African Evaluation Database

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  1. Author information (surname, initials and first name)
  2. Article title
  3. Source title and informal (Journal name, volume and issue)
  4. Core evaluation journal or not
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About the Evaluation Articles collection

AfrED contains information on journal articles in the field of M&E that were published in peer-reviewed journals and indexed either in the CAWeb of Science or Scopus databases. Our criterion for the article to be included in the database is that at least one of the (co-)authors of the article must have an African address or institutional affiliation.

Using a set of search terms (for example “evaluat*”, “outcome”, “impact asses*”, *monitor* and others) queries were run on both databases for the period between 2000 and 2022. We also added a search for all articles in dedicated evaluation journals, including the African Evaluation Journal, Evaluation and Program Planning, the American Evaluation Journal, the Canadian Journal of Evaluation and New Directions for Evaluation. This search resulted in a very large and broad set of records (more than 9 000 articles). We thus embarked on a process where each article was visually inspected (by three members of the CREST team) in order to identify articles that are unambiguously about evaluating some program or intervention or at least address a relevant theme in programme evaluation. At the moment there are 953 unique articles in the current version of AfrED.


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Articles (953)

A 15-year study of the impact of community antiretroviral therapy coverage on HIV incidence in Kenyan female sex workers ARTICLE
By: Cherutich, P; Jaoko, W; John-Stewart, G; Kimanga, D; Mandaliya, K; McClelland, RS; Miregwa, B; Odem-Davis, K; Overbaugh, J; Richardson, BA
Year Published: 2015   Source: AIDS   DOI: 10.1097/QAD.0000000000000829   View article
A 2-year integrated agriculture and nutrition program targeted tomothers of young children in Burkina Faso reduces underweight among mothers and increases their empowerment: A cluster-randomized controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Bliznashka, L; Dillon, A; Heckert, J; Olney, DK; Pedehombga, A; Ruel, MT
Year Published: 2016   Source: Journal of Nutrition   DOI: 10.3945/jn.115.224261   View article
A behavioural change intervention study for the prevention of childhood obesity in South Africa: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Dukhi, N; Sartorius, B; Taylor, M
Year Published: 2020   Source: BMC Public Health   DOI: 10.1186/s12889-020-8272-1   View article
'A bridge to the hospice': The impact of a Community Volunteer Programme in Uganda ARTICLE
By: Birakurataki, J; Jack, BA; Kirton, JA; Merriman, A
Year Published: 2011   Source: Palliative Medicine
A call for parental monitoring to improve condom use among secondary school students in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania ARTICLE
By: Jimba, M; Mbwambo, JKK; Mlunde, LB; Otsuka, K; Poudel, KC; Sunguya, BF; Ubuguyu, O; Yasuoka, J
Year Published: 2012   Source: BMC Public Health   DOI: 10.1186/1471-2458-12-1061   View article
A case report of evaluating a large-scale health systems improvement project in an uncontrolled setting: a quality improvement initiative in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa ARTICLE
By: Barker, P; Hlolisile, W; Mate, KS; Mphatswe, W; Ngidi, WH; Reddy, J; Rollins, N
Year Published: 2013   Source: BMJ QUALITY & SAFETY   DOI: 10.1136/bmjqs-2012-001244   View article
A case study evaluation of the impacts of optimised waste bin locations in a developing city ARTICLE
By: Aremu, AS; Sule, BF
Year Published: 2012   Source: CIVIL ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS   DOI: 10.1080/10286608.2012.672411   View article
A case study of lessons learnt from implementing a routine outcome monitoring system for psychotherapy in a South African community clinic ARTICLE
By: Bantjes, J; Hunt, X; Smit, A; Tomlinson, M
Year Published: 2018   Source: South African Journal of Psychology   DOI: 10.1177/0081246317720853   View article
Accelerating reproductive and child health programme impact with community-based services: the Navrongo experiment in Ghana ARTICLE
By: Bawah, AA; Binka, FN; Phillips, JF
Year Published: 2006   Source: Bulletin of the World Health Organization
Acceptability, feasibility, and preliminary efficacy of a resilience-oriented family intervention to prevent adolescent HIV and depression: A pilot randomized controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Atujuna, M; Beardslee, W; Brown, LK; Giovenco, D; Hoare, J; Kuo, C; Mathews, C; Stein, DJ
Year Published: 2020   Source: AIDS Education and Prevention
Accounting for institutional change in health economic evaluation: A program to tackle HIV/AIDS and gender violence in Southern Africa ARTICLE
By: Jan, S; Kim, JC; Pronyk, P
Year Published: 2008   Source: SOCIAL SCIENCE & MEDICINE   DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2007.11.010   View article
Achieving social change on gender-based violence: A report on the impact evaluation of Soul City's fourth series ARTICLE
By: Goldstein, S; Japhet, G; Scheepers, E; Usdin, S
Year Published: 2005   Source: SOCIAL SCIENCE & MEDICINE
A clustered randomized controlled trial to assess whether Living Peace Intervention (LPint) reduces domestic violence and its consequences among families of targeted men in Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC): Design and methods ARTICLE
By: Jansen, S; Kagaba, M; Mahwa, A; Mihigo, B; Mutabaruka, J; Nsabimana, E; Ruratotoye, B; Rutembesa, E; Slegh, H; Zelalem, H
Year Published: 2022   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning   DOI: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2022.102154   View article
A cluster randomised controlled trial to evaluate the impact of a gender transformative intervention on intimate partner violence against women in newly formed neighbourhood groups in Tanzania ARTICLE
By: Abramsky, T; Hansen, CH; Harvey, SH; Hashim, R; Kapiga, I; Kapinga, S; Lees, S; Madaha, F; Mshana, G; Mtolela, GJ; Watts, CH
Year Published: 2021   Source: BMJ GLOBAL HEALTH   DOI: 10.1136/bmjgh-2020-004555   View article
A cluster randomised trial introducing rapid diagnostic tests into registered drug shops in Uganda: Impact on appropriate treatment of malaria ARTICLE
