadership management and governance project_end of project evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID
External Summative Evaluation Study of the Social Responsibility Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: DPME   View report
Final Evaluation of the Global Programme: Women’s Economic Empowerment and Integration into the Value Chain of the Coca-Cola Company in Brazil, Egypt and South Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of Triangular Cooperation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: MOFA   View report
Evaluation of Danida’s Fellowship Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: DANIDA   View report
UNDP-GEF Terminal Evaluation Strengthening climate information and early warning systems in Eastern and Southern Africa for climate resilient development and adaptation to climate change – Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNEG   View report
Reducing Malnutrition in Hagadera & Kakuma camps REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: ALNAP
Zambia Prevention, Care & Treatment Partnership Project II REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: USAID
Evaluation of UNDP South Sudan Country Programme Outcomes: Outcome 1: Core governance and civil service functions are established and operational Outcome 5: Access to justice and the rule of law improves REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
Work & Skills for 100 000Programme EvaluationReport REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Government Website
Terminal Evaluation of PIMS 2028 BD FSP: Building Local Capacity for Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity in the Okavango Delta (BioKavango) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNEG   View report
Support Project for the Strategic Plan for the Transformation of Agriculture PROJECT PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT No. 3661-RW REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: IFAD   View report
Water Supply and Sanitation Programmes Shinyanga Region, Tanzania 1990-2006 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: OECD   View report
Institutional Capacity Intervention to AGMARK- Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID
Communication for Development: An Evaluation Of UNICEF’s Capacity and Action Ethiopia Country Case Study REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
Field assessment of emergency plan centrally-funded HIV prevention programs for youth REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: USAID   View report
Sustainable Development of the Protected Areas System of Ethiopia (SDPASE) Terminal Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
PPA Independent Progress Review of DFID PPA with Christian Aid REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: ALNAP   View report
Independent Evaluation Uganda Establishment of two District Business Information Centres in Uganda to Promote Private Sector Development and Information and Communication Technologies REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
Review of the Implementation of Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative in Public Maternity Units in South Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Evaluation of policy based lending in the African Developpment Bank, 1999-2009 Case Study: Botswana Economic Diversification Support Loan REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: African Development Bank Group   View report
Psychosocial Support and Community Cohesion Programme in Rwanda 2007-2009 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: ALNAP   View report
Institutional capacity building grant AFP_A_00_03_00039_00_midterm review REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: USAID   View report
Zambia CP 200157 (2011-2015): A mid-term Operation Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: WFP   View report
Partnership for growth (PFG) mid_term evaluation_Ghana final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Impact Evaluation of the Belgian University Development Cooperation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: Belgian Directorate-General for Development Cooperation (DGD)   View report
Evaluation of Swedish Trade-Related Support to ECOWAS through Phase II of the Trade Negotiation and Capacity Building Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: SIDA
Zambia Sexual behaviour Survey REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: MEASURE   View report
USAID Ghana's Strengthening the Care Continuum Project: Midterm Assessment REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: MEASURE
Performance evaluation of human and institutional capacity development in Rwanda project_final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of the Decentralisation of Danish Aid Management REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: DANIDA   View report
Republic of The Gambia Rural Finance and Community Initiatives Project Interim Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: UNEG   View report
Performance evaluation of people rules and organizations supporting the protection of ecosystem resources (PROSPER) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of DCA guarantee to Bank of Abyssinia, Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: USAID   View report
Report on the Implementation of the Performance Management and Development System for Senior Managers in the North West Province REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: Government Website   View report
End of project evaluation for the urban health extension program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of the Sida supported research capacity and higher education development program in Rwanda, 2013–2017 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: SIDA   View report
Report on Diagnostic Review of the State Response to Violence against Women and Children REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: DPME
Growth and Poverty in Rwanda: Evaluating the EDPRS 2008–2012 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: SIDA   View report
Evaluation of the Swedish-Norwegian Regional HIV/AIDS Team for Africa Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: SIDA   View report
UNDAF Terminal Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG   View report
Mid-Term Independent project evaluation of the project Capacity building for Member States of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) in the ratification and the implementation of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Cri REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
Political Parties of Finland for Democracy (DEMO Finland) Development Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: OECD   View report
Ex-Post Evaluation on the Project for Modernization of Tanzania Customs Administration REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: KOICA   View report
Kenya Drought Response Evaluation Report - ocus on Marsabit and Baringo Counties REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: ALNAP   View report
Harnessing Diversity for Sustainable Development and Social Change in Ethiopia - Final Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
Synthesis of Evaluations on Technical Assistance REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: DANIDA   View report
Evaluation of the Life and Peace Institute – LPI REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: SIDA   View report
Final evaluation report of the BELONG (better education and life opportunities for vulnerable children through networking and organizational growth) project in Zambia and Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: USAID   View report
Zimbabwe PRRO 200453 Responding to Humanitarian Needs and Strengthening Resilience to Food Insecurity: An Operation Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: ALNAP   View report
Evaluation Community-based Reintegration Programme for Children Released from Armed Forces and Armed Groups in Boma State (former Greater Pibor Administrative Area) 2015–2019 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNEG   View report
Synthesis of Mixed Method Impact Evaluations of the Contribution of Food Assistance to Durable Solutions in Protracted Refugee Situations REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: ALNAP   View report
JOINT EVALUATION OF GENERAL BUDGET SUPPORT 1994–2004: Burkina Faso, Malawi, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Rwanda, Uganda, Vietnam REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: SIDA   View report
Final evaluation report sustaining dialogue on Ethiopian campuses activity REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2021   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Ethiopia PRRO 200290: Responding to Humanitarian Crises and Enhancing Resilience to Food Insecurity (2012-2013) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: ALNAP   View report
Promoting production and utilization of biogas from Agro-waste in South Eastern Botswana REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNEG   View report
End of Programme Evaluation Report for Disaster Emergency Committee WV Relief Programme in South Sudan – DEC Phase I and II REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: World Vision   View report
UNICEF Zimbabwe HIV and AIDS Programme Mid-Term Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
Final evaluation of the land rights and community forestry program (LRCFP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Progress Evaluation of the UNICEF Education in Emergencies and Post-Crisis Transition Programme (EEPCT): Liberia Case Study REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: ALNAP   View report
“A Final Evaluation for the Project Promoting Civic and Political Participation of Youth and Women in the Informal Sector” UNDEF-Funded Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
Republic of Uganda Agricultural Technology and Agribusiness Advisory Services Project Project Performance Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2021   Source: International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)   View report
Evaluation of Learning Achievement in Selected Woredas in Amhara and Addis Ababa Sub-Cities, Mid-term Review REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNICEF   View report
Evaluation of Budget Support in South Africa - Volume 1 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Improving Early Grade Reading In South Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: 3IE   View report
End-of-project review: Southern Sudan technical assistance project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Uganda Country Assistance Evaluation, 2001-2007 - Joint IEG/OPEV Country Assistance Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: African Development Bank Group   View report
Graduation From Ultra Poverty in Ghana REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: 3IE   View report
Mid-term Evaluation of UNDAF Outcome 12: Improved management of environment, natural resources and climate change for sustainable development at National and District level by 2016 in Malawi REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG   View report
A Panel Analysis of the Impact of Kickstart Irrigation Pumps in Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: 3IE   View report
Management response- to the Recommendations of the Summary Report of the Joint UNHCR/WFP Impact Evaluation on the Contribution of Food Assistance to Durable Solutions in Protracted Refugee Situations - Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: ALNAP   View report
Independent Evaluation of the Accountability in Tanzania Programme (AcT) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Real Time Review of the DFID funded humanitarian programmes in the Sahel 2013-2014 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: ALNAP   View report
Final Evaluation of the Programme for Improved Quality Standards in Schools (PIQSS) in The Gambia (2012-2016) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNEG   View report
The Kenya National Youth Development and Training (KNYD) Programme Programme Review Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNEG   View report
Big Five False Bay Led Strategy: Project Evauation 2008 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: Government Website   View report
Evaluation of DFID’s Country Programmes: Zambia 2002-2007 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: DFID   View report
Wings to Fly Mid-term Performance Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Strengthening Climate Information and Early Warning System in Malawi for Climate Resilient Development and Adaptation to Climate Change, Malawi REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
Revitalization of war affected communities and reintegration of women and children associated with the fighting forces REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: USAID   View report
Review of Five South Africa Based Think Tanks Supported by Sida REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: SIDA   View report
Impact of faithfulness-focused curriculum on couples from three regions in Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Catholic Relief Services   View report
Final Evaluation Report Evaluation of the Governance Outcome 2 Government of Kenya/ UNDP Country Programme Action Plan 2009-2013 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNEG   View report
Education for All (EFA) 2010. 2009 Country Report: South Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: Government Website   View report
Midterm project evaluation: Continued Quality Services to Children with Physical Disability in Lira and Alebtong Districts REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
External Evaluation of the Southern African Regional Social and Behaviour Change Communication Program, as Implemented in Lesotho REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Department for International Development (DFID)
Evaluation: Drought Recovery for Vulnerable ASAL Populations in Tana River and Marsabit County Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: ALNAP   View report
IASC Real Time Evaluation of the Humanitarian Response to the Horn of Africa Drought Crisis - Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: ALNAP   View report
Impacts of Zimbabwe's Harmonized Social Cash Transfer Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: 3IE
Evaluation of the Satellite Index Insurance for Pastoralists in Ethiopia (SIIPE) Programme: Impact Evaluation of the SIIPE Pilot (2017 – 2019) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: WFP   View report
Evaluation of the Community Based Orphan Support Programm3e & OVC Training: Chikankata Model REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: UNICEF
End of Project Evaluation GoJ/UNDP RECSA Project: Enhancing Human Security in the Great Lakes Region and Horn of Africa by Preventing the Proliferation of Illicit Small Arms through Practical Disarmament REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
USAID/Nigeria : Centre for Development and Population Activities (CEDPA) positive living project : final evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: USAID   View report
The Use of Peer Referral Incentives to Increase Demand for Voluntary Medical Male circumcision in Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: 3IE   View report
Managing Aid Exit and Transformation Synthesis Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: NORAD   View report
Country Report for Ethiopia: Joint Evaluation of the Trust Fund for Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development (TFESSD). REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: OECD   View report
Evaluation of Netherlands-UNICEF Water Initiative (NUWI) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: UNICEF   View report
Evaluation of PMTCT Program in Refugee Camps in North Western Tanzania, 2003 - 2007 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: UNICEF   View report
Mobilisation corps of Malawi end of project evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: USAID   View report
Final Evaluation of the Learn without Fear Project (2008-2010) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)
Mureke dusome performance evaluation : documenting successful approaches and lessons learned in promoting early grade reading through sustainable school-community partnerships in Rwanda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of Norwegian Development Co-operation in the Fisheries Sector REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: NORAD   View report
Saving One Million Lives Program for Results Federal Republic of Nigeria Environmental and Social Systems Assessment REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Government Website   View report
Republic of Rwanda Country Programme Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)   View report
Balancing ideals with practice Policy evaluation of Dutch involvement in sexual and reproductive health and rights 2007-2012 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: OECD   View report
Independent Country Programme Evaluation: Liberia 2013 – 2017 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)   View report
SSDI systems final evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Report on the Economic and Implementation Evaluation of the Incremental Investment in Forensic Services REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: DPME   View report
OPERATION EVALUATIONS: Synthesis Report- July 2013/July 2014 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of UNHCR’s country operations in Angola, Botswana and Namibia: Assessment of phasing down UNHCR presence during the period 2012-2016 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
A performance evaluation of the effectiveness and sustainability of USAID Kenya and East Africa-supported activities at the Intergovernmental Authority of Development REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Joint Evaluation of Support to Anti-Corruption Efforts - Tanzania Country Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: NORAD   View report
Evaluation of Ebola response - Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: ALNAP   View report
Evaluation of Sida’s International Training Programmes in Intellectual Property REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: SIDA   View report
The Contribution of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to the Development of Education in Tanzania REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: Government Website   View report
Malawi DELIVER_end of project evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: USAID   View report
Impact Evaluation of The Comprehensive Agricultural Support Programme (From Its Inception In 2004 To February 2013) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: DPME   View report
Evaluation of The Finnish Development Cooperation in the Water Sector REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Terminal Evaluation of the Reclassification and Effective Management of the National Protected Areas System Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
Kenya Hunger Safety Net Programme Monitoring and Evaluation Component. Impact Evaluation Final Report: 2009 to 2012 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: OECD   View report
Final evaluation : the private sector program in Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: USAID   View report
Final Independent Evaluation of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Emergency Assistance and Preparedness in SNNPRS, Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: ALNAP   View report
Evaluation of the Zimbabwe assisted pull system endline report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Literacy Boost. Dendi, Ethiopia. Endline II - Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: 3IE   View report
Terminal Evaluation Women’s Empowerment and Gender Equality Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
Final project Evaluation of the Joint Programme (UNICEF & UNFPA). A Rights-Based Approach to Adolescent and Youth Development in Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNICEF   View report
Achieving Reduction of Child Labour in Supporting Education (ARISE II) in Malawi REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG
Regional Air Pollution in Developing Countries (RAPIDC) 1998–2007 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: SIDA   View report
Final Evaluation of the Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA) – Uganda: Agricultural Adaptation to Climate Change project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
Assessment of the Orphan Care Programme, Botswana REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Final Report of the Final Evaluation of the Government of Uganda and UNDP Crisis Management and Recovery Program (CMR) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNEG   View report
Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision Uptake Through Soccer in Zimbabwe REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: 3IE   View report
Fifth Consolidated Public Service Monitoring and Evaluation Report: Evaluation Cycle 2007/2008 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: Government Website
Performance Evaluation of the USAID-Malawi Early Grade Reading Activity (EGRA) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: SIDA   View report
Impact evaluation of the Feed the Future Tanzania land tenure assistance activity : endline evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2021   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Implementation Evaluation of the Framework for Strategic and Annual Performance Plans Final Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: DPME   View report
Independent Evaluation South African Automotive Component Supplier Development Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
An Evaluation of WFP's Asset Creation Programme in Kenya's Arid and Semi-arid Areas REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: ALNAP
Cash Transfer Programme for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (CT-OVC), Kenya: Operational and Impact Evaluation, 2007-2009 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: UNICEF   View report
AAHT (Anglican AIDS and Healthcare Trust) mid-term evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
BRIDGE project : final evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: USAID   View report
The Great Lakes Civil Society Project (Mid-term review) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: ALNAP   View report
Implementation Evaluation of the Comprehensive Rural Development Programme (CRDP): June 2009 - June 2012 Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Government Website   View report
Outcome Evaluation UNDP Institutional Support to Integrate Climate Change and National Development Plans Sustained Biomass Use and Promotion of Alternate Cooking Devices and Fuels REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNEG   View report
IASC Cluster Approach Evaluation, Country Study - Uganda : 2nd Phase REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: ALNAP   View report
Final performance evaluation of the ENSURE development food assistance program in Zimbabwe REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Collaborative Learning Projects- Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: SIDA   View report
Primary Education in Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: OECD   View report
For the Terminal Evaluation Addressing of Improved Charcoal Production Technologies and Sustainable Barriers to Adoption Land Practices through an Integrated Approach REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNEG   View report
End of Project Evaluation of DFID Support to the Delivery of Essential Health Services (EHS), Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: Department for International Development (DFID)   View report
Zimbabwe WASH Cluster - Evaluation of the WASH Response to the 2008-2009 Zimbabwe Cholera Epidemic and Preparedness Planning for Future Outbreaks REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: ALNAP   View report
Integrated Maternal Newborn and Child Health (MNCH)/Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV (PMTCT) Initiative- Luapula Province, Zambia Process Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Impact Evaluation of a School-Based Sexuality and HIV Prevention Education Activity in South Africa – Baseline Survey Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: MEASURE   View report
Follow-up Study - Evaluation of Danish Assistance to Vocational Education and Training REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: DANIDA   View report
Country Report for Zambia: Joint Evaluation of the Trust Fund for Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development (TFESSD). REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: OECD   View report
IOM Partnership on Health and Mobility in East and Southern Africa (PHAMESA) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: SIDA   View report
Evaluation of the OCG Response to the Ebola Outbreak, April 2016: Lessons learned from the Freetown Ebola Treatment Unit, Sierra Leone REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: MSF   View report
Feed the Future East Africa food security through enhanced regional trade (FOSTER trade) activity_end of project evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Review of Second Performance Monitoring of the IWASH Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: UNICEF   View report
Filling the Granary. International Association of Theatre of Children and Young People (ASSITEJ) Africa Network, 1999–2007 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: SIDA   View report
Integrated Landscape Management to Enhance Food Security and Ecosystem Resilience in Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNDP   View report
Evaluation of the Malindi–Ngomeni Integrated Development Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: OECD
United Republic of Tanzania Country Programme Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)   View report
Management response- to the Recommendations of the Summary Evaluation Report- Kenya Country Portfolio REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: ALNAP   View report
Evaluation of ITP 299 – Strategies for Chemicals Management REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: SIDA   View report
Innovation for scale: Enhancing Ethiopia's health extension package in the Southern Nations and Nationalities People's Region (SNNPR) Shebedino and Lanfero Woredas REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Catholic Relief Services_Uganda_development assistance program (DAP)_final evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: USAID   View report
Country Programme Evaluation Federal Republic of Nigeria REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: UNEG   View report
Final Evaluation Of the Poverty Reduction through Decent Employment Creation in Ethiopia Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: UNEG   View report
Final Evaluation of Action Againts Hunger project in Zimbabwe: Post harvest management technologies for reducing aflatoxins contamination in maize grain and exposure to humans REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: ALNAP   View report
Technical report : midterm evaluation of USAID tulonge afya project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Darfur Community Peace and Stability Fund Impact Assessment REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Final performance evaluation of the amalima development food assistance project in Zimbabwe REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Impact Evaluation Report. Puntland Shelter Project World Vision Somalia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: World Vision   View report
Modeling Climate Change, Food Security, and Population REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: MEASURE
End-Term Evaluation of the Swedish Education Support to Zanzibar 2010–2017 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: SIDA   View report
DFID’s Trade Development Work in Southern Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: OECD   View report
Kenya Urban Reproductive Health Initiative (Tupange) Report of the 2010 Baseline Household Survey REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: Government Website   View report
Evaluation of Danish Support to Civil Society REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: DANIDA   View report
Evaluation Report Summary Review of Bank Assistance Effectiveness in the Health Sector. REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: African Development Bank Group   View report
Consultancy to Identify Inconsistencies and Gaps in the Legal and Polcy Frameworks for Decentralized Development Planning and Budgeting REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Ministry of Local Government   View report
Terminal Evaluation report of the ACCC Project implemented by the NEA Natura Conservation - Kanifing Estate, Serekunda, The Gambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
Baseline Evaluation of Maternal and Newborn Health Care Services in 25 Selected Woredas REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Children's Investment Foundation Fund (CIFF)   View report
MCC Namibia Tourism Project Evaluation Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)   View report
“Mainstreaming SLM in Rangeland Areas of Ngamiland District Landscapes for Improved Livelihoods” REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNEG   View report
Livelihoods integration unit (LIU) : evaluation of livelihoods based needs assessment pilot in the SNNP region REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: USAID   View report
Enabling Pastoral Communities to Adapt to Climate Change and Restoring Rangeland - Final Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG
An evaluation of GAVI Alliance efforts to introduce new vaccines via the Accelerated Development and Introduction Plans (ADIPs) and the Hib Initiative (HI) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: NORAD
Mozambique & Tanzania – Health Cluster Evaluation 2008-2013 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: Global Affairs Canada (GAC)   View report
Evaluation of NGO projects in Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Ex-Post Evaluation Report on the Project for Effective ICT Education at the College of Engineering and Technology, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Multi-Sector Emergency Response to Ivorian Refugees and Host Communities in Four Liberian Counties of Mimba, Grand Gedeh, Rivergee & Maryland REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: ALNAP
Impact evaluation baseline report_Shekina [SPRING] REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID
United Republic of Tanzania Rural Financial Services Programme and Agricultural Marketing Systems Development Programme Interim Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)   View report
MCC Lesotho Metolong Program (MP) and Urban and Peri-Urban Water (UPUW) Activity FINAL EVALUATION REPORT REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)   View report
Kenya: An Evaluation of WFP's Portfolio (2006-2010). Summary evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: ALNAP   View report
Radio instruction to strengthen education (RISE) and Zanzibar teacher upgrading by radio (ZTUR) : post-project evaluation in Zanzibar REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Public Policy Information, Monitoring and Advocacy (PPIMA) project in Rwanda Baseline Report & Logframe for Phase II REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: SIDA
People First Impact Method - Turkana District Exercise, Rift Valley Province, Kenya “Giving Voice to Disaster Affected Communities in East Africa” REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: ALNAP   View report
The impact of Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Nets and Household Asset Building Programme: 2006-2010 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)   View report
Evaluation of the Implementation of the Sector-Wide Approach in Bilateral Aid: Country Report Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: OECD   View report
Africare community based integrated management of childhood illnesses (CIMCI plus) Ntungamo District_Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: USAID   View report
Presidents Emergency Plan for Aids Relief Track 1_0 Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children (OVC) Program Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: USAID   View report
Cash Transfers in Nairobi's Slums REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: ALNAP
Mitigation of Drought Impact through WASH and Cash for Work in Highly Affected ASAL Areas of Eastern Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: ALNAP   View report
Midterm project evaluation Mainstreaming Agro biodiversity REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of The Investment Fund for Developing Countries (IFU) 2004-2017 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: DANIDA   View report
Evaluation of the European Commission’s support to the United Republic of Tanzania REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
UNDP CPAP Outcome Evaluation 2012: Ken Outcome 49 - Effectiveness of Emergency response and early recovery REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)   View report
Final Evaluation Report of Misitu Yetu Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Tana Water and Sanitation Project Mid Term Project Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
WWF Mara River Basin Management Initiative, Kenya and Tanzania, phase III – final evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
An evaluation of the National Democratic Institute (NDI) legislative strengthening program in Liberia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Rwanda Country Program Evaluation FY09–17 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: World Bank   View report
Feed the Future Ethiopia: external mid-term performance evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: DFID   View report
An Interim, Process Evaluation of the Promotion of Women in Education (PWE) program (West Africa) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Real-time Evaluation of DG ECHO financed action of CARE International Deutschland in Zimbabwe REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: ALNAP   View report
Policy Evaluation WFP’s 2012 Nutrition Policy: A Policy Evaluation Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of LO-Norway Programme of Co-operation with Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Review of the Expanded Public Works Programme in Gauteng_2009_2014 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: DPME   View report
Performance evaluation of the staple crops and institutional support program implemented by the West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development (Conseil Ouest et Centre Africain pour la recherche et le developpement agricoles (W REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of Norway’s Bilateral Agricultural Support to Food Security REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: NORAD   View report
NGO Projects in Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: OECD   View report
End of program evaluation report_Mercy Corps program_youth education for life skills (YES) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: USAID   View report
The Country Programme between Finland and Tanzania REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: OECD   View report
Terminal Evaluation of the Poverty Environment Initiative Phase II (2013-2017) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
The Global Fuel Economy Initiative Phase I and the Global Automotive Fuel Economy Campaign of the Partnership for Clean Fuels and Vehicles (PCFV) managing vehicle growth in eight transitional countries REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
Programme for Democratic Policing between the Rwanda National Police, the Swedish National Police Board and the South African Police Service REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: SIDA   View report
Evaluation of Homa Bay Handover MSF OCP, Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: MSF   View report
Malawi Social Cash Transfer Programme Endline Impact Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of Swedish International Training Programme (ITP) 288; “The Role of Labour Market Policies in Poverty Alleviation” 2009-2015 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: SIDA   View report
Management Response to the Recommendations of the Summary Evaluation Report of WFP's Ebola Crisis Response: Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: ALNAP
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of the integration of isoniazid prophylactic therapy (IPT) in HIV/AIDS prevention and control programs at the AIDS Information Center (AIC) Uganda : final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: USAID   View report
Assessment of Health Management Information System (HMIS) Performance in SNNPR, Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: MEASURE   View report
Country Level Evaluation: Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: OECD   View report
Mid-term evaluation report for stability, peace, and reconciliation in northern Uganda project (SPRING) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: USAID   View report
Ethiopia DFAP commodity management review_final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of the UNFPA 3rd Country Programme of Assistance to the Government of the Republic of South Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)   View report
Mid-Term and End Review: Piloting REDD+ in the Bale Eco-Region of Ethiopia - strengthening community and regional level capacity for natural resource governance REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Report on the 2009 Round Antenatal Care Sentinel HIV Surveillance in Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: Government Website   View report
Assessing the Enabling Environment for ICTs for Health in Nigeria: a Landscape and Inventory REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Government Website   View report
2016 Full Country Evaluations report - Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance   View report
Country Level Evaluation Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: OECD   View report
Evaluation of the WASH Response to the 2008- 2009 Zimbabwe Cholera Epidemic and Preparedness Planning for Future Outbreaks REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Report to United Nations Development Programme on End-Of-Term Evaluation of the Joint Programme Support For Strengthening Monitoring and Evaluation Systems in Malawi (JPSME II) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
Increasing Male Partner HIV Testing Using Self-testing Kits in Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: 3IE   View report
Evaluation of the Implementation and Results of the Swedish Strategy for Democracy Support for Party Affiliated Organisations 2012-2014 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: SIDA
Final evaluation of the project “Strengthening institutionalized subnational coordination structures and harmonization mechanisms” in Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)   View report
The evaluation of EngenderHealth/CHAMPION's men as partners (MAP) project: final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Mid-term evaluation on peace building project between Oromo people and Gumuz people in Benishangul Gumuz regional state REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Localization of Millennium Development Goals at Community Level Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: UNEG   View report
Maternal Health Accountability-related Grants in Nigeria MIDLINE EVALUATION REPORT REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: MacArthur Foundation   View report
Evaluation of UNICEF Programmes to Protect Children in Emergencies: South Sudan Country Case Study REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: DANIDA   View report
Rwanda PRRO 200744: Food and Nutrition Assistance to Refugees and Returnees REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: WFP   View report
Presidents malaria initiative Africa indoor residual spraying project_mid term evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Mid-term Evaluation of the DG ECHO financed Actions in the Greater Horn of Africa (GHA) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: ALNAP   View report
Evaluation Twaweza: Tanzania 2009 - 2014 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: SIDA   View report
County Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Stakeholder Forums: Strengthening Civil Registration Systems at the County Level REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: MEASURE
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: Government Website   View report
Final Evaluation of the National Integrated Monitoring and Evaluation System (NIMES) Capacity Development Project (CDP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: SIDA
Final Report: Evaluation of the Tanzania Transport Sector Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)   View report
The Integrated Support Program to the Devolution Process in Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of Danida Business-to-Business Programme 2006-2011 Synthesis Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: DANIDA   View report
External final evaluation of the geothermal exploration project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Review of NCA's Health Programme in Eastern Equatoria and Warrap States, Republic of South Sudan REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Formative Evaluation of the Nigerian Infrastructure Advisory Facility (NIAF) II REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Evaluation of WFP Country Programme 10418.0 Ghana (2006-2010) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: ALNAP   View report
Case study; Finnish Development Cooperation in Inclusive Education in Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: OECD   View report
Terminal Evaluation of the ‘National Grasslands Biodiversity Programme’ project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of the Ministry of Basic Education Reception Class Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNEG   View report
End of Project Evaluation for Building Rural Income Through Associations Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)
Zimbabwe Food Security - Emergency Appeal Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: ALNAP   View report
Impact assessment of Norwegian support to the energy and road sectors in Pemba (Zanzibar) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
End term evaluation of the bondo/siaya household livelihood security (lok pachi) project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
The Republic of Uganda District Development Support Programme Completion Evaluation No. 1637-UG REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: IFAD   View report
Lessons Learnt and the Way Forward – The Collaboration between East Africa Legislative Assembly (EALA) and the European Parliamentarians for Africa (AWEPA) March 2005–April 2008 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: SIDA
Evaluation of the update of WFP's safety nets policy REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: ALNAP
The SACMEQ III Project in South Africa: A Study of the Conditions of Schooling and the Quality of Education REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Government Website   View report
Water Conservation and Management REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
West African cotton improvement program : final evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: USAID   View report
Learning at Taonga Market_IRI learning centres and community schools_an evaluation of interactive radio instruction at grade one in 2005 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: USAID   View report
Lake Albert Eastern Catchment Management Initiatives, Uganda – Final Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Evaluation Of ODFA Emergency Self Relief Drought Response REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Global Fund Grant for Strengthening Health Systems in South Sudan: Round 9 End of Project Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
General equillibruim impact assessment of the Productive Safety Net Program in Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: 3IE   View report
Evaluation Programmatic Approaches to Support for the Environment in Africa 1996-2009 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: DANIDA   View report
Evaluation of UNHCR’s data use and information management approaches REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNEG   View report
Enabling Sustainable Dryland Management through Mobile Pastoral Custodianship: World Initiative on Sustainable Pastoralism (WISP) Terminal Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF II), in Nigeria (2009 – 2013) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
Independent Mid-Term Evaluation of “Building National and Local Capacities for Disaster Management in Rwanda” Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
Final Independent Evaluation of An Integrated Approach to Reduce Levels of Malnutrition in Urban Areas of Masvingo District, Masvingo City, Zimbabwe REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: ALNAP   View report
“Realizing the inclusive and sustainable development in the BCLME region through the improved ocean governance and the integrated management of ocean use and marine resources” Short Title – Improving Ocean Governance and Integrated Management in the BCLME REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: UNDP   View report
PROGRESS REPORT ON DECLARATION OF COMMITMENT ON HIV AND AIDS Republic of South Africa Reporting period: January 2006–December 2007 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: Government Website
USAID-Japan Joint Evaluation of "The US-Japan Partnership for Global Health" in Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: MOFA
Evaluation of the MSF_OCB corridor programs for key populations REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: MSF   View report
Evaluation of USAID South Sudan electoral support initiatives 2009-2015 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Midterm evaluation of stamping out and preventing (STOP) gender-based violence (GBV) Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of general budget support_Malawi country report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: USAID   View report
Improved Land Management for Sustainable Development (RELMA-in ICRAF) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: SIDA   View report
Swedish Support in the Education Sector in Zanzibar, 2002–2007 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: SIDA   View report
Joint Evaluation of the Ghana-Denmark Development Cooperation - 1990-2006 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Indicator Development for Surveillance of Urban Emergencies (IDSUE) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: ALNAP   View report
Impact Evaluation of HIMA - Iringa Region Tanzania REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Final Evaluation of the Youth Empowerment Project in Karamoja REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: DFID   View report
Evaluation of Training for Socioeconomic Transformation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
ETHIOPIA Italian Contribution to the Health Sector Development Programme, 2010–12 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: Italian Development Cooperation   View report
Agricultural Water Management: An Evaluation of the African Development Bank’s Assistance in Ghana and Mali, 1990-2010. REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: OECD   View report
Swedish “Support to the Sustainable Urban Development Sector in Kenya”, SSUDSK, and the role of UN-HABITAT in the project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: SIDA   View report
South Africa TASC II TB_mid term review REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of the Food Insecurity Emergency Appeal for Zimbabwe REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: ALNAP   View report
Evaluation on Japan's ODA for Zambia: Post Evaluation of the Japanese Non-project Grant Aid Program for the Years 13 and 14 (FY 2005) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: MOFA
Corridors of hope project : final evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Final evaluation of pastoralist food security partnership project, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: ALNAP   View report
Midterm performance evaluation of the USAID/Rwanda dairy competitiveness program II (RDCP II) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID   View report
External evaluation of the president’s malaria initiative final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of Childrens Dignity Forum Strategic Plan 2016/17 – 2018/19 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: SIDA   View report
Big Five False Bay Led Strategy_Project Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: DPME   View report
Final Evaluation of Emergency Preparedness and Response Training (EPRT) Project in Plateau state, Nigeria REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of Afrobarometer's Regional Programme 2011-2017 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: SIDA
Empowering new generations to improve nutrition and economic opportunities (ENGINE), Ethiopia: external mid-term performance evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of the Norwegian Investment Fund for Developing Countries (Norfund) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: NORAD   View report
Northern education initiative plus (NEI+): end line performance evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2021   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Country Portfolio Evaluation - WFP Kenya 2006 - 2010 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: ALNAP
World Bank Statistics for Results Facility – Catalytic Fund (SRF-CF). Evaluation Report of the Pilot Phase REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: OECD   View report
Report for the Mid- Term Review (MTR) of the Addressing Barriers to Adoption of Improved Charcoal Production Technologies and Sustainable Land Management Practices through an Integrated Approach REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
Cooperation between Union of Baltic Cities (UBC) and Lake Victoria Region Local Authorities Cooperation (LVRLAC), 2004–2006 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: SIDA
Terminal Evaluation Promoting Appliance Energy Efficiency and Transformation of the Refrigerating Appliances Market in Ghana project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
HIV Testing and Pregnancy Delay among Adolescent Girls and Young Women Enrolled in the DREAMS Initiative in Northern Uganda: Quantitative Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: MEASURE   View report
Environmental Sustainable Support to Civil Society in Asia, Africa and Latin America – Results and Effects of Sida’s Framework Agreement with the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation (SSNC) 2005–2007 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: SIDA   View report
Multi-stakeholder evaluation of agriculture and livestock value chain activities in Kenya: compendium report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Support to sustainable Water Management and Governance for the Poor in Drought and Flood-Prone Areas in Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: UNICEF
Endline evaluation report - Step Change Window REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
WellShare International final evaluation report: Tanzania child survival project, Karatu District, Tanzania REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of the Impact of Agricultural Learnership in the Western Cape REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: DPME   View report
A Rapid Assessment Randomized-Controlled Trial of Improved Cook Stoves in the Tumu Region of Ghana REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: 3IE   View report
Evaluation of WFP's Corporate Emergency Response in Northeast Nigeria (2016-2018) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: ALNAP
In-depth evaluation of the Reaching Every District [RED] approach in the African region REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: USAID   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Government Website   View report
Republic of Rwanda Smallholder Cash and Export Crops Development Project Interim Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)   View report
Evaluation of the Liberia Power Compact’s Mt. Coffee Hydropower Plant Rehabilitation and Capacity Building and Sector Reform: Baseline and Interim Findings REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)   View report
Optimising the Use of Economic Interventions to Increase Demand for Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision in Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: 3IE   View report
UTV Working Paper: Kenya Case Study: Child Rights REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: ALNAP   View report
Evaluation of Norwegian Development Support to Zambia (1991 – 2005). Case Studies: Wildlife Management and Natural Resources, Transparency in Financial Management, Agriculture in Northern Province REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: NORAD   View report
Ethiopia RTE of the 2006 Emergency Response REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: ALNAP
Rwanda: Independent Evaluation of the Implementation of the PFM Reform Strategy 2008-2012 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: OECD   View report
Mapping of Monitoring and Evaluation Practices Among Danish NGOs REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: DANIDA   View report
A Rapid Assessment of the Lesotho Child Grants Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
2012 Nutrition Policy - A Policy Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: ALNAP   View report
Measuring the Impact of HIV/AIDS on Electoral Processes and National Budgets in Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: SIDA   View report
Mid-Term Evaluation of Integrated Risk Management and Climate Services Programme in Malawi from 2017-2019 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: WFP   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Government Website   View report
End of NONM/NNO Project Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
IFAD’s Performance and Impact in Decentralizing Environments: Experiences from Ethiopia, Tanzania and Uganda. Thematic Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: UNEG   View report
Management response- Evaluation of Natural Resources Conservation and Livelihoods Innovation in Maizegzeg REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: ALNAP   View report
Management of Natural Resources Programme, Tanzania TAN-0092 : Final Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Evaluation of Coordination and Complementarity of European Assistance to Local Development: with Reference to the 3C Principles of the Maastricht Treaty REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: SIDA   View report
Synthesis Report – Ethiopia and Ghana Country Program Cluster Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Global Affairs Canada (GAC)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Kilimo Trust   View report
School Feeding and Cash Transfer Project: Chimanimani and Muzarabani Districts - End of Project Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Impact Evaluation of the SOS Family Strengthening Programme in T/A Tsabango, Lilongwe, Malawi REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Final Evaluation of the Environmental Support Programme for Botswana REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNDP   View report
APHIAplus IMARISHA mid-term evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Final Independent Evaluation of the project 'Integrated Community Response to Improve Health and Nutritional Status of HIV/AIDS Affected Households in Kitwe' REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: ALNAP
Final Evaluation Report of the UNDP South Africa Country Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
Final Terminal Evaluation of Africa Adaptation Programme (AAP) Ghana Supporting Integrated and Comprehensive Approaches to Climate Change Adaptation in Africa – “Developing capacity and financing options for mainstreaming climate change adaptation in Gha REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG
EU Approach to Building Resilience to Withstand Food Crises in African Drylands (Sahel and Horn of Africa) 2007-2015 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Republic of Sierra Leone Rehabilitation and Community-based Poverty Reduction Project Project Performance Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: UNEG   View report
Improving health service delivery through community monitoring and non-financial awards : report to USAID REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of the Humanitarian Mine Action Activities of Norwegian People’s Aid REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: NORAD   View report
The Impact of Earned and Windfall Cash Transfers on Livelihoods and Conservation in Sierra Leone REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: 3IE   View report
The Civic Education Network Trust (CIVNET) in Zimbabwe REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: SIDA   View report
Joint Evaluation of Support to Anti-Corruption Efforts 2002-2009 – Synthesis Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: NORAD   View report
Final Independent Evaluation of the Fresh Food Voucher Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: ALNAP   View report
Mid-term performance review of USAID FUNZO Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Ethiopia Early Grade Reading Assessment Data Analytic Report: Language and Early Learning REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: Government Website
Final Evaluation Report of Norwegian Church Aid's Emergency Preparedness and Response Programme in South Sudan REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: ALNAP
Retrospective and Ex-ante evaluation study of the Protocol to the Agreement on a Sustainable Fisheries Partnership between the European Union and the Republic of Liberia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: European Union (EU)   View report
Final Assessment Report Promoting Equality: Strengthening the capacity of selected developing countries to design and implement equality-oriented public policies and programmes REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
Strengthening integrated delivery of HIV/AIDS services (SIDHAS) project: mid-term evaluation final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID   View report
Final evaluation report of UN Peacebuilding Fund programmes in Acholiland, Northern Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
Final Independent Evaluation of the project for sustainable improvement of the livelihoods of people living with HIV/AIDS and their families in Zimbabwe REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: ALNAP   View report
End-term review of the Strategic Partnership between Norwegian Church Aid and Save the Children International for the Abandonment of Female Genital Mutilation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
End of project evaluation: Hospice Africa Uganda (HAU) program: 'expanding the access to and scope of palliative care for people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV) and their families': final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Independent Terminal Evaluation Mini-grids based on small hydropower sources to augment rural electrification in Tanzania REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of The Private Agricultural Sector Support (PASS), Tanzania REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Assessment of capacity strengthening in the C-Change project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
The Norwegian International Effort Against Female Genital Mutilation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: NORAD   View report
Promoting Sustainable Rural Energy Technologies for Household and Productive Uses. Mid Term Review REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
End of Project Evaluation “Towards a Greater Citizenry Participation in Swaziland” Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
Review of Norad´s Assistance to Gender Mainstreaming in the Energy and Petroleum Sector 2010-2014 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Agricultural input subsidies in Sub-Saharan Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: DANIDA   View report
Evaluation of Community Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM): Ethiopia Country Case Study REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
Assessment of USAID/PEPFAR's economic strengthening programs in Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Monitoring and evaluation of emergency plan progress II (MEEPP II) performance evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