By: Chandler, CIR; Clarke, SE; Cundill, B; Hansen, KS; Lal, S; Magnussen, P; Mbonye, AK
Year Published: 2015   Source: PLoS ONE   DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0129545   View article
A cluster-randomised trial to evaluate an intervention to promote handwashing in rural Nigeria ARTICLE
By: Akabike, K; Aunger, R; Awe, B; Biran, A; Chuktu, N; Curtis, V; Greenland, K; Schmidt, W; Van der Voorden, C; White, S
Year Published: 2022   Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH RESEARCH   DOI: 10.1080/09603123.2020.1788712   View article
A cluster randomised trial to evaluate the effect of optimising TB/HIV integration on patient level outcomes: The "merge" trial protocol ARTICLE
By: Charalambous, S; Churchyard, GJ; Fielding, KL; Grant, AD; Hippner, P; Kielmann, K; Kufa, T; Vassall, A
Year Published: 2014   Source: Contemporary Clinical Trials   DOI: 10.1016/j.cct.2014.10.003   View article
A cluster randomized controlled trial of lay health worker support for prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV (PMTCT) in South Africa ARTICLE
By: Alcaide, ML; Cook, R; Jones, DL; Lee, TK; Peltzer, K; Rodriguez, VJ; Setswe, G; Soni, M; Weiss, SM
Year Published: 2017   Source: AIDS Research and Therapy   DOI: 10.1186/s12981-017-0187-2   View article
A cluster randomized controlled trial to assess the impact on intimate partner violence of a 10-session participatory gender training curriculum delivered to women taking part in a group-based microfinance loan scheme in Tanzania (MAISHA CRT01): Study pro ARTICLE
By: Hansen, CH; Harvey, SH; Kapiga, S; Lees, S; Mshana, G; Pilger, D; Watts, CH
Year Published: 2018   Source: BMC Women's Health   DOI: 10.1186/s12905-018-0546-8   View article
A cluster-randomized evaluation of an intervention to increase skilled birth attendant utilization in mid- and far-western Nepal ARTICLE
By: Petzold, M
Year Published: 2017   Source: Health Policy and Planning   DOI: 10.1093/heapol/czx045   View article
A commentary: Using a theory-based approach to guide a global programme of FGM/C research: What have we learned about creating actionable research findings? ARTICLE
By: Strachan, JM
Year Published: 2021   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning   DOI: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2021.101968   View article
A community-based impact assessment of the Wild Coast Spatial Development Initiative, 1997-2004 ARTICLE
By: Andersson, N; Merhi, S; Mitchell, S; Ngxowa, N
Year Published: 2008   Source: Development Southern Africa   DOI: 10.1080/03768350701837895   View article
A community randomized controlled trial to investigate impact of improved STD management and behavioural interventions on HIV incidence in rural Masaka, Uganda: Trial design, methods and baseline findings ARTICLE
By: Carpenter, LM; Kamali, A; Kanyesigye, E; Kengeya-Kayondo, JF; Kinsman, J; Mitchell, K; Nalweyiso, N; Nunn, A; Whitworth, J
Year Published: 2002   Source: Tropical Medicine and International Health   DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-3156.2002.00963.x   View article
A comparative cross-sectional evaluation of the Field Epidemiology Training Program-Frontline in Ethiopia ARTICLE
By: Assefa, Z; Cassell, CH; Demelash, S; Habtetsion, M; Harris, J; Hu, AE; Kebebew, T; Kezali, J; Muluneh, A; Sugerman, DE; Takele, T; Turcios-Ruiz, RM; Woldetsadik, MA; Zeynu, N
Year Published: 2022   Source: BMC Public Health   DOI: 10.1186/s12889-022-13326-2   View article
A comparative study of information literacy provision at university libraries in South Africa and the United Arab Emirates A literature review ARTICLE
By: Moyo, M
Year Published: 2016   Source: LIBRARY REVIEW   DOI: 10.1108/LR-06-2015-0069   View article
A cost-effective model for monitoring medicine use in Namibia: Outcomes and implications ARTICLE
By: Bayobuya, P; Kagoya, HR; Kibuule, D; Lates, J; Niaz, Q; Rennie, TW
Year Published: 2017   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v5i2.213   View article
A critical evaluation of the effectiveness of interventions for improving the well-being of caregivers of children with cerebral palsy: a systematic review protocol ARTICLE
By: Chikwanha, MT; Chiwaridzo, M; Corten, L; Dambi, JM; Jelsma, J; Mlambo, T; Tadyanemhandu, C
Year Published: 2016   Source: SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS   DOI: 10.1186/s13643-016-0287-4   View article
A critical evaluation of the South African state antiretroviral programme ARTICLE
By: Venter, FWD
Year Published: 2005   Source: Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine
A critical review of interventions to redress the inequitable distribution of healthcare professionals to rural and remote areas ARTICLE
By: Couper, ID; De Vries, E; Fish, T; Marais, BJ; Reid, S; Wilson, NW
Year Published: 2009   Source: RURAL AND REMOTE HEALTH
Adherence clubs and decentralized medication delivery to support patient retention and sustained viral suppression in care: Results from a cluster-randomized evaluation of differentiated ART delivery models in South Africa ARTICLE
By: Fox, MP; Fraser-Hurt, N; Gorgens, M; Huber, AN; Murphy, J; Pascoe, S; Phokojoe, M; Pillay, Y; Rosen, S; Wilson, D
Year Published: 2019   Source: PLoS Medicine   DOI: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1002874   View article
Adherence to HAART therapy measured by electronic monitoring in newly diagnosed HIV patients in Botswana ARTICLE
By: Anand, B; Cohen, A; Iwebor, HU; Kristanto, P; Rakesh, P; Stiekema, J; Vriesendorp, R; Vrijens, B
Year Published: 2007   Source: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY   DOI: 10.1007/s00228-007-0369-2   View article
Adolescent Coordinated Transition (ACT) to improve health outcomes among young people living with HIV in Nigeria: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Cornelius, LJ; Cross, CL; Erekaha, S; Ezeanolue, EE; Khamofu, H; Menson, WNA; Okonkwo, P; Olutola, A; Oyeledun, B; Sam-Agudu, NA
Year Published: 2017   Source: Trials   DOI: 10.1186/s13063-017-2347-z   View article
Advancing Systems Thinking in Evaluation: A Review of Four Publications ARTICLE
By: Hargreaves, MB; Podems, D
Year Published: 2012   Source: American Journal of Evaluation   DOI: 10.1177/1098214011435409   View article
Advancing the application of systems thinking in health: realist evaluation of the Leadership Development Programme for district manager decision-making in Ghana ARTICLE
By: Agyepong, IA; Kwamie, A; van Dijk, H
Year Published: 2014   Source: HEALTH RESEARCH POLICY AND SYSTEMS   DOI: 10.1186/1478-4505-12-29   View article