I-LIFE Malawi Development Assistance Program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: USAID   View report
Mid-term evaluation of USAID/Kenya natural resource management projects: final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Assessing WASH Package Interventions in 5 Counties of Liberia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Evaluation Report: Recovery and Rehabilitation at Household and Community Level Programme End of Programme Term (2005 – 2008) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: UNEG   View report
APHIAplus western Kenya mid-term review REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
The Evaluation of Free Primary Education in Lesotho (2000-2006) Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Revitalizing agricultural/pastoral incomes and new markets, Oromia and Somali Region, Ethiopia : final evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Improving youth livelihoods in the Ghana cocoa belt An impact evaluation of the MASO programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: Overseas Development Institute (ODI)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Government Website   View report
Using Advertisements to Create Demand for Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision in South Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: 3IE   View report
UN Women South Sudan Country Office Mid-Term Programme Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of Danish Support for Financial Services in Tanzania REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: DANIDA   View report
Evaluation of the United Nations Joint Project 'Protecting Migrant Children from Trafficking and Exploitation' REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: ALNAP
USAID anti-trafficking in persons programs in Africa : a review REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: USAID   View report
Countdown to 2015: Ethiopia's Progress Towards Reduction in Under-Five Mortality 2014 Country Case Study REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Government Website   View report
ADRA South Sudan Final Project Evaluation - Eastern Equatoria Sustainable Education System (EE SES) Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Rwanda Bank of Kigali DCA guarantee evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: USAID   View report
Population, health, and environment in Africa and Asia : an evaluation of WWF's USAID and Johnson & Johnson-supported projects REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: USAID   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Government Website   View report
Learning at Taonga market at grade 3_an evaluation of interactive radio instruction in IRI centers and IRI community schools in 2007 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: USAID   View report
ACP EU Water Facility Project 2006-2011 Addressing water and sanitation needs of the rural poor in the context of HIV and AIDS in Zimbabwe Mid-Term Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
MILK MATTERS The Impact of Dry Season Livestock Support on Milk Supply and Child Nutrition in Somali Region, Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Save the Children Fund   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID   View report
Formative Evaluation of Textbooks and Workbooks in South Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Rural Enterprises Project - Phase Two (REP II) Project Completion Report Validation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: IFAD   View report
South Africa umbrella grants management (UGM) performance evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of FAO’s country programme in Sierra Leone 2012–2019 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2021   Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)   View report
Study of the International Organization for Migration and its Humanitarian Assistance REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: SIDA   View report
Midline report: impact evaluation of the early grade reading activity (EGRA) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Final performance evaluation of Ethiopia food by prescription REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of the Implementation of the Paris Declaration Thematic Study of Support to Statistical Capacity Building Synthesis Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: DFID   View report
socio-economic of legalised gambling in South Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: Government Website   View report
Evaluation of the Joint Assistance Strategy for Zambia (JASZ) 2007-10 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: DANIDA   View report
Evaluation of The Implementation and Impact of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Decision Making REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: DPME   View report
Evaluation of ECHO's Actions in Northern Uganda 2004-2005 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: ALNAP
General or Selective Intervention ? An Evaluation of Sida’s Partnership Programmes in Chile and South Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: SIDA
Implementation Evaluation of the Business Process Services Incentive Scheme Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: DPME   View report
Evaluation of the International Committee of the Red Cross special fund for the disabled in Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: USAID   View report
Love me, parents: an evaluation of Tanzania's national safe motherhood campaign REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
AENN NFLC cohort 1: endline assessment [2019] REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resource Management Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
Growing Sustainable Business in Malawi End of Project Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: UNEG   View report
United bible societies’ HIV service evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Mid-term performance evaluation of the USAID sexual HIV prevention program (SHIPP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of the DG ECHO Partnership with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: ALNAP   View report
The effectiveness and efficiency of implementing the chronic care model for HIV care in Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID
Assessment of the Wellness And Agriculture for Life Advancement (WALA) Activity REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: Catholic Relief Services   View report
Approaches to Parliamentary Strengthening: A Review of Sida’s Support to Parliaments REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: SIDA   View report
Final Independent Evaluation of the Process of Integration of ACF Kenya's ECHO funded programme in North Eastern Province, Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: ALNAP
Ethiopia 2005 Seed Voucher Project Response Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: ALNAP   View report
Federal Republic of Nigeria Community-Based Agricultural and Rural Development Programme PROJECT PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)   View report
Evaluation of the Kigoma Solar Activity in Tanzania: Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)   View report
Partnership for growth (PFG) midterm evaluation_Ghana and Tanzania crosscutting report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Malawi BASICS project mid-term evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of Norwegian Business-related Assistance South Africa Case Study REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: NORAD   View report
Consolidation and Renewal: CODESRIA in the New Millennium REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: SIDA   View report
Mid-term Evaluation (MTE) of the Decentralised Forest and other Natural Resources Management Programme – Introduction Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: Ministry for Foreign Affairs (MFA) Finland   View report
Early response to drought in pastoralist areas : lessons from the USAID crisis modifier in East Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID   View report
Impact of school-based Programme Of Malaria Diagnosis and Treatment on School Attendance in Southern Malawi REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: 3IE   View report
Final evaluation report _deliverable 4 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: USAID   View report
Performance Review of Beza Youth Health and Counselling centre against relevant national strategic frameworks (2004-2009) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
End performance evaluation of the managing democratic elections in Africa (MDEA) activity REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Mid-term evaluation for health, agriculture, and nutrition development for sustainability REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
The Department of International Development's support to the health sector in Zimbabwe REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: OECD   View report
Can the Wounds of War be Healed? Experimental Evidence on Reconcilliation in Sierra Leone REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: 3IE   View report
Evaluation of the Project ‘Phase Two of a Grassroots based Project of the Human Rights Development Initiative on Regional Human Rights Law Clinics’ REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: SIDA   View report
Mid-term evaluation of USAID_Uganda and DFID governance accountability participation and performance (GAPP) activity REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Real Time Evaluation of the Cholera Response in Zimbabwe REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: ALNAP   View report
UNICEF Multi-country Life Skills Evaluation: Lesotho REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
Municipal Infrastructure Investment Unit [MIIU] technical assistance project final evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: USAID   View report
Management response- to the Recommendations of the Synthesis Report of the Evaluation Series on the Impact of Food for Assets (2002-2011) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: ALNAP   View report
Kenya: Smallholder Horticulture Marketing Programme Impact Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)   View report
Terminal evaluation of the UNDP/Government of Botswana programme support for the implementation of the national strategy for poverty reduction (2005-2009) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of the Feasibility and Effectiveness of a Health Facility-Based and Home-based Early Childhood Development (ECD) Intervention in Siaya County, Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: African Population and Health Research Centre (APHRC)
Final evaluation of the community-based therapeutic care institutionalization in Malawi (CTCIM) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Department Of Basic Education Macro Indicator Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: DPME   View report
Cluster evaluation of “Establishing a hunger-free initiative for West Africa” and “Mainstreaming nutrition in CAADP and agriculture policies and programmes in sub-Saharan Africa” REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)   View report
Terminal Evaluation of the UNDP/GEF Project Promoting autonomous adaptation at the community level in Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
Institutional Support to Integrate Climate Change and Disaster Risk into National Development REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG   View report
Final Evaluation of The Project: Capacity Enhancement to implement the Global Environmental Conventions in Namibia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation: Zimbabwe Humanitarian Assistance REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: ALNAP   View report
Independent In-Depth Evaluation of the Regional Programme for West Africa 2010 - 2014 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of Government of Tanzania/UNICEF 7 Learning Districts Strategy (2007-2011) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNICEF   View report
Evaluation of the project – Improving the Management of Land by Strengthening the Prevention and Resolution of Land Conflicts in Rwanda (ILPRC) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: SIDA
Assessment of Development Results: Evaluation of UNDP Contribution, Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: OECD   View report
“Midterm Review (MTR) of the project ‘Sound Chemicals Management Mainstreaming and UPOPs reduction in Kenya’ (PIMS # 5361)’ REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNDP   View report
Final Independent Evaluation of the project 'Livelihoods and Economic Recovery in Northern Uganda (LEARN-1)' "Reinforcing Returnee Livelihoods and Food Security through Direct Cash Transfers, Otuke County, Lira District, Northern Uganda" REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: ALNAP
People First Impact Method - Mwingi District Exercise, Eastern Province, Kenya "Giving Voice to Disaster Affected Communities in East Africa" REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: ALNAP   View report
Preventing conflict and building peace through addressing the drivers of conflict and instability associated with forced displacement between Burundi and Tanzania REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: ALNAP   View report
Independent Terminal Evaluation GEF UNIDO Cleantech Programme for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in South Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of the UNHCR Joint Organisation Strategy 2007-2009 with Canada, Denmark and UK REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: DANIDA   View report
Ethiopia Demographic and Health Survey 2011 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: WHO   View report
Zimbabwe United Nations Development Assistance Framework 2007 - 2011 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNEG   View report
Joint Evaluation of General Budget Support FINAL INCEPTION REPORT REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: DFID   View report
Explaining Inequity in the Use of Institutional Delivery Services in Selected Countries REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: MEASURE
Kenya Maize Development Programme II Performance Evaluation-2013 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Update of WFP’s Safety Nets Policy Policy Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: WFP   View report
Evaluation of Sida’s Model for Bilateral Research Cooperation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: SIDA   View report
Evaluation of DFID Country Programmes. Country Study: Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: DFID   View report
Evaluation Report of the Reduction of Human Poverty Programme in Namibia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of the Barbro Johansson Model Girls’ Secondary School in Tanzania REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: SIDA   View report
MID-TERM REVIEW REPORT of the International Fund for Agricultural Development Kirehe Community-Based Watershed Management Project (KWAMP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Government Website   View report
Final evaluation of Sudan Food Security Policy and Strategy Capacity Building programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
Mid-term performance evaluation of the leadership, empowerment, advocacy and development (LEAD) project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluating saving lives at birth: evaluation report : rounds one to eight (2011-2020) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Strategic Evaluation of the ADC Engagement on Good Governance (2007–2017) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: ADA   View report
Calories and Household Income from Potato Subsector (CHIPS) project in Tanzania FINAL EVALUATION REPORT REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: Kilimo Trust   View report
Impact of the School Facilites Grant on Access and Learning Achievements in Primary Education Sector in Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: 3IE   View report
Evaluation of UNFPA's Support to Population Studies and Research Interventions Implemented by Institutions of Higher Learning in Tanzania Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: Government Website   View report
Evaluation of the Early Childhood Education (ECE) Interactive Radio Instruction (IRI) pilot programme in Eastern Province of Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNICEF   View report
Evaluation of the Norwegian Health Sector Support to Botswana. Volume 2 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: OECD   View report
NALAP formative evaluation report, Ghana REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
The Packard Foundation’s Ethiopia Population Sub-program: An Evaluation Report for the Period 1998-2007 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: African Population and Health Research Centre (APHRC)   View report
Malawi Primary Health Care (PHC) Project Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
External Evaluation of District Development Cooperation Programmes in Kalangala District in Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Thematic Evaluation "Analysis of the Outcome Generating Process of 5S-KAIZEN-TQM Approach in Hospitals" REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: JICA   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: European Commission Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (ECHO)   View report
Evaluation of the "Strategy for Women and Gender Equality in Development Cooperation (1997–2005)” REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: OECD
Evaluation of the Sida-USAID/DCA Guarantee to Zanaco REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: SIDA   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: OECD   View report
Final performance evaluation of USAID/Ghana's partnership for accountable governance in education (PAGE) project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
2nd Evaluation of Strategy for Scaling up Community-led Total Sanitation (CLTS) in Ghana REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Evaluation of DG ECHO's Disaster Preparedness and DRR Actions in Southern Africa & Indian Ocean REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: ALNAP
South Africa rapid assessment of the criminal justice strengthening program (CJSP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: USAID   View report
The Netherlands and the European Development Fund - Principles and practices. Evaluation of Dutch involvement in EU development cooperation (1998-2012) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: OECD   View report
Monitoring and evaluation of the emergency plan progress (MEEPP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: USAID   View report
Terminal Evaluation of PIMS 2841 CC MSP: Integrating Non-Motorized Transport into the City of Gaborone REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
Final Independent Evaluation of the project for building disaster resilient communities in Masvingo and Manicaland provinces, Zimbabwe REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: ALNAP   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Government Website   View report
Final assessment_USAID Zimbabwe assistance to orphans and vulnerable children REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: USAID   View report
Final Independent Evaluation of the project 'Livelihoods for Improved Nutrition Programme, Chipinge, Zimbabwe' REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: ALNAP   View report
Evaluation of livelihood interventions funded through USAID famine fund support to the productive safety net program and OFDA 2005 livelihood annual program statement REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: USAID   View report
Basic education strategic objective (BESO) II_basic education program_final evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: USAID   View report
SUSTAINABLE FISHERIES MANAGEMENT PROJECT (SFMP) Rapid Partnership Appraisal and Partnership Prioritization Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID   View report
Property rights and resource governance program (PRRG) performance evaluation final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Trends in Key Agricultural and Rural Development Indicators in Rwanda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Government Website   View report
Evaluation of USAID/Ugandas district-based technical assistance (DBTA) model as applied under strengthening tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS responses (STAR) projects in east, east-central, and south-west Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID   View report
Botswana's Gender-Based Violence Referral System Project: Operations Research End Line Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: MEASURE
Performance evaluation of the landscape-scale community centered ecosystem conservation: project evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of Legal and Human Rights Centre (LHRC) in Tanzania REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: SIDA   View report
Evaluation of the African Youth Alliance program in Tanzania Impact on Sexual and Reproductive Health Behaviour among Young People REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)   View report
Impact Evaluation of Malawi's Organized Network of Services for Everyone's (ONSE) Health Project: Baseline Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: MEASURE
Report on the Evaluation of Government Business Incentives REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: DPME   View report
Performance evaluation of public works construction activities to increase access to education in Ghana REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID   View report
Malawi LGAP midterm performance evaluation : an evaluation for learning, evaluation and research activity II (LER II) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2021   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Government of Zimbabwe/UNFPA 7th Country Programme 2016 – 2020 Evaluation Final Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2021   Source: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)   View report
WFP’s Corporate Emergency Response in Northeast Nigeria (2016–2018) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: WFP   View report
Comprehensive Evaluation Report on the Water Sector Projects of KOICA REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: KOICA   View report
Catholic Relief Services Kenya Program: CRS/MBEERE Child Survival Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: USAID   View report
End of Project Evaluation of the Support to Implementation of Resultant National Processes from the National Dialogue and Reconciliation Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
AFDB Impact Evaluation of the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Program in Ethiopia 2006–2014 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Evaluation report on ERA/FoEN institutional capacity and project delivery REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Mid Term Evaluation of the UNDP/GEF Project “Promoting of Appliance of Energy Efficiency and Transformation of the Refrigerating Appliances Market in Ghana” REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
Child Poverty in Namibia: a child centered analysis of the NHIES 2009/10 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Government Website   View report
Kenya PRRO 200174 "Food Assistance to Refugees": An Evaluation of WFP's Operation (2011-2013) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: WFP
World Relief Mozambique Vurhonga community-based DOTS project: mid term evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: OECD   View report
Final performance evaluation for the Zimbabwe works programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: OECD   View report
Enhancing Livelihood Sustainability through Raising Community Capacity for Coastal Management (RaCCCoM) in Lamu Archipelago- Final evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Evaluation of the “Delivering Results and Accelerating Public Sector Reform with Diaspora Resources and Experts from the South” Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNEG
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Institutional Strengthening of the Forest Sector Development Project in Ethiopia Mid Term Evaluation Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
Disasters Emergency Committee - East Africa Crisis Appeal Kenya Real-Time Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: ALNAP   View report
Ethiopia Shelter Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: ALNAP   View report
Support to the Implementation of NEPAD/APRM Programmes in Rwanda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: UNEG   View report
Phase II Evaluation of the Implementation of the Paris Declaration in Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: ADA   View report
External Evaluation Report of Improving Protection of Children and Consolidating Transition in Northern Uganda (IMPACT) Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Responsible and Innovative Land Administration in Ethiopia (REILA) Mid Term Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Ministry for Foreign Affairs (MFA) Finland   View report
Terminal Evaluation Report Conservation and Sustainable Use of the Threatened Savanna Woodland in the Kidepo Critical Landscape in North Eastern Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: UNEG   View report
Time to learn project year 4 performance evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of USAID_South Sudans democracy and governance activities under the IRI project 2012_2014 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Measuring the Impact of SMS-Based Interventions on VMMC Uptake in Lusaka Province, Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNICEF   View report
Evaluation of the Norwegian Emergency Preparedness System (NOREPS) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: NORAD   View report
Evaluation of Spanish MDG Joint Programme for Improved Nutrition REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNICEF   View report
Consortium for rehabilitation and development (CORAD)_development relief program (DRP)_impact assessment report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: USAID   View report
Mid-Term Evaluation of the Ethiopia Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation 10665.0 (2008-2010): An Operation Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: ALNAP
Protecting the Sexual Health of Young South Africans Midline Results from the Impact Evaluation of a Sexuality and HIV Prevention Education Activity REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: MEASURE   View report
Evaluation of Gender and Governance Programme – Kenya (GGPIII) Final Evaluation: 2011 – 2014 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
Mid term performance evaluation_Liberia investing for business expansion program (IBEX) and sustainable markets initiative_Liberia (SMI_L) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Midterm Evaluation: Stamping Out And Preventing Gender-Based Violence In Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Documenting Lessons and Outcomes Of The Business Enabling Fund (Bef) of The Gijima KZN Led Support Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: DPME   View report
Analysis of the Performance of State - Owned Enterprises DURING the period 2003/4 - 2007/8 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: Government Website   View report
Midline evaluation report - Step Change Window REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
How Should Tanzania use its Natural Gas? Citizen's views from a Nationwide Deliberative Poll REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: 3IE   View report
Evaluation of Development Cooperation between Mozambique and Denmark - 1992-2006 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Evaluation of girls' education project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: UNICEF
Civil Society on Climate Change - Evaluation of the work on climate change adaptation and mitigation of Swedish Society for Nature Conservation in cooperation with partner organisations in the South. Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: SIDA   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Government Website   View report
Evaluation of the Current Status and Future Utility of Cobet as a Strategic Intervention to Ensure Access to Quality Education for all Primary School-Ages Children in Tanzania REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: UNICEF   View report
Civil Society Urban Development Program (CSUDP) End-Term Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: SIDA   View report
Mid Term Review Report: Fourth Country Programme of Sierra Leone (2008-2010) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)   View report
Community youth peace education program (CYPEP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: USAID   View report
Southern Sudan interactive radio instruction (SSIRI) : grade 1 evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of Tanzania Country Assistance Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: KOICA   View report
DFID-Funded Government of Zambia Sanitation and Hygiene Programme (2011–2018) UNICEF End-of-Programme Summative Evaluation Report Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
BRIDGE project_mid term evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: USAID   View report
Assessment of the Health Information System in Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: Government Website   View report
Evaluation of the Gender Training for Teachers and School Management Committee Members in URR REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
Report on end term evaluation of the sustainable livelihood security for vulnerable households in Nyanza Province 'Dak Achana' program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: USAID   View report
Ex-Post Evaluation Report for the Kenya Water Supply Projects REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: OECD   View report
Evaluation of the food and nutrition technical assistance (FANTA) project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: USAID   View report
Review of the ICRC and CTA Capacity to Act as Coordinator and Technical Advisor in Restoring Family Links (RFL) Activities with National Societies and Governments REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: ALNAP   View report
Establishing an Effective and Sustainable Structure for Implementing Multilateral Agreements Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of the Social Cash Transfer Pilot Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNICEF   View report
Evaluation Of The Learnership Academy Model REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: DPME   View report
The Contribution of Food Assistance to Durable Solutions in Protracted Refugee Situations: its impact and role-ETHIOPIA. A Mixed Method Impact Evaluation- Vol. 1 Full Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNEG   View report
Assessment of the Effectiveness of Malaria Monitoring and Evaluation Regional Workshops and Online Training Course REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: MEASURE
Advanced Leadership Project: Terminal Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
Ethiopia, PRRO 200290, Responding to Humanitarian Crises and Enhancing Resilience to Food Insecurity: An Evaluation of WFP’s Operation (2012-2013) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
Media support for strengthening, good governance and empowerment (MESSAGE) mid-term evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of DANIDA's 'Women in Africa' Regional Supportive Initiative REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: DANIDA   View report
Human rights for persons with disabilities; an evaluation of the work plan REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: SIDA   View report
Institutional Capacity Building of Health Economics in Zambia. The Purchaser-Provider Model and Institutional Collaboration in Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: SIDA   View report
Terminal Evaluation of Coping with Drought and Climate Change in Zimbabwe REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
Tuinuane Women Project: End of project evaluation, final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Final evaluation of USAID_Ugandas district operational plan approach REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Nutrition Support Officer Project Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
Inter-Agency Humanitarian Evaluation on Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women and Girls Case Study: Nigeria REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA)   View report
Improved reproductive health in Nigeria : end of project evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Namibia UN Partnership Framework 2014-18 Mid-Term Review REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNDP   View report
Evaluation of the UNFPA 3rd Country Programme of Assistance to the Government of the Republic of South Africa Report submitted to UNFPA in South Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
Connected for Growth Progress Report on Projects and Programme Implementation July 2011 - February 2014 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Government Website
Dutch Humanitarian Assistance: An Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: ALNAP   View report
Evaluation of IFAD's Field Presence Pilot Programme July 2007 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: UNEG   View report
Conservation and Sustainable use of Biodiversity on the South African Wild Coast REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
Impacts, maintenance and sustainability of irrigation in Rwanda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: 3IE   View report
Assistance to Development Research REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: DANIDA   View report
Mid-term performance evaluation of U.S. Government assistance to the Mozambican Attorney General's Office (PGR) : final report summary REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Government Website   View report
Viral Load Monitoring, MSF OCB, Gutu district, Zimbabwe REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: MSF   View report
Evaluation of HED/USAID women's leadership program-Rwanda (2012-2015) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID   View report
Formative Evaluation of The Gauteng Young Women Development Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: DPME   View report
Uganda 2007-2008 Floods Response Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: ALNAP   View report
Farta child survival project, Amhara National State, South Gondar Administrative Zone, Farta Woreda, Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of rule of law programs in Liberia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: USAID   View report
External Evaluation of the Southern African Regional Social and Behaviour Change Communication Program, as Implemented in Mozambique REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Department for International Development (DFID)   View report
An Evaluation of Mass Participation, Opportunity and Access, Development and Growth (MOD) Centrees of the Sport Programme, Dept of Cultural Affairs and Sport, Western Cape REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Government Website
Final Independent Evaluation of the direct cash transfer to post election violence affected host population REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: ALNAP   View report
Ethiopia Country Assistance Evaluation 1996 - 2007 Operations Evaluation Department REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: African Development Bank Group   View report
Implementation of the Benguela Current LME Action Program for Restoring Depleted Fisheries and Reducing Coastal Resources Degradation (BCLME SAP-IMP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
Final evaluation report: rebuilding livelihoods and resiliency in Zimbabwe (ZDL) project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Final Evaluation Report “Enhancing Resilience of Liberia Montserrado County Vulnerable Coastal Areas to Climate Change Risks” REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNEG   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Government Website   View report
Study of the impact of the work of FORUT in Sri Lanka and Save the Children Norway in Ethiopia : Building Civil Society : Synthesis Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: NORAD
Humana People to People South Africa : evaluation of the TCE programme in Mpumalanga and Limpopo : evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of the European Commission's Support to the United Republic of Tanzania, Vol 1,2,3 and 5 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: OECD   View report
Impact of Malaria Control and Enhanced Literacy Instruction on Educational Outcomes among Kenyan School Children: A Multi-Sectoral, Prospective, Randomized Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: 3IE
Report on the Implementation Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Environmental Governance in the Mining Sector REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: DPME   View report
Turning Policy into Practice: Sida’s implemention of the Swedish HIV/AIDS strategy. Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: SIDA   View report
Evaluation of the Kenya Hunger Safety Net Programme Phase 2: Drought Emergency Scale-up Payments Process Review REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: ALNAP   View report
Evaluation of Norwegian support to capacity development REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Report on the Sentinel Surveillance of Sexually Transmitted Infections Based on Syndromic Case Reporting (July 2014 — June 2015) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Government Website   View report
The Social Context Training Cooperation between Sida and the Law, Race and Gender Unit, University of Cape Town REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: SIDA
Support to Peace Building and Increased Access to Sustainable Livelihoods Midterm Evaluation of the UNDP Zimbabwe Integrated Peace Building Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
Mid-term Review Report of the Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation and Mitigation (CCIAM) research and capacity building programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)   View report
Lesotho, National School Feeding Programme: an evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: ALNAP   View report
UNDAF II (2009 - 2012) Mid Term Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNEG   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: DFID
Zambia’s Child Grant Program: 24-Month Impact Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: AIR   View report
Reinforcing Institutional Capacity for Treatment of Acute Malnutrition, Prevention of Malnutrition in Freetown Peninsula, Western Area and National Sensitization for Nutrition Security in Sierra Leone REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: ALNAP   View report
Impact evaluation of an intensive journalism training activity in Tanzania : final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2021   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Final evaluation: THANZI(good health) (TB health activities in Zambia) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of Project Protecting and Improving Food and Nutrition Security of Orphans and HIV/AIDS Affected Children Phase 1: Lesotho and Malawi (GCP/RAF/388/GER) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)   View report
Independent Evaluation GHANA UNIDO Integrated Programme for Poverty Reduction and Competitiveness REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: UNEG
Performance evaluation of the scaling up conservation and livelihoods efforts in northern Tanzania project : final evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Final Report on the Post Introduction Evaluation of the Pentavalent Vaccine in Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Emergency Management Unit Disaster Preparedness for the Financial Years 2002-2007 (Performance audit) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: Government Website   View report
An assessment of the response to the 2008-2009 drought in Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: ALNAP   View report
Pastoralist areas resilience improvement through market expansion (PRIME), Ethiopia : external mid-term performance evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of the project “Capacity Development for Agricultural Innovation Systems (CDAIS)” REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)   View report
Evaluation of the Food Insecurity Cash Transfer Programme (Malawi) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: ALNAP   View report
Report on Child Justice in Zambia with reference to UNICEF supported projects REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: UNICEF   View report
Organizational Strengthening of UNMU Project - mid-term evaluation report for UNMU Collaboration with NNO REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Measles campaigns and their effects on the overall immunization system REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance   View report
Prevalence of SGBV and impact of TPO psychosocial support model and livelihoods interventions on mental health recovery of SGBV survivors in emergency in the West Nile region REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: ALNAP   View report
The Tanzania social marketing project: a performance evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Joint Evaluation of Public Financial Management Reform; Burkina Faso, Ghana and Malawi 2001 -2010 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: DANIDA   View report
Independent evaluation Uganda Strengthening the Ugandan Business Information Network II Establishment of 8 Pilot District Business Information Centres REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: UNEG
An Independent Review of World Bank Support to Capacity Building in Africa: The Case of Ghana REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: World Bank   View report
REPORT On Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) Baseline Assessment on Child Protection Issues in 7 Districts in Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: Government Website   View report
2011 SAPMTCTE REPORT Early (4-8 weeks post-delivery) Population-level Effectiveness of WHO PMTCT Option A, South Africa, 2011 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC)   View report
Terminal Evaluation of DRS - Un Joint Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
Reducing stunting in Children Under Five Years of Age: A Comprehensive Evaluation of UNICEF’s Strategies and Programme Performance Rwanda Country Case Study REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
Project Evaluation – Disability Rights Promotion International (DRPI) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: SIDA   View report
Rule of Law and Access to Justice Programme Evaluation Final Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNEG   View report
Final Independent Evaluation of humanitarian multi-sectorial rapid response mechanism, Yobe State, Nigeria REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: ALNAP   View report
Evaluation of Sida’s Support to Innovation Systems and Clusters, a Research Cooperation Initiative - Main Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: SIDA
Uganda’s Second Competitiveness and Investment Climate Strategy (CICS-II) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: Uganda Office of Prime Minister   View report
Evaluation of the Gender Training for Teachers and School Management Committee Members in URR Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Direct provision versus facility collection of HIV tests: Impacts of self-testing amoung female sex workers in Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: 3IE   View report
Mid term evaluation of supporting public sector workplace to expand action and responses against HIV/AIDS (SPEAR) program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
2010 Performance Monitorying & Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: Government Website
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: Uganda Office of Prime Minister   View report
Evaluation of the role and contributions of UNDP in the HIV and AIDS response in Southern Africa and Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: UN   View report
The Red Cross – Lake Victoria Program (LVP) 2004–2006 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: SIDA   View report
Evaluation of WFP’s Lean Season Assistance through the Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation 200453 in Zimbabwe REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: WFP   View report
Data Demand and Information Use in the Health Sector: Case Study Series REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: MEASURE
Learning at Taonga Market in government schools_an evaluation of the 2005 pilot of interactive radio instruction in grade one REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: USAID   View report
South Sudan Early Recovery and Humanitarian NGO Funding Round EVALUATION REPORT REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT)   View report
Peanut collaborative research support program (CRSP)_2005 external evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: USAID   View report
Ngoba Likusasa Ngelami Youth Campaign, Noma Kunje Litsemba lisekhona radio programme And Super Buddies Magazine: Evaluation report 2005 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Hunting for Per Diem The Uses and Abuses of Travel Compensation in Three Developing Countries REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: NORAD
Learning at Taonga Market at grade 2_an evaluation of interactive radio instruction in GRZ schools in 2008 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: USAID   View report
Terminal evaluation of the Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Development (EMPRETEC) Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
Fuel efficient stove programs in IDP settings -- summary evaluation report, Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: USAID   View report
Mid Term Review of Sida/ Lake Victoria Initiative Support to Community-Based Strategies for the Management of the Environment and Resources of Lake Victoria (COSMER-LAV) 2005–2008 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: SIDA   View report
Africare_Uganda_Uganda food security initiative_phase 3 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: USAID   View report
Bio-Innovate Program Mid-Term Review Report 2013 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: SIDA   View report
Republic of Botswana Agricultural Services Support Project Project Performance Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Government Website   View report
Mid Term Review (MTR) United Nations Development Assistance Plan (UNDAP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
Swedish Organisations’ of Disabled Persons International Aid Association (SHIA) Activities and Cooperation Relationship REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: SIDA
Evaluation by Third Party Thematic Evaluation on South-South Cooperation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: JICA   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: Population Services International (PSI)   View report
Performance evaluation: USAID/Zimbabwe promoting recovery in Zimbabwe (PRIZE) project : evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Final Independent Evaluation report on ACF's Humanitarian Assistance on water, sanitation and hygiene to the population in Zimbabwe REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: ALNAP
Evaluation of Sixth UNFPA Country Programme in Sierra Leone (2015-2019) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)   View report
Joint Evaluation of the Trust Fund for Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development (TFESSD). Case Studies in Ethiopia, Indonesia and Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: OECD   View report
The Women’s Justice and Empowerment Initiative: Lessons Learned and Implications for Gender-Based Violence Programming in Sub-Saharan Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: MEASURE
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)   View report
Support to Ebola treatment unit project (STEP) final evaluation_one step closer to an Ebola free Liberia_ project endline evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
South Sudan Recovery Fund Round 3: UN Joint Stabilization Programmes Outcome Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG   View report
Ethiopia : evaluation of the mothers' support group strategy REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: USAID   View report
Mid Term Review of SymbioCity Kenya. The Sustainable Urban Development Programme in Kenya – 2015-2018 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: SIDA   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: WFP   View report
Emergency nutrition and wash support program for Garissa county: End of programme evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Ghana EcoBank DCA guarantee evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: USAID   View report
HIV/AIDS Outreach Programme in Southern Africa. Social Transformation and Empowerment Projects (STEPS) and International Video Fair (IVF) Programmes REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: SIDA   View report
Terminal Evaluation of the UN Environment Project Promoting Energy Efficiency in Buildings in East Africa (EEBA) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: Government Website
Turning Policy into Practice: Sida’s implemention of the Swedish HIV/AIDS strategy. Main Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: SIDA   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: Uganda Office of Prime Minister   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Strengthening Climate Services and Early Warning Systems in the Gambia for Climate Resilient Development and Adaptation to Climate Change - – 2nd Phase of the GOTG/GEF/UNEP LDCF NAPA Early Warning Project. REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of the Girls Education Project of the Forum for African Women Educationalists – The Gambia (FAWEGAM) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Livelihoods for Improved Nutrition in Chpinge District, Zimbabwe REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: ALNAP   View report
The SASA Study: A Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial to Assess the Impact of a Violence and HIV Prevention Programme in Kampala, Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: 3IE   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Children in Distress Network (CINDI) May'khethele OVC programme: external outcomes evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Children in Governance Project - End of Term Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
A Formative Evaluation of Integrated Community-based treatment and adherence support models for TB and HIV clients REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC)   View report
Supporting Food Security and Reducing Poverty in Kenya and the United Republic of Tanzania through Dynamic Conservation of Globally Important Agricultural Heritage System (GIAHS)- GCP/GLO/198/GER REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)   View report
Final Independent Evaluation of the Zimbabwe Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Project: ‘A sustainable approach based on development of local management capacity REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: ALNAP
Report on the Study on Alternative Delivery Models for Primary Schooling and Primary Teacher Training for Karamoja Region REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: UNICEF   View report
USAID/DELIVER project mid-term evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: USAID   View report
Policy Review of Dutch Humanitarian Assistance, 2009-2014. Summary REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: OECD   View report
Impact assessment of the Save the Children USA LEAP Health Program, Afdher and Dolobay Woredas, Somali Region, Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: ALNAP   View report
A Joint Evaluation: Uganda’s Plan for the Modernisation of Agriculture REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: OECD   View report
TOR - Cash-based Emergency Livelihood Recovery Programme (May to November 2006) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: ALNAP   View report
Final evaluation : USAID/Ethiopia high-risk corridors initiative REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: USAID   View report
Operation Evaluation Ethiopia Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation 200700 (2015-2018) Food Assistance for Eritrean, South Sudanese, Sudanese and Somali Refugees: An evaluation of WFP’s current operation and transition period REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
Maternal Health Accountability Grants in Nigeria Endline Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: MacArthur Foundation   View report
Literacy language and learning initiative (L3)_national fluency assessment of Rwandan schools_midline report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Seventh Consolidated Public Service Monitoring and Evaluation Report: Evaluation Cycle 2009/2010 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: Government Website
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: UN   View report
Evaluation of Lihlombe Lekukhalela Child Protectors REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Impact evaluation of a school readiness intervention among pre-primary school learners in Kenya: Tayari Wave 3 Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: African Population and Health Research Centre (APHRC)   View report
Mid-Term Review of the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) for Swaziland, 2011-2015 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
Mid-term Independent Evaluation of ACF's reinforcing institutional capacity for treatment of acute malnutrition, prevention of malnutrition in Freetown Peninsula, Western area and national sensitisation for nutrition security in Sierra Leone REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: ALNAP
Monitoring and Evaluation of the Swiss Water and Sanitation NGO Consortium Report 2 - West Africa Mission Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: ALNAP
Volume 1: Evaluation Report. Thirty Years of Rwandan-German Development Cooperation in the Health Sector REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: OECD   View report
Keeping Our Promises - Accountability and Transparency Report 2012 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: ALNAP   View report
Gender and Development – a review of evaluation reports 1997-2004 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: NORAD   View report
Evaluation of the Zambian Governance Foundation (ZGF) Joint Financing Agreement REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: SIDA   View report
A Performance Evaluation of the National HIV Prevention Program for FSW and MSM in Ghana REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: MEASURE   View report
The District Development Programme in Tanzania (DDP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: SIDA   View report
Final Independent Evaluation of the project for Final Independent Evaluation of the project for reinforcing returnee Livelihoods and Food Security through Direct Cash Transfers, Otuke County, Lira District, Northern Uganda, Northern Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: ALNAP
Strengthening Health Security and Biosecurity in Tanzania by Biodetection Capacity Building Mid-Term Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: Ministry for Foreign Affairs (MFA) Finland   View report
Consultancy Service for Mid-Term Review of the Country Programme and Country Programme Action Plan 2007-2010 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: UNEG   View report
Assessment of Child Protection Project in Northern and Upper East Regions, Ghana REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: UNICEF   View report
Impact Evaluation of the project ‘Sustainable Water and Sanitation for Indigent Communities in eThekwini Municipality’ REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: AIID   View report
Measuring Empowerment? Ask Them Quantifying qualitative outcomes from people’s own analysis Insights for results-based management from the experience of a social movement in Bangladesh REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: SIDA   View report
The Standards and Labelling Programme in Kenya- Mid-Term Evaluation (Final) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
Expanding Opportunities for South African Youth through Math & Science: The Impact of the Dinaledi Program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: Government Website
Joint Evaluation UNFPA-UNICEF Joint Programme on Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting: Accelerating Change 2008 - 2012 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluability Study of Partnership Initiatives Norwegian Support to Achieve Millennium Development Goals 4 & 5 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: NORAD
External Evaluation of the Partnership Agreement for Sustainable Development of Lake Victoria Basin - Final Report, December 2012 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: SIDA   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Report on the Summative External Evaluation of the Catalytic Initiative (CI)/ Integrated Health Systems Strengthening (IHSS) Programme in Malawi REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
Joint Review of the National HIV Response in Zanzibar 2004-2007 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: UNICEF   View report
Country Level Evaluation: Botswana REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Education Sector Performance Report 2015 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Government Website   View report
Mainstreaming at Sida. A Synthesis Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: SIDA   View report
Ex ante evaluation study of a Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of The Gambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: European Union (EU)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNICEF   View report
The 7th Economic and Social Rights Report: Millennium Development Goals and the Progressive Realisation of Economic and Social Rights in South Africa 2006-2009 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: Government Website
Evaluation of the European Union’s Co-operation with Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: OECD   View report
Adolescent Girls Initiative–Kenya ENDLINE EVALUATION REPORT REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: African Population and Health Research Centre (APHRC)
USAID Botswana projects performance evaluation_maatla_civil society strengthening project to support HIV and AIDS and related service delivery in Botswana REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of Union to Union REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: SIDA   View report
Evaluation of the Contribution of Italian Funded Projects to Ending Violence against Women and Promoting Gender Equality in ECOWAS Member States REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of World Children’s Prize REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: SIDA   View report
Community preparedness for acute malnutrition in Amhara (CPAMA), Ethiopia - phase II : final evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2021   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Malawi community-based family planning and HIV & AIDS services project : mid-term evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: USAID   View report
Impact Study for 3 Microfinance Institutions Supported By Stromme Microfinance East Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Evaluation of Implementation of ICT in Teachers’ Colleges Project in Tanzania REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: SIDA   View report
Development Cooperation with Ethiopia 2000–2008 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: OECD   View report
Mid-term Review of JointGender Support Programme (2008 – 2011) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNEG   View report
Endline evaluation of malaria action program for states in Nigeria REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Performance evaluation of USAID testing and counselling projects in Tanzania: final performance evaluation of angaza zaidi and universal HIV and AIDS intervention for counselling and testing REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Joint Evaluation of General Budget Support REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: OECD   View report
USAID/health communication capacity collaborative (HC3) : midterm evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
UNFPA Nigeria 6th Country Programme Evaluation 2012 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation Report of the UNICEF Ghana Education Programme (2012–2017): A Capacity Building Perspective REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
End of Project Evaluation for the Lesotho Data for Sustainable Development Project Final Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNEG   View report
Northern Uganda water supply services project (NUWATER)end of project evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Literacy, language and learning initiative (L3) : national fluency assessment of Rwandan schools : midline report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
UNDP-GEF Midterm Review Promoting climate-resilient, community-based regeneration of indigenous forests in Zambia’s Central Province project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
Johns Hopkins University (JHU) HIV communication programme project performance evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Rural differentiation and smallholder development REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
African Books Collective: Mid-Term Review 2006 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: SIDA   View report
Zimbabwe livestock for accelerated recovery and improved resiliency (ZRR): [evaluation] final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Mid-Term Evaluation of Save the Children Norway Zambia Country supported Programmes REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Final Impact Assessment of the Results-Based Financing Programme for Northern Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Evaluation of Swedish International Training Programmes (ITP); Risk Management in Banking (2003-2014) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: SIDA   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: SIDA   View report
Entrepreneurship Development Programme (EDP) Final Evaluation Report1 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
The FY 2001-2005 Development Assistance Program (DAP) FINAL EVALUATION REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: OECD   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: SIDA   View report
Ethiopia strengthening land tenure and administration program endline report_an impact evaluation of the effects of second level land certification relative to first level certification REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Government Website   View report
Evaluation of Norway’s support to women’s rights and gender equality in development cooperation Ethiopia case study report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: NORAD
Swedish Support to Decentralisation Reform in Rwanda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: SIDA   View report
Performance evaluation of the education support to orphans and vulnerable children in Kwa-ZuluNatal Province program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Botswana Nationail AIDS Spending Assessment 2003/04 to 2005/06 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: UNAIDS   View report
Midterm performance evaluation of the USAID/Tanzania pamoja tuwalee project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of Policy Based Operations in the African Development Bank, 1999–2009 Country Case-Study: Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: African Development Bank Group   View report
MCC TANZANIA WATER SECTOR PROJECT Impact Evaluation Final Report: Lower Ruvu Activity REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)   View report
USAID Botswana projects performance evaluation - Maatla: civil society strengthening project to support HIV and AIDS and related service delivery in Botswana REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
End of Project Evaluation of the Support to Boundary Delimitation Project (SBDP) Sierra Leone Final Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
Mid‐term Evaluation of the Conflict Prevention and Mitigation during the Electoral Cycle in Sierra Leone Project ‐ 2017‐2018 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
DFID-Funded Government of Zambia Sanitation and Hygiene Programme (2011–2018) UNICEF End-of-Programme Summative Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNEG   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Government Website   View report
External Evaluation of the Southern African Regional Social and Behaviour Change Communication Program, as Implemented in Swaziland REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Department for International Development (DFID)   View report
The impact of the second national Kenya civic education programme (NCEP II-URAIA) on democratic attitudes, values, and behavior REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of WFP’s 2009 Gender Policy: This Time Around? REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: WFP   View report
Organizational Network Analysis: MEASURE Evaluation's Experience 2010-2014 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: MEASURE   View report
Southern Sudan interactive radio instruction (SSIRI) program : mid-term evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: USAID   View report
Impact Assessment of Gurage Livelihoods and Agricultural Development (GLAD) Program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: OECD   View report
Mid-Term Assessment of Redso/Esa’s Strategic Objective 7_Enhance Regional Capacity To Improve Health Systems REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: USAID   View report
Girls’ Education Project (GEP) Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: UNEG   View report
Partnership Evaluation of PMU-Interlife REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: SIDA   View report
Evaluation of Sida’s ITP approach for Capacity Development REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: SIDA   View report
Final Evaluation of the Support Project to the Implementation of the Rwanda TOTKEN Volunteer Program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation Report for the GOL/UNFPA 4th Country Programme (2004-2006/2007) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)   View report
Mid-Term Evaluation of the EU-Africa Infrastructure Trist Fund REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Agricultural growth programme - agribusiness marketing and development (AMDe) project, Ethiopia : external mid-term performance evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of Norwegian Power-related assistance REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Joint External Evaluation Evaluation of thE unhCR Joint oRganisation stRatEgy 2007-2009 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: DFID   View report
Evaluation of Bank Assistance to Small and Medium Enterprises (2006–2013) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
5-year Evaluation of the Central Emergency Response Fund Country Study Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA)   View report
Mid-Term Evaluation Report (2011-2014): HIV material and training to churches in Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
WFP/FAO/UNICEF/WHO/DFATD Canada Joint Evaluation of Renewed Effort Againts Child Hunger and Under-nutrition (REACH): A Strategic Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: ALNAP   View report
Impact Evaluation of Hima Iringa, Tanzania REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: DANIDA   View report
Evaluation and Review of DG ECHO Financed Livelihood Interventions in Humanitarian Crises REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: ALNAP   View report
UNDP support to the health sector in Limpopo Health Professionals Volunteerism and Capacity Development Outcome Evaluation: Part One REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNEG   View report
Summative Evaluation of UNICEF Support for Education in Zimbabwe EDF 2012 – 2015 GPE 2014 – 2016 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
Final evaluation of the sustainable conservation approaches in priority ecosystems program (SCAPES) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of Netherlands - UNICEF Water Initiative (NUWI) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: UNEG   View report
Mid-Term Evaluation of the Liberian Urban Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: ALNAP   View report
Evaluation report : program for emergency seed support (PESS) project in Wag Himra Zone of Amhara region REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2021   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Outcome Evaluation of UNDAP Outcome 1.1: “Pro-poor growth and economic transformation enhanced for inclusive economic development and poverty reduction” Final Evalutation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
Final evaluation of the Ghana community teachers program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
The National Agriculture and Livestock Extension Programme (NALEP) Phase I Impact Assessment REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: SIDA   View report
Agriculture Sector Review and Public Expenditure Review 2008/09 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: Government Website   View report
Health policy project midterm evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Botswana 2013 Global Aids Response Report: Progress Report of the National Response to the 2011 Declaration of Commitments on HIV REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNAIDS   View report
Meta Evaluation of KOICA's Global CSR Program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: KOICA
Final Evaluation of the Conservation Agriculture Scaling-Up (CASU) Project Funded by the European Union REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
Mid-term performance evaluation of the USAID West Africa Gambia-Senegal sustainable fisheries program - final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
The Evaluation of the UNICEF Accelerated Girl’s Education Initiative (AGEI) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
The enhanced HIV/AIDS prevention and improved family health program (EHAP-IFH), Malawi REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: USAID   View report
Power Africa transaction and reforms program (PATRP) performance evaluation : final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
USAID_Namibia_health care improvement project_midterm evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of Norwegian support through and to umbrella and network organisations in civil society REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: NORAD   View report
UNDAF Ethiopia Mid-term Review (MTR). Draft Report Volume 1 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
Mid Term Evaluation Report (2013-2018) Sustainable Industrial Development Program in Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
Gender and Agriculture Programme Mid Term Evaluation Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG   View report
Mid-Term Evaluation of the Public Sector Capacity Development Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
Malawi PRRO 200692 Responding To Humanitarian Needs And Strengthening Resilience REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: WFP   View report
Swedish Support to a Regional Environmental Journalism and Communication Programme in Eastern Africa for the Period 2002–2006 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: SIDA   View report
Norwegian People’s Aid Zimbabwe Programme Mid Term Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Report on the Evaluation of Government's Poverty Reduction Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: DPME
Reintegration of child soldiers in Sierra Leone REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of the performance of SDC instruments in fragile and conflict-affected contexts REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: ALNAP   View report
The Mid-Term Review of The West Africa Network for Peacebuilding (WANEP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: SIDA   View report
Report on the Midterm Evaluation of the Busia Child Survival Project (BCSP): Busia and Samia Districts, Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: OECD   View report
Final evaluation : the Liberia transition initiative (2004-2006) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: USAID   View report
Federal Republic of Nigeria Country Programme Evaluation Approach Paper REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: IFAD   View report
Maanisha Community Focused Initiatives to Control HIV/AIDS in Lake Victoria Region, Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: SIDA   View report
UNDP and EU support to the Implementation of the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Climate and Rural Resettlement (MLAWCRR) 2014 to 2016 Action Plan End of Project Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
Market Transformation through Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling of Appliances in South Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG   View report
External Evaluation Report - Alcohol Drugs and Development Program FORUT, Campaign for development and solidarity, 2009 – 2013 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Freedom of expression and Information Communication Technology (ICT) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: SIDA   View report
Evaluation of Norwegian Health Sector Support To Botswana REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: NORAD   View report
Improvement of the Health and Livelihood of Rural Communities in Southern Sudan and the Three Transitional Areas of Abyei, Blue Nile State and South Kordofan Through Increased Access to Safe and Sustainable Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Facilities Project FINAL EVALUATION REPORT REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Useful Patchwork: Direct Funding of Local NGOs by Netherlands Embassies 2006-2012 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: OECD   View report
Final Evaluation- Building an Inclusive Financial Sector in Rwanda (2010-2014) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG   View report
External Evaluation Evaluation of UNICEF's Contribution Towards the Isibindi Programme in Eastern Cape, South Africa: 2014 - 2018 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: UNEG
Review of the family package project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: UNICEF   View report
The Africa liaison program initiative II (2003-2006) evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of preventive care package project for people living with HIV/AIDS in Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
ESARO Regional [Eastern & Southern Africa]: Evaluation of the role of UNICEF in Education Sector Wide Approaches in Eastern and Southern Africa: Business as Usual or Making a Difference…? REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: UNICEF   View report
Revitalisation of smallholder agricultural production in Zimbabwe (RSAPZ) 2010-2013 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Communications support for health programme : endline evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Zimbabwe agricultural portfolio evaluation : final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Going Home: Making a Life after Conflict REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: ALNAP   View report
Final evaluation of DAP no-cost extension_(health and nutrition) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: USAID   View report
Parliamentary strengthening program: final performance evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Expanding Use of Magnesium Sulfate for Treatment of Pre-eclampsia and Eclampsia Building Towards Scale in Nigeria REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: MacArthur Foundation   View report
Population and Reproductive Health Accountability-related Grants in Nigeria BASELINE REPORT REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: MacArthur Foundation   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: DANIDA   View report
WFP Policy on Capacity Development: An Update on Implementation (2009) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: WFP   View report
ADRA_Ghanas food security program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: USAID   View report
D.Light Solar Home System Impact Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: 3IE
Evaluation report : USAID/Uganda faith-based HIV and AIDS program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
USAID/Ethiopia integrated family health program report on the phase I review REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: USAID   View report
Performance evaluation of USAID/Uganda's 2009-2014 STRIDES for family health program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: OECD
Joint Evaluation of Support to Anti-Corruption Efforts 2002-2009 Report 6/2011 – Synthesis REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: DANIDA   View report
Performance evaluation and assessment of USAID/Kenya nutrition and HIV program (NHP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Pregnancy Decisions and HIV Testing among Adolescent Girls and Young Women Enrolled in the DREAMS Initiative in Northern Uganda: Qualitative Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: MEASURE   View report
The TASO Experiential Attachment to Combat HIV/AIDS Project (TEACH) Final Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: SIDA   View report
Evaluation of the 2006/7 agricultural input subsidy programme, Malawi - final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: Department for International Development (DFID)   View report
Review of Norwegian Support to the Kenya Human Rights Commission (KHRC) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Labour Reform in South Africa: Measuring Regulation and a Synthesis of Policy Suggestions REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: Government Website
The International Network for the Demographic Evaluation of Populations and their Health (INDEPTH), the Importance of Core Support REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: SIDA   View report
Evaluation of the Road Safety project Phase I to IV REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNEG   View report
Districts Imihigo Evaluation Report 2010-2011 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: Government Website   View report
National Forest Monitoring and Assessment of Tanzania (NAFORMA)- GCP/GLO/194/MUL Mid-Term Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)   View report
The German Humanitarian Assistance Abroad: Country Study Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: OECD   View report
Independent Evaluation of the Child Friendly National Budget Initiative REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Evaluation of the BetterAid and Open Forum Programmes - Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: SIDA   View report
Terminal Evaluation of Enabling Environment for SLM to overcome Land Degradation in the Uganda Cattle Corridor Districts of Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
Education through technology: bridge IT evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of the 2005 debt relief agreement between the Paris Club and Nigeria REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: DGD   View report
Effects of a faithfulness-focused curriculum on HIV-positive couples from four regions in Ethiopia. REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Catholic Relief Services   View report
East central and southern Africa health community_performance evaluation (ECSA_HC) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Impact evaluation of Finland supported Environment and Natural Resources projects in Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: Ministry for Foreign Affairs (MFA) Finland   View report
Final Independent Evaluation of the project 'Sanitation, Water and Hygiene in rural areas of Zimbabwe: An empowering and sustainable approach for Millennium Development Goals' REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: ALNAP
HIV Drug Resistance Early Warning Indicators Survey in Ethiopia, 2013/14 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Government Website   View report
Evaluation report: formative implementation evaluation of the reading support project in South Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Chlorine Dispernsers in Kenya: Scaling for Results REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: 3IE   View report
Primary school support program : a school fees pilot (PSSP:SFP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: USAID   View report
Reduction of drought vulnerabilities in southern Swaziland - end of project evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Impact Evaluation of the Namibia Football Association’s Galz & Goals Sports for Development S4D programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNICEF
Evaluation of Strategy for Scaling Up Community Led Total Sanitation in Ghana REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of Counselling Services in Schools in Namibia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Evaluation of the Emergency Blanket Supplementary Feeding Programme in five districts of Northern Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Communication For Development to Improve Health Behaviours in Ghana REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: 3IE   View report
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Ministry of Health Quarterly Health Bulletin Volume 6, Number 1, April 2014 POLICY AND PRACTICE INFORMATION FOR ACTION REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNICEF   View report
Agricultural Value Chains REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Formative and summative evaluation of Government of Ghana / UNICEF Child Protection Programme (2012 - 2019) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2021   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Evaluation of the LGED Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
USAID/Malawi monitoring, evaluation and learning support (MELS) activity : PERFORM final performance evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
HIV/AIDS Clinical Services Project (HCSP) End of Project Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of UNICEF’s role as Lead Partner in the education sector in Sierra Leone REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
Republic of Kenya Smallholder Horticulture Marketing Programme Impact Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: IFAD   View report
External evaluation of the measure phase iii demographic and health surveys (dhs) project final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of UNDEF-Funded: Grassroots Women Leaders in Democracy Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of DG ECHO's Action in Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: ALNAP
Impact Evaluation of Cash and Food Transfers at Early Childhood Development Centers in Karamoja, Uganda: Final Impact Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: 3IE   View report
Final Independent Evaluation of the project for Combating Gender-Based Violence and Enhancing Economic Empowerment of Women in Northern Uganda through Cash Transfers REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: ALNAP   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Final evaluation of UPHOLD, [Uganda] program for human and holistic development (UPHOLD) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: USAID   View report
Tanzania wildlife management areas (WMA) evaluation: final evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Liberia elections and political processes program evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of Budget Support in South Africa - Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: OECD   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
Strengthening Ethiopia's Urban Health Program (SEUHP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: JSI
Mid-term Review of the Sida supported Femmes Africa Solidarité (FAS) programme “Enhancing Civil Society in Human Security, Conflict Prevention and Peacekeeping” during the period 2010-2012 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: SIDA
Lessons Learned on Gender Equality REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: DANIDA   View report
Evaluation Plan for the Ghana National Strategy for Key Populations REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: MEASURE   View report
Evaluation of Sida Support to ECPAT International REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: SIDA   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Government Website   View report
UNWOMEN Ethiopia Country Office Country Portfolio Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
Sustainability Of Impact: Dimensions Of Decline And Persistence  in Adoption of a Biofortified Crop in Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: 3IE   View report
Food for progress, PRO-cashew : West Africa Ccashew project : baseline evaluation report (Benin, Burkina Faso, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, and Nigeria) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2021   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
John Ogonowski farmer-to-farmer program mid-term assessment REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of UN Joint Programme on Ending Violence Against Women in Ethiopia - Final Programme Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
University and Faculty Research Funds at Universities in Mozambique, Tanzania and Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: SIDA   View report
Final report for the Evaluation of the Implementation of the Safer South Africa Programme on Violence against Women and Children REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Evaluation of a rapid workforce expansion strategy : the Kenya emergency hiring plan REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of NRC Food Security and Livelihoods Projects in Chipinge and Chiredzi Districts, Zimbabwe, 2011-12 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: ALNAP
Midterm Outcome Evaluation of the UNDP Poverty Reduction Programme 2006-2007 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of the Uganda Social Assistance Grants for Empowerment (SAGE) programme Endline programme operations performance – final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: DFID   View report
Midterm Review (MTR) of the project: ‘Building Adaptive Capacity to Catalyze Active Public and Private Sector Participation to Manage the Exposure and Sensitivity of Water Supply Services to Climate Change’ in Sierra Leone REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG
Evaluation of the Joint Programmes on Gender Mainstreaming and Gender Based Violence REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
Independent Evaluation of the AGIRE-funded Humanitarian Response to the East Africa Drought REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: ALNAP   View report
Evaluating Oral HIV Self-testing to Increase HIV Testing uptake Among Truck Drivers in Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: 3IE   View report
The African Midwives Research Network REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: SIDA   View report
Social cash transfer scheme 24-Month Impact Report for the Child Grant Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: American Institure for Research (AIR)   View report
USAID/West Africa : the regional HIV/AIDS prevention and care project mid-term performance evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of the WASH Sector Strategy “Community Approaches to Total Sanitation” (CATS) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Cabinet Secretariat, Office of the President   View report
USAID time to learn project: year two performance review report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Social cash transfer programme impact evaluation (Randomized Control Trial): 36-month report for the child grant REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: American Institure for Research (AIR)   View report
Implementation Evaluation of the Recapitalisation and Development Programme (From its Inception in 2010 To June 2012) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: DPME   View report
Republic of Kenya Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)   View report
Micro Agricultural Financial Institutions of South Africa (MAFISA) Impact Assessment REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: DPME   View report
Consortium for rehabilitation and development (CORAD) development relief program (DRP)_end of project evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: USAID   View report
Government of Ethiopia/UNFPA 8th Country Programme Evaluation (2016-2020) FINAL EVALUATION REPORT REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)   View report
SAREC Support to International and Regional Thematic Research Programs, 2000–2005. Individual reports and cases REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: SIDA   View report
Evolving New Partnerships between Finland and Namibia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: OECD   View report
DREAMS-IC: Measuring Success Endline Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: World Vision   View report
Capacity Building in Africa: An OED Evaluation of World Bank Support REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: OECD   View report
The primary math and reading (PRIMR) initiative: midterm impact evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Save the Children Emergency Response to the Ivorian Crisis in Liberia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: ALNAP   View report
Evaluation of the African Organisation of English-speaking Supreme Audit Institutions (AFROSAI-E) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: SIDA   View report
Integrating Climate Change into the Management of Priority Health Risks in Ghana Project (PIMS 3796) Terminal Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of the Partnership for HIV-Free Survival Country Assessment: South Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: MEASURE   View report
Liberia Country Program Evaluation: 2004–2011 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: World Bank   View report
New approaches in a new HIV era ART/TB scale-up in Gokwe North by MSF-OCA REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: MSF   View report
Final evaluation of the kabeho mwana expanded impact child survival program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
The Purchaser-Provider Model and Institutional Collaboration in Zambia. Evaluation of institutional capacity building of health economies in Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: SIDA   View report
Final evaluation of Multi-Sectorial Interventions to Address the Humanitarian and Recovery Needs of Ivorian Refugees and Liberian Host Community Members in the Four Emergency Counties (Grand Gedeh, Maryland, Nimba and River Gee) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Evaluation of the European Commission's Support to the Republic of Mozambique - Volume I REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Support to Public Sector Reform in Rwanda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation report of the Technogirl programme in South Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNICEF   View report
Local Perceptions, Participation and Accountability in Malawi's Health Sector REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
DFID Evaluation of the humanitarian innovation and evidence programme (HIEP): summative evaluation phase 1 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
IASC Real Time Evaluation (IASC RTE) of the Humanitarian Response to the Horn of Africa Drought Crisis - Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: ALNAP   View report
Evaluation Report Summary Review of Bank Group Assistance to the Public Utility Sector of Ethiopia. REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: African Development Bank Group   View report
Final Evaluation of the Cordaid Programme Improved Social and Income Security for Older and Vulnerable People. A Cross-regional Programme in Bangladesh, Uganda and Tanzania. REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: ALNAP   View report
Mid-term assessment of the central African regional program for the environment (CARPE) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: USAID   View report
Track TB_a mixed methods assessment_strategies partnerships leverage points and learnings REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Creating a river between two fires_impact assessment of the locally initiated networks for community strengthening program (LINCS)_Lofa County_Liberia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of the Country Partnership Framework Ethiopia-Spain (2011-2015) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Evaluation of Norwegian Business-related Assistance Main Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: NORAD   View report
A Review of Ford Foundation West Africa Office’s Youth Sexuality, Reproductive Health and Rights Work (2000 to 2016) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: Ford Foundation   View report
Sida-Amhara Rural Development Programme 1997–2008 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: SIDA   View report
Hygiene Promotion for Diarrhoeal Disease Prevention through the Government of Malawi Perinatal Care System Programme Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: UNEG   View report
Report on Implementation Evaluation of the Department of Trade and Industry’s Export Marketing and Investment Assistance (EMIA) Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: DPME   View report
South Africa_2018_Strengthening Evidence-Based HIV Health Care: Lessons for Advocacy Movements and Funders REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: Atlantic Philanthropies   View report
WFP/FAO/UNICEF/WHO/DFATD Canada Joint Evaluation of Renewed Effort Against Child Hunger and Under-nutrition (REACH): A Strategic Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNICEF   View report
Assessing the Enabling Environment for ICTs for Health in Nigeria: a Review of Policies REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Government Website   View report
Drought Emergency Cash Transfer Response 2016-2017 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: ALNAP   View report
Evaluation on Japan's ODA Contribution to Poverty Reduction REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: MOFA
Development of a short Training Course on Gender and Climate Change, Uganda 2011-2013 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: OECD   View report
Final Evaluation Report for the Reintegration of Sierra Leone Red Cross Society (SLRCS) Volunteers Burial Teams REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
Terminal Evaluation Report Strengthening Climate Information & Early Warning Systems in Uganda (SCIEWS) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG
First Ethiopian National Population Based Tuberculosis Prevalence Survey REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: Government Website   View report
Small Grants to NGOs/CBOs for Enhancement of Community Capacities in the Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Management in Areas around the Kafue and West Lunga National Parks REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG   View report
Terminal Evaluation of the GEF-UN Environment Project “Lead Paint Elimination Project in Africa” REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: CLEAR centre proposal documents   View report
Review of the first 10 years of the National Science Week programme of the DST REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: DPME   View report
Evaluation of The Finnish Development Cooperation with Ethiopia 2000 - 2008 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Consortium For Elections and Political Process Strengthening (CEPPS) II and III evaluation: final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: Government Website
Final Independent Evaluation of the Food Security Programme, ‘Gardens for Improved Nutrition', Zimbabwe REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: ALNAP
USAID/South Africa umbrella grants management project end of project partner evaluation - Project Concern International REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) 2016-2020 For Uganda Mid-Term Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
Rapid External Evaluation of GOAL Uganda-Water Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: ALNAP   View report
UNDAF Ethiopia Mid-term Review (MTR) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNDP   View report
Managing Aid Exit and Transformation - Lessons from Botswana, Eritrea, India, Malawi and South Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: SIDA
Evaluation of the Results for Kenyans Programme FINAL REPORT REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: CLEAR centre proposal documents   View report
Evaluation of Sweden funded Culture Fund of Zimbabwe Trust Project: Changing the Cultural Landscape in Zimbabwe Society REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: SIDA   View report
Strengthening Tanzania’s Anti-Corruption Action (STACA) Programme A Case Study Evaluation March 2016 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: DFID   View report
The Oxfam Ebola Response in Liberia and Sierra Leone: An evaluation report for the Disasters Emergency Committee REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: ALNAP   View report
Evaluation of Japanese Assistance to Africa through the TICAD Process REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: MOFA   View report
USAID/South Africa umbrella grants management project end of project partner evaluation: Senzakwenzeke Community Development REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Zambia community health waiver scheme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: USAID   View report
Sida Support to the Environmental Advocacy NGOs in Kenya Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: SIDA   View report
Evaluation of Results Based Aid in Education - 2013 Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: OECD   View report
Lufwanyama integrated neonatal and child health project in Zambia (LINCHPIN) : final evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of the quality of the performance of the Belgian Technical Cooperation 2011 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: DGD   View report
Mainstreaming disability in the new development paradigm Evaluation of Norwegian support to promote the rights of persons with disabilities REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: NORAD   View report
Terminal Evaluation of UNDP-Implemented, GEFFinanced Project: South Africa – Sustainable Public Transport and Sport – A 2010 Opportunity REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
Consolidated Report on Inspections of Primary Health Care Delivery Sites: Department of Health REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: Government Website   View report
Growing the Economy: Bridging the Gap Presidential Review Committee on State-Owned Entities REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Government Website   View report
Annual Joint Meeting of National Health Information System (NHIS) and Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR) Managers with Technical and Financial Partners in the ECOWAS Region: General Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: MEASURE
Final Review of UNICEF-supported Programmes for Children Affected by Conflict in Kitgum, Northern Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: UNICEF   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance   View report
Mid-Term review of UNICEF-Malawi implemented WASH project, Malawi REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Management response- Evaluation of building resilient pastoralists communities project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: ALNAP   View report
Evaluation of the Joint Programme for Girls Education (JPGE) with financial support from the Norwegian Government REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: WFP   View report
Final report on the evaluation of Sida support to the UNICEF Country Programme in Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: UNICEF   View report
Turning Policy into Practice: Sida’s implemention of the Swedish HIV/AIDS strategy. Concept Paper REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: SIDA   View report
Performance evaluation of TUNAJALI II and LIFE comprehensive HIV care activities in Tanzania REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Final performance evaluation of the Liberia grants and solicitation mechanism (LGSM) project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Ex-Post Evaluation of the Italian Development Cooperation Initiative in Ethiopia, Named "Gilgel Gibe II Hydro-electric Project" REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: OECD   View report
Evaluation of FAO’s country programme in Ethiopia 2014-2019 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)   View report
Evaluation of the Strategy for Support via Swedish Civil Society Organisations 2010-2014 Final Synthesis Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: SIDA   View report
Mid-term Evaluation (MTE) of the UN Environment-ILO-UNDP-UNIDO-UNITAR project ‘Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
Promoting Development by Proxy - An Evaluation of the Development Impact of Government Support to Swedish NGOs REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: SIDA   View report
Evaluation of General Budget Support – Uganda Country Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: DFID   View report
Joint Scandinavian Evaluation of support to Capacity Development Synthesis Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: DANIDA   View report
Country Assistance Evaluation of Ghana REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: MOFA   View report
Ghana Local government decentralization program (LOGODEP): final performance evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: OECD   View report
Final report for Evaluation of the United Nations Joint Project ‘Protecting Migrant Children from Trafficking and Exploitation’ REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: Government Website
UNFPA RWANDA 6th Country Programme End of Line Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)   View report
DED Composite Report on Project Evaluations REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: Government Website   View report
Performance Evaluation of MCA-Zambia’s Innovation Grant Program: Reports 1 and 2 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)   View report
Final Evaluation of the Botswana Exporter Development Programme (BEDP): 2013-2017 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of the Protracted Refugee Situation (PRS) for Burundians in Tanzania REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: DANIDA   View report
Evaluation of Norwegian Multilateral Support to Basic Education: Ethiopia Case Study REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: NORAD   View report
Formative evaluation of quality of care initiatives by Ministry of Health _Uganda report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: USAID   View report
COMMIT project performance evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of the International Foundation for Science - Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: SIDA   View report
Social cash transfer programme impact evaluation (Randomized Control Trial): 30-month report for the child grant REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: American Institure for Research (AIR)   View report
Evaluation of gender mainstreaming in UNDP REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: NORAD   View report
Indicators for Measuring Results on Gender Equality REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: SIDA   View report
Global Trade Union Building in Defence of Workers’ Rights. Evaluation of Sida’s Support to the LO-TCO Secretariat REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: SIDA   View report
Expanded community based distribution project_impact analysis report Zimbabwe REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: USAID   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Government Website   View report
Ethiopia Service Provision Assessment Plus-Census 2014 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Government Website   View report
Diagnostic­ Implementation Evaluation of Nutrition Interventions for Children from Conception to Age 5 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: DPME   View report
Annual Evaluation Report 2014. WFP Office of Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
Final Report. Evaluation of Tanzania UNDAP 2011-2016 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Performance evaluation of the integrated improved livelihoods program (IILP): final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
The Swedish Civil Society Organisation/NonGovernmental Organisation Cooperation Programme, Ethiopia, 2004–2007 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: SIDA   View report
Terminal Evaluation Fifth Operational Phase of the GEF Small Grants Programme Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of the Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: OECD   View report
Strategic Evaluation WFP’s Preparedness and Response Enhancement Programme: A Strategic Evaluation (2011-2014) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluating health care collaboratives REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of My Future is My Choice REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Evaluation of Lihlombe Lekukhalela Community based Child Protection Initiative (Community Child Protection Committees) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
Endline Evaluation Report Strategic Partnerships Window REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Real-Time Evaluation of Norway’s International Climate and Forest Initiative Contributions to a Global REDD+ Regime 2007-2010 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: NORAD   View report
PISA FOR DEVELOPMENT Capacity Needs Analysis Report: Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: OECD   View report
USAID/Zambia education program evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: USAID   View report
Midline Report: Impact Evaluation of the Early Grade Reading Acitivity (EGRA) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: 3IE   View report
USAID_Uganda_2005_Mid term evaluation report of USAID funded PL_480 agricultural component program on sampled targeted households in 7 districts of Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: USAID   View report
Performance evaluation for the integrated water, sanitation and hygiene (iWASH) program - final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Implementation Evaluation of the Cities Support Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: The Presidency, Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME)   View report
Impact of safe motherhood action groups on use of maternal health care in Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) For Malawi 2012-2016 Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG   View report
The Kingdom of Swaziland END-Term Evaluation of GoS/UNFPA 5th Country Programme (2011-2015) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
Malawi Gender Based Governance Programme Midterm Evaluation Report-Final Draft REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
Midterm Review Report UNDP-GEF Project: Improving Management Effectiveness of the Protected Area Network REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
One week in Moshi the whole year in the community evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Evaluation of the back to learning initiative in South Sudan Final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of International Assistance Programming in Ethiopia 2013-14 to 2019-20 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2021   Source: Global Affairs Canada (GAC)   View report
Evaluation of Danish Support to Water Supply and Sanitation 1999-2005 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: DANIDA   View report
Evaluation of DG ECHO’s Response to the Humanitarian Crises in Sudan and South Sudan (2011-2015) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: ALNAP
IASC Real-Time Evaluation of the Humanitarian Response to the Horn of Africa Drought Crisis in Somalia, Ethiopia and Kenya – Synthesis Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: ALNAP   View report
Mid-term Evaluation of the Millennium Development Goal Initiative Accelerating progress towards maternal, neonatal and child morbidity and mortality reduction in Zambia (MDGi Programme) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
Final Independent Evaluation of ACF's project combating gender-based violence and enhancing economic empowerment of women in Northern Uganda through cash transfers REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: ALNAP
Accruing Multiple Global Benefits through Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) / Water Use Efficiency Planning: A demonstration Project for Sub-Saharan Africa (PIMS 3362) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
Technical assistance project for the upgrading of the Ethiopian leather and leather products industry REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
End of Term Evaluation of the Democracy Consolidation Program IV Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
Africa education initiative_innovations to enhance access and quality REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of Childrens Dignity Forum REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: SIDA   View report
Rapid Assessment of the Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Joint Programme (GEWE JP) in Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Evaluation of UNICEF Malawi’s Child-Friendly Schools Construction Component REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Terminal Evaluation Greening the COP17 in Durban REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
Performance & impact evaluation (P&IE) of the USAID/Uganda school health and reading program : result 1 interventions : impact evaluation report, cluster 2, year 1 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID
Independent Impact Evaluation Agent (IIEA) Final Evaluation Report of the Tilitonse Fund, Malawi REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: DFID   View report
Evaluation of capacity building in two faith-based HIV/AIDS projects in Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: USAID   View report
Implementing Swaziland's Client Management Information System: Stakeholders' Views of the Process and Recommendations to Improve It REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: MEASURE
Evaluation of Save the Children's Community Care Centers in Dolo Town and Worhn, Margibi County, Liberia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: ResearchGate
Evaluation of Twaweza Strategic Plan 2015-2018, Programme Support in Tanzania REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: SIDA   View report
Information tool for better health care in rural communities: making family folder operational REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: MEASURE   View report
Disaster Risk Reduction Mainstreaming REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: UNEG   View report
Independent Evaluation of Oxfam GB Zambia’s Emergency Cash-Transfer Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: ODI   View report
Supporting Child Rights: Synthesis of Lessons Learned in Four Countries REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: SIDA   View report
Sudan health transformation project phase II: end of project performance evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Mainstreaming Sustainable Land Management in Rangeland Areas of Ngamiland District Landscapes for Improved Livelihoods REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
VAC Evaluation: Tanzania case study REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNICEF   View report
Mid-term Review of Enhancing Food Security and developing Sustainable Rural Livelihoods Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Mid-Term Review South Africa Wind Energy Project (SAWEP) - Phase II REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNEG   View report
Healthy Unions: Community Engagement and Behavioral Change to Eliminate Bride Price, Bride Abduction, and Early Marriage in Ethiopia” Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: USAID   View report
Namibia National HIV/AIDS M&E System Final Report on the MEASURE Evaluation Capacity Assessment Consultation and Strategic Planning Process REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: World Bank
Zivikele Training – Gender Based Violence and HIV/AIDS Project in South Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: SIDA   View report
USAID/South Africa umbrella grants management project end of project partner evaluation: greater Nelspruit rape intervention programme (GRIP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Rwanda: Independent Evaluation of the Implementation of the PFM Reform Strategy 2008-2012 - Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Promoting linkages for livelihood security and economic development (LINKS) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of the Ghana – Denmark Partnership (2007- 2017) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Effects of faithfulness-focused curriculum on couples from three regions in Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Catholic Relief Services   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: Government Website   View report
USAID_health communication capacity collaborative (HC3)_midterm evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Unintended Effects in Evaluations of Norwegian Aid A desk study REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: NORAD   View report
Leadership Development and Institutional Capacity Building for Human Development and Poverty Reduction in Sierra Leone REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
End of Project Evaluation of Concessional Credit Scheme Project: “Vessel Traffic Management and Information System (VTMIS) for Coastal Surveillance in the Republic of Ghana and Automatic Identification System (AIS) for Lake Volta” REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: Ministry for Foreign Affairs (MFA) Finland   View report
Impact evaluation of USAID/Malawi local government accountability and performance (LGAP) activity : final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Ethiopia: Review of Bank Group Assistance to the Public Utility Sector REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: OECD   View report
Capacity building for aflatoxin management and control in groundnuts in Malawi (TE/MLW/08/001). June 2012 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of the Centre for Peace Initiatives in Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Reintegrating and Employing High Risk Youth in Liberia: Lessons from a Randomized Evaluation of a Landmine Action Agricultural Training Program for Ex-Combatants REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: 3IE   View report
Republic of Ghana Upper West Agricultural Development Project (UWADEP) - Report No. 1758-GH Interim Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: IFAD   View report
Evaluation of the Partnership For HIV-Free Survival Country Assessment: Lesotho REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: MEASURE   View report
Evaluation of Australia's response to the Horn of Africa humanitarian crisis, 2011 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: ALNAP
Independent Design Assessment of the Energy Research Development and Innovation (Erd&I) Strategy REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: DPME
Final evaluation of Land O Lakes Zambia Title II development assistance program (March 1 2004_September 30 2009)_dairy development FFP DAP for vulnerable populations in Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: USAID   View report
The Tanzania capacity and communication project (TCCP): a performance evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Mount Kenya East Pilot Project for Natural Resource Management Project Completion Report Validation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: IFAD   View report
The Gambia, DEV 200327: an evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: ALNAP   View report
Evaluation of the Belgian Investment Company for Developing Countries (BIO) - Phase 1 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: DGD   View report
Evaluation of the ECHO actions in coastal West Africa 2008 - 2014 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: European Commission Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection   View report
Enhancing Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture in Liberia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: ALNAP   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNICEF   View report
Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) Plus: Liberia. Program Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: 3IE   View report
Humanitarian Response to Natural Disasters: A Synthesis of Evaluation Findings REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: NORAD   View report
Midterm evaluation of conservation of biodiversity across the Boma-Jonglei landscape of Southern Sudan REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: USAID   View report
OptimizingHIV, TB & NCD treatment in five Sub-Saharan Africa Countries:Evaluatuin of DGD-funded projects: Guinea, Kenya, Mozambique, South Africa and Zimbabwe (2014-2016) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: MSF   View report
Independent evaluation of the Demand-Driven Impact Evaluations for Decisions (3DE) Pilot REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: OECD   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Ministry for Foreign Affairs (MFA) Finland   View report
Evaluation of Health Guarantee to Centenary Rural Development Bank in Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: SIDA   View report
Evaluation of Service Standards in the Public Service REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: Government Website   View report
Mid-Term Review for the Quality Infrastructure and Standards Programme (QUISP) in Uganda - Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: SIDA
Adapting to an Urban World: Urban Food Security Pilot Assessment, Harare, Zimbabwe REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: ALNAP   View report
Strengthening the Protected Area Network with The Eastern Montane Forest Hotspots of Kenya. Mid-term Review Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of the European Union's Co-operation with Lesotho 2008-2013 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Ethiopia strengthening land tenure and administration program endline report : an impact evaluation of the effects of second-level land certification relative to first-level certification REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Full Report of the Evaluation of the Liberia PRRO 10454.0 (July 2007-June 2009) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: ALNAP   View report
Early Childhood Development Kit Humanitarian Evaluation UNICEF Uganda Country Office REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: OECD   View report
Terminal Evaluation of Public Sector Reform & Institutional Capacity Development (PSRICD) Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG
Evaluation of Policy Based Operations in the African Developpment Bank, 1999–2009 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: OECD   View report
Joint External Evaluation. The health sector in tanzania, 1999-2006 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: OECD   View report
ILO Evaluation UN Green Jobs Programme: Enhancing competitiveness and sustainable business among MMEs in the building construction industry (phase II) ILO Component REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of FAO cooperation in Sierra Leone 2001-2006 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: ALNAP   View report
Mid-term performance evaluation of the Ghana local governance decentralization program (LOGODEP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Impact evaluation of USAID's support to the education sector in Namibia (1990-2009) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: USAID   View report
Final evaluation of Ghana transition and persistence (TAP) project 2010-2013 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of the 'LINKS' program promoting linkages for livelihood security and economic development REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: USAID   View report
Sidama Child Survival Program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: USAID   View report
Mid-term evaluation of the USAID/Zambia communications support for health program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of the Paris Declaration - Phase 2 - Mozambique REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Evaluation of Ethiopia’s Food Security Program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)   View report
Feed the Future agriculture diversification (AgDiv) activity midterm evaluation : final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Interim Evaluation of Support to the Church of Sweden’s Community Based Psychosocial Support in Humanitarian Assistance 2006–2011 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: SIDA   View report