Advancing the theory and practice of impact assessment: Setting the research agenda ARTICLE
By: Bond, A; Morrison-Saunders, A; Pope, J; Retief, F
Year Published: 2013   Source: Environmental Impact Assessment Review   DOI: 10.1016/j.eiar.2013.01.008   View article
A family-oriented antenatal education program to improve birth preparedness and maternal-infant birth outcomes: A cross sectional evaluation study ARTICLE
By: Horiuchi, S; Kubota, K; Leshabari, SC; Madeni, FE; Shimpuku, Y
Year Published: 2019   Source: Reproductive Health   DOI: 10.1186/s12978-019-0776-8   View article
A formative evaluation of the recovery public works programme in Blantyre City, Malawi ARTICLE
By: Chapman, SA; Khembo, F
Year Published: 2017   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning   DOI: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2016.10.012   View article
A framework for improving the responsiveness of policy through development evaluation ARTICLE
By: Porter, S
Year Published: 2016   Source: Evaluation   DOI: 10.1177/1356389016638623   View article
A framework for monitoring social process and outcomes in environmental programs ARTICLE
By: Chapman, SA
Year Published: 2014   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning   DOI: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2014.07.004   View article
African primary care research: Performing a programme evaluation ARTICLE
By: Dudley, L
Year Published: 2014   Source: African Journal of Primary Health Care and Family Medicine
Agents of change among people living with HIV and their social networks: Stepped-wedge randomised controlled trial of the NAMWEZA intervention in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania ARTICLE
By: Ainebyona, D; Andrew, I; Fawzi, MCS; Haberlen, S; Kaaya, SF; Lienert, J; Li, N; Liu, Y; Makongwa, S; McAdam, E; McAdam, K; Mleli, N; Oljemark, K; Simwinga, A; Siril, H; Somba, M; Todd, J
Year Published: 2019   Source: BMJ Global Health
A Growing Demand for Monitoring and Evaluation in Africa ARTICLE
By: Goldman, I; Porter, S
Year Published: 2013   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v1i1.25    View article
A health systems strengthening intervention to improve quality of care for sick and small newborn infants: results from an evaluation in district hospitals in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa ARTICLE
By: Haskins, L; Horwood, C; McKerrow, N; Phakathi, S
Year Published: 2019   Source: BMC PEDIATRICS   DOI: 10.1186/s12887-019-1396-8   View article
Akonta: Examining the epistemology and ontology of Made in Africa Evaluation ARTICLE
By: Frehiwot, M
Year Published: 2022   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/AEJ.V10I1.615   View article
A life cycle impact assessment procedure with resource groups as areas of protection ARTICLE
By: Brent, AC
Aligning vertical interventions to health systems: a case study of the HIV monitoring and evaluation system in South Africa ARTICLE
By: Blaauw, D; Fonn, S; Kawonga, M
Year Published: 2012   Source: HEALTH RESEARCH POLICY AND SYSTEMS   DOI: 10.1186/1478-4505-10-2   View article
Allocating Scarce Resources Strategically - An Evaluation and Discussion of the Global Fund's Pattern of Disbursements ARTICLE
By: Kinyua, K; McCoy, D
Year Published: 2012   Source: PLoS ONE   DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0034749   View article
A logical framework for monitoring and evaluation: A pragmatic approach to M&E ARTICLE
By: Myrick, D
Year Published: 2013   Source: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences   DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2013.v4n14p423   View article
A longitudinal qualitative evaluation of an economic and social empowerment intervention to reduce girls’ vulnerability to HIV in rural Mozambique ARTICLE
By: Burke, HM; González-Calvo, L; Green, AF; Lenzi, R; Moon, TD; Packer, C; Ridgeway, K
Year Published: 2019   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning   DOI: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2019.101682   View article
American Journal of Evaluation Section on International Developments in Evaluation: Transforming Evaluation for Times of Global Transformation ARTICLE
By: Ofir, Z; Rugg, D
Year Published: 2021   Source: American Journal of Evaluation   DOI: 10.1177/1098214020979070   View article
A meta-evaluation, or quality assessment, of the evaluations in this issue, based on the African Evaluation Guidelines: 2002 ARTICLE
By: Patel, M
Year Published: 2002   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning   DOI: 10.1016/S0149-7189(02)00043-5   View article
A meta-framework for conducting mixed methods impact evaluations: Implications for altering practice and the teaching of evaluation ARTICLE
By: Hitchcock, JH; Onwuegbuzie, AJ
Year Published: 2017   Source: Studies in Educational Evaluation   DOI: 10.1016/j.stueduc.2017.02.001   View article
A mixed-methods evaluation of the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland Uganda Fellowship Scheme ARTICLE
By: Bulamba, F; Hewitt‐Smith, A; Pappenheim, K; Smith, AF; Ttendo, S; Walker, IA
Year Published: 2018   Source: ANAESTHESIA   DOI: 10.1111/anae.14116   View article
A mixed-methods evaluation of the uptake of novel differentiated ART delivery models in a national sample of health facilities in Uganda ARTICLE
By: Makobu, K; Maniple, E; Ntawiha, W; Zakumumpa, H
Year Published: 2021   Source: PLOS ONE   DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0254214   View article
A Mixed-Methods Process Evaluation: Integrating Depression Treatment Into HIV Care in Malawi ARTICLE
By: Gaynes, BN; Go, V; Hosseinipour, MC; Kulisewa, K; Maselko, J; Minnick, CE; Mphonda, SM; Pence, BW; Pettifor, AE; Stockton, MA; Udedi, M
Year Published: 2021   Source: GLOBAL HEALTH-SCIENCE AND PRACTICE   DOI: 10.9745/GHSP-D-20-00607   View article
A multivariate evaluation of mainstream and academic development courses in first-year microeconomics ARTICLE
By: Edwards, L; Smith, L
Analysis and evaluation of Public Policies: impact on local development in Angola ARTICLE
By: Teixeira, C
Year Published: 2015   Source: REVISTA HISTORIA-DEBATES E TENDENCIAS   DOI: 10.5335/hdtv.15n.1.5274   View article
Analysis of the economic impacts of cultural festivals: The case of calabar carnival in Nigeria ARTICLE
By: Arrey, V M-E; Basil, G; Esu, BB; Eyo, EE
Year Published: 2011   Source: Tourismos
An assessment of the impact of government intervention projects on poverty alleviation/reduction in Ekiti State, Nigeria ARTICLE
By: Okhankhuele, OT; Opafunso, ZO
Year Published: 2014   Source: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences
A national system for monitoring the performance of hospitals in Ethiopia ARTICLE
By: Bradley, EH; Conteh, D; Endeshaw, A; Linnander, E; McNatt, Z; Tatek, D
Year Published: 2015   Source: Bulletin of the World Health Organization   DOI: 10.2471/BLT.14.151399   View article
An economic evaluation of an intervention to increase demand for medical male circumcision among men aged 25-49 years in South Africa ARTICLE
By: Grund, J; Holmes, M; Kisbey-Green, H; Maraisane, M; Mudzengi, D; Mukora, R
Year Published: 2021   Source: BMC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH   DOI: 10.1186/s12913-021-06793-7   View article
An economic evaluation of an intervention to increase demand for medical male circumcision among men aged 25–49 years in South Africa ARTICLE
By: Charalambous, S; Chetty-Makkan, CM
Year Published: 2021   Source: BMC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH   DOI: 10.1186/s12913-021-06793-7   View article
An education and counseling program for preventing breast-feeding-associated HIV transmission in Zimbabwe: Design and impact on maternal knowledge and behavior ARTICLE
By: Gavin, L; Humphrey, JH; Iliff, PJ; Lunney, K; Marinda, ET; Nathoo, KJ; Piwoz, EG; Tavengwa, NV; Zunguza, CD
Year Published: 2005   Source: Journal of Nutrition
An empirical analysis of the impact of education on economic development in Nigeria ARTICLE
By: Lawanson, OI
Year Published: 2005   Source: Resources, Energy, and Development
An ethnographic exploration of the impacts of HIV/AIDS on soil fertility management among smallholders in Butula, western Kenya ARTICLE
By: Misiko, M
An evaluation of a brief motivational interviewing training course for HIV/AIDS counsellors in Western Cape Province, South Africa ARTICLE
By: Engelbrecht, SK; Evangeli, M; Forsberg, L; Soka, N; Swartz, L; Turner, K
Year Published: 2009   Source: AIDS CARE-PSYCHOLOGICAL AND SOCIO-MEDICAL ASPECTS OF AIDS/HIV   DOI: 10.1080/09540120802002471   View article
An evaluation of a combined psychological and parenting intervention for HIV-positive women depressed in the perinatal period, to enhance child development and reduce maternal depression: study protocol for the Insika Yomama cluster randomised controlled ARTICLE
By: Abas, M; Bland, RM; Craske, M; Desmond, C; Dube, S; Edwards, T; Ekers, D; Herbst, K; Hoegfeldt, CA; Juszczak, E; Khoza, T; Linsell, L; Redinger, S; Richter, L; Rochat, TJ; Stein, A; Yousafzai, AK
Year Published: 2021   Source: Trials   DOI: 10.1186/s13063-021-05672-0   View article
An evaluation of a community-based food supplementation for people living with HIV in Ghana: Implications for community-based interventions in Ghana Public Health ARTICLE
By: Doku, PN; Mensah, KA; Okyere, P
Year Published: 2015   Source: BMC Research Notes
An evaluation of a community leadership training programme in Soweto ARTICLE
By: Nel, H
Year Published: 2009   Source: Social Work
An evaluation of a family support programme in the southern Free State ['n evaluasie van'n gesinsondersteuningsprogram in die Suid-Vrystaat] ARTICLE
By: Ingle, MK; Marais, L; Sigenu, K; Skinner, D
Year Published: 2012   Source: Acta Academica
An Evaluation of a Helping Skills Training Program for Intern Psychometrists ARTICLE
By: du Preez, J; Jorgensen, LI
Year Published: 2012   Source: JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY IN AFRICA   DOI: 10.1080/14330237.2012.10874530   View article
An evaluation of a national intervention to improve the postabortion care content of midwifery education in Nigeria ARTICLE
By: Akiode, A; Daroda, R; Fetters, T; Oji, E; Okeke, B
Year Published: 2010   Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGY & OBSTETRICS   DOI: 10.1016/j.ijgo.2010.05.003   View article
An Evaluation of an HIV/AIDS Prevention Program in a Nigerian Setting ARTICLE
By: Ezeokana, JO; Madu, SN; Nnamdi, A; Nnedum, OAU
Year Published: 2008   Source: JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY IN AFRICA
An evaluation of an operations research project to reduce childhood stunting in a food-insecure area in Ethiopia ARTICLE
By: Bulti, AT; Duffield, A; Fenn, B; Nduna, T; Watson, F
Year Published: 2012   Source: Public Health Nutrition   DOI: 10.1017/S1368980012001115   View article
An evaluation of a palliative care outreach programme for children with Burkitt lymphoma in rural Cameroon ARTICLE
By: D'Souza, C; Hesseling, PB; Kaah, J; Mbah, G; Ndimba, J; Tamannai, M; Wharin, P
Year Published: 2015   Source: International Journal of Palliative Nursing
An evaluation of a peer supervision pilot project among community health workers in rural Uganda ARTICLE
By: Carleen, M; Chambert, E; Christiansen, M; Katushabe, P; Nakibaala, G; Namugera, F; Ssali, B; Watsemba, A
Year Published: 2022   Source: African Health Sciences   DOI: 10.4314/ahs.v22i2.74   View article
An evaluation of awareness: Attitudes and beliefs of pregnant Nigerian women toward voluntary counseling and testing for HIV ARTICLE
By: Alabi, AI; Nachman, SA; Okonkwo, KC; Reich, K; Umeike, N
Year Published: 2007   Source: AIDS Patient Care and STDs
An evaluation of childhood tuberculosis program in Chegutu District, Zimbabwe, 2020: a descriptive cross-sectional study ARTICLE
By: Chadambuka, A; Chimsimbe, M; Gombe, NT; Govha, E; Juru, TP; Mucheto, P; Tshimanga, M
Year Published: 2022   Source: BMC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH   DOI: 10.1186/s12913-022-07918-2   View article
An Evaluation of Community Perspectives and Contributing Factors to Missed Children During an Oral Polio Vaccination Campaign - Katsina State, Nigeria ARTICLE
By: Achari, P; Ashenafi, S; Biya, O; Bwaka, A; Corkum, M; Mackay, S; Mahoney, F; Michael, CA; Newberry, D; Nguku, P; Ogbuanu, IU; Ohuabunwo, C; Storms, AD; Sule, S
Year Published: 2014   Source: JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES   DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jiu288   View article
An Evaluation of Equitable Access to a Community- Based Maternal and Newborn Health Program in Rural Ethiopia ARTICLE
By: Barry, D; Sibley, L; Spangler, SA
Year Published: 2014   Source: Journal of Midwifery and Women's Health   DOI: 10.1111/jmwh.12133   View article
An evaluation of e-readiness assessment tools with respect to information access: Towards an integrated information rich tool ARTICLE
By: Mutula, SM; van Brakel, P