What difference has it made? Review of the Development Cooperation Programme between the South African Police Service and the Swedish National Police Board REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: SIDA   View report
Formative evaluation of World Food Programme’s Livelihoods Programme, Karamoja, Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: OECD   View report
Evaluation of the Strategy for Norway’s Culture and Sports Cooperation with Countries in the South REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: NORAD
Terminal Evaluation Of Democratic Governance for Development Phase II (DGD II) Project (2012-2015) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNDP   View report
Summative evaluation of the West Coast futher education and training Colledge REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: DPME   View report
TOR- Mixed Method Impact Evaluation "The Contribution of Food Assistance to Durable Solutions in Protracted Refugee Situations: its impact and role" - Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: ALNAP   View report
Evaluation of the Strategy for Support via Swedish Civil Society Organisations 2010-2014 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: SIDA   View report
CIDA Malawi Country Program Evaluation 1998 - 2008 Synthesis Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)   View report
Evaluation of the Community Life Skills Programme in Central Province for the Period 2007-2009 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: UNICEF   View report
Terminal Evaluation of the project on Improving Natural Resources use on the Eastern side of Udzungwa Mountains National Park, Tanzania REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Evaluation of Femina Health Information Project (HIP) Strategic Plan 2006-2012 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: SIDA   View report
Building bridges to peace final evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
UNDP Gambia Country Office Mid-Term Evaluation Country Programme Document (2017-2021) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNEG   View report
Strategic Evaluation of WFP’s Capacity to Respond to emergencies Evaluation Report: Volume I REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: WFP   View report
Evaluation of the Swedish Institute’s Culture Exchange Programme with Developing Countries, 2006–2009 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: SIDA   View report
Synthesis Study on Best Practices and Innovative Approaches to Capacity Development in Low-Income African Countries Synthesis Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: NORAD
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia July 2016 Country Programme Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
Summative Evaluation of the Enhanced and Accelerated WASH Programmes in Ghana ENHANCED Programme Evaluation – FINAL Report Scope: March 2012 to December 2018 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Territorial Approach to Climate Change (TACC) Project for the Mbale Region of Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
Partnership for growth (PFG) mid-term evaluation : Tanzania final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Inclusive Education in Finland’s Development Cooperation in 2004-2013 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
USAID tuberculosis task order 2015 performance evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Addressing the Underlying and Basic Causes of Child Undernutrition in Developing Countries: What Works and Why? REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: DANIDA
Mid-term evaluation of the housing finance and land title for Ghana's poor project (HFLTP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Emergency operation evaluation of Ethiopia drought operation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: ALNAP   View report
WFP’s use of Pooled Funds for Humanitarian Preparedness and Response (2009–2013): A Strategic Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of the African Youth Alliance Program in Ghana: Impact on Sexual and Reproductive Health Behavior among Young People REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: 3IE   View report
Terminal evaluation of the Enabling Activities for the Preparation of Sierra Leone’s Second National Communications to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Project Sierra Leone REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: OECD   View report
Intervention Evaluation: Home visits (Dissemination of health messages) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Liberia YMCA Ebola Outbreak Emergency Response REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: ALNAP   View report
Management response- to the Summary Report of the Joint UNHCR/WFP Impact Evaluation on the Contribution of Food Assistance to Durable Solutions in Protracted Refugee Situations - Rwanda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: ALNAP   View report
External Evaluation of YDP and NUYEP Programmes: Final Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: DFID   View report
“Strengthening National and Community Resilience to Disaster Risks in Swaziland” End of Project Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of encouraging positive practices for improving child survival, East Mamprusi, Ghana, West Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Functional Review of the Prime Minister’s Office Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: Government Website   View report
Performance evaluation of the USAID/Mozambique support program for economic and enterprise development (SPEED) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation Report for the Capacity Development in Health Sector Program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
Mitigating the Impact of the Ebola Virus Disease on the Most Vulnerable Households Through and Integrated Food and Nutrition Security Intervention in the District of Moyamba, Sierra Leone REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: ALNAP   View report
Operation Evaluation Zambia-Country Programme 200157: Mid-Term evaluation of WFP's Country Programme (2011-2015) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: ALNAP   View report
UNEG_South Sudan_2014_Independent Evaluation South Sudan Integration and progress through protection and empowerment of displaced groups in South Sudan REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
STEPS OVC Program Impact Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: World Vision   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)   View report
Evaluation of Local Integration REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: OECD   View report
Evaluation Programme 2017-2018 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: NORAD   View report
The Primary Math and Reading (PRIMR) Initiative: DFID/Kenya Rural Expansion Programme. Bungoma and Machakos Endline Study REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: 3IE   View report
Needs Assessment-Kenya Post-Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) 2008-2011 Drought REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: ALNAP   View report
John Ogonowski and Doug Bereuter Farmer-to-Farmer Mid-Term Evaluation for the 2009-2013 Program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Final Evaluation Report Evaluation of Zambia’s First 1000 Most Critical Days Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: AIR   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Final Independent Evaluation of ACF International's Response to the Horn of Africa Crisis REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: ALNAP
Report of the Formative Evaluation of the Presidential Intervention within the King Sabata Dalindyebo Local Municipality, Eastern Cape Province REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Government Website
Consolidated General Report on the Provincial Audit Outcomes 2009-2010 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: Government Website   View report
Chasing civil society? Evaluation of Fredskorpset REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: NORAD   View report
An Evaluation of WFP's L3 Response to the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) Crisis in West Africa (2014-2015) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: ALNAP
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Government Website   View report
Pangani Falls Re-development Project in Tanzania REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: SIDA   View report
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Pastoral Community Development Project II Project Performance Assessment REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)   View report
Terminal Evaluation “Mainstreaming Agrobiodiversity into Agricultural Production Systems Ethiopia project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
UNEG_Uganda_2015_Independent project evaluation of the Response to the Social and Livelihood Needs for HIV/AIDS Prevention in East Africa (XAFK45) XAFK45 Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG   View report
AIM project evaluation : final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: USAID   View report
Livelihoods-based Drought Response in Ethiopia: Impact Assessment of Livestock Feed Supplementation, Pastoralist Livelihoods Initiative REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: ALNAP   View report
USAID Namibia HIV prevention, care and support project - Mid-term evaluation of intrahealth performance REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Implementing best practices_improving service delivery in Nakuru Nyeri and Homabay REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: USAID   View report
STAR program performance evaluation: final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Evaluation of the Mine Risk Education Programme in Ethiopia0 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: UNICEF   View report
Measuring the Impact of SMS-Based Interventions on Uptake of Voluntary Medical Male Cicumcision in Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: 3IE   View report
Performance evaluation of USAID_Zambia CDCS (2011 2017)_final evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Girls' opportunities to access learning (GOAL) endline research findings REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Lessons Learnt on Sustainable Forest Management in Africa, Sustainable Forest Management, Phase II REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: SIDA   View report
Performance evaluation for the coastal PWANI project, Tanzania: final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Terminal Project Evaluation of the: Strengthening Biodiversity Conservation Capacity in the Forest Protected Area System of Rwanda (PAB) Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
Terminal Evaluation of PIMS 1771 CC FSP: Renewable Energy Rural Electrification (Solar PV) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
Terminal Evaluation of the project: ‘Using SLM to improve the integrity of the Makgadikgadi Ecosystem and to secure the Livelihoods of Rangeland-dependent Communities’ REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
Sida’s Exchange Programme – Evaluation of its Pilot Phase 2002–2004 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: SIDA   View report
The Improved Conservation and Governance for Kenya Coastal Forest Protected Area System Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: UNEG   View report
Zambia’s Child Grant Program: 48-Month Impact Report January 2016 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: AIR
Evaluative review of UNHCR’S policies and procedures on the prevention of and response to sexual exploitation and abuse REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNEG   View report
Liberia PRRO 200550 Food Assistance For Refugees And Vulnerable Host Populations: An Operation Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: ALNAP   View report
DFID Country Programme Evaluations Synthesis of 2005/2006 Evaluations REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: DFID   View report
External evaluation of the pilot phase of the home-based management of malaria program in Rwanda : final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: USAID   View report
TGCC Zambia climate smart agriculture_baseline impact evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Performance evaluation of the strengthening paediatric HIV and AIDS services in Tanzania program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Terminal Evaluation of the Lesotho NAPA Project titled “Improvement of Early Warning System to Reduce Impacts of Climate Change and Capacity Building to Integrate Climate Change into Development Plans” REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
Mid-Term Evaluation Report of EU/UNICEF Supported WASH Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: UNEG   View report
Impact evaluation for the USAID/Aprender a ler project in Mozambique : year 1 (midline) IE/RCT report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Report on AMAREW project Internal Evaluation by RIT REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: USAID   View report
Northern Uganda Social Action Fund (NUSAF 2, 2012-13) - Impact Assessment REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: ALNAP   View report
Research and evaluation report: the partnership for quality improvement to improve PMTCT and ART services in Tanzania -- assessment of results, capacity, and potential for institutionalization REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Impact evaluation of Youth-Friendly Family Planning Services in Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: 3IE   View report
Report on the external mid-term, formative evaluation of the Optimizing HIV Treatment Access (OHTA) for pregnant and breastfeeding women Initiative in Uganda, Malawi, Ivory Coast and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC)   View report
Mid-term performance evaluation of the USAID/Tanzania Feed the Future program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Independent UNIDO country evaluation. Republic of Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
Implementation and Impact Evaluation of the Technology and Human Resources for Industry Programme (THRIP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: DPME   View report
Formative evaluation_Presidential initiative on AIDS strategy for cummunication to youth REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of Policy Based Operations in the African Development Bank, 1999-2009. Country Case Study: Tanzania REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: African Development Bank Group   View report
A Mid-Term Evaluation of WFP’s USDA McGovern-Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program’s Support (2013-2015) in Kenya from September 2013 to December 2014 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: WFP   View report
USAID/South Africa umbrella grants management project end of project partner evaluation: Noah (Nurturing Orphans of AIDS for Humanity) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Ex ante evaluation of a sustainable fisheries partnership agreement and protocol between the European Union and the Republic of Ghana REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: European Union (EU)   View report
Evaluation of WFP Policies on Humanitarian Principles and Access in Humanitarian Contexts REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: WFP   View report
An Assessment of the Impact of Village/MTAA Resource Teams (BRTs) on the Activation of the Systems and Process in the Community within the Local Government Set-Up REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: UNICEF   View report
Mid-Term Evaluation of the Joint Program on “Support to the Development and Implementation of a Green Growth and Economy Approach to Rwanda’s Economic Transformation” REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
Impact Evaluation Report of the South Sudan Education Cluster REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: ALNAP   View report
Evaluation of Ethiopia UN Joint Programme on Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
Independent Mid-term Review Mainstreaming Biodiversity into Land Use Regulation and Management at the Municipal Scale REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: SANBI   View report
Dahna Integrated Rural Development Project, Terminal Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Estimating The Impact and Cost-Effectiveness of Expanding Access to Secondary Education in Ghana REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: 3IE   View report
Preliminary Impact Assessment (PIA) Industrial Energy Efficiency Improvement in South Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of DG ECHO's actions in Ethiopia Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: European Commission Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (ECHO)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA)   View report
Mid-term Review Ethio-Norwegian UNCCD REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Sustainable Cultural Tourism in Namibia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
ILO evaluation Youth Entrepreneurship Facility in Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
An Evaluation of the Impact of E-verification on Counterfeit Agricultural Inputs and Technology Adoption in Uganda Baseline Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)   View report
Evaluation of the Pungwe Basin Transboundary Integrated Water Resources Management and Development Programme (PP2) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: SIDA   View report
Final Evaluation of the Support to the Constitutional Review Process in Zambia Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of DG ECHO's Actions in Zimbabwe: Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: ALNAP
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Independent Terminal Evaluation Regional Project to Develop Appropriate Strategies for Identifying Sites Contaminated by Chemicals Listed in Annexes A, B and/or C of the Stockholm Convention Ghana and Nigeria REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG   View report
Performance evaluation of clinical HIV/AIDS system strengthening project in Niassa Province REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Zimbabwe’s Harmonised Social Cash Transfer Programme Endline Impact Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG
Safe love outcome evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Endline evaluation report - Innovation Window REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
GRZ/UNFPA 8th Country Programme Evaluation: Zambia (2016-2019) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)   View report
Evaluation of Sida's Support to Peacebuilding in Conflict and Post-Conflict Contexts - Rwanda Country Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: SIDA
End of the Program Evaluation “UNDP Support to Inclusive Participation in Governance” (IPG) Program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
Performance evaluation of three biodiversity and ecotourism activities in Mozambique REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Strengthening Climate information and Early Warning Systems in Sierra Leone REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNEG   View report
Mid-term performance evaluation of health activities under the integrated service delivery project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Terminal Evaluation Report Support to the Environment and Energy Sectors to attain the MDG’S and PRSP project (2009 - 2011) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
Final Evaluation of NRC's Gender Based Violence Project in Liberia (2009-2013) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: NRC
Evaluation of the Partnership for HIV-Free Survival Country Assessment: Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: MEASURE   View report
Smallholder Enterprise and Marketing Programme PROGRAMME COMPLETION REPORT VALIDATION REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: IFAD
PEPFAR public health evaluation _care and support REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of USAID/OFDA small scale irrigation programs in Zimbabwe and Zambia 2003-2006 : lessons for future programs REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: USAID   View report
Plan International KIDCARE child survival project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: USAID   View report
Strategic Evaluation Joint Evaluation of Renewed Efforts Against Child Hunger and under-nutrition (REACH) 2011-2016 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG   View report
Performance evaluation of USAID/Uganda conflict management and mitigation activities in Karamoja REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID   View report
Malawi biodiversity projects evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: Government Website
Evaluating the effect of gender-equity maternal and child health programs In Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Inter-Agency Humanitarian Evaluation of the drought response in Ethiopia 2015–2018 Independent assessment of the collective humanitarian response of the IASC member organizations REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)   View report
Independent Terminal Evaluation Investment Promotion on Environmentally Sound Management of Electrical and Electronic Waste in East Africa with Focus on Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
Assessment of possibilities of Swedish support to promote accountability, transparency and civil society capacity in Tanzania REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: SIDA
Final Report End of Term Outcome Evaluation: Enhanced Conservation of the Natural Resources Base Outcome REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of Kenya Emergency Operation 10374.0 and Country Programme 10264.0 (2004-2008) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: ALNAP   View report
LSMS – Integrated Surveys on Agriculture General Household Survey Panel 2010/11 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Government Website   View report
Lesotho - Country Programme 200369: A mid-term evaluation of WFP’s Country Programme (2013-2017) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: WFP   View report
Cash-based Emergency Livelihood Recovery Programme (May to November 2006) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: ALNAP   View report
Evaluation of a Blanket Supplementary Feeding Program in Two Counties in Kenya, August 2011 – March 2012 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: ALNAP   View report
Evaluation of the African Youth Alliance Program in Tanzania Impact on Sexual and Reproductive Health Behavior among Young People REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of four special initiatives of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Government of Ghana Fertilizer Subsidy Agricultural Mechanization Block Farms and Youth in Agriculture National Buffer Stock Company (NAFCO) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Government Website
Year 3 final report orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2021   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Zimbabwe 'cash first' humanitarian response 2015-2017: Evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: ALNAP
Health Epidemics Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: ALNAP   View report
Management response- to the Recommendations of the Summary Evaluation Report-Uganda Country Portfolio (2009-2013) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: ALNAP   View report
Review of General Budget Support (PRBS in Tanzania and PRSC in Vietnam) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: MOFA   View report
Evaluation of CIDA’s Program in Ghana 1999-2005 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Up-Scaling Climate Smart Agriculture at Mpatheni and Nkhungwini in Swaziland Terminal Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
Malawi Social Cash Transfer Program Baseline Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Department for International Development (DFID)   View report
Evaluation of Transparency International REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: NORAD   View report
Republic of Sierra Leone Rehabilitation of training-cum-production centres in vulnerable communities of Bo, Kpandebu, Pujehun, Kailahun and Koindu REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of Eswatini Country Programme 2016-2020 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNEG   View report
Pokot Rural Development Project (PRDP) - Report on Final Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Evaluation of Finland’s Development Cooperation Country Strategies and Country Strategy Modality REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
An Impact Evaluation of the MIDA FBO Training. REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: OECD   View report
Organisations in the Field of HIV/AIDS and Human Rights. AIDS Consortium (AC) and AIDS Legal Network (ALN) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: SIDA   View report
Evaluation of the Joint Assistance Strategy for Zambia (JASZ)2007–2010 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: SIDA   View report
Sida’s Independent Guarantee Scheme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: SIDA   View report
John Snow, Inc., enhancing strategic information project end of project evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of Budget Support to Sierra Leone 2002 - 2015 Final Report Volume Two REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: DFID   View report
The Third Report on the Implementation of South Africa's APRM Peogramme of Action REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Government Website
Evaluation of Ethiopia Drought Response 2011/2012: Using Oxfam GB's Global Humanitarian Indicator Tool REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: ALNAP
Impact evaluation of supporting traditional leaders and local structures to mitigate community-level conflict in Zimbabwe : final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Impact Evaluation of Improved Nutrition through Integrated Basic Social Services and Social Cash Transfer Pilot Program (IN-SCT) in Oromia and SNNP Regions, Ethiopia Endline Impact Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)   View report
Evaluation of Water, Sanitation and Environment Programmes in Uganda (1990 – 2017) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Final Evaluation of the programme of the programme ‘Strengthening Civil Society (CSO) for Responsive and Accountable Governance In Rwanda’ REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
Cross Cutting Evaluation of DFID’s Approach to Remote Management in Somalia and North-East Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: OECD   View report
The Liberia community infrastructure program (LCIP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: USAID   View report
Impact of the Smallholder Dairy Commercialization Programme in Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: 3IE   View report
Lufwanyama integrated neonatal and child health project in Zambia (LINCHPIN) : final evaluation : building community systems to improve the health of newborns and children in rural Zambia : cooperative agreement GHS-A-00-09-00013-00 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID   View report
UNEG_Sierra Leone_2008_Independent evaluation Sierra Leone UNIDO Integrated Programme Post-conflict SME support programme for industrial development and poverty alleviation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: UNEG   View report
Zimbabwe livestock for accelerated recovery and improved resiliency (ZRR) : midterm evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Promoting partner and couples HIV testing using self-test kits in Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: 3IE   View report
The Farmer Group Empowerment (FGE) Component of the Land Management and Conservation Farming Programme in Zambia. REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: SIDA
Summative Evaluation of the CI IHSS Programme in Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNICEF   View report
“SIP- Improving policy and practice interaction through civil society Capacity building – PIMS No. 3982” REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNDP   View report
WFP’s 2012 Nutrition Policy: A Policy Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG   View report
Republic of Uganda Area-Based Agricultural Modernization Programme PROJECT PERFORMANCE ASSESMENT No. 2540-UG REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: IFAD   View report
Review of the Swedish support to the HIV/AIDS programmes in South Africa 2004-2013 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: SIDA   View report
Midterm project evaluation of the USAID/Deliver project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: USAID   View report
Formative Evaluation of the Children's Agenda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNICEF
MozaCaju project mid-term evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Nigeria United Nations Development Assistance Framework 2014 – 2017 [UNDAF III] REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNDP   View report
Outcome Evaluation of UNDP DRM Program Ethiopia - Terminal Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: ALNAP   View report
Terminal Evaluation of the Access to Justice and the Support to the Judiciary Projects REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
Report on Senior Management Service Compliance with Performance Agreements in the Eastern Cape Provincial Administration REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: Government Website   View report
Scaling Up Adaptation in Zimbabwe With A Focus on Rural Livelihoods Terminal Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNEG   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: IFAD   View report
Evaluation of Assistance to the African Millennium Villages Initiative REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: MOFA   View report
Independent evaluation From Ghana to Liberia: Reintegration of Liberian refugees through multi-skills training for sustainable livelihoods and poverty alleviation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of Mainstreaming Food and Nutrition Security and the Right to Food into the Smallholder Commercialization Programme of Sierra Leone REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
Final Evaluation of the AMKENI Project, Report for USAID/KENYA REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Evaluation of WFP's Lean Season Assisstance through the Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation 200453 in Zimbabwe REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: ALNAP
Strategic Partnerships to Improve the Financial and Operational Sustainability of Protected Areas REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
Study: How to Define and Measure Value for Money in the Humanitarian Sector REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: SIDA
Evaluation of the UNICEF/UNFPA Joint Programme “Support to Ghana’s National HIV and AIDS Response: Scaling up Best Practices on Prevention, Care and Support Interventions for Young People REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNICEF   View report
Evaluation of DG ECHO's Action in Uganda - Linking Relief and Rehabilitation to Development REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: ALNAP
Post-Introduction Evaluation of 7-valent Conjugate Pneumococcal REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: UNICEF   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Complementary Basic Education Programme in Tanzania (COBET): Evaluation of the Pilot Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Breaking barriers for orphans and vulnerable children in Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of the Implementation of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness: Phase II REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: OECD   View report
IFAD’s Supervision and Implementation Support Policy REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of Swedish support to the Diakonia Uganda Programme 2008-2014 - Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: SIDA   View report
Filtu Food Security Project 2014 -2016 Mid-Term Monitoring and Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID   View report
Impact Evaluation Report of Family Planning Project in Arsi Zone, Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: KOICA   View report
Evaluation of the USAID Ghana water, sanitation, and hygiene program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Youth participation in government programmes in Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Uganda Parliamentary Forum on Youth Affairs   View report
Namibia Protected Landscape Conservation Areas Initiative (NAM-PLACE) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of Kenya Drought Response 2011/2012: Using Oxfam GB's Global Humanitarian Indicator Tool REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: ALNAP
Midterm Evaluation of Health Alliance International’s Central Mozambique (Manica and Sofala Provinces) Child Survival and Maternal Care Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Evaluation Report: Achieving Decent Work Through Economic Literacy in Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Final Independent Evaluation of the Social Approach of the Water and Sanitation Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: ALNAP   View report
Real Time Evaluation - 2011 East Africa Drought Response by CAFOD REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: ALNAP   View report
The South African Child Support Grant Impact Assessment - Evidence from a Survey of Children, Adolescents and their Households REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNICEF   View report
Zambia Country Program Evaluation, FY04–13 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: World Bank   View report
Evaluation of Irish Aid’s Provincial Programme in Inhambane and Niassa provinces, Mozambique 2007-2016 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Evaluation of IBON International and the CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness (CPDE) Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: SIDA   View report
Final Report: Evaluation of DEC Ebola Response Program Phase 1 and 2 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: CAFOD   View report
An evaluation of the effectiveness of a community-led parenting empowerment program to improve nurturing care of young children in Kenya and Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: African Population and Health Research Centre (APHRC)
A comparative evaluation and cost-effectiveness analysis of collaborative improvement for maternal and newborn care services in Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of the Community Led Total Sanitation and Hygiene Programme in Malawi REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNEG   View report
Rwanda UNDAF 2008-2012 Evaluation Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
Assessment of Evaluation Gaps, Challenges and Solutions to Government Programmes-Kisumu International Airport REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: The Presidency
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of Concern Kenya's Korogocho Emergency and Food Security Cash Transfer Initiative REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: ALNAP   View report
Institutional Cooperation between Furniture Technology Centre, South Africa and Tibro Training Centre, Sweden REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: SIDA   View report
Zambian Breweries Plc. Performance Evaluation Final Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)   View report
Endline Evaluation UNICEF Kenya’s Implementation of integrated interventions under the Child Friendly Schools Framework in ASAL Counties REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
Country-Led Evaluation of the Delivering as One Un Pilot Initiative in Tanzania REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: UNEG   View report
REPOA Social Protection in the Context of the MVC Programme in Tanzania An Assessment of the Impact of Implementing the MVC Programme and the Operation of the MVC Funds and the Potential for Scaling Up to Provide National Coverage of Social Protection for Children REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Final performance evaluation of securing water for food grand challenge for development REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of the Sida Child and Youth Initiative 2011-2015 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: SIDA   View report
Conducting a Rapid Assessment of MomConnect Project from September 2011 to date in eThekwini and Umgungundlovu districts, KwaZulu-Natal REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Mission South Africa – evaluation report. Evaluation of capacity development within the partnership relations between a Belgian NGO and its partners in the South REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Evaluation of Disasters Emergency Committee and Age International funded: Responding to the Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone through age-inclusive community-led action REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: ALNAP   View report
Connecting the dots! Evaluation of CAFOD's Humanitarian Capacity Development Programme phase one (2013-2015) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: ALNAP   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: DANIDA   View report
Evaluation of DFID’s Policy and Practice in Support of Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Volume II REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: DFID
Evaluation Report of the Preparatory Assistance Support to Capacity Development of the Judiciary of Zimbabwe REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
End of Project Evaluation - CHIVI Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Project (CHIWASH) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: ALNAP   View report
GOK/UNFPA 7th Country Programme Evaluation 2009-2013 Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
Final Report for the Evaluation of the United Nations Joint Programme on Human Trafficking REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: OECD   View report
Mid-term evaluation (MTE) report for Mercy Corps Zimbabwe : the joint initiative (JI) for urban Zimbabwe REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Improvement of the Health and Livelihood of Rural Communities in Southern Sudan and the Three Transitional Areas of Abyei, Blue Nile State and South Kordofan Through Increased Access to Safe and Sustainable Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Facilities Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNEG   View report
Final evaluation of Capacity building for South African Professionals in the Field of Agriculture and Food Security (GCP/RAF/412/SAF) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)   View report
Outcome evaluation of community-led total sanitation and hygiene (CLTSH) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
Final Evaluation of the Gender Joint Programme. Thematic Window: Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
Vocational Education Voucher Delivery and Labour Market Returns: A Randomized Evaluation Among Kenyan Youth REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: Department for International Development (DFID)   View report
Evaluation of a South African Combination HIV Prevention Programme for Adolescent Girls and Young Women: HERStory Study REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC)   View report
Accelerated learning program for positive living and united service REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: USAID   View report
Assessment of Planning, Budgeting, Monitoring and Reporting (PBMR) process and tools in LGAs REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNICEF   View report
Inqolobane Development Foundation Impact Assessment Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: DPME   View report
Implementation Evaluation of the Cooperation Strategy with Kenya 2009-2013 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: SIDA   View report
Impact Assessment of Rural Electrification REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
An Evaluation of Sida-Funded Project on Regional Cooperation for Organic Standards and Certification Capacity in East Africa – “OSEA phase II” (2010-2013) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: SIDA   View report
Institutional capacity building program (ICB)_mid term review_final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: USAID   View report
Adolescent economic empowerment in Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: Overseas Development Institute (ODI)   View report
The Sierra Leone National Action Plan (SiLNAP)Implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolutions 1325 (2000) & 1820 (2008) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG
Evaluation of Norway’s support to women’s rights and gender equality in development cooperation: Ethiopia case study REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
An Assessment of Professional Ethics in the KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Administration REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: Government Website   View report
Evaluation of The Pilot Songhai Project in The Gambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
Assessment of the African Global competitiveness initiative REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: USAID   View report
Lufwanyama integrated neonatal and child health project in Zambia (LINCHPIN) : mid-term evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Ken Outcome 52- Integration of Climate Change Dimensions into National Development Frameworks and Programmes REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
Edible Oil Value Chain Enhancement JP - Final Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
2015 Full Country Evaluations report - Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance   View report
Evaluation of Sida Information and Communications Technologies Support to Universities REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: SIDA   View report
Evaluation of DFID Country Programmes. Country Study: Ghana 2000-2005 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: OECD   View report
Report of the evaluation of the USAID/Uganda stop malaria project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Terminal Evaluation of the ‘Capacity Building and Knowledge Management for Sustainable Land Management in Lesotho’ project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG   View report
Kenya-Malindi Integrated Social Health Development Programme - evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Evaluation of Competence Sharing Network Project in South-Eastern Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Evaluation of the integrated environment and climate change project (IECC) PAD : final evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of the Girls Education Movement REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
The GoBifo Project Evaluation Report: Assessing the Impacts of Community Driven Development in Sierra Leone REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA)   View report
Evaluation of Finland’s Development Cooperation with Kenya in 2007-2013 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
A Report of the Evaluation of "Ringing the Bell: a Re Tsogeng" Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: UNICEF   View report
Norwegian Funding to Women’s Rights and Gender Equality 2002–2011 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: NORAD   View report
Millennium Challenge Corporation Impact Evaluation: Water and Sanitation Component of the Ghana Compact. Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)   View report
Evaluation of Global Partnership for Education Programme in South Sudan REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
Africa Biodiversity Collaborative Group (ABCG) : performance evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: USAID   View report
USAID Kenya end-of-project evaluation of APHIAplus health communication and marketing program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: Health Finance and Governance Project (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of the Sustainable Neighbourhood Programme in Mavoko Municipality, Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
Final evaluation: “Strengthening Institutional Capacity of the Ministry of Natural Resources in Rwanda (SICM)” REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
Government of Uganda/UNFPA 8th Country Programme Evaluation 2016–2020 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)   View report
Promoting Women’s Human Rights and Enhancing Gender Equality in Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: SIDA   View report
Teaching in the window of hope REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: USAID   View report
Multi-Country Real Time Evaluation of UNICEF Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies Programmes REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
Support to ZIMSTAT and the National Statistical System: 2012-2015 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
Joint Evaluation of Support to Anti-Corruption Efforts -  Zambia Country Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: NORAD   View report
Agricultural Performance Survey of 2011 Wet Season in Nigeria REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: Government Website   View report
Ethiopia Filtu Water & Sanitation Project (FWSP) Terminal Evaluation Report 2013 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
SDG-Fund Project on Enabling Sustainable Livelihoods through Improved Natural Resource Governance and Economic Diversification in Kono District REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNEG   View report
Final evaluation of the Malawi dairy development alliance, Land OLakes Malawi : final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Electoral Support to the Gambia (2016-2018) Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNEG   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)   View report
Evaluation of DFID Country Programmes: Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: OECD   View report
Evaluation of Danish Engagement in Mozambique, 1992-2016 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Assessment of Experience with Follow-Up Studies REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: DANIDA   View report
Evaluation of the CIDA Tanzania Program. Executive Report, 1997-2003 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: OECD   View report
USAID/Sierra Leone diamond sector program evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: USAID   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
West Africa Regional Fisheries Programme (WARFP) for Ghana Project Implementation Report January – June 2014 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Government Website   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: SIDA   View report
Final performance evaluation of water sanitation and hygiene transformation for enhanced resiliency (WaTER) project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Final report : final evaluation of the sustainable conservation approaches in priority ecosystems program (SCAPES) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of Sida’s Action Plan on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Swedish Development Cooperation 2007–2009 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: SIDA   View report
Results of the Swedish Cooperation Strategy for Zambia 2008 - 2011 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: OECD   View report
Ethiopia PRRO 200700 (2015-2018) Food Assistance for Eritrean, South Sudanese, Sudanese and Somali Refugees: An Operation Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
Case Study: IFRC, Voila and Public/Private Telecoms Sector Partnerships REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: ALNAP   View report
Monitoring & Evaluation of the Swiss Water & Sanitation NGO Consortium (SDC-GPWI) Overall Saummary and Final Draft REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: ALNAP
Tearfund Disaster Management Team's (Tearfund DMT) Food Security programme, Sinoe County, 2007-2009 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: ALNAP
Outcome Evaluation of Support to Electoral Cycle in Sierra Leone 2011-2014 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
Community prevention mother to child transmission of HIV (CPMTCT) project end review REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of the Mobile Alternative Basic Education for Karamoja (ABEK) Program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Malawi Rural Livelihoods Economic Enhancement Programme PROJECT PERFORMANCE EVALUATION REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)   View report
End of Program Evaluation of the 4 th GRN/UNFPA Country Programme (2006 – 2012) UNFPA Namibia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)   View report
Analysis of Programme/Project Completion Reports submitted 2009-2011 August 2012 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: DANIDA   View report
Final evaluation: Ethiopia Development Assistance Consortium (EDAC) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Economic Review of Agriculture (ERA) 2015 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Government Website   View report
End of Programme Evaluation of Forum Syd’s Social Accountability Programme in Tanzania (SAPT) 2010-2014 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: SIDA   View report
Mid-term performance evaluation of the USAID-funded development credit authority (DCA) activity REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Management of Rural Water Supplies in Mandera, Wajir Garissa (and Isiolo) Districts of North Eastern Province REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Evaluation of the European Commission's Co-Operation with Namibia. Country Level Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: OECD   View report
The Impact of Distributing School Uniforms on Children's Education in Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: 3IE   View report
Summary Report on the Implementation Evaluation of the National Drug Master Plan 2013 - 2017 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: DPME   View report
Impact and Implementation Evaluation of the Social Housing Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: DPME   View report
Performance and impact evaluation (P and IE)_final performance evaluation_school health and reading program (SHRP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Youth Livelihoods Programme Process Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: Uganda Office of Prime Minister   View report
Performance evaluation: child survival and health grants program 2003−2013 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Child Friendly Schools Evaluation - Country Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: UNICEF   View report
Evaluation of USAID/Uganda strengthening decentralization for sustainability (SDS) program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of National Environment Youth Project (NEYP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
Community Based Reintegration: Programme Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Umdoni LED Strategy Impact Assessment Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: DPME   View report
Using Nonfinancial Incentives to Improve Performance and Retention among Health Workers: Results from an Impact Evaluation in Swaziland REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
International HIV/AIDS Alliance, Africa Regional Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: SIDA   View report
Evaluation of PFID/NP, AEG-A-00-04-00012-00 Partnerships in Food Industry Development/Natural Products REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: USAID   View report
USAID_Ethiopia_2005_Evaluation of OFDA Emergency Seed Relief Drought Response Ethiopia_2003-04 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: USAID   View report
Impact and Implementation Evaluation of Government Coordination Systems REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: DPME   View report
The economic justice network of FOCCISA - report of the evaluation EJN activities (2003-2009) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Management response- Kenya PRRO 200174 "Food Assistance to Refugees": An Evaluation of WFP's Operation (2011-2013) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: ALNAP
Draft Report for the Evaluation of the “Ke Moja, I’m fine without drugs” Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: Government Website   View report
Performance evaluation of USAID/Uganda capacity program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Strategic Review of the UNREDD Programme - Zambia Quick Start Initiative REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
Report on the Evaluation of the Child Rights Clubs Project in Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: UNICEF   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: Government Website   View report
FRAME program assessment_final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: USAID   View report
USAID/South Africa umbrella grants management project end of project partner evaluation: Hands at Work REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
South Sudan Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Commission (SSDDRC) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Final Evaluation of Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration Programme Individual Reintegration Project Component (2009-201 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of Government of the Republic of Zambia (GRZ) - UNICEF Country Programme of Cooperation, 2016-2021 Final Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2021   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Strategic Evaluation of WFP'S Pilot Purchase for Progress Initiative (2008–2013): Volume 1 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
Mid-term performance evaluation of the Liberia governance and economic management support (GEMS) program : final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Independent UNIDO Country Evaluation Republic of Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
An Evaluation of the Education Programme in Refugee Camps in Western Tanzania REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: ALNAP   View report
Tree/UNICEF Kusaselihle Integrated Early Childhood Development Intervention (2004-2008) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: UNICEF   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: SIDA   View report
SAREC Support to International and Regional Thematic Research Programs, 2000–2005. Main Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: SIDA   View report
Report on the Summative External Evaluation of the Catalytic Initiative (CI)/ Integrated Health Systems Strengthening (IHSS) Programme in Ghana REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of Norwegian Development Support to Zambia (1991 - 2005) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: NORAD   View report
Decentralized Evaluation Gambia DEV 200327: Establishing the Foundation for a Nationally Owned Sustainable School Feeding Programme in the Gambia From 2012 to 2017 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of the Effects of Using M-621 Military Cargo Trucks in Humanitarian Transport Operations REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: NORAD   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: Government Website
UN Women Country Portfolio Evaluation Final Evaluation Report: volume 1 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
Breaking barriers project : Kenya, Uganda and Zambia : end-term evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of Sida Support to TWAS, OWSD and GIS REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: SIDA   View report
Evaluation of building resilient pastoralists communities project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: ALNAP   View report
Project Evaluation of Support to Sierra Leone Constitutional Review Project 2013-2017 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
Education For All – 2005 Country Status Report: SOUTH AFRICA REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: Government Website   View report
Overview and Synthesis of Road Sector Evaluations REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: DANIDA   View report
Emergency response for Liberian famalies hosting Ivorian refugees in Grand Gedeh and River Gee Counties, Liberia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: ALNAP   View report
Namibia Football Association’s Galz and Goals Sports for Development Programme – Impact Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)   View report
Evaluation of programmatic approaches to support for the environment in Africa 1996-2009 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Evaluation of ITP 296 (Fred och Säkerhet i Afrika (Peace and Security in Africa PASA)) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: SIDA   View report
Evaluation of the Community Based Orphan Support Programme & OVC Training: Chikankata Model REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Conflict management projects in East Africa_a review of five evaluations of USAID-funded projects REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: USAID   View report
Performance evaluation of reading for Ethiopia's achievement developed institutional improvement (READ II) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of Norwegian Development Cooperation to Promote Human Rights REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: NORAD   View report
Independent Evaluation of the Govt of Botswana - UN Programme Operational Plan 2010-2016 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG   View report
Mid-term review evaluation report of the women rights project on enhancing participation of women in local government and conflict resolution REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Mid-term Review of the Capacity Development Project of the Rural Energy Agency, Tanzania REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: SIDA   View report
Evaluation of the child survival and health network program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: USAID   View report
End term Evaluation for Deepening Foundations for Peace and Community Security Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNDP   View report
Safe drinking water alliance_experiences in Haiti Ethiopia and Pakistan_lessons for future water treatment programs REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: USAID   View report
Zimbabwe Food Security REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: ALNAP   View report
Mid term evaluation of the Uganda monitoring and evaluation management services (UMEMS) project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
HIV Education for Adolescent Response, Motivation and Empowerment (HEAR-ME) Project Impact Assessment REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Evaluation Twaweza: Tanzania REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)   View report
Terminal Evaluation of the project supporting Improved Management Effectiveness of the Chobe-Kwando Linyanti Matrix of Protected Areas (PIMS 4624) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNDP   View report
Evaluation of the UN Joint Programme on Human Trafficking REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNICEF   View report
REPUBLIC OF RWANDA United Nations General Assembly Special Session on HIV and AIDS COUNTRY PROGRESS REPORT Country Progress Report January 2008 - December 2009 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: Government Website   View report
Impact Evaluation of the Protracted Relief Programme II, Zimbabwe REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: OECD   View report
Functional Review of MINADEF Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: Government Website   View report
National Environment Youth Corps Project Terminal Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: UNEG   View report
Mid-Term/Outcome Evaluation UNDP Nigeria Country Programme Action Plan (CPAP) 2009 – 2012 Governance of HIV and AIDS REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNDP   View report
ETHIOPIA WASH in small and medium towns REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: Italian Development Cooperation   View report
Peace initiative Kenya_final performance evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Mid-term Evaluation of Community Integrated Education Program (CIEP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Evaluation report of Development in Kofale and Education and basic life skills in Arsi REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)
The Gobifo Project Evaluation Report: Assessing the Impacts of Community-Driven Development in Sierra Leone REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: 3IE   View report
Report on Final Evaluation of the Pro Poor Governance, Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment from a Human Rights Perspective in Namibia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG   View report
MALAWI POWER SECTOR REFORM PROJECT Final Endline Performance Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)   View report
Evaluation Series of NORHED Higher Education and Research for Development Theory of Change and Evaluation Methods REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: NORAD   View report
Building Capacity for Interreligious Community Action: Final Evaluation of CIRCA Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: Catholic Relief Services   View report
Comprehensive Evaluation of KOICA WFK Program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: KOICA   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Government Website
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
Independent project evaluation of the Response to the Social and Livelihood Needs for HIV/AIDS Prevention in East Africa (XAFK45) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG   View report
Tanzania: An evaluation of WFP's portfolio (2011– 2014) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: ALNAP
Final Evaluation of Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation 200938: ‘Rebuilding food and nutrition security and strengthening disaster management capabilities in Sierra Leone’ REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: WFP   View report
Ethiopia health sector financing reform midterm project evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Reintegrating and Employing High Risk Youth in Liberia: Lessons from a randomized evaluation of a Landmine Action agricultural training program for ex-combatants Evidence from Randomized Evaluations of Peacebuilding in Liberia: Policy Report 2011.1 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: USAID   View report
External Evaluation of Effectiveness of UNICEF Nutrition Accelerated Reduction of Child and Maternal Under Nutrition REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
Strengthening the Protected Area Network (SPAN) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: UNEG   View report
Report on the Effectiveness of Public Service Leadership in the Promotion of Intergovernmental Relations REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: Government Website   View report
Functional Review MIGEPROF Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: Government Website   View report
Evaluation of Norwegian Multilateral Support to Basic Education - Synthesis Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: OECD   View report
An WFP's Nutrition Programs in the Karamoja region: Community Based Supplementary Feeding Programme (PRRO 200249) and Maternal Child Health Nutrition (CP108070) in Uganda from 2013 to 2015 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: ALNAP
Evaluation of Fredskorpset REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: NORAD   View report
Evaluation of DFID's Country Programmes: Country Study Lesotho 2000 - 2004 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
USAID South Africas economic capacity building impact assessment _ final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: USAID   View report
Country assistance evaluation 1996 - 2007 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Maternal child health integrated program (MCHIP) Mozambique (2011-2015) end-term evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
End Review of Sustainable Agricultural Program in Tigray National Regional State Implemented by DF in Partnership with the Relief Society of Tigray (REST) Women's Association of Tigray (WAT) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Joint AusAID and USAID Review of Support to Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia (Ethiopia) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT)   View report
Mid-Term Review of the Development Fund of Norway’s Malawi & Zambia (MAZA) Sustainable Agriculture Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Hope for African Children Initiative (HACI) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: SIDA   View report
Midline evaluation of the Tanzania public sector system strengthening program : final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Terminal Evaluation Mainstreaming Sustainable Land Management Activities in Six Cattle Corridor Districts of Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
Improving drought response in pastoral areas of Ethiopia Somali and Afar Regions and Borena Zone of Oromiya Region REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: ALNAP   View report
IASC Real Time Evaluation (IASC RTE) of the Humanitarian Response to the Horn of Africa Drought Crisis - Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: ALNAP   View report
Evaluation of the WHO Africa Regional Programme on Noma Control (2013-2017) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: WHO   View report
Terminal Evaluation Report Enhancing Adoption of Climate Smart Agriculture Practices In Uganda‘s Farming Systems REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
Implementing partners' organizational capacity assessment report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Final Independent Evaluation of the Programme Strategy in Kebri Dehar, Somali Region, Ethiopia from 2009 to 2012 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: ALNAP   View report
The JIPSA Secretariat Review REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: DPME   View report
Strategic Evaluation of WFP’s Capacity to Respond to Emergencies REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: UNEG   View report
Implementation Evaluation of the Citizen Based Monitoring (CBM) Model REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: DPME   View report
Evaluation of the USAID-funded textbooks and learning materials program (TLMP) in Ethiopia, Ghana, Malawi, Senegal, South Africa and Tanzania : TLMP in Malawi REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of USAID electoral assistance to Kenya : a meta evaluation of USAID electoral assistance to Kenya, January 2008-August 2014 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Results of Development Cooperation through Norwegian ngos in East Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: OECD   View report
Food for the Hungry - Mozambique : P.L. 480 Title II multi-year assistance program final evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Reaching Poor People with Services in Sexual and Reproductive Health: An Evaluation of the IPPF. Volume 2: Country Reports from Bangladesh, Uganda and Ethiopia. REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: SIDA   View report
Final Evaluation Report Youth Lead Initiative Most Significant Change and Lessons Learnt REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG   View report
Assessment of the USAID health policy initiative IQC and task order 1 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: USAID   View report
Independent Evaluation of the Health Transition Fund in Zimbabwe Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG
Evaluation of the Macroeconomic and Financial Management Institute of Eastern and Southern Africa (MEFMI) Phase IV Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: SIDA
CHILD-E: Child Health Initiatives for Lasting Development – in Ethiopia - Mid Term Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Results for Kenya Programme End Phase Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of Sweden-Funded Transparency International Zimbabwe, period 2009 – 2014 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: SIDA   View report
Evaluation Programme 2016-2017 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: NORAD   View report
Experiences with conducting evaluations jointly with partner countries REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: DANIDA   View report
Ethiopia Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation 200700 (2015-2018) Food Assistance for Eritrean, South Sudanese, Sudanese and Somali Refugees REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: WFP   View report
Work in Progress - Evaluation of the ORET Programme: Investing in Public Infrastructure in Developing Countries REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: OECD   View report
Final report for endline evaluation for a six month emergency Response "improving COVID-19 IPC and WASH preparedness project at health care facilities in seven woredas in Amhara, Benishangul Gumuz and Oromia Regions in Ethiopia" REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2021   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Innovating for child health: an evaluation of an integrated care group model in Rwanda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Functional Review MININFOR Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: Government Website   View report
Evaluation of the Common Humanitarian Fund Country Report: South Sudan REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA)   View report
Trade Policies and Export Growth Employment and Poverty Impact in Tanzania REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: SIDA   View report
Final evaluation of ''Demonstration project for the decontamination of Persistent Organic Pesticides contaminated soils using non-thermal treatment methods'' REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)   View report
Baseline/Endline Survey on Female Genital Mutilation in Six Regions of Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Mid-Term Review of the Project: Adapting national and transboundary water resource management in Swaziland to manage the expected impacts of climate change REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
Pact Malawi community REACH program : final evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
External Terminal Evaluation Extending Wetland Protected Areas Through Community Conservation Initiatives [COBWEB] REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
Report on the Design and Implementation Evaluation of the Urban Settlements Development Grant REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: DPME   View report
Report for the Regional East African Community Trade in Staples (REACTS) Project End of Project/Impact Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Kilimo Trust   View report
Real Time Evaluation of the Drought Response in the Horn of Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: ALNAP   View report
Evaluation of MCC’s Investments in the National Training Fund in Namibia: Findings from Second Round of Qualitative Data REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)   View report
Mid_term evaluation of the USAID_Liberia health sector fixed amount reimbursement agreement (FARA) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Midterm evaluation report_preventing the medical transmission of HIV in Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: USAID   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: UNDP   View report
Entrepreneurship Impact Assessment Report April 2014 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Government Website   View report
Final Independent Evaluation of the Zimbabwe Mission Closure REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: ALNAP   View report
Assessment Report on the Human Trafficking situation in the coastal region of Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: ALNAP   View report
Impact evaluation of Lesotho’s Child Grants Programme (CGP) and Sustainable Poverty Reduction through Income, Nutrition and access to Government Services (SPRINGS) project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Management response- Mid-Term Evaluation of the Ethiopia Country Programme 10430.0 (2007-2011) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: ALNAP   View report
Support for the Development and implementation of an MDG-Based Poverty Reduction And Growth Strategy for The Gambia (MDG) Project Terminal Evaluation Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of PHAST tool for the promotion hygiene Sanitation in the GOK/UNICEF Programme of cooperation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: UNICEF   View report
Evaluation of Grant Aid for Poverty Reduction Strategy REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: MOFA   View report
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment of the Megech Pump (SERABA) Irrigation and Drainage Project Volume 1/2 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: Government Website
Performance evaluation of the "better potato for better life" project: main report (final) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Performance & impact evaluation (P&IE) of the USAID/Uganda school health and reading program : result 1 interventions : impact evaluation report for cluster 1, year 2 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: OECD   View report
Summative Evaluation of the Nutrition Component of the EU-SHARE program (2015-2018) Evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of the free maternal health care initiative in Ghana REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNICEF   View report
Mid-term evaluation of the USAID community-school partnership program for education and health REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Synthesis Report of the Evaluation Series on the Impact of Food for Assets (2002-2011) and Lessons for Building Livelihoods Resilience REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: ALNAP
Mid Term Review of Support to Able Bodied Vulnerable Groups to Achieve Food Security Project (Safe) in Malawi (FOOD/2007/141-395) - Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: ALNAP   View report
Mid-term evaluation of the ILO project on Support to the reintegration of the returnees in Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
End-Term Evaluation of the Global Partnership for Education (2014–2016) in Zanzibar REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: SIDA   View report
Findings from a study of regional NHA networks REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: SIDA   View report
Ex-post evaluation for Kenya water supply projects REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Report of the Formative Evaluation of the Presidential Intervention within the King Sabata Dalindyebo Local Municipality_Eastern Cape Province REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: DPME   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: DANIDA   View report
Sustainability of impact: Dimensions of decline and persistence in adopting a biofortified crop in Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: ALNAP   View report
Mid-Term Evaluation of the EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: OECD   View report
Evaluation of Sida's Support to Innovation Systems and Clusters, a Research Cooperation Initiative Individual Cases REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: SIDA
IFAD’s Field Presence Pilot Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of Results-Based Aid in Rwandan Education - Year Two REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Midterm evaluation of the grant management solutions II project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Final evaluation : maximizing the impact of reconciliation in Rwanda: final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of processes and perceptions on the Community Based Nutrition Program (CBNP) in Rwanda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Financial Constraints and Girls' Secondary Education: Evidence from School Fee Ellimination in The Gambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: 3IE
WFP’s Private Sector Partnership and Fundraising Strategy: An Evaluation Vol. I - Full Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
Swaziland DEV 200422 Support to children and students affected by HIV and AIDS (2013-2014): An Operation Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
Report on the Evaluation of Performance and Compliance with the Batho Pele Principle of Redress REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: Government Website   View report
Country Assistance Evaluation of Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: MOFA   View report
Kenya Adaptation to Climate Change in Arid Lands (Kaccal) Project (Pims 3792) Terminal Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
Global Citizenship Education Curriculum Development and Integration in Cambodia, Colombia, Mongolia and Uganda: Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)   View report
USAID/South Africa umbrella grants management project end of project partner evaluation: Heartbeat Centre for Community Development REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Mid-term evaluation of the Swaziland Agricultural Development Programme (SADP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: OECD   View report
WASH Initiative for the Rural Poor in 21 Districts in Uganda: End of Term Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Final Evaluation Of Rwandan Government And ONE UN ISANGE One Stop Centre Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG
Evaluation of the East Africa Drought Appeal REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: ALNAP   View report
Final evaluation of the first phase of the National Agriculture Development Programme (Proagri (1999-2005) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Adapting National and Transboundary Water Resources Management to Manage Expected Impacts of Climate Change in Swaziland. REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: Government Website   View report
Evaluation of Water & Sanitation for the Urban Poor’s DFID-Funded Programme 2012-2015 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: DFID
Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation, Health System Support, Ethiopia, 2006-2012 Final Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)   View report
Yes Youth Can! Impact Evaluation Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Final Evaluation of The Support Project to the Ministry of Infrastructure (MININFRA) in Information Communication Technology (ICT) Policy and E-Government 2005-2008 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation and Assessment for UNDP Rwanda of the Project 00040553 “Supporting Aid Harmonisation, Alignment and Coordination in Rwanda” REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: UNEG   View report
An Assessment of the State of Professional Ethics in the Limpopo Provincial Government REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: Government Website   View report
Increased Production, Productivity and Income Generation in Deprived Sectors and Districts REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
Impact evaluation of the increasing services for survivors of sexual assault in South Africa program : baseline report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of Clubs Within the Club Development Programme (CDP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: DPME   View report
A brief review of the Africa KidSAFE Alliance and an exchange on programming for orphans and vulnerable children in Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: USAID   View report
Management review of implementation of Southern Sudan interactive radio instruction (SSIRI) program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: USAID   View report
Gender equity through education (GEE): end of project performance evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of the Impact of Food for Assets on Livelihood Resilience in Uganda (2005-2010) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: ALNAP   View report
End-term performance evaluation for the USAID/Zambia school water supply and hygiene (WASH) and quality education activity REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
An Impact Evaluation of Alternative Basic Education in Ethiopia - The case of the regions Afar, Oromia and Somali REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
Final evaluation : African strategies for health project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID   View report
Uganda_2016_The effectiveness and efficiency of implementing the chronic care model for HIV care in Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
UNICEF's Upstream Work in Basic Education and Gender Equality 2003-2012: ZIMBABWE Country Case Study REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNICEF
The Burgundy Cheese Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: DPME   View report
Report on The Evaluation of the UNFPA 6th Country Programme of Assistance to the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: UNEG   View report
Operation Evaluation Rwanda, Common Country Programme, 200539, mid-term evaluation (2013-2016) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
Impact of Malaria Control and Enhanced Literacy Instruction on Educational Outcomes amoung Kenyan School Children: A Multi-Sectoral, Prospective, Randomized Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: 3IE   View report
Formative evaluation of UNICEF Ethiopia Country Programme Evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNEG   View report
Terminal Evaluation Report of the UNDP/GEF Project Capacity Building for Sustainable Land Management in Sierra Leone REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
Participatory Evaluation of the 2008 Farmer Field School Programme, Lira, Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: ALNAP   View report
Evaluation of the free maternal health care initiative in Ghana LRPS-CAB-2012-9103261 Volume 1 Main Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
UNDP’s Enhanced Economic Growth Programme in Ethiopia 2010-2011. An Evaluation of two outcomes: Economic Growth Corrider & Private Sector Development REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNEG   View report
United Republic of Tanzania Participatory Irrigation Development Programme Completion Evaluation Report Nº 1831-TZ - Rev. 1 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: IFAD
Local Economy-wide Impact Evaluation (LEWIE) of Ghana’s Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty (LEAP) programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Department for International Development (DFID)   View report
Evaluation of Integrated Community Based Participatory Planning in Tigray Region, Ethiopia (RFP-ETH-2011-118) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
General food distribution cash modality scale up for the refugees and host community in Kakuma and Dadaab Camp: an evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: ALNAP   View report
Outcome and Mid-Term Evaluation of FGN/UNDP Poverty Reduction and Environment and Energy for Poverty Reduction Programmes REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of the Mid-Term PRRO 10362.0: Enabling Livelihood Protection and Promotion in Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: WFP   View report
Rwanda Country Programme Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)   View report
Evaluation of DFID's International Citizen Service (ICS) pilot stage - mid term review REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: DFID
Comparative study of recent literacy programs piloted in Malawi & mid-term evaluation of the beginning literacy program of Malawi REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: USAID   View report
Zimbabwe Civil Service Reform And Results Based Management: Lessons Learned REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: UNEG   View report
The State of Public Service Delivery in Uganda: Report of a baseline survey REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Government Website   View report
Complementarity in Finland’s Development Policy and Co-operation: A Case Study on Complementarity in Finland’s Country Programme in Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: OECD   View report
Uganda - Evaluation for action. Assessing animal disease surveillance capacities - March 2018 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)   View report
Mid-term Evaluation Report 2010-2011 Northern Uganda Early Recovery Project (NUERP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNEG   View report
End of Term Evaluation Malawi Human Rights Support Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
Diagnostic Review of Early Childhood Development REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: DPME   View report
Ex-Post Evaluation on the Project for the Integrated Rural Development in Arsi Zone, Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: KOICA   View report
Desk Study of Sida’s Experience from Private Sector Collaboration REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: SIDA   View report
Evaluation of the Communities supporting health HIV/AIDS gender equity and education in schools (CHANGES) program in Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: USAID   View report
Review of the Expanded Public Works Programme in Gauteng, 2009 – 2014 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Government Website   View report
Final Evaluation of the United Nations Joint Programme for Gender Equality in Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG   View report
End Term Review of the Medium Term Plan (2008-2012) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: The Presidency   View report
External assessment of the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation call-to-action pilot program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: USAID   View report
Rayitu Community Development Project (2011-2013) Final evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Evaluation of the Community Development Worker (CDW) Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: DPME   View report
External evaluation of Aid to Artisans pan Africa artisan enterprise development project_2001_2006 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: USAID   View report
State-of-the-art study: The long-term effects of assistance to the power sector Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: NORAD   View report
Lesotho Renewable Energy-Based Rural Electrification Project (LREBRE) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of the Austrian Development Cooperation in Kenya 1996 – 2006 Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: Austrian Development Agency (ADA)   View report
Final Evaluation Report of Sinana Female Genital Mutilation Elimination Project (SFGMEP), 2013 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Joint Evaluation of Budget Support to Uganda: Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: OECD   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Government Website   View report
Impact of ending Aid - Tanzania country study REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Evaluation of the in-service training program in financial management REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: USAID   View report
Mid term evaluation of the Uganda indoor residual spraying project phase II REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of Seed Enterprise Enhancement and Development, GCP/SIL/032/GER REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)   View report
Terminal Evaluation of UNDP Funded “Support Capacity Development of The National Assembly of The Gambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
Final Independent Evaluation of the project for reducing community vulnerability to the impacts of Climate Change in Zimbabwe: Building Resilience to Drought through Scaling up Mechanized Conservation Agriculture REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: ALNAP   View report
Enhancing National Capacity for Agricultural Growth and Transformation Terminal Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
Mid-term performance report_successes challenges and the way forward_Malawi teacher training activity (MTTA) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: USAID   View report
Initial Evaluation Report for On Nigeria REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: MacArthur Foundation   View report
Mid-term evaluation report - Lira District child survival project in Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Mid-Term Performance Evaluation of the Pastoral Livelihoods Initiative Phase II (PLI II) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Independent Evaluation Report: ActionAid's DEC phase 1 response to drought in East Africa in 2017 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: ALNAP   View report
Evaluation of the Department for International Development (DFID) Support to Healthcare Workers Salaries in Sierra Leone REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Thinking and Working Differently: SAIH Programme Evaluation, Education to Strengthen Women’s Social and Political Participation in South Africa 2010-2012 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
GEF Country Portfolio Study: Sierra Leone (1998–2013) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG   View report
Final Mid-Term Report Review of District Business Solution Centre’s and Promoting Women in Business and Investment in Kenya Projects REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
Final Independent Evaluation of the humanitarian multi-sectorial rapid response mechanism, Yobe State, Nigeria REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: ALNAP   View report
Evaluation of EthioInfo Utilization in Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: UNICEF   View report
Mainstreaming Incentives for Biodiversity Conservation in the Climate Resilient Green Economy Strategy (CRGE) Mid-Term Review – Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance
Rwanda, Common Country Programme, 200539, mid-term evaluation (2013-2016) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: WFP   View report
Terminal Evaluation of the Poverty Environment Initiative – Kenya 2013 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
Smallholder oil palm support (SHOPS) final impact evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Disasters Emergency Committee - East Africa Crisis Appeal Ethiopia Real-Time Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: ALNAP   View report
Core report : measuring learning achievement 2009 : language and maths in P3 and P4 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of the AWARENESS project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: USAID   View report
Prevention of Mother- to-Child Transmission of HIV Impact Study Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Evaluation of the market systems development approach Lessons for expanded use and adaptive management at Sida Volume I: Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: SIDA   View report
Evaluation of the Inter-agency child protection information management system REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: ALNAP   View report
Mid-Term Evaluation Report on the Enhanced Data Dissemination Initiative Project (EDDI) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
USAID/Malawi community case management : evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Improvement of food security and livelihoods of smallholder farmers through provision of extension and inputs REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)   View report
Evaluation of the Strategy for Danish Humanitarian Action 2010-2015 Synthesis report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: DANIDA   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: Government Website   View report
Evaluation of the SATREPS Program (Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: MOFA   View report
The Evaluation of the Challenge Fund Innovations Against Poverty, IAP REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: SIDA   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Evaluation of the Commission of the European Union's co-operation with Ethiopia. Country Level Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: OECD   View report
Southern Sudan technical advisors program (SSTAP) : Ministry Of Education, Science And Technology (MOEST) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: USAID   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Review of Civil Society Support Modalities at Sida HQ and Swedish Embassies REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: SIDA   View report
PIMS 1771 CC FSP: Renewable energy-based rural electrification programme for Botswana REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation Report of Kenya Human Rights Program April, 2012 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
Real-Time Evaluation of Norway’s International Climate and Forest Initiative Contributions to National REDD+ Processes 2007-2010 Country Report: Tanzania REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: NORAD   View report
Final Report Country Portfolio Evaluation Malawi REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
Terminal Evaluation Report UNDP/GEF Project Less Burnt for a Clean Earth: Minimization of Dioxin Emission From Open Burning Sources In Nigeria REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG   View report
Food Crisis Emergency and Recovery Project : Joint Evaluation by ACT Members REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Evaluation of the helping babies breathe (HBB) initiative scale-up in Malawi: results from a dose response analysis REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of the Norad Fellowship Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: NORAD   View report
Evaluation of DANIDA supported research on agriculture and natural resource management 2006-2011. REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: DANIDA   View report
Sida Support to Health Economics Capacity in Sub-Saharan Africa through the Health Economics Unit, University of Cape Town REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: SIDA   View report
Mid-Term Evaluation Report of EU/UNICEF Supported WASH Programme Project Title: ACP EU Water Facility Project No.: 9 ACP RPR 39/57 Accelerating Progress towards the MDGs on Water and Sanitation in Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Southern Church Unit - Capacity Building Project (SCU-CBP), Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Final Independent Project Evaluation of the HIV Prevention, Treatment, Care and Support in Prisons Settings in Sub Saharan Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
The University of Zambia School of Law Book Project: Post Project Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: SIDA   View report
Evaluation of the USAID TB program implemented by University Research Corporation (URC) (FY2010-FY2015 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
USAID_Malawi_2005_Mid-term evaluation report_Save the Children's capacity building for quality HIV_AIDS services (Umoyo network) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: USAID
Ecosystem Based Adaptation to Climate Change (EBA) Project. Mid Term Review Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
2013 National Senior Certificate Examination Technical Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Government Website   View report
Solidarmed Art Project: Evaluation of a balancing act REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: ALNAP   View report
Mid Term Evaluation of the National Gender Strategic Plan REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Malawi CP 200287 (2012-2016): A mid-term Operation Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: WFP   View report
Scaling up and assessing HIV/AIDS prevention and support of services for OVC and PLWHA REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: ALNAP   View report
Improving Access to Family Planning Can Promote Food Security in a Changing Climate REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: MEASURE   View report
External evaluation of the Amref Health Africa Project on Sexual Reproductive Health Rights for the Young People (Tuitetee – Lets Fight For It), 2010- 2015 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: SIDA   View report
Country Level Evaluation Nigeria REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: OECD   View report
Report on the evaluation of the implementation of the Batho Pele principle of Courtesy REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: DPME   View report
Evaluation of the Implementation of the Paris Declaration in Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: ADA   View report
End of project evaluation report : tackling girls' and young women's vulnerability to HIV and AIDS in Tanzania REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: USAID   View report
Sierra Leone, PRRO 200938: An Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: ALNAP   View report
Impact Evaluation of SARRAH_Mid-Term Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: DPME   View report
Mid-Term Review of United Nations Development Assistance Framework Ethiopia (UNDAF 2016-2020) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation Report on the Sensitisation of Chiefs REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: UNICEF   View report
Evaluation of Emergency Nutrition Response for Vulnerable Families - Increased Resilience to Food Security Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: ALNAP   View report
Mid-term evaluation of the Conservation Agriculture Scaling-up (CASU) project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)   View report
Integration of EPI and Paedriatric HIV Services for Improved ART Initiation in Zimbabwe REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: 3IE   View report
The impact of the ISIBINDI programme on vulnerable youth evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of the Swedish government funded research cooperation support to Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: SIDA   View report
Formative Evaluation of Textbooks and Workbooks REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: DPME   View report
Final report_final evaluation of the Zimbabwe civil society strengthening program (CSSP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Impact evaluation of three projects in Pokot, Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Kirehe Community-based Watershed Management Project Project performance evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)   View report
Hospice Africa Uganda: End-of-Project Evaluation of Palliative Care Services REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: USAID   View report
Program for emergency seed support: final program results report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2021   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Ezimbuzini Economic Development Node_Phase I Project Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: DPME   View report
Disaster Risk Reduction Programming in Ethiopia’s Somali Region Project Effectiveness Review REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: ALNAP   View report
Evaluating the Impact of Community Health Worker Integration into Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV Services in Tanzania REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: 3IE   View report
Assessment of Development Results: Ghana REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: OECD   View report
Independent Evaluation of Budget Support to Tanzania, 2006 -2012 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: OECD   View report
Evaluation (phase II) of the universal coverage campaign for long lasting insecticidal nets in Uganda_assessing effectiveness efficiency and impact of the mass llin distribution REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
System for Land-based Emissions Estimation in Kenya (SLEEK) Mid Term Review Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
Impact assessment of USAID's education program in Ethiopia 1994-2009 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: USAID   View report
ICEIDA Malawi WATSAN Project in Traditional Authority Nankumba REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Terminal Evaluation of the UN Environment Project Ecosystem Based Adaptation for Mountain Ecosystems REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
Final Review of the 2007-2011 UNDAF An Assessment of UNDAF Outcomes REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNEG   View report
Better Obstetrics in Rural Nigeria: Evaluating the Midwives Service Scheme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: 3IE   View report
Asset Creation Programme in Kenya’s Arid and Semi-arid Areas REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: WFP   View report
Prosthetics & orthotics impact assessment : East Africa : Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda: the impact of training personnel to the minimum standards ISPO category I & II: Tanzania Training Centre for Orthopaedic Technologists REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
The mid-term evaluation of USAID/Uganda's UNITY program report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of Regional Humanitarian Work in West Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: ALNAP   View report
Mainstreaming disability in the new development paradigm Evaluation of Norwegian support to promote the rights of persons with disabilities Uganda country study – Summary REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: NORAD   View report
Evaluating the Impact of RapidSMS: Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
Phase Two Evaluation of the Implementation of the Paris Declaration and Accra Agenda for Action in South Africa. Final Country Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Evaluation report: Mozambique’s strengthening communities through integrated programming (SCIP) ex-post evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Managing Aid Exit and Transformation Botswana Country Case Study REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: SIDA   View report
Evaluation of the Enhanced Livelihoods in Mandera Triangle and Southern Ethiopia 2007–2009 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: ALNAP   View report
Impacts of key provisions in Ghana's Petroleum Revenue Management Act REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: 3IE
Final core report : measuring learning achievement 2010 : language and maths in P5 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Rural Financial Intermediation Programme Interim Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: IFAD   View report
Environmental and Social Impact Management at ADA REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: ADA   View report
Evaluation of FAO’s contribution in South Sudan REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
Environmental and Socio-economic Baseline Study – Tanzania REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: NORAD   View report
Do revolving funds generate Self-Employment and increased incomes for the poor? Experimental Evidence from Uganda's Youth Livelihood Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: 3IE   View report
Accountability Review in Kenya: Evaluation of the 'Improving Access to Water Sanitation Services' project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: ALNAP   View report
Conservation of afro-montane forest & mountain gorillas in a landscape context_life of project performance evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: USAID
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: Uganda Investment Authority   View report
Impact Evaluation of Tayari School Readiness Program in Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: African Population and Health Research Centre (APHRC)
Review of support to female engineers through the Structured Engineers Apprenticeship Program (SEAP) implemented by Engineers Registration Board (ERB) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
The Non-State Actors Facility - Pact - Kenya (ACT!) Mid- Term Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: SIDA   View report
Evaluation of Results Based Aid in Rwandan Education- 2013 evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
End of Project Evaluation of the Support to Participatory Constitution Making Process REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
UNV Terminal Evaluation Report Strengthening the Capacity of National Volunteer Infrastructure for HIV and AIDS Response In Swaziland REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of the First Five Years of GAVI Immunization Services Support Funding REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: NORAD   View report
The global health supply chain - procurement and supply management project: mid-term review for lessons learned and the way forward REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Mid-term evaluation_BESO II_community-government partnership program (CGPP)_final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: USAID   View report
Extending service delivery (ESD) participatory assessment REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: USAID   View report
Adaptation Learning Program (ALP): Final Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Independent UNIDO Country Evaluation United Republic of Tanzania REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of the Humanitarian Innovation and Evidence Programme (HIEP): Summative Evaluation Phase 1 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: DFID   View report
Mid-term Review of AgroBig II (Agro-Business Induced Growth in the Amhara National regional State, Phase II) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: Ministry for Foreign Affairs (MFA) Finland   View report
Zambian Breweries Plc. Performance Evaluation Baseline Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)   View report
WFP Office of Evaluation's 2015 Annual Evaluation Report  REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG   View report
Health through Sanitation and Water Programme (HESAWA), Tanzania. Ex-post (Retrospective) Evaluation Study REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: SIDA   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: SIDA
Strengthening the Protected Area Network of the Eastern Montane Forest Hotspot of Kenya Terminal Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: OECD   View report
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Southern Region Cooperatives Development and Credit Programme Completion Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: IFAD   View report
Evaluation of the UNICEF Response to the Humanitarian Crisis in South Sudan REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNEG   View report
Joint Evaluation of Support to the National Response to HIV/AIDS in Uganda 2007-2012 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: OECD   View report
National Skills Development Strategy III Progress Report 2011 - 2013 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Government Website   View report
Impact Assessment - Livelihood Project - Uganda West Nile Region, 2012 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: ALNAP   View report
Evaluation of general budget support_Rwanda country report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of Bank Assistance to the Agricultural and Rural Development - Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
An Evaluation of the Use of Point of Care PIMA CD4 Cell Count Machines for HIV Positive Women and their Families in Maternal Newborn And Child Health (MNCH) Settings in Seven Districts in Zimbabwe, 2012 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Phase Two Evaluation of the Implementation of the Paris Declaration and Accra Agenda for Action in South Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: OECD
Early Childhood Development and Family Services: Baseline Evaluation in 20 Sites in Rwanda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNICEF   View report
Final evaluation of the project for expanding the role of networks of people living with HIV/AIDS REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of the Start Fund's Second Semester of Funding: October 2014 to March 2015 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: ALNAP
Summative Evaluation of the CI IHSS Programme in Ghana REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNICEF   View report
Mid-term evaluation of the rapid and effective action combating HIV & AIDS (REACH) project in Swaziland REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)   View report
Mid-Term Evaluation of the NGO Joint Initiative for Urban Zimbabwe Community Based Support for Vulnerable Populations REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: ALNAP   View report
End of Term Independent Evaluation of the Private Sector Development Project Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)   View report
A Gendered Review of South Africa's Implementation of the Millennium Development Goals REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: Government Website
Focus on results : enhancing capacity across sectors in transition (FORECAST) : a participant training and human capacity development program : final evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
African Developpement Bank Group Operations Evaluation Department (OPEV) Evaluation of Policy Based Operations in the African Development Bank, 1999-2009 Country Case Study: Sierra Leone REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: African Development Bank Group   View report
Monitoring & Evaluation of the Swiss Water & Sanitation NGO Consortium (SDC-GPWI) Report 3 - East Africa Mission Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: ALNAP
An Evaluation of Teenage Pregnancy Pilot Projects in Sierra Leone REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of the capacity and performance of the Zambia National AIDS Network under the Joint Financing Arrangement (2004-2007): charting the way forward REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Evaluation of UNDP Support to the Parliament of Sierra Leone REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Ministry of Local Government   View report
Formative Evaluation of the DGIS-funded Accelerating Sanitation and Water for All (ASWA) Programme, 2013–2019 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: UNEG   View report
African cocoa initiative final performance evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Report on the Evaluation of the Batho Pele Principle of Value for Money in the Public Service REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: DPME   View report
Adolescent Girls Empowerment Programme, Zambia - End Term Evaluation Report, Volume I: Main Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
CCA Growth: Implementing Climate Resilient and Green Economy plans in Highland Areas in Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of the Peace Building and Development Programme in Rwanda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: ALNAP
WFP_Multi_2014_WFP’s 2008 Cash and Voucher Policy (2008-14) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: WFP   View report
Rebuilding basic health services (RBHS): year 2 assessment REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Drought Response in the Agricultural Sector in Ukambani & Marsabit, Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: ALNAP
Republic of Zambia Forest Resource Management Project PROJECT PERFORMANCE ASSESMENT No. 2669-ZM REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: IFAD   View report
Evaluation of the Business Sector Advocacy Challenge Fund Ghana REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: DANIDA   View report
Mid-term Review of the Institutional Strengthening Support to the Association of Local Authorities of Tanzania - ALAT REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: SIDA   View report
Work & Skills for 100 000 Programme Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: DPME
Completion Evaluation of Sida Support to Environment and Climate Change Component of NREP REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: SIDA   View report
Agricultural Sector Development Support Programme (ASDSP) Mid Term Review REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: SIDA   View report
MidTerm Review of The LVEMP II Civil Society Watch project of the East African Sustainability Watch Network REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: SIDA   View report
Evaluation of Public Financial Management Reform in Ghana: 2001–2010 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Ethiopia Water Facilities mid-term evaluation GOAL, ACF and LVIA WASH programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: ALNAP   View report
External Project Evaluation of The NetMark Plus Malaria Social Marketing Program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: USAID
Evaluation of the Education Sector of Austria’s Development Cooperation and Cooperation with South-East Europe GZ 2337-00-2005/1-PP/2005 Annex 6: Country Report Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: Austrian Development Agency (ADA)   View report
Connecting Practice, Policy and Partners_Lessons for Advocacy Initiatives in Rural Health from the Rural Health Advocacy Project (RHAP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: Atlantic Philanthropies   View report
Analysis of Programme/Project Completion Reports 2007-2008 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: DANIDA   View report
Final Evaluation Report of the UNDP Projects Funded by SIDA to Support Human Rights and Civic Education in Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: UNEG   View report
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Report: Development of Urban Infrastructure in six Secondary Cities of Rubavu, Rusizi, Musanze, Muhanga, Huye and Nyagatare of Rwanda, and the City of Kigali REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: Government Website   View report
WAWI final evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: USAID   View report
Too Good to be True? UNRISD 1996–2005 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: SIDA   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: IFPRI   View report
Rwanda Umucyo (illumination) child survival project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: USAID   View report
Mid-Term Review of the Multi-Donor Parliamentrary Support Programme (2014 – 2017) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
UNDP’s Country Programme Action Plan 2009-2012 for Nigeria: Mid-Term Review of the Development Planning and Statistics Outcome REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation report: Access justice and equality for women and children in the Kilimanjaro region, Tanzania REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Evaluation of the impacts of a Soil Fertility Training Project On Farm Productivity In the Volta Region of Ghana REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: 3IE   View report
Does a Multi-Faceted Market-Based Approach to food Crops Stimulate Food Security and Agricultural Development in Tanzania REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: 3IE   View report
Itinerant program in health education in disadvantaged areas CinemArena. Kenya, Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: OECD   View report
C.A.P.E. Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Development PROJECT (BCSD) Terminal Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: UNEG   View report
Experiences with Results-Based Payments in Norwegian Development Aid REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: NORAD   View report
UNEG_Namibia_2012_Programme for Enhancing Institutional and Human Resource Capacity Through Local Level Coordination of Integrated Rangeland Management and Support (CALLC) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
UNFPA Rwanda 6th Country Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
Taking knowledge for health the extra mile: an evaluation of the Malawi knowledge for health project (K4Health) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Eduaction Sector Performance Report 2013 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Government Website   View report
Evaluation of a pilot programme to provide psychosocial support to children affected by HIV/AIDS REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: USAID   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: UNEG   View report
Capacity Development Outcome Evaluation, Field-testing of the Methodology REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: OECD   View report
Evaluation of Save the Children’s Child Rights Governance and Protection Projects in Tanzania –Zanzibar project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: SIDA
Assessment of midwifery pre-service training activities of the ACCESS Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation on the Progress in Abandoning FGM/C and Child Marriage in Self-Declared Woredas REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNICEF   View report
The Agribusiness Support for Smallholders Project in Kenya – GCP /KEN/070/GER REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)   View report
Regional AIDS Training Network (RATN) Strategic Plan 2004–2008 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: SIDA   View report
Evaluation of the Energy and Environment Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: UNEG   View report
USAID_Zambia PCI Africa KidSAFE End of Program Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: USAID   View report
The Zambia accreditation program evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: USAID   View report
Swedish Bilateral Support to Environmental Capacity Development – Overview of Key Results and Lessons Learned REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: SIDA
Mothers and infants safe healthy alive (MAISHA) : mid-term evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Functional Review of MINICOM Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: Government Website   View report
Evaluation of the Environment Policy of the Austrian Development Cooperation and its implementation by the main ODA Actors 2007–2014 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: ADA   View report
Enhancing Food Production and Food Security through Improved Inputs: An Evaluation of Tanzania’s National Agricultural Input Voucher Scheme with a Focus on Gender Impacts REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: 3IE
Evaluation of Danish Regional Support to Peace and Security, Regional Integration and Democratisation in Southern Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: OECD
Can We Demonstrate the Difference that Norwegian Aid Makes? Evaluation of results measurement and how this can be improved REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: NORAD
WFP Gender Policy: A Policy Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
West Africa Regional Fisheries Programme (WARFP) for Ghana Project Implementation Report January – June 2015 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Government Website   View report
ACT, anti-corruption country threshold program : evaluation report, final REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: USAID   View report
Turning Policy into Practice: Sida’s implemention of the Swedish HIV/AIDS strategy. A Review of Country Strategies and Organisational Arrangements REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: SIDA   View report
Transforming Lives: An Evaluation of CRS Integrated Watershed Management Programs in Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: Catholic Relief Services   View report
My Skills, My Money, My Brighter Future in Zimbabwe: An assessment of economic strengthening interventions for adolescent girls REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: Catholic Relief Services   View report
UNICEF OVC Programme Component Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Improving TB diagnosis: performance evaluation of the TB CARE medical specimen transport system in Zimbabwe REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
OCHA Evaluation of Country-Based Pooled Funds South Sudan - Country Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA)   View report
WFP's Cash and Voucher Policy: A Policy Evaluation. Evaluation Report Vol 1 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
Report on an Audit of Government’s Poverty Reduction Programmes and Projects REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: Government Website   View report
Assessment of Comparative Advantages of Swedish ICT Support in Tanzania REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: SIDA   View report
Final Evaluation of Development of the Trans-frontier Conservation Area Linking Forest Reserves and Protected Areas in Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)   View report
Strengthening UN Engagement with Civil Society in Ghana Options for UNDAF 2012-2016 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNEG   View report
Summary Evaluation Report- Kenya Country Portfolio REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: ALNAP   View report
Evaluation of UNICEF's Early Childhood Development Programme with Focus on Government of Netherlands Funding (2008-2010) - Tanzania Country Case Study Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNICEF
Evaluation Comparative Review of Austrian Development Cooperation's Budget Support Operations REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: ADA
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Government Website   View report
Review of Save the Children Norway- supported programmes for child protection system strengthening REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Evaluation of Danish Support to Promotion and Protection of Human Rights 2006-2016 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: DANIDA   View report