An evaluation of health centers and hospital efficiency in Kampala capital city authority Uganda; Using pabon lasso technique ARTICLE
By: Boerhannoeddin, A; Nabukeera, M; Raja Noriza, RA
Year Published: 2015   Source: Journal of Health and Translational Medicine
An evaluation of infant immunization in Africa: is a transformation in progress? ARTICLE
By: Arevshatian, L; Clements, CJ; Lwanga, SK; Misore, AO; Ndumbe, P; Seward, JF; Taylor, P
Year Published: 2007   Source: Bulletin of the World Health Organization   DOI: 10.2471/BLT.06.031526   View article
An evaluation of intravaginal rings as a potential HIV prevention device in urban Kenya: Behaviors and attitudes that might influence uptake within a high-risk population ARTICLE
By: Bwayo, JJ; del Rio, C; Hoang, TDM; Priddy, FH; Smith, DJ; Wakasiaka, S
Year Published: 2008   Source: JOURNAL OF WOMENS HEALTH   DOI: 10.1089/jwh.2007.0529   View article
An evaluation of library automation in some Ghanaian university libraries ARTICLE
By: Amekuedee, J-O
Year Published: 2005   Source: Electronic Library
An Evaluation of Online Reference Services Through Social Networking Sites in Selected Nigerian University Libraries ARTICLE
By: Oyedokun, TT; Tella, A
Year Published: 2014   Source: Reference Librarian
An evaluation of policies and programmes related to children with disabilities in Botswana ARTICLE
By: Shumba, A; Taukobong, E
Year Published: 2009   Source: AFRICA EDUCATION REVIEW   DOI: 10.1080/18146620902857558   View article
An evaluation of school health services in Sagamu, Nigeria ARTICLE
By: Ogunkunle, OO; Olanrewaju, DM; Oyinlade, OA
Year Published: 2014   Source: Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice   DOI: 10.4103/1119-3077.130236   View article
An evaluation of stakeholder capacity in the implementation of millenium village primary school meal project ARTICLE
By: Mulaudzi, P; Najoli, EK; Ouda, JB; Runhare, T; Wanyama, R
Year Published: 2019   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning   DOI: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2018.10.003   View article
An evaluation of Technology teacher training in South Africa: shortcomings and recommendations ARTICLE
By: Mentz, E; Pool, J; Reitsma, G
Year Published: 2013   Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY AND DESIGN EDUCATION   DOI: 10.1007/s10798-011-9198-9   View article
An evaluation of the District Health Information System in rural South Africa ARTICLE
By: Dlamini, L; Garrib, A; Govender, T; Herbst, K; McKenzie, A; Rohde, J; Stoops, N
An evaluation of the effectiveness of the Zambian Health Worker Retention Scheme (ZHWRS) for rural areas ARTICLE
By: George, G; Gow, J; Ingombe, L; Mutinta, G; Mwamba, S
Year Published: 2013   Source: AFRICAN HEALTH SCIENCES   DOI: 10.4314/ahs.v13i3.40   View article
An evaluation of the emergency care training workshops in the province of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa ARTICLE
By: Naidoo, M
Year Published: 2017   Source: African Journal of Primary Health Care and Family Medicine   DOI: 10.4102/phcfm.v9i1.1283   View article
An evaluation of the impact of a community-based adherence support programme on ART outcomes in selected government HIV treatment sites in South Africa ARTICLE
By: Ebrahim, R; Grimwood, A; Igumbor, JO; Jason, A; Scheepers, E
Year Published: 2011   Source: AIDS CARE-PSYCHOLOGICAL AND SOCIO-MEDICAL ASPECTS OF AIDS/HIV   DOI: 10.1080/09540121.2010.498909   View article
An evaluation of the impact of a life skills programme in the workplace ARTICLE
By: Taute, FM
Year Published: 2007   Source: Social Work
An evaluation of the impact of confinement on the quality of e-learning in higher education institutions ARTICLE
By: Hosanoo, ZA; Rughoobur-Seetah, S
Year Published: 2021   Source: Quality Assurance in Education   DOI: 10.1108/QAE-03-2021-0043   View article
An evaluation of the implementation of the National ICT Policy for Education in Namibian rural science classrooms ARTICLE
By: Howie, S; Ngololo, E; Plomp, T
Year Published: 2012   Source: AFRICAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION   DOI: 10.1080/10288457.2012.10740725   View article
An evaluation of the implementation of the new Language-in-Education Policy (LiEP) in selected secondary schools of Limpopo Province ARTICLE
By: Mabiletja, M; Madiba, M
Year Published: 2008   Source: LANGUAGE MATTERS   DOI: 10.1080/10228190802579601   View article
An evaluation of the knowledge, attitude and practices of South African university students regarding the use of emergency contraception and of art as an advocacy tool ARTICLE
By: Jordaan, J; Kistnasamy, EJ; Reddy, P
Year Published: 2009   Source: South African Family Practice
An evaluation of the medical internship programme at King Edward VIII hospital, South Africa in 2016 ARTICLE
By: Dlamini, S; Naidoo, SS; Ross, A
Year Published: 2018   Source: South African Family Practice   DOI: 10.1080/20786190.2018.1504866   View article
An evaluation of the performance of small scale agribusinesses in Vhembe District of Limpopo Province, South Africa ARTICLE
By: Maliwichi, LL; Oni, SA; Sifumba, L
An Evaluation of the Quality of IMCI Assessments among IMCI Trained Health Workers in South Africa ARTICLE
By: Haskins, L; Horwood, C; Nkosi, P; Qazi, S; Rollins, N; Vermaak, K
Year Published: 2009   Source: PLoS ONE
An evaluation of the Science Learner Assisted Program (SLAP) at the University of Limpopo Science Centre, South Africa ARTICLE
By: Potgieter, A; Potgieter, MJ; Ramaila, PR; Wildschut, L
Year Published: 2021   Source: Technium Social Sciences Journal   DOI: 10.47577/tssj.v26i1.4991   View article
An evaluation of the sustainability of a rural water rehabilitation project in Zimbabwe ARTICLE
By: Hertle, J; Hoko, Z
Year Published: 2006   Source: Physics and Chemistry of the Earth   DOI: 10.1016/j.pce.2006.08.038   View article
An evaluation of the Umbumbulu Agri-Hub as a model to support small-scale farmers ARTICLE
By: Chasomeris, M; Gilmore, P
Year Published: 2015   Source: LOCAL ECONOMY   DOI: 10.1177/0269094215586154   View article
An evaluation of the use of participatory processes in wide-scale dissemination of research in micro dosing and conservation agriculture in Zimbabwe ARTICLE
By: Minde, I; Pedzisa, T; Twomlow, S
Year Published: 2010   Source: Research Evaluation   DOI: 10.3152/095820210X510106   View article
An evaluation of three intercultural community projects ARTICLE
By: Hendriks, HJ; Ries, J
Year Published: 2013   Source: HTS TEOLOGIESE STUDIES-THEOLOGICAL STUDIES   DOI: 10.4102/hts.v69i2.1250   View article