Private enterprise support activities (PESA) final evaluation_final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: USAID   View report
A global development alliance to combat HIV/AIDS in the agribusiness and mining sectors in Zambia : end of project evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Yekokeb berhan program for highly vulnerable children In Ethiopia mid-term evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Terminal Evaluation of the UN Environment – Adaptation Fund Project “Implementation of Concrete Adaptation Measures to Reduce Vulnerability of Livelihoods and Economy on Coastal Communities of Tanzania” & UN Environment – GEF Project “Developing Core Capa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of the leadership, management and sustainability (LMS) project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of the Norwegian Health Sector Support to Botswana. Volume 1 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: OECD   View report
Report on the Evaluation of Service Delivery at the Department of Home Affairs­_Visa Applications and Port Control REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: DPME   View report
Zimbabwe HIV/AIDS partnership project & behavior change programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: USAID   View report
Terminal Evaluation of Awash Conservation and Development Project II (ACDP II) 2000-2005 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Implementation Evaluation of the Restitution Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: DPME   View report
Building Research Partnerships. An evaluation of the Swedish Research Links programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: SIDA   View report
Republic of Rwanda Kirehe Community-based Watershed Management Project. Project Performance Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNEG   View report
Assessing the Impact of Delivering Messages through Intimate Partners to Create Demand for Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision in Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: 3IE   View report
Evaluation of Africa Democracy Strengthening Programme – Phase Two. REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: OECD   View report
Education for All Global Monitoring Report 2008 Education for All by 2015: will we make it? Tanzania country case study REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: Government Website   View report
External Evaluation Panel 2007 report_review of the Enhancing child nutrition animal source food management (ENAM) project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: USAID   View report
Assessment of Development Results: Evaluation of UNDP Contribution REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: OECD   View report
Final report for the end of program evaluation of the C-FAARM program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
External evaluation of mobile phone technology-based nutrition and agriculture advisory services in Africa and South Asia Mobile phones, nutrition, and health in Tanzania: Quantitative endline report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)   View report
Explorative Study of Programme and Project Completion Reports REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: DANIDA   View report
Ex-post performance evaluation of USAID assistance to northern Uganda : 2006-2011 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
End of Programme Evaluation for the National Programmefor Managing Climate Change in Malawi and the Malawi Africa Adaptation Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG
Evaluation of the tuberculosis control assistance program (TB CAP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of DFID Country Programmes Country Study: Rwanda 2000-2005 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: OECD   View report
AIDS and Rights Alliance for Southern Africa (ARASA) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: SIDA   View report
USAID DELIVER project performance evaluation Malawi 2007-2013 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Final Report on the Evaluation of the Youth Employment and Empowerment Programme (YEEP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG   View report
USAID_Kenay_2006_Kenya forest and coastal management programs_mid term evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: USAID   View report
Crisis-sensitive education sector planning: UNESCO-IIEP support in South Sudan REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation report of Zambia National Union of Teachers (ZNUT) activities in educational policy development and programme implementation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Strategic appraisal of the ACQUIRE project : a participatory review -- lessons learned with a look to the future REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of the Swedish Research Cooperation with Tanzania 2009-2013 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: SIDA   View report
Market linkages initiative evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Social Assessment of the Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene Program-OWN-P ETHIOPIA REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Government Website   View report
Mid term evaluation of the West Africa seed program (WASP)_final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Smallholder Cash and Export Crops Development Project Project Completion Report Validation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: IFAD   View report
Five Regional Institutions Based in South Africa Working in the Field of Peace and Security in Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: SIDA
External Evaluation: 'Sustainable CMAM implementation in Northern Nigeria' REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: ALNAP
End of Project Evaluation Report Programme on Promoting Human Rights in Malawi REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: UNEG   View report
Tube Poka child survival project : final evaluation report Chitipa District, Northern Malawi REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: USAID   View report
Ethiopia Country Assistance Evaluation 1996 - 2007 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: OECD   View report
Management and motivation in Ugandan primary schools: Impact evaluation final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: Department for International Development (DFID)   View report
Evaluation of Women’s Economic Empowerment Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
UNICEF Malawi's Child-Friendly Schools Construction Component REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG
Final evaluation of the Business Environment and Trade Facilitation Project (BESTF) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
Norwegian Environmental Action Plan Baseline Study REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: NORAD   View report
Finnish Support to Development of Local Governance REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: OECD   View report
Evaluation of the Access to Justice Programme in Zambia, 2006-11 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: DANIDA   View report
Mid-Term Evaluation of the Deepening Democracy through Strengthening Citizen Participation and Accountable Governance Programme (DDAG) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
Independent Verification and Evaluation of the End Child Marriage Programme – Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: OECD   View report
Government of South Africa/UNFPA 4th Country Programme Evaluation (2013-2019) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: OECD   View report
Operation Evaluation Malawi Country Programme 200287 (2012-2016): A Mid-term Evaluation of WFP’s Operation from January 2011-March 2014 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Strengthening National Disaster Preparedness and Response Capacity -End of Programme Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNICEF   View report
Independent Evaluation Kenya UNIDO Integrated Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: UNEG   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: Government Website
Mid Term - Evaluation of Outcome 31 and Gender Mainstreaming across all outcomes United Nations Development Programme Malawi (2012-2016) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG   View report
Independent External Evaluation of the Electoral Cycle Management Project – Zambia (2009 – 2012) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG   View report
Performance evaluation of the USAID/Mozambique agricultural portfolio: final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
From Food Aid to Food Assistance - Working in Partnership: A Strategic Evaluation - Vol. I Full Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: ALNAP   View report
Performance evaluation of water interventions in urban and rural areas of Zimbabwe REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Review of Japan's ODA Evaluation Between FY2000-2007 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: MOFA
Mid-Term Evaluation of EU/UNICEF Supported WASH Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: UNICEF   View report
Evaluation of CRD and NUPI, USAID Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of the European Commission's Co-operation with Namibia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Republic of Rwanda Country Programme Evaluation No. 2434-RW REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: IFAD   View report
ACP EU Water Facility Project - 2006-2011 Addressing water and sanitation needs of the rural poor in the context of HIV and AIDS in Zimbabwe ZIMWASH Project End- Term Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Evaluation of Policy Based Operations in the African Development Bank, 1999-2009. Country Case Study: Rwanda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: OECD   View report
An Assessment of the On-line Birth Registration Project at Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital FOLLOW UP STUDY ON THE BASELINE SURVEY ON BIRTH REGISTRATION IN UMLAZI REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: Government Website
Africa RISING Baseline Evaluation Survey (ARBES) report for Ghana REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)   View report
Abaqulusi child survival program_Salvation Army World Service Office_KwaZulu Natal Province_South Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: USAID   View report
Awash female genital cutting elimination project, final evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Final evaluation of The Social Rehabilitation and Payment to EVD Survivors project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
Tracking Public Expenditure and Assessing Service Quality in Early Childhood Development in South Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNICEF   View report
Mid-Term Evaluation Programme for Promotion and Protection of Women and Children’s Rights (PPPWCR) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of the "Strategy for Women and Gender Equality in Development Cooperation (1997–2005)” Country case study: Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: NORAD
UNDP Zimbabwe: Outcome Evaluation of the 2007-2011 Country Programme of Action REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: UNEG   View report
Results of Development Cooperation through Norwegian ngos in East Africa Volume II REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: NORAD   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
TB child survival and health grants program evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: USAID   View report
Liberia, Food for Education and Child Nutrition: An Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: ALNAP   View report
Country Programme Ghana 200247 (2012-2016): Mid-Term Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: ALNAP   View report
Evaluation of the Interactive Radio Instruction (IRI) Pilot Programme in Early Childhood Education in the Eastern Province of Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNICEF   View report
Evaluation of Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition (IMAM): Kenya Country Case Study REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNICEF   View report
Evaluation of the Government of Ghana - UNICEF Integrated Approach to Guinea Worm Eradication through Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene in Northern Region, Ghana (I-WASH) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Evaluation of UNDEF-Funded: Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms Awareness Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: UNEG   View report
Joint Evaluation of Budget Support to Ghana (2005-2015) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Evaluation of National School Feeding Programme in Eswatini 2010-2018 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: WFP   View report
Mid-Term Review of the Deepening Decentralisation and non State Actors Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG   View report
Strategies and analyses for growth and access (SAGA) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: USAID   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Evaluation of Dutch support to capacity development REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: OECD   View report
Evaluation of Citizens' Voice & Accountability Review of the Literature & Donor Approaches Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: DFID
Program research for strengthening services (PROGRESS) end-of-project evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
USAID/Ethiopia midterm evaluation of the malaria laboratory diagnosis and monitoring project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of the effectiveness of the Prevention of Mother - to - Child Transmission of HIV (PMTCT) Programme in South Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC)   View report
HCT (HIV Counselling and Testing) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: Government Website   View report
United Republic of Tanzania Rural Financial Services Programme and Agricultural Marketing Systems Development Programme Interim Evaluation No. 2256-TZ REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: IFAD
Assessment of the Trade and Investment Program for Competitive Export REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of the home based management of malaria strategy in Rwanda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: USAID   View report
CAFOD's Livelihoods Programme in Zimbabwe REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: ALNAP
Water, Livestock, and Malnutrition: Findings from an Impact Assessment of "Community Resilience to Acute Malnutrition" Programming in the Dar Sila Region of Eastern Chad, 2012-2015 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: ALNAP   View report
Final report for Evaluation of Water & Sanitation for the Urban Poor’s DFID-Funded Programme 2012-2015 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
The international foundation for education and self-help (IFESH) mid-term evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Emergency Preparedness for the Influx of Refugees into Rwanda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNICEF   View report
Evaluation of the Niger Delta Job Creation and Conflict Prevention Initiative (Youth Employment Project) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNDP   View report
Evaluation Report of the Community Health Strategy Implementation In Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: UNICEF   View report
Independent Mid-Term Evaluation Report Disaster Risk Management and Livelihood Recovery programme of UNDP Ethiopia (2010-2016) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNDP   View report
Evaluation of the results of the Africa Commission: Realising the Potential of Africa’s Youth REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: DANIDA   View report
Evaluation of the Sida-supported development cooperation with the Kenya Revenue Authority REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: SIDA   View report
Target states high impact project (TSHIP): part one mid-term evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Management response- Evaluation of Kenya Drought Response 2011/2012: Using Oxfam GB's Global Humanitarian Indicator Tool REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: ALNAP
Policies in the Kenyan Health care sector – Why are they so difficult to implement? REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: SIDA   View report
Joint Irish Aid and DFID’s country programme evaluation 2004/05 to 2009/10 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: DFID
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: SIDA   View report
Joint Irish Aid and DFID’s country programme evaluation: Tanzania 2004/05 to 2009/10 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: ALNAP   View report
Project Evaluation of Support to Capacity Strengthening of Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
Case Study Series: Community-Based Information Systems: Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: MEASURE   View report
Northern Ghana Millennium Villages Impact Evaluation: Preliminary Report on the Second Round of Data REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: 3IE   View report
LO-Norway- MCTU Final Evaluation Report, 2010-14 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Africa RISING Baseline Evaluation Survey (ARBES) report for Malawi REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)   View report
Final evaluation of NRC's community based planning programme in Zimbabwe REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: ALNAP
Republic of Ghana Rural Enterprises Project, Phase II Interim Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: IFAD   View report
Evaluation of Programme Work Methods of The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: SIDA   View report
Support to Food Security Information Systems in Ethiopia (SFSISE) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)   View report
Operations Evaluations Series Regional Synthesis 2013-2017 East and Central Africa Region REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
Peace initiative Kenya : final performance evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Livelihoods-based drought response in Ethiopia : impact assessment of livestock feed supplementation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of Integrated Post-Primary Education (IPPE) pilot project in Tanzania REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNICEF   View report
Tanzania vector control scale-up project: mid-term performance evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
District Health Performance Improvement Evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
The Partnership of the East African Communities Organisation for Management of Lake Victoria Resources (ECOVIC) and the Swedish NGO Centre for Development Cooperation (FORUM SYD) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: SIDA   View report
Ugandan Ministry of Education and Sports BRMS Mentorship Project Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNICEF   View report
Engaging with Fragile States: An IEG Review of World Bank Support to Low-Income Countries Under Stress REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: NORAD   View report
Sinana Female Genital Mutilation Elimination Project (FGMEP), Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
ACDI_VOCA_Uganda_FY 2002_2006 Title II DAP REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: USAID   View report
Independent impact evaluation. SKIPI Uganda - Skills for peace and income. Multi-skills traning and community service facilities for sustainable livelihoods and poverty alleviation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: UNEG
Thematic Evaluation of Support by Danish NGOs to Civil Society. Synthesis Report: Ghana and Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: OECD   View report
USAID South Africa_integrated primary health care project -- end of project participatory evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: USAID   View report
End of project evaluation: USAID/Zambia economic growth program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Basic Research for Impact Evaluation Trial on Grant Aid: A Case from Rural Groundwater Development Project in Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: JICA   View report
Outcome Evaluation Study of the Targeted Supplementary Food (TSF) Program in Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: ALNAP   View report
Mid-term Evaluation Report of UNDP Botswana Country Programme (2017-2021) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNEG   View report
Market Efficiency for Highly Efficient Bio-mass stoves for Institutions and Medium-Scale Enterprises in Kenya Terminal Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNEG   View report
External Evaluation Research Report of the Advanced Certificate in Education: School Leadership and Management REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: Government Website
Independent evaluation UNIDO Project “Enhancing Youth Employability and Entrepreneurship in Tanzania” REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
Mid-term Review of the Diakonia Strategic Peace Building Programme in Zimbabwe - Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: SIDA   View report
Outcome Evaluation of the Support to Electoral Reform and Elections in Malawi Project and the UN 50/50 Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: UNEG   View report
Mid-term programmatic evaluation of USAID/Southern Africa's program to 'improve management of shared river basins' REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: USAID   View report
Mid-term Review and Evaluation of the Swedish and Dutch Support to the Rural Electrification Programme in Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: SIDA
Mid-Term Review of UNDP/GoK Country Programme Action Plan (CPAP) 2004-2008 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: UNEG   View report
Oxfam Australia evaluation report: Umkhanyakude partnership programme. REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: Department for International Development (DFID)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: World Bank
Abstinence and risk avoidance for youth project report (ARK) : end of project evaluation for Haiti, Kenya and Tanzania REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: USAID   View report
Thematic Evaluation of Support by Danish NGOs to Civil Society Support by Danish NGOs to Civil Society REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: Government Website   View report
Impact evaluation: psychosocial support on children’s well-being, literacy, and math outcomes in the South Sudan integrated essential emergency education services activity : final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Mozambique Country Program Evaluation-Synthesis Report-2004-2005 to 2008-2009 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Strengthening the capacity for country ownership': end-of-project evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Strategic Evaluation of WFP'S Pilot Purchase for Progress Initiative (2008-2013) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG
Mid-Term Evaluation of DFID’s Health Research Programme Consortia - Synthesis Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: OECD   View report
ILO Evaluation A programme to reduce WFCL in tobacco-growing communities in Zambia (ARISE II) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNEG   View report
Financial Transparency & Accountability Implementation Assessment Report‖ REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Government Website
Joint Evaluation of Budget Support to Tanzania: lessons learned and recommendations for the future Final Report: Volume 1 2013 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: DANIDA   View report
The Challenge of Assessing Aid Impact: A Review of Norwegian Evaluation Practice REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: NORAD   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Energy Efficient Production and Utilisation of Charcoal through Innovative Technologies and Private Sector Involvement in Sierra Leone REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
APHIAPLUS end-of-activity performance evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Sida Funded HIV/AIDS Projects in Zimbabwe REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: SIDA   View report
Final performance evaluation report of the regional strategic analysis and knowledge support system (ReSAKSS) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of Norwegian Support to the Protection of Cultural Heritage REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: NORAD   View report
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment of the RIBB Irrigation and Drainage Project Volume 2/2 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: Government Website
Terminal Evaluation Report Protected Area Network Management & Building Capacity Network Management & Build REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG
Kenya PRRO 200174 "Food Assistance to Refugees" (2011-2013): An Operation Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: ALNAP   View report
An evaluation of WFP’s L3 Response to the Ebola virus disease (EVD) crisis in West Africa (2014– 2015) Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
Results of Development Cooperation through Norwegian ngos in East Africa Volume I REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: NORAD   View report
Final Evaluation Report of African Adaptation Programme: Supporting Climate Resilient Sustainable Development in Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
Thematic Evaluation on Communicable Disease Control in Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: JICA   View report
The Asian Regional Research Programme on Environmental Technologies (ARRPET) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: SIDA   View report
Strengthening Communities Through Integrated Programming Performance Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Ethiopia Drought - Midtern Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: ALNAP   View report
Evaluation of Development Effectiveness and Accountability (DEAP) Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
Eliminating paediatric AIDS in Swaziland project evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Final Evaluation Strengthening Disaster Reduction Management and Resilience Building Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
USAID/Liberia rebuilding basic health services final project evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Luapula Food Security, Nutrition Action and Communication Project, Zambia GCP/ZAM/059/BEL REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)   View report
Child Welfare South Africa Asibavikele program evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Malawi new-born health program final evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
SSDI services performance evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Performance evaluation and needs assessment report of USAID programming to communities affected by the Lord’s Resistance Army in Central Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID   View report
Mid Term Evaluation of the Reclassification and Effective Management of the National Protected Areas System Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: UNEG   View report
Ghana: Review of Bank Assistance To Water Sector, 1978-2004 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: African Development Bank Group
African Universities Responding to HIV/AIDS REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: SIDA   View report
Impact of creative capacity building of local innovators and communities on income, welfare and attitudes in Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)   View report
Evaluation of Global Partnership for Education Programme in South Sudan Final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Gender assessment of dairy value chains: evidence from Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Terminal Evaluation of the support to the National E-Government Strategy Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
PME_South Africa_2009_ Draft Report for the Evaluation of the “Ke Moja, I’m fine without drugs” Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: DPME   View report
Mid-Term Evaluation of Improving Food Security and nutrition Policies and Programme Outreach - REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
Rural Small and Micro Enterprise Promotion Project – Phase II (PPPMER II) Follow-up Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: Government Website
The T-MARC project mid-term evaluation : assessing progress and focusing on the future REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of Media Development Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
Review of Budget Support Evaluations REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: DANIDA   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: Roll Back Malaria Partnership   View report
Evaluation of USAID South Sudan's democracy and governance activities under NDI project 2009-2014 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Assessment of land use dynamics and climate change activities by the United States Geological Survey's Earth Resources Observation System and the Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel's Regional Center for Training and Application of Agrometeorology REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID   View report
Assessment of Development Results: Evaluation of UNDP Contribution to Ghana, 2002-2010 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Evaluation of UNHCR's Country operations in Angola, Botswana and Namibia: Assessment of phasing down UNHRC presence during the period 2012-2016 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: ALNAP
An evaluation of the core education skills for Liberian youth (CESLY) program and recommendations for future non-formal education programming in Liberia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Final performance evaluation of the Kenya dairy sector competitiveness program: USAID support to Kenya's dairy industry for a five-year period from May 2008 until April 2014 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of DFID's Country Programmes: Ethiopia 2003-2004 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: ALNAP
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: The Presidency   View report
Nigeria Stability and Reconciliation Programme (NSRP), Independent Evaluation Provider (NIEP) – Final Evaluation Report Vol. 1 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Report on the Evaluation of the UNFPA 3rd Country Programme of Assistance to the Government of Liberia 2008 – 2012 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)   View report
HP LIFE Program Process and Outcome Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Functional Review of MININTER Draft Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: Government Website   View report
Evaluation of the Health Results Innovation Trust Fund REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: NORAD   View report
2011Kenya Urban Reproductive Health Service Delivery Report Report of the 2011 Baseline Service Delivery Point Survey for Tupange, The Kenya Urban Reproductive Health Initiative REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: Government Website   View report
Evaluation of 3rd Call off of civil society support through umbrella organisations 2013–2017 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: SIDA   View report
Assessment of Local Economic Development (LED) Approach in Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNEG   View report
Federal Republic of Nigeria Country Programme Evaluation Report No. 1959-NG REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: IFAD   View report
End of project evaluation: USAID's 'children first' orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) project in Zimbabwe REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Performance evaluation of the clinical HIV/AIDS system strengthening project in Sofala-Manica-Tete provinces REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Republic of Uganda Vegetable Oil Development Project Interim evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)   View report
Evaluation of Programme of Support for National Action Plan for Orphans and Vulnerable Children Impact/ Outcome Assessment REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: UNICEF   View report
Decentralized Evaluation Final Evaluation of Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation 200938: ‘Rebuilding food and nutrition security and strengthening disaster management capabilities in Sierra Leone’ REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
Report from evaluation of the HIV/AIDS prevention project of the New Life Community (NLC) Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: OECD   View report
Northern Region Poverty Reduction Programme (NORPREP) Project Completion Report Validation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: IFAD   View report
Independent Evaluation Republic of Kenya Crafting a green future and souvenir industry in Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
Inspiring Healthy Communities: Integrating Health, Water Supply, and Market Interventions to Build Resilience REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: ALNAP   View report
Mid-term performance evaluation of boresha afya, the comprehensive health service delivery project, USAID/Tanzania REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of the ‘Building Sustainable Peace and Development Project in Karamoja’ REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: UNEG   View report
Operation Evaluation Lesotho - Country Programme 200369: A mid-term evaluation of WFP’s Country Programme (2013-2017) Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG   View report
Mid-term evaluation report: sustainable nutrition and agriculture promotion (SNAP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of the Irish Aid Zambia Country Strategy Paper 2007-2010 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: OECD   View report
Realizing Involved Communities by 2016 Community Leaders and Case Studies of Community Projects Towards 2016 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Government affiliated in country website
Evaluation of joint UN emergency health, nutrition and HIV/AIDS programme in North and North Eastern Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Real-Time Evaluation of Norway’s International Climate and Forest Initiative Synthesising Report 2007-2013 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: NORAD   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Government Website   View report
Assessment of Development Results: Evaluation of UNDP Contribution to Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Performance evaluation of the USAID_Malawi Feed the Future mobile money project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Country Programme Action Plan (CPAP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: UNDP   View report
Opening doors : a performance evaluation of the development credit authority (DCA) in Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of the financial sector program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
End of Term Evaluation of the National Climate Change Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
Replicating MamaToto in rural Tanzania : final process evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: International Development Research Centre (IDRC)   View report
No Margin, No Mission? Evaluating the Role of Incentives in the Distribution of Public Goods in Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: 3IE   View report
Evaluation of ECHO’s Actions in northern Uganda 2004 - 2005 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: European Commission Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (ECHO)
Impact and Implementation Evaluation of Government Coordination Systems: Final Report: Policy Summary, Executive Summary and Short Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Government Website   View report
Public Private Partnership Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: DANIDA   View report
End of Project Evaluation Fight Against Social and Economic Exclusion (FASE) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: UNEG   View report
Sida’s Support to the Africa Groups of Sweden’s Development Cooperation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: SIDA   View report
Impact Evaluation of the Sector Wide Approach (SWAp), Malawi REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: Department for International Development (DFID)   View report
External Evaluation of ICEIDA Support to the Implementation of FALP In Kalangala District 2006-2010 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: OECD   View report
2013-2014 Sure-P Projects Monitoring & Verification Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Government Website
Nutrition Support Officer Operational approach evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNICEF   View report
Mid Term Evaluation of the Joint Programme on Prevention of Gender Based Violence (JPGBV) Against Young Women and Adolescent Girls REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
Performance evaluation of the mobile application to secure tenure (MAST) pilot REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
UNDP-supported AF-financed Project “Increased Resilience to Climate Change in Northern Ghana through the Management of Water Resources and Diversification of Livelihoods” REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNDP   View report
Support To Financial Inclusion In Lesotho (SUFIL) End of Project Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
Terminal Evaluation Report for the UNDP GEF Project Development and adoption of a Strategic Action Programme for balancing water uses and sustainable natural resource management in the Orange-Senqu River transboundary basin REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
24-Month Impact Report for the Child Grant Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: American Institute of Research (AIR)   View report
Evaluation of conservation education and outreach initiatives around Nyungwe National Park (NNP)[, Rwanda] REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID   View report
Ethiopia Service Provision Assessment Plus Survey 2014 Key Findings REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Government Website   View report
Swaziland DEV 200353 Food By Prescription: An Operation Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG
Midterm Evaluation of Lesotho Country Programme Outcomes Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
Impact Assessment of the Community Animal Health System in Mandera West District REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: ALNAP   View report
USAID/Zambia assistance to strengthen Ministry of Education support to community schools REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of the Three Year Rolling Multi Donor Parliamentary Support Programme: January 2005 – December 2007 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: UNEG
Evaluation of WINDOW OF HOPE within the Country Programme of Cooperation, Government of Namibia and UNICEF, 2006-2010 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Ethiopian Nile Irrigation and Drainage Project (Ribb Dam RAP: Project Task I Final Report) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: Government Website   View report
Evaluation of the ECHO Funded Tearfund Integrated WatSan and Public Health Promotion Programme in Nimba County, Liberia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: ALNAP   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID   View report
Resources, Stimulation, and Cognition: How Transfer Programs and Preschool Shape Cognitive Development in Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: 3IE   View report
Multi-Country Real Time Evaluation of UNICEF Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies Programmes: South Sudan Country Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
WFP Office of Evaluation Annual Evaluation Report (2013) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
A catalyst and a bridge: An evaluation of UNHCR's community empowerment projects in Sierra Leone REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: ALNAP   View report
Supporting Civil Society Organizations for Empowerment and Economics Progress of Small Farmers and People Living in Poverty Results and Effects of Sida’s Framework Agreement with Swedish Cooperative Centre REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: SIDA   View report
UNDP/GEF Developing Incentives for Community Participation in Forest Conservation Through the Use of Commercial Insects in Kenya (CIP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of the Candian Colleges Partnership Program, Phase II (2001-2008) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: OECD   View report
Evaluation of the WFP Humanitarian Protection Policy; Evaluation Report: Volume I REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: WFP   View report
Report of the ad hoc Committee on the Review of Chapter 9 and Associated Institutions A report to the National Assembly of the Parliament of South Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: Government Website   View report
Mid-Term Review: Support to the Fisheries Sector of Mozambique, 2013-2017 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Independent evaluation of CAADP multi-donor trust fund (MDTF). Volume 1 : main report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of Concern Kenya's Kerio Valley Cash Transfer Pilot (KVCTP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: ALNAP
Malawi strengthening inclusive markets for agriculture (MSIKA) program : final evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
The Future of Integrated Policy-Based Development Cooperation. Lessons from the Exit from General Budget Support in Malawi, Rwanda, Uganda and Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
The leadership development for family planning / reproductive health for political office holders, traditional and religious leaders project end-of-project performance evaluation final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Terminal Evaluation of the UN Environment project: “Protected Areas Resilient to Climate Change (PARCC West Africa), officially known as “Evolution of Protected Area systems with regard to climate change in West Africa” REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
Country Report on the Implementation od 1325/2000 UN Resolution on Women, Peace and Security REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: Government Website
USAID/South Africa umbrella grants management project end of project partner evaluation: Anglican Aids and Healthcare Trust (AAHT) vana vetu program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of Donor Support to Public Financial Management (PFM) Reform in Developing Countries Analytical study of quantitative cross‐country evidence REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: SIDA   View report
Country Led Evaluation in the Delivering as One Programme in Rwanda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: UNEG   View report
Results-based aid approaches REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: DANIDA   View report
Scaling up community resilience to climate variability and climate change in Northern Namibia, with a special focus on women and children (SCORE Project) (PIMS 4711) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: UNDP   View report
Midterm performance evaluation of the higher education solutions network (HESN) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Formative evaluation of Guatengs Township Economic Revitalisation Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: DPME   View report
United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) of Ethiopia, 2007-2011: Mid-Term Review Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: UNEG   View report
Demand Creation for Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision in Tanzania REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: 3IE   View report
Ezimbuzini Economic Development Node: Phase I Project Evaluation 2008 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: Government Website   View report
Kenya Evaluation of Country Programme Action Plan Outcomes (2004-2008) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: UNEG   View report
Support to Legislatures REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: NORAD   View report
Quick Impact Employment Creation Project (QIECP) for Youth through Labour-based Public Works in Sierra Leone – Final Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
Ex-ante Evaluation of Potential DIPECHO Interventions in South East Africa and South West Indian Ocean REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: ALNAP
Protecting the Land and Inheritance Rights of HIV-Affected Women in Kenya and Uganda: A Compendium of Current Programmatic and Monitoring and Evaluation Approaches REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: MEASURE
Outcome Evaluation of the Good Governance for Sustainable Development Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
Malawi PRRO 200692 Responding To Humanitarian Needs and Strengthening Resilience: A mid-term Operation Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: ALNAP   View report
Evaluation Report of the Primary School Leaving Examination Conduct REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: UNICEF   View report
2015 Full Country Evaluations report - Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance   View report
Irish Aid Malawi CSP, 2010-2014 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: Irish Aid   View report
A review of UNHCR’s utilisation of the Central Emergency Response Fund REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: ALNAP   View report
An evaluation report of Gender-based violence, HIV/AIDS and most vulnerable Children REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Terminal Evaluation of the UNDP Botswana Country Programme 2010-2014 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
Medium Term Review of UNDP and UNFPA Country Program Action Plans REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: UNEG   View report
Islamic Republic of The Gambia Country Programme Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
Community participation and after-school support to improve learning outcomes and transition to secondary school among disadvantaged girls: A Pilot Study in Informal Urban Settlements in Nairobi, Kenya Midterm Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: African Population and Health Research Centre (APHRC)   View report
End of Project Evaluation Enhancing Justice Delivery and Human Rights for All REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
USAID Kenya evaluation services and program support : APHIAPLUS end-of-activity performance evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID
End-of-project evaluation of the family planning reproductive health (RH/FP) and extending service delivery for RH/FP (ESD) projects REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: USAID   View report
Report on the Implementation Evaluation of the National School Nutrition Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: DPME   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID   View report
South Sudan interactive radio Instruction performance evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Mid Term Evaluation Enabling Sustainable Dryland Management through Mobile Pastoral Custodianship: (World Initiative on Sustainable Pastoralism) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: UNEG   View report
Delivering Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Fragile States Background Paper for the Review of WSP’s Technical Assistance Program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: ALNAP   View report
Final evaluation of "Pursuing pastoralist resilience through improved animal health service delivery in pastoralist areas of Ethiopia" REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)   View report
Evaluation of the WFP Corporate Partnership Strategy (2014-2017) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: WFP   View report
Are Sida Evaluations Good Enough? An Assessment of 34 Evaluation Reports REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: SIDA   View report
THE SOUTH AFRICAN PROGRAMME TO PREVENT MOTHER-TO-CHILD TRANSMISSION OF HIV (PMTCT) evaluation of the early infant diagnosis service in primary health care facilities in south Africa: REPORT ON RESULTS OF A SITUATIONAL ASSESSMENT REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC)   View report
Review of Sida’s Research Cooperation. Synthesis Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: SIDA   View report
Evaluation of the UNDP/GEF Project Incorporating Non-Motorized Transport Facilities in the city of Gaborone REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNDP   View report
Aggregating the results that arise from Sida’s investment in Tanzanian Civil Society in 2015 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: SIDA   View report
An Information System for Gender-Based Violence Care and Support: Botswana REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: MEASURE
Evaluation of Regular Events to Advance Child Health (REACH) Child Health Days/Weeks and Maternal and Child Health Days/Weeks in the Eastern and Southern Africa Region Countries in this study: Ethiopia, Madagascar, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Evaluation of the Safe and Caring Child-Friendly Schools Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNICEF   View report
Evaluation of the Security Sector Programme in Sierra Leone May – July 2017 Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
Final End Term Evaluation Report Kenya APRM Donor Supported Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of DG Echo's Funded Actions in Kenya (2008-2009) Funding nutrition and livelihood support within drought responses REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: ALNAP
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: Government Website   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)   View report
Time to learn midline impact evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of the Drivers of Urban Immunization in Uganda: A case study of Kampala city REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance   View report
An interim assessment of AEI teacher training_looking to the future REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: USAID   View report
End of Term Evaluation for Strengthening Political Parties Project in Malawi REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
Sanitation, water and hygiene in rural areas of Zimbabwe: An empowering and sustainable approach for Millennium Development Goals REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: ALNAP   View report
Final Evaluation of the Maternal and Child Health Project part 2 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Assessment of USAID/Zambia's economic growth portfolio REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: USAID   View report
Republic of Zambia Forest Resource Management Project PROJECT PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)   View report
Evaluation of CIDA's Program in Ghana 1999-2005: Executive Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: OECD   View report
A Decade of Bioscience Development in Eastern Africa: The BIO-EARN Programme 1999–2010 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: SIDA   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: UN Economic commission for Africa
Mid-term performance review of AfyaInfo REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID   View report
Education for Democracy, Prosperity and Peace. A Program of Coady International Institute, St. Francis Xavier University REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: OECD   View report
Final Evaluation of the ECDE Project in Karamoja REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
SUSTAINABLE FISHERIES MANAGEMENT PROJECT (SFMP) Regional Study Tour on Women’s Empowerment and Post-Harvest Improvements REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID
Partnership for growth (PFG) mid_term evaluation_Tanzania final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Sustainable WASH systems learning partnership : Ethiopia midterm organizational network analysis report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Final Evaluation of the Project Integrated Management of the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem (BCLME) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: UNEG   View report
Cash for Carbon: A Randomized Trial of Payment for Ecosystem Services to Reduce Deforestation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: 3IE   View report
Rural Finance Programme (RFP) Project Completion Report Validation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: IFAD   View report
Kingdom of Lesotho Rural Financial Intermediation Programme Project Performance Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
Gender-Based Violence Programming Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: K4HEALTH   View report
Mid-term assessment of the excellence in higher education Liberian development (EHELD) project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Humanitarian Aid for Victims of the Food Crisis in Zimbabwe - January-June 2010 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: ALNAP   View report
Evaluation of the Support Project to the Eastern Province Rural Development- Nyagatare District Project Phase 1 2006-2008 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: UNEG   View report
Final performance evaluation of USAID/Ethiopia’s building the potential of youth activity REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Protecting Children from Violence: A Comprehensive Evaluation of UNICEF’s Strategies and Programme Performance: Ghana Case Study REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNICEF
External evaluation on the Development of a short course on Gender and Climate Change (G&CC) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
GAVI Full Country Evaluation 2013 Process evaluation of pneumococcal vaccine introduction in Mozambique, Uganda, and Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance   View report
Terminal Evaluation of the Lake Tanganyika Integrated Management Project (Zambia Component) (PIMS 1941) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
Catholic Relief Services/Rwanda Development Assistance Program (DAP) Food Security Program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: USAID   View report
Final performance evaluation of USAID/Kenya's support to the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) "wildlife conservation project" (WCP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Health and life skills project (HELP) among house girls in Nairobi : an evaluation of the effect of HELP on house girls' vulnerability towards STI/HIV and unintended pregnancy REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Changing Rules – Developing Institutions. A Synthesis of Findings REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: SIDA   View report
Real-time evaluation of the Government of Norway’s International Climate and Forest Initiative Literature review and programme theory REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: NORAD
USAID sustaining partnerships to enhance rural enterprise and agribusiness development (SPREAD) project : integrated community health program mid-term program evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: USAID   View report
Final evaluation of the World Food Program USDA/McGovern-Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program (FFE 615-2013/041/00) in Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: WFP   View report
Impact and Outcome Evaluation of The Netherlands Trust Fund Programme - Phase II (NTF II) Uganda and Bangladesh Projects REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
Capacity Kenya end of project evaluation: final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment of the Megech Pump (SERABA) Irrigation and Drainage Project Volume 2/2 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: Government Website
Support to Lesotho HIV and Aids Response: Empowerment of Orphans and other Vulnerable Children REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
Kenya 2014 Demographic and Health Survey Key Findings REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Government Website   View report
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the National Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT) Programme Measured at Six Weeks Postpartum in South Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: Government Website   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: PEFA
Final Evaluation of the Sierra Leone 4th Country Programme (2008–2012) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)   View report
Opportunities Industrialization Centers International (OICI)_institutional capacity building programme (ICB) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: USAID   View report
Southern Sudan rural electrification project (SSREP) evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation : Nigeria agricultural policy project : final performance evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Consortium for rehabilitation and development : LEAD mid-term review report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: USAID   View report
Terminal Evaluation of the UN Environment-GEF Project “Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions with Bus Rapid Transit and Non-Motorized Transport” REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of Budget Support to Sierra Leone 2002 – 2015 Final Report Volume One REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
COLALIFE Operational Trial Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: OECD   View report
A summary evaluation of The Atlantic Philanthropies’ Nursing Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Atlantic Philanthropies   View report
Real-Time Evaluation UNHCR's IDP Operation in Liberia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: ALNAP
USAID/Ethiopia WTO accession plus project evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: USAID   View report
Rapid review of the cash-for-work and natural resource management components of the RAIN project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: USAID   View report
Rift Valley local empowerment for peace II (LEAP II): final evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Mid-term review_Title II institutional capacity building (ICB) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: USAID   View report
Swedish Development Cooperation With Tanzania -Has It Helped The Poor? REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
2016 Full Country Evaluations report - Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance   View report
Synthesis of Budget Support Evaluations – Volume 1: Synthesis Analysis of Findings, Conclusions & Recommendations of seven country evaluations REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: OECD   View report
Promotion of Water, Sanitation and Hygenie Education Choma, Namwala, Gwembe and Siavonga Districts REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: UNICEF   View report
2010 malaria indicator survey REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Government Website   View report
Impact Evaluation of Ethiopia’s National Response to HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: Government Website
Development as a conservation tool: evaluating ecological, economic, attitudinal, and behavioral outcomes REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: 3IE
Consolidated Report on Inspections of Service Delivery Sites: Departments of Education REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: Government Website   View report
End of Programme Evaluation of The Youth Employment and Empowerment Programme (YEEP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
Country Pilot Partnership (CPP) Programme for Integrated Sustainable Land REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
Mid-Term Review of the Strategy for Sweden's Development Cooperation with Ethiopia, 2016-2020 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: SIDA
Evaluation report of Lusaka Outreach Programmes of SOS Children’s Village of Zambia Trust (Family Strengthening Programme and Medical Centre) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Institutional Capacity Building: Tanzania End of Program Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: Pathfinder International   View report
Evaluation youthmap Uganda : final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
FAO's and IFAD's Engagement in Pastoral Development REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG
Evaluation of the Joint United Nations Emergency Health, Nutrition and HIV/AIDS Programme in North and North Eastern Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: UNICEF   View report