An Evaluative Study of a Distance Teacher Education Program in a University in Ghana ARTICLE
By: Sampong, KA
A new typology of monitoring and evaluation indicators ARTICLE
By: Uwizeyimana, DE
Year Published: 2021   Source: European Journal of Economics, Law and Social Sciences / EJELS
An exploration of group-based HIV/AIDS treatment and care models in Sub-Saharan Africa using a realist evaluation (Intervention-Context-Actor-Mechanism-Outcome) heuristic tool: a systematic review ARTICLE
By: Marchal, B; Mukumbang, FC; Van Belle, S; van Wyk, B
Year Published: 2017   Source: Implementation Science   DOI: 10.1186/s13012-017-0638-0   View article
An exploratory evaluation of a South African project-based curriculum module focused on authentic technological practice utilizing student portfolios and an open-ended questionnaire ARTICLE
By: van As, F
Year Published: 2019   Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY AND DESIGN EDUCATION   DOI: 10.1007/s10798-018-9439-2   View article
Animal source foods have a positive impact on the primary school test scores of Kenyan schoolchildren in a cluster-randomised, controlled feeding intervention trial ARTICLE
By: Bwibo, NO; Drorbaugh, N; Galal, OM; Hulett, JL; Neumann, CG; Weiss, RE
Year Published: 2014   Source: BRITISH JOURNAL OF NUTRITION   DOI: 10.1017/S0007114513003310   View article
An impact and cost-benefit analysis of an employee assistance programme at a South African bank ARTICLE
By: Orren, C; Terblanche, L
Year Published: 2009   Source: Social Work
An impact assessment of a prototype financial literacy flagship programme in a rural South African setting ARTICLE
By: Tustin, DH
An impact evaluation design for the Millennium Villages Project in Northern Ghana ARTICLE
By: Acharya, A; Barnett, C; Dogbe, T; Masset, E
Year Published: 2013   Source: JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENT EFFECTIVENESS   DOI: 10.1080/19439342.2013.790914   View article
An impact evaluation of student teacher training in HIV/AIDS education in Zimbabwe ARTICLE
By: Benoy, H; Chifunyise, T; Mukiibi, B
Year Published: 2002   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning   DOI: 10.1016/S0149-7189(02)00049-6   View article
An Implementation Evaluation of A Group-Based Parenting Intervention to Promote Early Childhood Development in Rural Kenya ARTICLE
By: Aboud, FE; Alu, E; Garcia, IL; Luoto, JE; Otieno, R; Singla, DR; Zhu, R
Year Published: 2021   Source: FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH   DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.653106   View article
An Incentive-Based and Community Health Worker Package Intervention to Improve Early Utilization of Antenatal Care: Evidence from a Pilot Randomised Controlled Trial ARTICLE
By: Burger, RP; Rossouw, L
Year Published: 2019   Source: Maternal and Child Health Journal   DOI: 10.1007/s10995-018-2677-9   View article
An individually randomized controlled trial to determine the effectiveness of the Women for Women International Programme in reducing intimate partner violence and strengthening livelihoods amongst women in Afghanistan: Trial design, methods and baseline ARTICLE
By: Chirwa, ED; Corboz, J; Gibbs, A; Jewkes, R; Karim, F; Mann, C; Marofi, F; Maxwell-Jones, C; Mecagni, A; Shafiq, M
Year Published: 2018   Source: BMC Public Health
An outcome evaluation of a youth development programme ARTICLE
By: Louw-Potgieter, J; Maposa, JF
Year Published: 2012   Source: Social Work (South Africa)
An overview of the provincial evaluation system of the Western Cape Government of South Africa as a response to the evaluation of the National Evaluation System ARTICLE
By: Ishmail, Z; Tully, VL
Year Published: 2020   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v8i1.425   View article
Antenatal depressed mood and child cognitive and physical growth at 18-months in South Africa: A cluster randomised controlled trial of home visiting by community health workers ARTICLE
By: Le Roux, I; Rotheram-Borus, MJ; Scheffler, AW; Tomlinson, M
Year Published: 2018   Source: Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences
A nurse-led intervention to improve management of virological failure in public sector HIV clinics in Durban, South Africa: A pre- and post-implementation evaluation ARTICLE
By: Hatlen, T; Marconi, VC; Moosa, MYS; Murphy, RA; Naidoo, K; Pillay, S; Siedner, MJ; Sunpath, H
Year Published: 2021   Source: SAMJ SOUTH AFRICAN MEDICAL JOURNAL   DOI: 10.7196/SAMJ.2021.v111i4.15432   View article
A partial economic evaluation of blended learning in teaching health research methods: a three-university collaboration in South Africa, Sweden, and Uganda ARTICLE
By: Atkins, S; Kumpu, M; Nkonki, L; Zwarenstein, M
Year Published: 2016   Source: Global Health Action   DOI: 10.3402/gha.v9.28058   View article
A performance evaluation of strategic environmental assessment (SEA) processes within the South African context ARTICLE
By: Retief, F
Year Published: 2007   Source: Environmental Impact Assessment Review   DOI: 10.1016/j.eiar.2006.08.002   View article
A pilot study to evaluate incorporating eye care for children into reproductive and child health services in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania: a historical comparison study ARTICLE
By: Gilbert, CE; Kisenge, R; Mafwiri, MM
Year Published: 2014   Source: BMC NURSING   DOI: 10.1186/1472-6955-13-15   View article
Application of game theory and new institutional economics in establishing a National Voluntary Organisation for Professional Evaluation in Nigeria ARTICLE
By: Jobin, D; Lawal, Z
Year Published: 2017   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v5i1.197   View article
Appreciating appreciative inquiry ARTICLE
By: Fraser, D; Rogers, PJ
Year Published: 2003   Source: New Directions for Evaluation   DOI: 10.1002/ev.101   View article
Appreciative inquiry evaluation of child and adolescent community interventions in South Africa and United Kingdom ARTICLE
By: Edwards, DJ
Year Published: 2015   Source: JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY IN AFRICA   DOI: 10.1080/14330237.2015.1007612   View article
Approaches to caring, essential elements for a quality service and cost-effectiveness in South Africa ARTICLE
By: Desmond, C; Gow, J; Loening-Voysey, H; Stirling, B; Wilson, T
Year Published: 2002   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning   DOI: 10.1016/S0149-7189(02)00055-1   View article