Learning at Taonga Market_community and GRZ schools_ grade 2 evaluation of interactive radio instruction REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: USAID   View report
The Innovative Use of Mobile Applications in East Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: SIDA   View report
Communications support for health programme; saving mothers giving life evaluation study report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Synthesis of the Evaluation Series of WFP's Emergency Preparedness and Response (2012 – 2015) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG   View report
Improving the quality of care for children with acute malnutrition in Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: 3IE   View report
Report on the implementation and impact evaluation of Support Programme for Industrial Innovation (SPII) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Government Website
Increasing HIV self-testing and linkage to care for partners of women in antenatal care in Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: 3IE   View report
Synthesis of impact evaluations of microcredit REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: DANIDA   View report
Strategic Evaluation of WFP Support for Enhanced Resilience REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of the capacity project's human resources information systems (HRIS) strengthening process in Swaziland, Uganda and Rwanda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: USAID   View report
Formative Evaluation of NIAF II REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: OECD   View report
Fourth Consolidated Public Service Monitoring and Evaluation Report: Evaluation Cycle 2006/2007 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: Government Website
Programme of Support for the National Action Plan for Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children Outcome Assessment REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Final evaluation of the health initiatives for the private sector (HIPS) project, August 2012-January 2014 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Private Public Partnership for Sustainable Land Management in the Shire River Basin Terminal Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
Capacity Strengthening Strategy through Capacity Needs Assessment for Country Level Strategic Analysis and Knowledge Support System (SAKSS) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Government Website   View report
Report of the Midterm Evaluation of the Mainstreaming of Sustainable Land Management Policies in Six Cattle Corridors of Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
Uganda livelihoods and enterprises for agricultural development (LEAD) - mid-term evaluation final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
The performance evaluation of USAID/Ethiopia-funded International Foundation for Education and Self-Help capacity building in teacher education program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Strengthening capacity for gender sensitive multi-sectoral response to HIV and AIDS in Botswana REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNEG   View report
Sierra Leone Country Strategy 2011-2013, An Independent Programme Evaluation - Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Evaluation of the School Meals Programme in Malawi REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: WFP   View report
End of project evaluation on comprehensive workplace programs (CWPP) report _APHIA II Coast and Rift Valley_2010 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: USAID   View report
Final evaluation report: Lira District child survival project in Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of UNESCO’s Role in Education in Emergencies and Protracted Crises REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
Mid-term performance evaluation of the Nigeria expanded trade and transport (NEXTT) project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID
Sida Support to Teacher Education in Tanzania 1997–2002 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: SIDA   View report
Sida Supported ICT Project at Makerere University in Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: SIDA   View report
Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: Eastern and Southern Africa Anti-Money Laundering Group   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT)   View report
End of Programme Cycle Assessment of the 2002 - 2005 GRN-UNICEF Programme of Cooperation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Final performance evaluation of the UBALE development food assistance project in Malawi [volume II] REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
2012-2013 SAPMTCTE Report Early (4-8 weeks postpartum) Population-level Effectiveness of WHO PMTCT Option A, South Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC)   View report
Education for All (EFA) 2013 Country Progress Report: South Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Government Website   View report
SAFER project: mid-term evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
An Evaluation of WFP's Response to the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) crisis in West Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: WFP
Mid-term Review (MTR) report Development of Cornerstone Public Policies and Institutional Capacities to accelerate Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) Progress REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNEG   View report
Humanitarian Multi-Sectoral Emergency Response, Yobe and Borno States, Nigeria REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: ALNAP   View report
External Evaluation of the Monyetla Work Readiness Programme TM– Phase 2 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: DPME   View report
Evaluation of Swedish Leadership for Sustainable Development REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: SIDA   View report
For di pikin dem wel bodi (the health of the child)_community based health initiatives implemented through social cohesion strategies in Koinadugu District Sierra Leone REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: USAID   View report
External evaluation of Feed the Future innovation lab for collaborative research on peanut productivity and mycotoxin control REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Food-Based Approaches to Reducing Micronutrient Malnutrition: An Impact Evaluation of the UNICEF ICBD Program in the Savelugu-Nanton District of Northern Ghana REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: 3IE   View report
Full Report of the Mid-Term Evaluation of the Southern Africa Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation (PRRO 10310.0) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: ALNAP   View report
External evaluation of LO-Norway’s cooperation with National Organisation of Trade Unions, (NOTU), Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Sida Support to the UNICEF Country Programme in Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: SIDA   View report
Evaluation of scale-up of the PMTCT infant feeding counseling training program in Tanzania REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: USAID   View report
Management response- Country Portfolio Evaluation - WFP Kenya 2006 - 2010 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: ALNAP   View report
Evaluation of DFID country programmes: Sierra Leone, 2002 - 2007 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Republic of Ghana Rural Financial Services Project PROJECT PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: IFAD   View report
Parliamentariens for Global Action REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: DANIDA   View report
From behavior change communication to strategic behavioral communication on HIV in Kenya, 1999-2006 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of IMBITA credit operations Swaziland REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: USAID   View report
Review of Norwegian support to National Democratic Institute (NDI) in Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Republic of Ghana Root and Tuber Improvement and Marketing Programme Project Performance Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)   View report
The Contribution of Food Assistance to Durable Solutions in Protracted Refugee Situations: its impact and role in Rwanda (2007-2011) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: ALNAP   View report
Mid-term Evaluation (MTE) Report: Disaster Risk Management and Livelihood Recovery program (DRR/LR) in Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
A review of the Alternative Basic Education program in Karamoja REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Tanzania Evaluation of Bank Group Assistance to the Education Sector Including Microfinance Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: African Development Bank Group   View report
Mid-term evaluation of the Kenya civil society strengthening program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: USAID   View report
Peer Evaluation of Skills Laboratory Interventions in Malawian Nursing Colleges REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Evaluation of Sida & NIR Core Support Programme (2009-2012) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: SIDA
Ethiopia: Progress Towards Achieving the Millennium Development Goals: Successes, Developments and Challenges REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: Government Website
Improving ART Adherence at Reproductive and Child Health Clinics Integrating Option B+ in Tanzania REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: 3IE   View report
Niger Delta Biodiversity Conservation Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNDP   View report
The mid-term evaluation of the building sustainable elections management program (BSEM) implemented by the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) program in Liberia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Enhancing Research Capacity at Makerere University, Uganda through collaboration with Swedish Universities, 2000–2008. Past Experiences and Future Direction REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: SIDA   View report
Department of Basic Education Education for All (EFA) 2014 Country Progress Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Government Website   View report
Capacity Building for Strengthening the National HIV/Aids Response Project Final Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: UNEG   View report
TREE/ UNICEF Kusaselihle  Integrated Early Childhood  Development Intervention   (2004‐2008)  REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Evaluation of Tahea Supported 'Mama Makubwa' Initiative in Makete and Iringa Regions REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Ethiopian NAMA: Creating Opportunities for Municipalities to Produce and Operationalise Solid Waste Transformation (COMPOST) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNEG   View report
Refugee Health in Zambia - Joint UNHCR-WHO Evaluation of Health and Health Programmes in Refugee Camps in Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: ALNAP
Independent evaluation of CAADP multi donor trust fund (MDTF) Volume 1 _main report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID
Micro training and the Sierra Leone police : an evaluation of the effectiveness of cascade training REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of Sida's Support to the Project "Organic Trade and Value Chain Development in East Africa" 2014-2019 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: SIDA
Evaluation of Research on Norwegian Development Assistance REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: NORAD   View report
Lessons from Evaluations of Women and Gender Equality in Development Cooperation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: NORAD   View report
Integrating the Rights Perspective in Programming. Lessons learnt from Swedish-Kenyan development cooperation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: OECD   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: Government Website   View report
External end-of-project evaluation : urban agriculture program for HIV/AIDS affected women and children REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: USAID   View report
Terminal Evaluation of Peace Architecture for Conflict Transformation Framework Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
Mid-Term monitoring and evaluation of Alfalit’s Literacy Programs In Liberia, Mozambique, and Angola REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Smartstart Outcome Evaluation: Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: Smartstart   View report
Final Report Evaluation of the United Nations joint programme to support Tanzania’s Productive Social Safety Net (PSSN) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of the Community Based Rehabilitation Program in Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Growth and Poverty Reduction: Evaluating Rwanda’s First PR REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: SIDA   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)   View report
Evaluation of UN-Zambia Development Assistance Framework UNDAF 2011 – 2015 and Delivering as One REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
Strengthening local capacity to combat HIV/AIDS in Zambia: end of project performance evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of the Sida supported RFSL projects “LGBT Voices” and “Rainbow Leaders” REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: SIDA   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Evaluation of the UNDP parliamentary support project in Zimbabwe & recommendations REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG
Final evaluation: CRS Malawi WALA program 2009-2014. Volume I - main report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of Norwegian Development Cooperation through Norwegian Non-Governmental Organisations in Northern Uganda (2003 - 2007) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: ALNAP   View report
Community-Based Distribution of Oral HIV Self-Testing Kits: Experimental Evidence From Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: 3IE   View report
Evaluation of MARA Women Savings and Credit Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Strengthening multi-party democracy : end of project evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
République du Rwanda Évaluation du programme de pays (PARTLY IN ENG) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: IFAD   View report
Uganda performance and impact evaluation for literacy achievement and retention activity (LARA) : final performance evaluation data collection report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Mainstreaming Sustainable Land Management in Agro pastoral Production Systems in Kenya (PIMS No: 3245) (GEF ID: 3370) Terminal Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
Ethiopia Health Sector Financing Reform/HFG: End-of-Project Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Primary math and reading (PRIMR) initiative: endline impact evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Mid-Term Evaluation: Support to Local Economic Development (LED) Programme 2 nd Generation, 2012-2015. REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
Assessing World Bank Support for Trade, 1987–2004 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: UN   View report
2014 Beneficiary Satisfaction Survey on KOICA's ODA Programme Worldwide REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: The Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA)
USAID/South Africa umbrella grants management project end of project partner evaluation: Woz'obona/Sekhukhune Educare Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Mid-Term Evaluation of the Women Entrepreneurs Project in South Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG   View report
Joint Programme Support For the National Monitoring and Evaluation Systems in Malawi (JPSME) [July 2005 – June 2008] REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: UNEG   View report
UNDP’S Programme on Governance and Human Rights in Zimbabwe Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNEG   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: OECD   View report
Final Evaluation of the joint programmes for ‘Deepening Democracy through Strengthening Citizen Participation and Accountable Governance (DDAG)’ and ‘Promoting Access to Justice, Human Rights and Peace Consolidation in Rwanda’ REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
Midline evaluation of the Zambia-led prevention initiative (ZPI) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Decentralised evaluation. An Evaluation of WFP’s Asset Creation Programme in Kenya’s Arid and Semi-arid Areas 2009 to 2015 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
Midline evaluation report - Innovation Window REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Uganda's Employment Challenge: Evaluation of Government Strategy REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development
Lake Tanganyika Integrated Management Project Mid-Term Evaluation Report Zambia Component REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNEG   View report
SSDI communications final evaluations report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
From Donors to Partners? Evaluation of Norwegian Support to Strengthen Civil Society in Developing Countries through Norwegian Civil Society Organisations REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: NORAD   View report
Evaluation of the Zimbabwe Election Support Network Project 2016-2018 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: SIDA   View report
Zimbabwe_Gender Support Programme (GSP) End of Project Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
Gender Audit on Tanzania National Response to HIV and AIDS REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: Government Website   View report
Evaluation of DG ECHO's actions in Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: ALNAP
Final Evaluation Report of Action Against Hunger's OFDA project 'Surveillance and evaluation team (SET) and multi-sectoral emergency team (MET): An integrated emergency response in South Sudan' REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: ALNAP
Terminal Evaluation of the UN Environment/Global Environment Facility Project “Capacity Building for the Implementation of the National Biosafety Framework of Swaziland” REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
External Evaluation of Restless Development Tanzania Programmes 2007 – 2015 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: SIDA   View report
Sida’s Trade-Related Assistance: Results and Management REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: SIDA   View report
Impact assessments of Learnerships and Apprenticeships REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: Government Website   View report
Evaluation of OFDA Emergency Seed Relief Drought Response Ethiopia, 2003-04 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: ALNAP   View report
Endline performance evaluation of the strengthening HIV/AIDS responses in prevention and protection project in Namibia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID
Joint Evaluation of Support to Anti-Corruption Efforts Synthesis 2002-2009 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: SIDA   View report
Evaluation report: summative implementation evaluation of the reading support project in South Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2021   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Chlorine Dispensers in Kenya: Scaling for Results REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: 3IE   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: SIDA   View report
Impact evaluation of the strengthen PSNP4 institutions and resilience (SPIR) development food security activity (DFSA): Baseline report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)   View report
Evaluation of The Uganda National Association of the Blind REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: IFAD   View report
Assessment of the Implementation of Policy Framework on the Appointment of Ministerial Staff in National and Provincial Departments REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Government Website
External evaluation: ACF Zimbabwe mission closure REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: ALNAP   View report
The Early Learning Programme Outcomes Study REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: Innovation Edge   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: South Africa Government website   View report
Formative evaluation of the programme to accelerate efforts to reduce maternal, neonatal and child mortality in the Northern and Upper East regions of Ghana REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNICEF   View report
Final performance evaluation electoral empowerment of civil society program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Mid-term evaluation of the Liberian energy sector support program - final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Terminal Evaluation of Mainstreaming Incentives for Biodiversity Conservation in the Climate Resilient Green Economy Strategy (CRGE) of Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNEG   View report
Final Evaluation Report YouthLead Initiative: Most Significant Change and Lessons Learnt REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Review of Bank Group Assistance to the Agriculture and Rural Development sector REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Evaluating the cost and quality of service delivery for orphans and vulnerable children by international non-governmental organizations and local civil society organizations in Rwanda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)   View report
Catholic Relief Services/Rwanda Development Assistance Program (DAP) - Food Security Program: Final Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Overview of Research Activities at World Health Organization REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: SIDA   View report
Supplemental Terminal Evaluation Report UNDP-GEF Project: Reducing Disaster Risks from Wildfire Hazards Associated with Climate Change REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
Republic of Rwanda Smallholder Cash and Export Crops Development Project Interim Evaluation No. 2302-RW REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: IFAD
Evaluation of Sida’s Humanitarian Assistance REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: SIDA   View report
Follow-up Study of the Joint Evaluation of the Road Sub-Sector Programme in Ghana 1996-2000 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: DANIDA   View report
Evaluation of the trade policy training centre in Africa (trapca) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: SIDA   View report
End of Programme Evaluation - UNICEF Kenya WASH Programme 2008- 2014 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
Timeliness of Malaria Treatment in Children Under Five Years of Age in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Multicountry Analysis of National Household Survey Data REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: MEASURE   View report
Evaluation of the Basic Education Assistance Module Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNICEF   View report
Assessing the impact on child nutrition of the Ethiopia Community-based Nutrition Program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNICEF   View report
Evaluation of the school nutrition programme National Report: South Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Country Programme to combat child labour in Malawi REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: UNEG   View report
Final Impact Evaluation of ICEIDA interventions in the fisheries sector in Namibia 1990-2010 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Mid-term evaluation report - Liberian agricultural upgrading nutrition and child health (LAUNCH) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
HIV and AIDS Impact Assessment in the Botswana Public Service REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: Government Website   View report
Performance & impact evaluation (P&IE) of the USAID/Uganda school health and reading program : result 1 interventions : impact evaluation report for cluster 1, year 3 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluating the impact of vocational education vouchers on out-of-school youth in Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: ALNAP   View report
Leadership, management, and sustainability - prevention, organizational systems AIDS care and treatment (LMS-PROACT) project: mid-term performance evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Galz and Goals Sport for Development Programme Impact Evaluation Report Namibia 2016 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: Sport for Development   View report
End-of-project evaluation of the USAID Zimbabwe family AIDS initiative (FAI) project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA)   View report
Evaluation of Women Against Aids Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
End Term Evaluation of Capacity Building Strategy in remote zones in SNNPR with teams of NUNV experts REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Report on final evaluation of OFDA-funded project integrated emergency response and early recovery project in Somali Regional State, Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of DCA guarantee to Root Capital report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: USAID   View report
External Evaluation of IAS and ADRA's SMC/Sida funded Humanitarian Programme in Northern Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: ALNAP
BRIDGE Project Mid-Term Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Challenges when Shaping Capabilities for Research. Swedish Support to Bilateral Research Cooperation with Sri Lanka and Vietnam, 1976–2006, and a Look Ahead REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: SIDA   View report
Tanzania financial crisis initiative performance evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Southern Africa trade hub_final performance evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Policy Guidance and Results-Based Management of Sida’s Educational Support REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: SIDA   View report
Evaluation of status of implementation and progress achieved in the rural component of the water supply and sanitation sector reform progress REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: UNICEF   View report
Presidential initiative to end hunger in Africa (IEHA) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: USAID   View report
Enhancing human security through developing Local Capacity for Holistic Community -Based Conflict Prevention in Northern Ghana Midterm Evaluation of the United Nations Joint Programme on Human Security in Northern Ghana REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG
What does the future hold for impact evaluation in the Belgian NGO sector? The lessons from four case studies REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: DGD   View report
Impact Assessment of the Zimbabwe Dams and Gardens Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: ALNAP   View report
Economic Empowerment Programme Mid-Term Review Report (Draft) July 2014 – June 2016 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
CHAZ Community Managed Microfinance (Village Banking) End of Project Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Capacity Building of Local Government and Service Delivery Programme (2012-2015) Zimbabwe End of Programme Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
Gambia DEV 200327: Establishing the Foundation for a Nationally Owned Sustainable School Feeding Programme in the Gambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: WFP   View report
Assessment of the greater access to trade expansion (GATE) project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: USAID   View report
Final evaluation of SAIOMA program_final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Building a Culture of Resilience REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNICEF   View report
Agricultural Performance Survey of 2012 Wet Season in Nigeria REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Government Website   View report
Synthesis Report of the Joint WFP and UNHCR Impact Evaluations on the Contribution of Food Assistance to Durable Solutions in Protracted Refugee Situations REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: ALNAP   View report
External Evaluation of Lesotho United Nations Development Assistance Plan REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
DFID’s Education Programmes in Three East African Countries REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: OECD   View report
An Evaluation of the Child-to-Child School Readiness Programme in Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNICEF   View report
Impact Evaluation of the Reintegration Programme for Children Associated with Fighting Forces (CAFF) in Liberia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Mid-Term Review of Clinton Foundation HIV/AIDS Initiative's Program for Scaling-Up of Prevention of Mother-To-Child Transmission of HIV (PMTCT) Services in Tanzania REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
External Evaluation Report: Strengthening Community Response to TB and HIV/AIDS REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Evaluation Report on the MSF Response to Displacement in Open Settings REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: MSF   View report
“Capacity Development in Social Welfare” End of Project Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNEG   View report
Mid-term Evaluation UNDAF Outcome 4.2 Improving Capacity of Public Institutions in Malawi to Manage, Allocate and Utilise Resources for Effective Development and Service Delivery REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG   View report
Making Networks work for Policy: Evidence From Agricultural Technology Adoption in Malawi REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: 3IE   View report
Zambia Management and Leadership Academy: final evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Terminal Evaluation of the Project Strategic Partnerships to Improve the Financial and Operational Sustainability of Protected Areas REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNDP   View report
Mid-term evaluation of the integrated disease surveillance and response project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Agricultural value chain in Oromia Ethiopia evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Scaling Up Male Circumcision Service Provision, Results From a Randomized Evaluation in Malawi REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: 3IE   View report
UNFPA 6th Country Programme Evaluation: Kingdom of Lesotho 2013 - 2017 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)   View report
End of Programme Evaluation of the Socio-Economic Empowerment Programme for Poverty Reduction (SSEEP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: UNEG   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)   View report
Final performance evaluation of the teacher education and professional development project in Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Environmental support programme for Botswana REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNEG   View report
Western Ethiopia Women Empowerment 2012 - 2014 - Final evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Joint Evaluation of the Global Logistics Cluster Vol.I – Full Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
Terminal Evaluation of the UN Environment/Global Environment Facility project “Global Market Transformation for Efficient Lighting” (en.lighten initiative) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNAIDS   View report
Enriched or Confined? MSF-Engagement in Local Partnerships REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: MSF   View report
Lake Victoria Catchment Environmental Education Programme (LVCEEP), Support to World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: SIDA   View report
Final Poject Evaluation Report towards Systemic Change to Realize Children's Rights in Zambia (2013 to 2017) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: ALNAP
Nairobi Urban Social Protection Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: ALNAP   View report
Health Extension Program Evaluation: Rural Ethiopia Part - 1 Household Health Survey, 2005-2010 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Evaluation of the International Organization for Migration and its Efforts to Combat Human Trafficking REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: NORAD   View report
Independent Terminal Evaluation Promoting Renewable Energy Based Mini Grids for Productive Uses in Rural Areas in the Gambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
Ghana LEAP 1000 Programme: endline evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: ALNAP   View report
EBT PREV mid-term performance evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
WFP 2012 Nutrition Policy: A Policy Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: WFP   View report
Evaluation of the Embassy of Sweden (Sida)/Gender Links’ Gender Justice and Local Government Programme in Zimbabwe (August 2012 – October 2013) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: SIDA   View report
Evaluation of the WFP People Strategy (2014-2017) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: ALNAP   View report
Evaluating Aid Effectiveness in the Aggregate: Methodological Issues REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: DANIDA   View report
Support for the Strengthening of the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights and the Rule of Law through Enhanced Capacity of Institutions In the Ministry of Justice and Legal Affairs Report on the End of Cycle (2008 to 2011) Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Special Country Programme Phase II Interim Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: IFAD   View report
East Africa trade hub (EATH) 2009-2014 : final evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of Finland’s Development Cooperation Country Strategies and Country Strategy Modality : Zambia Country Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Adaptation Learning Programme (ALP) CARE International Mid-Term Review - Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Country Programme Evaluation of UNDP Supported Programme 2012-2017 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
Mid-Term Evaluation Report on The Market Transformation for Highly Efficient Biomass Stoves for Institutions and Medium-Scale Enterprises in Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of Child Friendly Spaces REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: ALNAP   View report
Evaluation of Sida’s use of guarantees for market development and poverty reduction REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: SIDA   View report
IFAD’s Engagement with Cooperatives - A Study in Relation to the United Nations International Year of Cooperatives REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
Terminal Evaluation Report Strengthening Climate Information and Early Warning Systems in Africa for Climate Resilient Development and Adaptation to Climate Change – Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
Decentralized evaluation : final evaluation of the USDA-supported local and regional procurement (LRP) project in Kenya, FY 2017-2020 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
UN-REDD Uganda National Programme Final Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
Developing and Evaluating the First Phase of the Grade 12 Mind the Gap_Study Guide Series REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: DPME   View report
Synthesis of Evaluations of HIV/AIDS Assistance REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: DANIDA   View report
Final Evaluation of CSO’s Kenya Engagement REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Expanding lessons from a randomised impact evaluation of cash and food transfers in Ecuador and Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)   View report
Evaluation of the HORIZONT3000 TA Personnel Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: ADA   View report
Performance and impact evaluation (P&IE) of the USAID Uganda school health and reading program - result 1 interventions REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Final Independent Evaluation of the project for Nutrition, Advocacy and Food Security Pilot Project Monrovia, Liberia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: ALNAP   View report
Strengthening coherence between social protection and productive interventions The case of Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2021   Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)   View report
Agriculture in the Finnish Development Cooperation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: OECD   View report
Evaluation of Danida support to Value Chain Development Synthesis Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: DANIDA   View report
Ethiopia: Review of Bank Group Assistance to the Agriculture and Rural Development Sector REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: OECD   View report
A Terminal Evaluation Report for the Project ‘Gender Budget for Northern Uganda, Recovery, Reconstruction and Development’ REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
Democratic Governance Mid-Term Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: UNEG   View report
Regional Democracy and Human Rights Cooperation in Greater Eastern Africa – Lessons Learned and the Road Ahead REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: SIDA
Scaling up male circumcision service provision: results from a randomised evaluation in Malawi REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)   View report
Evaluation of the costs and benefits of an HIV care coverage improvement collaborative in Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
An Evaluation of Mass Participation, Opportunity and Access, Development and Growth (MOD) Centres of the Sport Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: DPME   View report
Decentralized Evaluation of WFP’s Lean Season Assistance through the Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation 200453 in Zimbabwe May 2013 – June 2016 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
Kingdom of Eswatini Rural Finance and Enterprise Development Programme Project Performance Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNEG   View report
Report on The Evaluation of the Impact of the Rural Housing Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: DPME   View report
Mid Term Evaluation ReportThe Poverty Reduction Programme of the Government of Swaziland/UNDP Country Programme Action Plan 2011-2015 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
Midterm Evaluation UNDAF outcome 4.1: National institutions foster democratic governance and human rights to promote transparency, accountability, participation and access to justice for all especially women and children by 2016 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG   View report
Final report-Strengthening Community Capacity for Fisheries Co-management (SCCaFCoM) in Rufiji, Mafia and Kilwa districts (Tanzania) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Evaluation of the Emergency Blanket Supplementary Feeding Programme (BSFP) in Five Districts of Northern Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: UNICEF   View report
School Grants Pilot Baseline Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNICEF   View report
Managing Aid Exit and Transformation South Africa Country Case Study REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: SIDA   View report
Evaluation the Effectiveness of a Community-Managed Conditional Cash Transfer Program in Tanzania REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: 3IE   View report
Final evaluation of the AMKENI project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: USAID   View report
Strengthening Climate Information and Early Warning Systems (SCIEWS) Project - Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
Final evaluation: integrated agriculture for womens empowerment (INAWE), Foya and Kolahun Districts, Lofa County, Liberia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Functional Review MIJESPOC Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: Government Website   View report
Evaluation of the South African international business linkages program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
East, central and southern Africa health community REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID
Republic of Ghana Country Programme Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)   View report
Regional Training Programme in Environment Journalism and Communication in the Eastern African Region REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: SIDA   View report
Final Evaluation of the Regional Community Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) Capacity Building Programme for Southern Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Final report: Evaluation of WASH Capacity Building Interventions in Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Department for International Development (DFID)   View report
Facing Mount Elgon - Mid-term Evaluation of the Peace and Rights Program, FPFK Kitale, Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Final Evaluation of UNICEF’s Nigeria WASH Programme 2014-2017 Inception Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
Evaluation of the Gender Policy (2015–2020) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: WFP   View report
A Review of Children’s Access to Employmentbased Contributory Social Insurance Benefits REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: Government Website   View report
Evaluation of AfriCap microfinance fund REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: USAID   View report
Assessing USAID's investments in Rwanda's coffee sector_best practices and lessons learned to consolidate results and expand impact REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: USAID
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID   View report
The good samaritan programme evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Evaluation of Finland’s Development Cooperation Country Strategies and Country Strategy Modality : Tanzania Country Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Evaluation of Danish Aid to Uganda 1987-2005 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: DANIDA   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: Government Website   View report
The Government of Botswana and UNDP Botswana Cooperation: UNDP Country Energy and Environment Programme 2003-2007 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: UNEG   View report
Annual Agricultural Performance Survey Report of Nigeria REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: Government Website   View report
The Joint Programme “Advancing and Sustaining Gender Equality Gains in Rwanda” Final Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of the Union of Tanzania Press Clubs Strategic Plan 2011-2015 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: SIDA   View report
My Future is My Choice REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: UNICEF   View report
Ethiopia Malaria Performance Review 2011 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: Government Website   View report
Evaluation of the Austrian Development Cooperation in Kenya, 1996-2006 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: OECD   View report
Management response- Mid-Term Evaluation of the Ethiopia Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation 10665.0 (2008-2010): An Operation Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: ALNAP
Evaluation of the National Constitutional Assembly (NCA) of Zimbabwe REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)
Evaluation of MCC’s Investments in Community Skills Development Centers in Namibia: Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)   View report
Advancing youth project performance evaluation_final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Southern Africa AIDS Trust Project Evaluation, 2008 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: SIDA   View report
WASH in small and medium towns evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: Government Website   View report
Experiences and lessons learned from Partner Driven Cooperation in the seven selective cooperation countries REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: SIDA
Evaluation of the Availability, Extent, and Utilisation of Agricultural Economic Databases REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: DPME   View report
Final evaluation of the Norad and WWF-Norway funded Semuliki River Catchment and Water Resources Management Project, Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Red Door Impact Study: Phase Two REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: DPME   View report
End-of-project evaluation of the ACE program  REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: USAID   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
Report of the Evaluation Of EthioInfo Utilization in Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: UNEG   View report
Gender and Value Chain Development REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: DANIDA   View report
Final evaluation of Ebola community care centers (EC3) project in Liberia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
The Operations Research and Impact Evaluation (ORIE) Nigeria: Quantitative Impact Evaluation, baseline report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Department for International Development (DFID)   View report
Evaluation Series of NORHED Higher Education and Research for Development Evaluation of the award mechanism REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: NORAD
IRC Sierra Leone child survival grant in Kono District : mid-term evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: USAID   View report
Mid-term performance evaluation of the USAID/Tanzania Feed the Future program : mwanzo bora, nafaka, and tuberoshe chakula REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID   View report
Expanding Opportunities for south African Youth Through Math and Science_The Impact of the Dinaledi Program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: DPME   View report
Evaluation of a Ministry of Health ART (antiretroviral therapy) training workshop in Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: USAID   View report
Support to Civil Society Engagement in Policy Dialogue -Uganda Country Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: SIDA   View report
Functional Review Of the National Public prosecution Authority Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: Government Website   View report
Evaluation of the UNICEF supported Federal Government of Nigeria Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Programme (2014-2017) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
Regional Workshop on Monitoring and Evaluation of Malaria Programs Activity Report - Accra, Ghana REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: MEASURE
Mass distribution of long lasting insecticidal nets for universal coverage in Uganda : evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of the European Union's Cooperation with Lesotho 2008-2013 Final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: European Union (EU)   View report
Conservation of the Biodiversity in the Albertine Rift Forests of Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
Unpacking the determinants of entrepreneurship development and economic empowerment for women in Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: 3IE   View report
Primary Education in Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: OECD   View report
Mid-Term Evaluation of the UNDP Country Programme (2008-2011) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: UNEG   View report
Parliamentary strengthening program: final performance evaluation USAID/Kenya office of democracy, governance and conflict REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of DFID’s Country Programmes: Ethiopia 2003-2008 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: DFID   View report
Pain Among HIV Outpatients Attending HIV Care and Support Facilities in Two East African Countries REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: MEASURE
The Better Obstetrics in Rural Nigeria (BORN) Study: An impact evalutation of the Nigerian Midwives Service Scheme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: 3IE   View report
Monitoring and Evaluation Report on the Impact and Outcomes of the Education System on South Africa’s Population: evidence from household surveys REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: Government Website
Evaluation of Danish Regional Support to Peace and Se curity, Regional Integration and Democratisation in Southern Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: DANIDA
A Comparative Evaluation of FOKUS FGM Projects in East Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Catholic Relief Services_Senegambia_development activity program (DAP)_FY 2002-FY2006_mid-term evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: USAID   View report
Round II evaluation report: impact evaluation of the Kenya resilient arid lands partnership for integrated development activity REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of an IMCI computer-based training course in Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: USAID   View report
UNEG_Zimbabwe_2018_Final Evaluation of the Project “Increased Household Food, Income and Nutrition Security through Commercialization of an Integrated and Sustainable Smallholder Livestock Sector in Zimbabwe” REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
Final performance evaluation of the improving quality of primary education program (IQPEP) : final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of Africa's health in 2010 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: USAID   View report
The State of Literacy Teaching and Learning in the Foundation Phase REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: DPME   View report
Kenya, General Food Distribution Cash Modality scale up for the refugees and host community in Kakuma and Dadaab Camp: an evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: WFP   View report
Education decentralization support activity (EDSA) mid-term evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Catholic Relief Services (CRS)_midterm review_institutional capacity building (ICB) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: USAID   View report
Ethiopia: An evaluation of WFP’s Portfolio (2012-2017) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNEG   View report
Final Evaluation of CSO’s Kenya Engagement (February 2012-April 2013) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: OECD   View report
Report on the Final Evaluation of the project for the National Scale up of the Isange One Stop Center Model in Rwanda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
Semi Qualitative Evaluation of Access & Coverage (SQUEAC) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: ALNAP
Mid Term Review of Mount Elgon Regional Ecosystem Conservation Programme (MERECP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Functional Review Report Ministry of Justice MINIJUST REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: Government Website   View report
Implementation Evaluation of EPWP in the Social Sector: Phase Two (2009/10 - 2013/14) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: DPME
Review of the Uganda Country Strategy 2010–2015 Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Austrian Development Agency (ADA)   View report
Institutionalizing Gender in Emergencies: Final Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: ALNAP   View report
Inclusive and sustainable New Communities Project in Uganda Mid-Term Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
Mid-term evaluation of the APCA project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Measuring What Matters Case Studies on Data Innovations for Strengthening Primary Health Care REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: African Health Initiative of the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation
Evaluation of the Rights of LGBTI Youth and non-discrimination in Southern Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Final Independent Evaluation of the project for support to the MoHS health facilities via the DHMT to implement the CMAM programme in Moyamba District REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: ALNAP   View report
Evaluation of the Irish Aid/ Tigray Regional Support Programme (TRSP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: OECD   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Evaluation of the Impact of Food for Assets on Livelihood Resilience in Uganda (2005 – 2010) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: WFP   View report
LED Impact Assessment Composite Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: DPME   View report
Implementation of standards of service delivery for orphans and vulnerable children in Kenya : a prospective evaluation of performance, costs, and equity REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Performance evaluation of USAID/Uganda AFFORD: health marketing initiative project evaluation: improving the lives of Ugandans REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Feed the Future global performance evaluation_evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
External Evaluation of Plan International UK's Response to the Ebola Virus Outbreak in Sierra Leone REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: ALNAP
Evaluation of Broadcasting Digital Migration Communication Strategy (Public Awareness Campaign and Consumer Support) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: DPME   View report
An Evaluation of the Community LED Total Sanitation Programme (CLTS) Programme in Sierra Leone REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: WASH   View report
Evaluation of Results Based Aid in Rwandan Education - Year Two REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: OECD   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: Government Website
Ex-post Evaluation Report on the Project of the Construction and Extension for 18 Primary Schools REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: OECD   View report
Report on the Final Evaluation of the HIV Programme in UNDP June 2013 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Wenzori Mountains Conservation and Environmental Management Project, Uganda. Phase II (2010-2012) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Mid-term Independent project evaluation of the Establishment of real-time operational communication between selected airports in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean – Airport Communication Project (AIRCOP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
External evaluation of the East African Program for the Empowerment of Grassroots Women (EAGWEN) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
End-Term Evaluation of UNDP Civil Society Democratic Governance Facility-Amkeni Wakenya (Jul 2008 - Dec 2014) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG   View report
Report on the Evaluation of the National School Nutrition Programme (NSNP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: Government Website   View report
Danish and other international efforts on Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) in development contexts REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: DANIDA
Rural Financial Intermediation Programme (RUFIP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNEG   View report
Terminal Evaluation Report Project on Promoting Chemical Safety for Children in Rural Agricultural Communities of Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
Building Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Change in Malawi Quantitative Baseline Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)   View report
Annual Report of Sida Evaluation Activities 2006 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: SIDA   View report
Contextual Choices in Fighting Corruption: Lessons Learned REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: NORAD   View report
2010 NBS/CADP Baseline Survey Report National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) -Commercial Agriculture Development Project (CADP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: Government Website   View report
StartEast and StartSouth Programmes REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: SIDA   View report
REPORT OF THE SAHRC INVESTIGATIVE HEARING Monitoring and Investigating the Systemic Challenges Affecting the Land Restitution Process in South Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Government Website
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Terminal Evaluation of the UN Environment Project “Chemicals management needs and priorities: National dioxin/furan inventories and POPs global monitoring” REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
Final Evaluation of "Mine Action in Tigray, Afar and Somali Region" REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of Traidlinks REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: OECD   View report
FAO/WHO Penhanced Participation in CODEX (CODEX TRUST FUND): Final Project Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: WHO   View report
Evaluation of the Grade 12 Learner Support Intervention, Part of the Learner Attainment Improvement Strategy (LAIS), in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: DPME   View report
Global Aid Architecture and the Health Millennium Development Goals REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: NORAD   View report
Gender and Groundnut Value Chains in Eastern Province, Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: MEASURE   View report
Decision Making Among Community-Based Volunteers Working in Vulnerable Children Programs: Child Status Index Usage Assessment Phase 2 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: MEASURE   View report
Scaling up and accessing HIV/AIDS prevention and support of services for OVC and PLWHA REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: ALNAP
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: Government Website
Evaluation of NCA- Livelihoods and Trade Programme Final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Tanzania–Sweden 2001–2005 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: SIDA   View report
Mid- term evaluation of Save the Children in Uganda’s Strategic plan 2006-2009 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
External Program Evaluation Water Sanitation And Hygiene (WASH) Program In Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: USAID   View report
Sida’s Support to the Eastern and Southern African Regional Office of UNICEF-Mainstreaming a Rights Based Approach to Safeguard the Rights of Children Orphaned by HIV/AIDS REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: SIDA   View report
Ethiopia Joint Flagship Programme on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (JP GEWE) - end-evaluation of Phase 1 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Operation Evaluation The Gambia – Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation 200557 (2013-2015): Targeted Nutrition and Livelihood Support for Vulnerable People Impacted by Floods and Drought Final Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
Concentrating Solar Power Technology Transfer for Electricity Generation in Namibia (CSP-TT NAM) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNDP   View report
External Evaluation Report on the Sorghum, Millet and Other Grains (SMOG)/INTSORMIL Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
DFID Country Programme Evaluations: Synthesis of 2005/2006 Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: OECD   View report
Developing Smallholder Rubber Production: Lessons from AFD’s Experience REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: OECD   View report
Evaluation of the “Capacity-Development Project for Investment Planning & Policy (CDPIP)” REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG
Country Assistance Evaluation of Ghana -Summary REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: OECD   View report
Malawi Newborn Health Program Report of the Midterm Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: USAID   View report
Consortium for rehabilitation and development (CORAD)_development relief program (DRP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: USAID   View report
Final performance evaluation : AIDS, population and health integrated assistance, people-centered, local leadership, universal access, and sustainability (APHIAplus) Nairobi/coast project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
External evaluation of Kenya BDS/EAGA avocado program in Kandara Division REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: USAID   View report