A practice-based evaluation of an on-line writing evaluation system: First-World technology in a Third-World teaching context ARTICLE
By: Louw, H; Spencer, B
Year Published: 2008   Source: LANGUAGE MATTERS   DOI: 10.1080/10228190802321061   View article
A process evaluation exploring the lay counsellor experience of delivering a task shared psycho-social intervention for perinatal depression in Khayelitsha, South Africa ARTICLE
By: Lund, C; Munodawafa, M; Schneider, M
Year Published: 2017   Source: BMC Psychiatry   DOI: 10.1186/s12888-017-1397-9   View article
A process evaluation of a programme for street people ARTICLE
By: Louw-Potgieter, J; O'Donoghue, K
Year Published: 2012   Source: Social Work (South Africa)
A process evaluation of a school-based adolescent sexual health intervention in rural Tanzania: the MEMA kwa Vijana programme ARTICLE
By: Hayes, RJ; Makokha, MJ; Mazige, B C; Mshana, G; Obasi, AIN; Plummer, ML; Ross, DA; Todd, J; Wamoyi, J; Wight, D
Year Published: 2007   Source: Health Education Research   DOI: 10.1093/her/cyl103   View article
A process evaluation of the scale up of a youth-friendly health services initiative in northern Tanzania ARTICLE
By: Andrew, B; Changalucha, J; Kato, C; Kishamawe, C; Nyalali, K; Obasi, AIN; Renju, J
Year Published: 2010   Source: Journal of the International AIDS Society   DOI: 10.1186/1758-2652-13-32   View article
A process evaluation plan for assessing a complex community-based maternal health intervention in Ogun State, Nigeria ARTICLE
By: Adepoju, A; Adetoro, OO; Akeju, DO; Bhutta, ZA; Dada, O; Drebit, S; Jaiyesimi, E; Magee, LA; Payne, BA; Sharma, S; Sotunsa, J; Vidler, M; von Dadelszen, P
Year Published: 2017   Source: BMC Health Services Research   DOI: 10.1186/s12913-017-2124-4   View article
A proposed methodology for contextualised evaluation in higher education ARTICLE
By: Belluigi, DZ
Year Published: 2011   Source: ASSESSMENT & EVALUATION IN HIGHER EDUCATION   DOI: 10.1080/02602931003650037   View article
A proposed model for evaluating the success of WebCT course content management system ARTICLE
By: Adeyinka, T; Mutula, SM
Year Published: 2010   Source: COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR   DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2010.07.007   View article
A proposed monitoring and evaluation curriculum based on a model that institutionalises monitoring and evaluation ARTICLE
By: Wotela, K
Year Published: 2017   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v5i1.186   View article
A Qualitative Endline Evaluation Study of Male Engagement in Promoting Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health Services in Rural Kenya ARTICLE
By: Luchters, S; Lusambili, AM; Mantel, M; Mossman, L; Mulama, K; Muriuki, P; Ngugi, A; Nyaga, L; Obure, J; Orwa, J; Pell, R; Shumba, C; Temmerman, M; Wade, TJ; Wisofschi, S
Year Published: 2021   Source: FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH   DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.670239   View article
A Qualitative Evaluation of Exposure to and Perceptions of the Woolworths Healthy Tuck Shop Guide in Cape Town, South Africa ARTICLE
By: Bourne, L; Draper, CE; Marraccini, T; Meltzer, S
Year Published: 2012   Source: CHILDHOOD OBESITY   DOI: 10.1089/chi.2012.0034   View article
A qualitative evaluation of volunteers' experiences in a phase I/II HIV vaccine trial in Tanzania ARTICLE
By: Bakari, M; Kohi, TW; Kulane, A; Mhalu, F; Sandstrom, E; Tarimo, EAM; Thorson, A
Year Published: 2011   Source: BMC Infectious Diseases   DOI: 10.1186/1471-2334-11-283   View article
A qualitative process evaluation of a community conversation intervention to reduce stigma related to lower limb lymphoedema in Northern Ethiopia ARTICLE
By: Ahimed, A; Ali, O; Davey, G; Fekadu, A; Kinfe, M; Mengiste, A; Semrau, M; Tora, A
Year Published: 2022   Source: BMC Health Services Research   DOI: 10.1186/s12913-022-08335-1   View article
A qualitative process evaluation of training for non-physician clinicians/associate clinicians (NPCs/ACs) in emergency maternal, neonatal care and clinical leadership, impact on clinical services improvements in rural Tanzania: the ETATMBA project ARTICLE
By: Bergström, S; Davies, D; Ellard, DR; Kihaile, P; Mazugun, F; Mbaruku, G; Mohamed, H; Nyamtema, A; O'Hare, JP; Pemba, S; Shemdoe, A
Year Published: 2016   Source: BMJ Open   DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-009000   View article
A qualitative study of the multiple impacts of external workplace violence in two Western Cape communities ARTICLE
By: Bhamjee, F; Bowman, B; Crafford, A; Eagle, G
Year Published: 2009   Source: South African Journal of Psychology
A quasi-experimental evaluation of a community-based art therapy intervention exploring the psychosocial health of children affected by HIV in South Africa ARTICLE
By: Alie, C; Brown, E; Jonas, B; Mueller, J; Sherr, L
Year Published: 2011   Source: Tropical Medicine and International Health   DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3156.2010.02682.x   View article
A quasi-experimental evaluation of an HIV prevention programme by peer education in the Anglican Church of the Western Cape, South Africa ARTICLE
By: Mash, RJ
Year Published: 2012   Source: BMJ Open   DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2011-000638   View article
A quasi-experimental evaluation of a skills capacity workshop in the South African public service ARTICLE
By: de Coning, R; Jonck, P
Year Published: 2020   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v8i1.421   View article
A Randomized Controlled Trial of the Shikamana Intervention to Promote Antiretroviral Therapy Adherence Among Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men Who Have Sex with Men in Kenya: Feasibility, Acceptability, Safety and Initial Effect Size ARTICLE
By: Amico, KR; Chirro, O; Graham, SM; Kombo, B; Micheni, M; Mugo, PM; Nzioka, J; Operario, D; Sanders, EJ; Secor, AM; Simoni, JM; van der Elst, EM
Year Published: 2020   Source: AIDS and Behavior
A randomized controlled trial study of the acceptability, feasibility, and preliminary impact of SITA (SMS as an Incentive to Adhere): A mobile technology-based intervention informed by behavioral economics to improve ART adherence among youth in Uganda ARTICLE
By: Birungi, J; Gutierrez, CI; Linnemayr, S; MacCarthy, S; Mendoza-Graf, A; Okoboi, S; Samba, C; Wagner, Z
Year Published: 2020   Source: BMC Infectious Diseases
A randomized-control trial for the teachers’ diploma programme on psychosocial care, support and protection in Zambian government primary schools ARTICLE