Final performance evaluation of njira development food assistance project in Malawi REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
The Productive Safety Net Programme in Ethiopia: Impacts on children's schooling, labour, and nutritional status REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: 3IE   View report
Evaluation of the social cash transfer pilot programme: Tigray Region, Ethiopia: Baseline report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)   View report
The Auas High-voltage Transmission Line in Namibia Supported by a Swedish Concessionary Credit REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: SIDA   View report
Child E child health initiatives for lasting development in Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: USAID   View report
Decentralized Evaluation Evaluation of the National School Feeding Programme in Lesotho, in consultation with the Lesotho Ministry of Education and Training 2007-2017 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
An Evaluation of Integration and Coordination in the Integrated Sustainable Rural Development Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: DPME   View report
Agricultural growth programme - agribusiness marketing and development (AMDe) project, Ethiopia : mid-term evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Agricultural Performance Survey of 2013 Wet Season in Nigeria REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Government Website   View report
Tuinuane Impact and programme evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty Program Impact Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Case study of Southern Africa Power Market Program : an independent evaluation of the World Bank's support of regional programs REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: World Bank   View report
Local Economic Development Project Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNDP   View report
Estimating the Impact and Cost-Effectiveness of Expanding Secondary Education in Ghana REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: 3IE   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: SIDA   View report
Funza Lushaka Bursary Programme Implementation Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: DPME   View report
Support to Public Administration Project RSS/IGAD Regional Initiative for Capacity Enhancement in South Sudan Final Mid-Term Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
UNDP South Sudan Access to Justice and Rule of Law Project Final Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNEG   View report
Final evaluation of the Food for progress "assisting in the management of poultry and layer industries with feed improvement and efficiency strategies" (AMPLIFIES) project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNFPA   View report
Joint Programme on Rural Women’s Economic Empowerment (JP RWEE) in Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of the USAID-KARI partnership for increased rural household incomes (2004-2013) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Impact evaluation for the USAID/aprender a ler project in Mozambique : year 2 (midline 2) IE/RCT report : final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Country Level Evaluation Nigeria Volume I: Main Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Final Evaluation of the Project “Increased Household Food, Income and Nutrition Security through Commercialization of an Integrated and Sustainable Smallholder Livestock Sector in Zimbabwe” REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)   View report
An Impact Evaluation of Alternative Basic Education in Ethiopia – The case of the regions Afar, Oromia and Somali Final Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Assessment report_data quality assessment of M and E system of South African Supplier Diversity Council (SASDC) capacity building program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: Government Website   View report
Evaluation Study of Norwegian Church Aid Resources and Finance Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Kenya: Healthy Outcomes through Prevention Education (HOPE) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: ALNAP   View report
FAO's and IFAD's Engagement in Pastoral Development- Joint Evaluation Synthesis REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
Expansion of the Farmer Input Support Response Initiative (FISRI) to Rising Prices of Agricultural Commodities in Zambia – GCP /ZAM/071/EC Final Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: DFID   View report
The impact of a food assistance program on nutritional status, disease progression and food security among people living with HIV in Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: 3IE   View report
Mwayi wa moyo (a chance to live) Blantyre District Malawi_final evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG
Evaluation of Malawi Child Protection Strategy 2012-2018 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
Final Evaluation: Accelerated Child Survival Initiative Project in Gbarpolu County, Liberia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Final evaluation for nehnwaa child survival project : census-based impact-oriented methodology for community-based primary health care in Nimba County, Liberia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Rapid funding envelope for HIV/AIDS : second external review REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: USAID   View report
Improving English language and numeracy skills of people in Southern Sudan : an evaluation of the performance of radio-based education for all (Rabea) program in Southern Sudan REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNICEF   View report
Ghana: Country Assistance Evaluation, 1998-2003 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: African Development Bank Group
Community-Driven Reconstruction in Lofa County: Impact Assessment REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: ALNAP   View report
Evaluation of Adolescent Development Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNICEF   View report
Terminal Evaluation: UN Environment/Global Environment Facility Project “Seed Capital Assistance Facility, Phase I (Renewable Energy Enterprise Development)” REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
Independent Evaluation of the 2012-2015 Zimbabwe United Nations Development Assistance Framework REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
USAID/Nigeria maternal, child, and reproductive health program mid-term evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: USAID   View report
Summative evaluation of West Coast College further education and training college REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC)   View report
Promotion of Awareness and Civil Society Support for Freedom of Expression in Southern Sudan REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
A Review of Sida’s Meeting Point Programmes with the Swedish Trade Council and the Swedish Geological Survey REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: SIDA   View report
A monitoring and evaluation report of the conservation agriculture project (CAP1) in zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Norwegian University of Life Sciences
Terminal Evaluation Report of the Low Emission Capacity Building (LECB) Project for Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
System-Based Audit of Save The Children, Sweden (SCS) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: SIDA   View report
Joint External Evaluation of Women’s World Banking (1996-2003) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: NORAD   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
An assessment of the investment climate in Botswana : Main report (English) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: World Bank   View report
Integrated Management of Zambezi / Chobe River System - Transboundary Fishery Resource, Namibia / Zambia / Botswana: Final Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
An Evaluation of the Small Towns WASH Programme (STWP) in Zimbabwe (2012-2018) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of Norway’s support to women’s rights and gender equality in development cooperation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: NORAD   View report
Management Response: The Gambia PRRO 200557 Targeted Nutrition and Livelihood Support for Vulnerable People Impacted by Floods and Drought: An Operation Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: ALNAP   View report
The evaluation report for maximizing agriculture revenue and key enterprises in targeted sties (MARKETS) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Kenya tuna uwezo_final performance evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Independent Evaluation of Eldis evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: Department for International Development (DFID)   View report
FPFK Peace and Rights Program End of Term Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
FINAL EVALUATION REPORT Diagnostic/Implementation Evaluation of Nutrition Interventions for Children from Conception to Age 5 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Government Website   View report
Nutrition and Food Security Project in Ethiopia 2011–2017 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: WFP   View report
Summative Evaluation of the International Inspiration Project on HIV and AIDS and Life-skills through Sports REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNICEF   View report
Evaluation of CIDA Tanzania Program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Inter-Agency Humanitarian Evaluation of the Drought Response in Ethiopia 2015 - 2018 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: WFP   View report
Constituency Development Fund Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: The Presidency   View report
Terminal Evaluation of the UN Environment-GEF Project “Demonstration of a Regional Approach to Environmentally Sound Management of PCB Liquid Wastes and Transformers and Capacitors Containing PCBs” REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
Sida’s Support to Save the Children Sweden’s Development Cooperation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: SIDA   View report
UN Women Country Portfolio Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)   View report
MID TERM REVIEW: SYNTHESIS REPORT Expanded Public Works Support Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: Government Website   View report
Evaluation of the Health Economics and HIV and AIDS Research Division (HEARD) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: SIDA   View report
Grand Cape Mount child survival project : improved child health in a transitional state through IMCI REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: USAID   View report
Good Governance and Effective Community Participation, Final Project Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Making Health Businesses Healthier REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2021   Source: African Population and Health Research Centre (APHRC)
Building Blocks for Peace An Evaluation of the Training for Peace in Africa Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: NORAD   View report
Evaluation - Evolving New Partnerships between Finland and Namibia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
An outcomes evaluation report of SPLASH! INSIDE OUT (SIO) interventions REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Performance Evaluation of MCA-Zambia’s Innovation Grant Program Report 3 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)   View report
Liberia – GEF 4590 Project Strengthening Liberia’s Capability to provide Climate Information and Services to enhance Climate Resilient Development and Adaptation to Climate Change REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of Competence Building Network on Early Childhood Development: Evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Evaluation of Canada’s Development and Stabilization and Reconstruction Taskforce (START) Programming in South Sudan REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: Global Affairs Canada (GAC)   View report
Assessment of the impact of program activities directed toward achieving the USAID-South Africa strategic objective (SO9) of increased market-driven employment REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of Norwegian health sector Support to Botswana – evaluation, volume I REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Impact evaluation of students' alliance for female education (SAFE) clubs and peer education programs REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: USAID   View report
Channelling men's positive involvement in a national HIV response project (CHAMPION) : end of project evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Ndwedwe child survival project, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: USAID   View report
UYF Impact Assessment and Programme Evaluation of the Business Consultancy Services Voucher Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: DPME   View report
Report of the Ministerial Committee on the Review of the National Student Financial Aid Scheme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Government Website   View report
Evaluation of the WFP Humanitarian Protection Policy REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
Global give back circle program mid-term performance evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of Development Cooperation Initiatives in the Health Sector in Mozambique REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Final Evaluation of Coping with Drought programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluating the Impact of Vocational Education Voucher in Out-of-School Youth in Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: 3IE   View report
Strengthening Democratic Linkages Program Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: USAID   View report
Report on the Assessment of the Effectiveness of Thusong Service Centres in Integrated Service Delivery REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: DPME   View report
World Vision: networks of hope program evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Kenya RTE Mission 02/10 to 13/10/2006 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: UNOCHA   View report
Evaluation_the Sudan Peace Fund (2002_2005) and the South Sudan transition initiatives program (2003_2005) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: USAID   View report
End of Strategy Evaluation of the Zanzibar Legal Services Centre REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: SIDA   View report
Country Programme Ghana 200247 (2012-2016) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: WFP   View report
Private health sector program mid-term evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Ministry of Water and Environment   View report
Outcome Evaluation of Support to Development Assistance Coordination Office (DACO) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
Mutambara Mother and Child Survival Training and Program Development Zimbabwe - Project Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Impact Assessment Solar Thermal Energy REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: Austrian Development Agency (ADA)   View report
Evaluation Synthesis – Violence REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: DPME   View report
Break the Chain Campaign Namibia 2009 - 2011 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNICEF   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: Government Website   View report
Danish Exports and Danish Bilateral Aid REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: DANIDA   View report
The Uganda/UNDP/UNEP Partnership Initiative for the Implementation of Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM) Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: UNEG   View report
Formative Evaluation of RSD Transition Process in Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
USAID Ghana_strategic objective 1 close_out report _increasing private sector growth REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: USAID   View report
Elimu kwa Taknolojia, a BridgeIT program : summative evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: USAID   View report
Decentralized Evaluation Final Evaluation of the School Meals Programme in Malawi with support from United States Department of Agriculture, and the Governments of Brazil and the United Kingdom 2013 to 2015 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
East, central and southern Africa health community : performance evaluation (ECSA-HC) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
NATIONAL REPORT The State of Literacy Teaching and Learning in the Foundation Phase REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Government Website
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Ministry of Education: Map Capacity Development Design Study REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: Government Website   View report
SIDA_Multi_2016_STORIES OF CHANGE ITP 277 Wind Power Dev. & Use 2009–2015: ITP 277 Wind Power Development & Use 2009–2015 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: SIDA
Waste for Wealth Project: Promoting a Zero Waste Environment Final Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of Malawi’s Democracy Consolidation Programme Phase II REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: UNEG
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: Government Website
Mid-term evaluation of three countering violent extremism projects REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of the UNDP Gambia HIV/AIDS Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of the WFP People Strategy (2014-2017) Evaluation Report: Volume I REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: UNEG   View report
Key findings from an evaluation of the mothers2mothers program in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: USAID   View report
2013 National Senior Certificate Examination National Diagnostic Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Government Website   View report
UGDP Final Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Government Website   View report
Joint Evaluation of the Integrated Solutions Model in and around Kalobeyei, Turkana, Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: DANIDA   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: Government Website
Formative Evaluation of the ‘Be a Change Agent’  Project, February 2016‐ October 2018.  REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
A sporting chance Evaluation Report of Sport for Development Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Strengthening the Protected Area Network (SPAN) Pims3121 Final Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
Final evaluation : building recovery and reform through democratic governance (BRDG)-Liberia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of DFID’s Policy and Practice in Support of Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment. Country Case Studies, Vol II. REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: OECD
Ethiopia National Malaria Indicator Survey 2011 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Government Website   View report
WFP's USDA McGovern-Dole international food for education and child nutrition program's support in Rwanda 2016-2020 evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: ALNAP
UNEG_Lesotho_2018_Impact evaluation of Lesotho’s Child Grants Programme (CGP) and Sustainable Poverty Reduction through Income, Nutrition and access to Government Services (SPRINGS) project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: Government Website
Impact Evaluation of the Teen Club Programme for Adolescents Living with HIV in Eswatini REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: IFAD   View report
Mid-Term Learning Assessment of Urban Agriculture Program for HIV-Affected Women in Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: USAID   View report
End line evaluation of the USAID TransACTION prevention and care services for at-risk mobile populations programs in Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Use of Evaluations in the Norwegian Development Cooperation System REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: NORAD   View report
The Conflict Prevention and Resolution Portfolio of UNDP Ghana REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: UNEG
Terminal Evaluation of the GEF-Financed Project Namibia Energy Efficiency in Buildings Project (NEEP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
Real-Time Evaluation of Norway’s International Climate and Forest Initiative Lessons Learned from Support to Civil Society Organisations REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: NORAD
Community Led Total Sanitation in Zambia: An Evaluation of Experiences and Approaches to Date REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNICEF   View report
Evaluation Report Strengthening Capacity for Disaster Manangement In Zimbabwe Project 2005-2010 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: UNEG   View report
Adventist Development & Relief Agency (ADRA) multi-year assistance program (MYAP) final evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Networks and information: an impact evaluation of efforts to increase political participation in Mozambique REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Primary Math and Reading (PRIMR) Initiative: Endline Impact Evaluation - Revised Edition REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: 3IE   View report
Work in Progress: How the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its Partners See and Do Engagement with Crisis-Affected Populations REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: NORAD   View report
An Evaluation of the Market Access Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Government Website   View report
The End Term Evaluation of the HIV&AIDS Awareness and Preventive Project (2010-2014) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Evaluation of Community Training Effects on Understanding and Use of Community-Friendly School Profiles in Zambia Endline Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Republic of Uganda District Development Support Programme Completion Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)   View report
Independent UNIDO country evaluation. Rwanda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
Trocaire end of project evaluation: enhancing participatory governance and accountability (EPGA) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
DFID Country Programme Evaluations Synthesis of 2006/2007 Evaluations REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: DFID   View report
Strategies of Water for Food and Environmental Security in Drought-prone Tropical and Subtropical Agro-ecosystems, Tanzania and South Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: SIDA   View report
UN Joint Programme on Gender Equality (UNJPGE) Midterm Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of the Ghana Electoral Support Programme 2012 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Feed the Future partnering for innovation midterm performance evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID   View report
Independent Evaluation of Wealth Creation Development of Rural Markets in Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Summative Evaluation: Building Resilience for nutritional security in the Gambia through Social Transfers (BReST) 2016-2019 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Evaluation of DFID country programmes country study: Kenya final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Terminal Evaluation Report of Establishment of National Leadership Institute Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
Mid-term assessment of the Liberia teacher training program phase II REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Joint Evaluation of the UNFPA-UNICEF Joint Programme on Female Genital Mutilation / Cutting (FGM/C): Accelerating Change (2008 - 2012) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNICEF   View report
Final performance evaluation of the agriculture development and value chain enhancement II activity REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2021   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Access to clinical and community maternal, neonatal and women's health (Access)/Maternal and child health integrated program (MCHIP) [final evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of the DFID Ebola Emergency Response Fund (DEERF) in Sierra Leone REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: ALNAP   View report
Evaluation Title: Building National Floors of Social Protection in Southern Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
Pan-Africa artisan enterprise development (PAED) project_mid-term evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of Sida’s Support to the National University of Rwanda (NUR) 2007 – 2011 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: SIDA   View report
Children and Youth in Africa (CHYAO) Trust Fund – Sierra Leone REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Performance evaluation of USAID/Kenya's conflict mitigation and civil society strengthening activities: an evaluation to identify the effectiveness of USAID-funded activities in contributing to a peaceful Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of Services for Orphans and Vulnerable Youth in Botswana: Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: MEASURE   View report
World Food Programme McGovern-Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program (FFE 699-2013/036-00-B) in Liberia. Covering September 2013-September 2016 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: WFP   View report
National Examinations and Assessment Report on the National Senior Certificate Examination Results Part 2 2009 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: Government Website   View report
Impact assessment of water, sanitation and hygiene program in villages of Mvomero District, Tanzania REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Interagency Health Evaluation Liberia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: ALNAP   View report
Evaluation of the Sida and DFID funded Public Policy Information, Monitoring and Advocacy (PPIMA) project in Rwanda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: SIDA
Mid-Term Evaluation of the National Employment Programme, Rwanda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: SIDA   View report
Liberia energy sector support program performance monitoring and evaluation : final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Ethiopia PEPFAR mid term evaluation of the integrated management of adolescent and adult illness project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: USAID   View report
Final mid-Term Evaluation for Anti-FGM Project among the Maasai of the Southern Rift Region of Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
End of Project Evaluation on the ECHO funded GOK/UNICEF Response to the Kenya Drought Emergency 2004-2005 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: UNICEF   View report
Ethiopia Democratic Institutions Program (DIP): Mid-Term Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of the Irish Aid/Tigray Regional Support Programme (TRSP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Sustainable Development of the Protected Area System of Ethiopia (SDPASE) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
Support to the Realization of Human Rights and Access to Justice in Kenya (2012 – 2015) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG
External Mid-Term Outcome Evaluation Nigeria Outcomes: Improved capacities of Nigerian institutions to develop and implement sustainable development strategies and to introduce sustainable practices in support of good governance and response to HIV AND REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: UNEG
Evaluation of LO-Norway Programme of Co-operation with Zambia Congress of Trade Unions REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Solutions for African food enterprises (SAFE) initial evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID   View report
C-SAFE Zimbabwe end of program evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: USAID   View report
A triple win? The impact of Tanzania's Joint Forest Management Programme on Livelihoods, governancy and Forests REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: 3IE
Republic of Kenya Education Sector Report 2013/14-2015/16 Medium Term Expenditure Framework REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Government Website   View report
Organising parlamentarians against armed violence: Evaluation of Parliamentary Forum on Small Arms and Light Weapons (PFSALW) 2014-2018 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: SIDA   View report
Evaluation of the post campaign effectiveness ITN distribution during an integrated measles malaria campaign in Mtwara Region, Tanzania REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Impact evaluation of the Home Grown School Feeding and Conservation Agriculture Scale-up programmes in Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2021   Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)   View report
Formative Evaluation of the UNICEF Child Survival and Development program in The Gambia (2012-2021) Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Women’s Empowerment and Choice of Family Planning Methods REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: MEASURE
End Term Evaluation of Capacity Building Strategy in remote zones in SNNPR with teams of NUNV experts Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
UNDP Evaluation Office -Peer Review REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: DANIDA   View report
Republic of Ghana Rural Financial Services Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)   View report
Final assessment report : integration of expanded program on immunization and family planning in Liberia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of WFP's capacity to respond to emergencies REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: ALNAP
Consolidated Monitoring and Evaluation Report on the Offices of the Premier Evaluation Cycle 2010/2011 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Government Website
The Swedish Research Cooperation with Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: SIDA   View report
Malawi livestock for resilience end of project evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Performance evaluation of economic growth activities under responsive assistance for priority infrastructure development (RAPID) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Kampala City Council – A Project for Promoting Ecological Sanitation in Kampala, Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: SIDA   View report
Terminal Evaluation of the UN Environment Project “Supporting the Development and Implementation of Access and Benefit Sharing Policies in Africa” REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of HEPNet in SSA: Evaluation of Sida support to Health Economics Capacity in Sub-Saharan Africa through the Health Economics Unit, University of Cape Town REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: SIDA   View report
Synthesis evaluation of whether the provision of state subsidised housing addressed asset poverty for households and local municipalities? REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: DPME   View report
Arid & marginal lands recovery consortium (ARC) program in Kenya: final evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Northern Uganda Early Recovery Project Final Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
Exploring the Effects of Holistic Capacity Building: An Evaluation of NuPITA’s Technical Assistance on NPI Partners’ Service Delivery and Sustainability REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Country Programme of Assistance 2002-2006 End of Programme Evaluation Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)   View report
The Effect of Transfers and Preschool on Childrens Cognitive Development Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: 3IE   View report
Report of the Evaluation of the PHAST tool for the promotion hygiene & sanitation in the GOK/UNICEF programme of cooperation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
End-line Evaluation of the 3-Year EU/UNICEF/GRZ Birth Registration Programme 2016–2019 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Evaluation of UNICEF’s Early Childhood Development Programme with Focus on the Government of Netherlands Funding (2008-2010): Ghana Country Case Study Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNEG   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID   View report
Terminal Evaluation of the Support for the Strengthening of the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights and the Rule of Law through Enhanced Capacity of Institutions Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG   View report
Management response- Zambia – Country Programme 200157: A mid-term evaluation of WFP’s Country Programme (2011-2015) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: ALNAP   View report
USAID Botswana Performance Evaluation - Tsela Kgopo Gender and OVC Project Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
USAID/Ethiopia external mid-term evaluation of the HIV/AIDS care and support program (HCSP) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: USAID   View report
Sustainable Land Management for Mitigating Land Degradation, Enhancing Agricultural Biodiversity and Reducing Poverty (SLaM) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: UNEG   View report
Decentralized Evaluation: evaluation of the Joint Programme for Girls Education (JPGE) with financial support from the Norwegian Government, July 2014 - October 2017 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: ALNAP   View report
Health Development Africa (HDA) Circles of Support (COS) Project: Evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Mid-Term Evaluation of Partners in the Implementation of Community Based Education Intervention (CBEI): Mid Term REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
“Mid-term evaluation of the “Support to the Nigerian Electoral Cycle 2012-2015” REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
Effectiveness of interventions designed to reduce the prevalence of female genital mutilation/cutting REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: WHO   View report
Zambia, Country Programme 200891: a mid-term evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: ALNAP   View report
The Lutheran World Federation Mozambique Country Programme 2004-2008: external evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID   View report
Mid-term evaluation TYZ program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
5th Country Programme (2007 – 2011) Final Independent Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: UNEG   View report
What Happens Once the Intervention Ends? The Medium-Term Impacts of a Cash Transfer Program in Malawi REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: 3IE   View report
Evaluation of Child Friendly School Implementation in Lesotho October 2019 UNICEF Lesotho REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNEG   View report
Efects of faithfulness-focused curriculum on couples from three countries in Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Catholic Relief Services   View report
An assessment of the investment climate in Botswana (Vol. 2) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: World Bank   View report
Terminal Evaluation of The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) Phase III & ENRTP-funded sub-component: National Implementation: Reflecting the Value of Ecosystems and Biodiversity in Policymaking REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG
Evaluation of the Use of Point of Care PIMA CD4 Cell Count Machines for HIV Positive Women and their Families in Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (MNCH) Settings in Seven Districts in Zimbabwe REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNICEF   View report
Report on the Evaluation of the Training Needs of Senior Managers in the Public Sector REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: DPME   View report
Evaluation of the REPLICA project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: USAID   View report
Mid-term performance evaluation of the global labor program : final evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID   View report
Terminal Evaluation Report November 2018 Enhancing Resilience of Vulnerable Coastal Areas and Communities to Protected Area Network Management & Building Capacity REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG
Improving industrial relations for decent work and sustainable development of textile and garment industry in Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) - Literacy and Numeracy Education Support (LANES) program in Tanzania (2014-2018) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: SIDA   View report
Namibia’s Regional Libraries Final Report of the Regional Study and Resource Center (RSRC) Activity Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)   View report
Standard methods and procedures for animal health (SMP_AH) project_external evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Turning Policy into Practice: Sida’s implemention of the Swedish HIV/AIDS strategy. Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: SIDA   View report
Report on the Management of Poor Performance in the Public Service REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: Government Website   View report
Does Access to Water and Sanitation Affect Child Survival? A Five Country Analysis REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: 3IE
Evaluation of Public Financial Management Reform in Ghana, 2001–2010 Final Country Case Study Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: SIDA   View report
ARC TWC evaluation : Guyana and Tanzania comparative report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: USAID   View report
How education about maternal health risk can change the gender gap in the demand for family planning in Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: 3IE   View report
Coverage and Effects of Child Marriage Prevention Activities in Amhara Region, Ethiopia Programs for Yout REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: MEASURE
Annual Country Portfolio Evaluation Report - 2008 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: UNEG   View report
Situation of Social Science Research in Central America REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: SIDA   View report
The Economic Impact of HIV/AIDS in Botswana REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: Government Website   View report
Review of the Strategy for Swedish Aid Initiatives in Zimbabwe: January 2011 – December 2014 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: SIDA   View report
Swedish Support to Urban Development and Housing in South Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: SIDA   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: OECD   View report
Karen Christian College-ECDE project end of term evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
External Mid-Term Outcome Evaluation of Public Accountability Programmes 7th Country Programme (2009-2012) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNEG
Evaluation of Uzima centre, Pentecostal Foreign Mission of Norway, Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Ethiopia Country Program Evaluation 2003-2004 to 2008-2009 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Impact Evaluation of Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) within the UNICEF Country Programme of Cooperation, Government of Nigeria and UNICEF, 2009-2013 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNICEF   View report
Country Programme Evaluation: Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: DFID   View report
Endline Evaluation of Assessment for Learning Programme Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
GEF-UNDP Distance Learning and Information Sharing Tool (DLIST-Benguela) Terminal Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: UNEG   View report
Evalaution of the DFID funded Enhancing Resilience in Karamoja Programme’ (EKPR) in Uganda. REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: WFP   View report
The Wajibika project mid-term evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Adolescent Girls Initiative-Kenya Baseline Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: African Population and Health Research Centre (APHRC)   View report
USAID/Malawi support for service delivery - integration (SSD-I) performance evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Performance evaluation of the strengthening pediatric HIV and AIDS services in Tanzania program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID   View report
Real Time Evaluation of UNICEF’S Response to the COVID-19 Outbreak Crisis in Malawi REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2021   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Opening doors_a performance evaluation of the development credit authority (DCA) in Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Civil society and media leadership (CSML) program mid-term evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of Swedish Health Sector Programme Support in Uganda 2000-2010 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: SIDA   View report
Evaluation of The Salvation Army Mozambique Worth HIV/AIDS Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Malawi: Final Evaluation of the UNDP & UNCDF’s Local Development Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: UNEG
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: DFID   View report
Towards Integrated Early Childhood Development: An evaluation of the Sobambisana Initiative REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: Ilifa Labantwana   View report
End of Programme Evaluation: Malawi Poverty Reduction Strategy Management and Monitoring Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: UNEG   View report
An evaluation of DFID-funded Technical Cooperation for Economic Management in Sub-Saharan Africa. Volume 2: Case Studies REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: OECD   View report
Evaluation: Finnish support to development of local governance REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Community-based Reintegration Programme for Children Released from Armed Forces and Armed Groups in Boma State (former Greater Pibor Administrative Area) 2015–2018 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
External Evaluation Report of Sierra Leone’s Youth Reproductive Health Programme (2007 – 2012) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Assessing the feasibility, acceptability and cost of introducing Post abortion Care in health centres and dispensaries in rural Tanzania REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: EngenderHealth   View report
Republic of Uganda Country Programme Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)   View report
USAID_Namibia_Nawa life trust cooperative agreement end of project evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: USAID   View report
Kenya transition initiative final evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of the Karen Christian College Early Childhood Development (ECD), 2009-2011 Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Management response- Management Response to the Recommendations of the Summary Evaluation Report Zimbabwe Country Portfolio REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: ALNAP   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Government Website   View report
Impact Evaluation of the Ethiopian Health Services Extension Program REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: Global Development Network (GDN)   View report
Evaluation of CPAP Outcome Access to Justice and Respect for Basic Human Rights Improved REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: UNEG
The Lusaka Water Supply, Sanitation, and Drainage (LWSSD) Project: Interim Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)   View report
UNICEF RWANDA MIDTERM EVALUATION 2008-2010 Synthesis Report Assessing the Impact of Delivering as One REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Agricultural Performance Survey of 2010 Wet Season of Nigeria REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: Government Website   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: MEASURE   View report
UNDP Uganda Democratic Governance Mid-Term Outcome Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: UNEG   View report
Norway’s Trade Related Assistance through Multilateral Organizations: A Synthesis Study REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: NORAD   View report
WFP's USDA McGovern-Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program's Support in Rwanda 2016-2020 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: WFP
Shelter from the stormL A real-time evaluation of UNHCR's response to the emergency in Cote d'Ivoire and Liberia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: ALNAP   View report
Process Evaluation and Performance Evaluation Baseline Report for the MCA Malawi Compact Power Sector Reform Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Ministry for Foreign Affairs (MFA) Finland   View report
Aggregating the results that arise from Sida’s investment in Tanzanian Civil Society in 2016. REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: SIDA   View report
Ex-post Evaluation Report on the Project of the Construction and Extension for 18 Primary Schools in Nairobi, Nakuru, and Thika (Kenya) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: KOICA   View report
Evaluation of DFID’s Southern Africa country programme 2004-2009 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: DFID   View report
The World Bank in Nigeria 1998–2007 - Nigeria Country Assistance Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Economic Empowerment of Women REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: DANIDA   View report
Food, Agriculture and Rural Markets (FARM) Project Mid-Term Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Final Evaluation Report Busia Child Survival Project (BCSP)_Busia and Samia Districts_Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: USAID   View report
End of Project Evaluation of the BBC Media Action Radio Waves and Tikambe project in Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: SIDA   View report
Sida’s Support to Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) for Development REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: SIDA   View report
Increasing HIV testing demand among Kenyan truck drivers and female sex workers REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: 3IE   View report
Livelihood Enhancement Through Agricultural Development (LEAD) Programme mid-term evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Evaluation of Community Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) In Malawi REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
FHI/IMPACT Ethiopia final evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of the National Legal Aid Clinic for Women's Access to Justice Programme in Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: SIDA
External Evaluation of Effectiveness of UNICEF Nutrition Accelerated Reduction of Child and Maternal Under-Nutrition in Seven Districts of Sierra Leone REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Adaptation to the effects of climate variability and change in Agro-ecological Regions I and II in Zambia (CCAP) Mid-term Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of Norwegian Development Cooperation through Norwegian Non-Governmental Organisations in Northern Uganda (2003–2007) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: OECD   View report
Evaluation of the Austrian Development Cooperation in Kenya 1996 – 2006 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: ADA   View report
Final evaluation report: mid term performance evaluation of Feed the Future Rwanda hinga weze activity REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Report on the Implementation Evaluation of the Management Performance Assessment Tool (MPAT) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: DPME   View report
Mid-Term Review of the Trade Policy Training Centre in Africa, trapca REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: SIDA   View report
Livelihood enhancement and asset development (LEAD) programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation: maternal and child health transformation project in Warrap State, South Sudan REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of UNFPA’s Support to Population Studies and Research Interventions Implemented by Institutions of Higher Learning in Tanzania REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2007   Source: UNEG   View report
Environment and Social System Assessment (ESSA) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Government Website   View report
The AFFORD health marketing initiative in Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation report - Thirty Years of Rwandan-German Development Cooperation in the Health Sector REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Evaluation of the Uganda Country Programme 2016-2018 Final Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNEG   View report
Development and Poverty in Ethiopia 1995/96-2010/11 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: Government Website   View report
Increasing female sex worker HIV testing: Effects of Peer Educators and HIV self-tests in Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: 3IE   View report
Impact Assessment of the ACDI_VOCA Livestock Markets in Pastoralist Areas of Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: USAID   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: Government Website   View report
MATEP end-of-program evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of DFID’S Policy and Practice in support of Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Thematic Studies Volume III Gender and Budget Support Gender Equality through Justice and Rights-based Policies and Programmes Vol III REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: DFID
Evaluation of GoE WaSH Programme Supported by EU– UNICEF (2007-2011), Accelerating Progress towards the MDGs on Water and Sanitation, in Ethiopia, E.C. Ethiopia Project (CRIS No. 193 541(9 ACP RPR 39/57) Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Mid Term Evaluation of Reducing UPOPs and Mercury Releases from the Health Sector in Africa project (Medical Waste Management) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluability Assessment of Delivering as One UN REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: UNICEF   View report
Evaluation of DFID’s International Citizens' Service (ICS) Pilot Programme REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: DFID
Finnish Aid in Western Kenya REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: OECD   View report
Final Evaluation Report Impact Evaluation of the JoinIn-Circuit in Schools in Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: AIR   View report
The Global Evaluation of Emergency Response Funds (ERFs) Volume II: Country Case Study Reports REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: ALNAP   View report
Private Capital for Sustainable Development: Concepts, Issues and Options for Engagement in Impact Investing and Innovative Finance REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: DANIDA   View report
End-of-Project Evaluation of ‘Support to Development Assistance Coordination Office’ & Review of Sierra Leone’s Aid Coordination Architecture REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: UNEG
Republic of Ghana Upper West Agricultural Development Project Interim Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)   View report
Final evaluation of the land conflict resolution project in Liberia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: African Population and Health Research Centre (APHRC)
Gender Equality in Swedish Development Cooperation Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: SIDA   View report
Kenya: Country Strategy Evaluation 2002–2012 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: OECD   View report
Institutional Capacity Building: Uganda End of Program Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2005   Source: Pathfinder International   View report
Evaluation of the Institutional Cooperation Between Ministry of Lands, Kenya and Lantmäteriet, Sweden on the Project for Improving Land Administration in Kenya 2009-2012 (PILAK) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: SIDA
HIV Education for Adolescent Response, Motivation and Empowerment (HEAR-ME) Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNEG   View report
Independent Evaluation of the Health Transition Fund in Zimbabwe, Maternal & Newborn Child Health REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Health Partners Uganda Health Cooperative Child Survival Project Bushenyi District Uganda REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: USAID   View report
‘’Strengthening the capacity of the protected area system to address new management challenges (PASS Namibia)’’ REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNDP   View report
Impact assessment of small‐scale pump irrigation in the Somali region of Ethiopia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of the Vocational Training Grant Fund in Namibia: Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)   View report
Evaluation of Mobile Decision Support Applications in Tanzania REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNICEF   View report
On Nigeria Big Bet: 2019 Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: MacArthur Foundation   View report
USAID impact evaluation of the makhalidwe athu project (ZAMBIA)_evaluation design report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Transboundary Integrated Water Resources Management and Development Projects in The Mara (Kenya/Tanzania); Sio-Malaba- Malakisi (Kenya/Uganda) and Kagera (Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: SIDA   View report
Evaluation of the Consortium for Advanced Research Training in Africa (CARTA) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: SIDA   View report
Results-based Country Strategic Opportunities Programmes REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: UNEG   View report
Adaptation to the Effects of Climate Variability and change in Agro-Ecological Regions I And II in Zambia (CCAP) Terminal Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG   View report
Support for international family planning organizations: Marie Stopes International midterm project evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of the Irish Aid Ethiopia Country Strategy 2008-2012 - Main Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
Uganda performance and impact evaluation for literacy achievement and retention activity (LARA) : final report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2021   Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   View report
Evaluation of UNICEF's response to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa 2014-2015 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2017   Source: ALNAP
Republic of Sierra Leone Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2020   Source: International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: SIDA   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2009   Source: SIDA   View report
Evaluation of the Guttmacher Institute Programme on the use of SRHR evidence to inform action (2015-2018) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: SIDA   View report
Synthesis Report of the Evaluation Series on the Impact of Food for Assets (2002 – 2011) And lessons for building livelihoods resilience REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: UNEG   View report
A Review of the Gauteng Master Skills Plan REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Government Website   View report
Independent Terminal Evaluation Climate Change, Clean Energy and Urban Water in Africa. Promoting market-based deployment of clean energy technology solutions in municipal waterworks: Pilot initiative in South Africa REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2019   Source: UNEG   View report
MANAGING THE TRANSITION BETWEEN EMERGENCY WASH & DEVELOPMENT AGENDA: An evaluation of ECHO- Funded Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (Urban WASH- II) Project in Monrovia, Liberia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)   View report
Independent Evaluation of the UN Women PRVAWG Programme Final Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
Conflict Prevention and Peace Preservation REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: UNEG   View report
Training of leaders on religious and national co-existence (TOLERANCE) project : mid-term evaluation report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: USAID   View report
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)   View report
Evaluation report: Chesta Girls Secondary School Project, 2003-2008 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2008   Source: Norwegian agency for development cooperation (Norad)   View report
Mid term review of securing water for food grand challenge for development REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Mid-term evaluation report_reading for Ethiopias achievement developed technical assistance (READ TA) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Zambia - Country Programme 200157: A mid-term evaluation of WFP’s Country Programme (2011-2015) Evaluation Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: WFP   View report
Report on the Evaluation of the Integrated Strategy for the Promotion of Entrepreneurship and Small Enterprises (ISPESE) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2018   Source: DPME   View report
Republic of Uganda Area-Based Agricultural Modernization Programme Project Performance Assessment REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)   View report
Final Mid-Term Evaluation for CPD Focus Area #2: Sound Environmental Management for Sustainable Development REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: UNEG   View report
Impact Evaluation of the Monkey Bay Health Care Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)   View report
UNDP South Sudan Access to Justice and Rule of Law Project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG   View report
Mid-term program evaluation of the MalariaCare project REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: USAID   View report
Republic of Uganda Vegetable Oil Development Project Interim Evaluation No. 2195-UG REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: IFAD   View report
Reaching Poor People with Services in Sexual and Reproductive Health: An Evaluation of the IPPF. Volume 1: Synthesis Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: SIDA   View report
RAPIDS evaluation final report 2005-2009 key findings REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: USAID   View report
Evaluation of the Belgian Instruments in Support of Foreign Trade Eligible as ODA-FINEXPO REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: DGD   View report
District Imihigo Evaluation Report 2011 – 2012 REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: Government Website   View report
Urban Refugee Self-Reliance Pilot Program in Rwanda, South Africa and Tanzania REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2016   Source: ALNAP   View report
UNDAF Uganda 2010-2014 Mid Term Review REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2012   Source: UNEG   View report
Lufwanyama Integrated Neonatal and Child Health Project in Zambia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: Save the Children   View report
Assessment of the National Quality Management Systems Used to Monitor and Improve Quality in Health Service Provision in Hospitals and Health Centres in Namibia REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2014   Source: Government Website
Final Draft Report for the Terminal Evaluation of the UNDP Support to Health Sector in Limpopo Programme: Phase III REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2015   Source: UNEG   View report
Evaluation of general budget support_Uganda country report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2006   Source: USAID   View report
Terminal Evaluation Report (Final version) MME/UNDP/GEF Barrier Removal to Namibian Renewable Energy Programme (NAMREP) Phase II REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: UNEG   View report
Drafts National Assessment Report on Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals and Target for RIO+20 Conferences REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2011   Source: Government Website   View report
IFAD’s Capacity to Promote Innovation and Scaling Up REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: UNEG   View report
DFID Global Social Exclusion Stocktake Report REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2010   Source: DFID   View report
Swedish Development Cooperation in Transition? Lessons and Reflections from 71 Sida Decentralised Evaluations (April 2011 – April 2013) REPORT
By: None
Year Published: 2013   Source: SIDA   View report