By: Kaljee, L; Langhaug, L; Li, X; Malungo, J; Menon, A; Munjile, K; Stanton, B; Tembo, S; Zhang, L
Year Published: 2017   Source: Psychology, Health and Medicine
A realist evaluation of the management of a well-performing regional hospital in Ghana ARTICLE
By: Dedzo, M; Kegels, G; Marchal, B
Year Published: 2010   Source: BMC Health Services Research   DOI: 10.1186/1472-6963-10-24   View article
A reflection on the partnership between government and South African Monitoring and Evaluation Association ARTICLE
By: Basson, R; Beney, T; Leslie, M; Mathe, JE; Naidu, W; Ntakumba, S
Year Published: 2015   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v3i1.164   View article
A Retrospective Evaluation of a Community-Based Physical Activity Health Promotion Program ARTICLE
By: Draper, CE; Kolbe-Alexander, TL; Lambert, EV
Year Published: 2009   Source: JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY & HEALTH
A retrospective evaluation of a wilderness-based leadership development programme ARTICLE
By: Draper, CE; Flisher, AJ; Lund, C
Year Published: 2011   Source: South African Journal of Psychology
A retrospective mixed-methods evaluation of a national ORS and zinc scale-up program in Uganda between 2011 and 2016 ARTICLE
By: Battu, A; Buluma, DM; Kabunga, L; Kirchhoffer, D; Lam, F; Schroder, K; Wamala-Mucheri, PN
Year Published: 2019   Source: Journal of Global Health   DOI: 10.7189/jogh.09.010504   View article
By: Gumbi, S
Year Published: 2010   Source: SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE   DOI: 10.4102/sajs.v106i7/8.323   View article
A review of school nutrition interventions globally as an evidence base for the development of the HealthKick programme in the Western Cape, South Africa ARTICLE
By: De Villiers, A; Lambert, EV; Mchiza, Z; Parker, W; Steyn, NP
A review of South African primary school literacy interventions from 2005 to 2020 ARTICLE
By: Long, KA; Meiklejohn, C; Westaway, AFH; Westaway, L
Year Published: 2021   Source: SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF CHILDHOOD EDUCATION   DOI: 10.4102/sajce.v11i1.919   View article
A review of the growth of monitoring and evaluation in South Africa: Monitoring and evaluation as a profession, an industry and a governance tool ARTICLE
By: Abrahams, MA
Year Published: 2015   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v3i1.142   View article
A scoping review of intersections between indigenous knowledge systems and complexity-responsive evaluation research ARTICLE
By: Blaser Mapitsa, C
Year Published: 2022   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v10i1.624   View article
A Single-Blind randomized controlled trial to evaluate the effect of extended counseling on uptake of pre-antiretroviral care in Eastern Uganda ARTICLE
By: Ekström, AM; Kadobera, D; Marrone, G; Muhamadi, L; Pariyo, G; Stefan, P; Tumwesigye, NM; Wabwire-Mangen, F
Year Published: 2011   Source: Trials   DOI: 10.1186/1745-6215-12-184   View article
A smartphone game to prevent HIV among young africans (tumaini): Assessing intervention and study acceptability among adolescents and their parents in a randomized controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Akelo, V; Mudhune, V; Ndivo, R; Odero, I; Ondeng'e, K; Sabben, G; Winskell, K
Year Published: 2019   Source: Journal of Medical Internet Research
A social empowerment intervention to prevent intimate partner violence against women in a microfinance scheme in Tanzania: findings from the MAISHA cluster randomised controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Abramsky, T; Hansen, CH; Harvey, SH; Hashim, R; Kapiga, S; Kapinga, I; Lees, S; Madaha, F; Mosha, N; Mshana, G; Mtolela, GJ; Watts, CH
Year Published: 2019   Source: The Lancet Global Health
A socio-economic impact assessment of a project to identify and implement best management practices at the Zanyokwe Irrigation Scheme at farm level ARTICLE
By: Monde, N; Tshuma, M
Year Published: 2012   Source: WATER SA   DOI: 10.4314/wsa.v38i5.18   View article
Assessing healthcare quality using routine data: evaluating the performance of the national tuberculosis programme in South Africa ARTICLE
By: McLaren, ZM; Nanoo, A; Sharp, AR; Wasserman, S; Zhou, J
Year Published: 2017   Source: Tropical Medicine and International Health   DOI: 10.1111/tmi.12819   View article
Assessing implementation fidelity of a community-based infant and young child feeding intervention in Ethiopia identifies delivery challenges that limit reach to communities: a mixed-method process evaluation study ARTICLE
By: Abrha, T; Ali, D; Kennedy, A; Kim, SS; Menon, P; Rawat, R; Tadesse, AW; Tesfaye, R
Year Published: 2015   Source: BMC Public Health   DOI: 10.1186/s12889-015-1650-4   View article
Assessing perceptions of resources and inclusive teaching practices: A cross-country study between German and Saudi students in inclusive schools ARTICLE
By: Alnahdi, G; Elhadi, A; Goldan, J; Schwab, S
Year Published: 2020   Source: Studies in Educational Evaluation   DOI: 10.1016/j.stueduc.2020.100849   View article
Assessing the economic impact of HIV/AIDS on Nigerian households: a propensity score matching approach ARTICLE
By: Canning, D; Mahal, A; Odumosu, K; Okonkwo, P
Year Published: 2008   Source: AIDS
Assessing the impact of a school-based latrine cleaning and handwashing program on pupil absence in Nyanza Province, Kenya: a cluster-randomized trial ARTICLE
By: Caruso, BA; Dreibelbis, R; Freeman, MC; Garn, JV; Muga, R; Rheingans, R; Saboori, S
Year Published: 2014   Source: Tropical Medicine and International Health   DOI: 10.1111/tmi.12360   View article
Assessing the impact of a school-based water treatment, hygiene and sanitation programme on pupil absence in Nyanza Province, Kenya: a cluster-randomized trial ARTICLE
By: Brumback, B; Dreibelbis, R; Freeman, MC; Greene, LE; Muga, R; Rheingans, R; Saboori, S
Year Published: 2012   Source: Tropical Medicine and International Health   DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3156.2011.02927.x   View article
Assessing the impact of support structures and initiatives to youth entrepreneurship development in a selected township in the Western Cape province of South Africa ARTICLE
By: Eresia-Eke, CE; Gwija, SA; Iwu, CG
Year Published: 2014   Source: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences
Assessing the impact of TB/HIV services integration on TB treatment outcomes and their relevance in TB/HIV monitoring in Ghana ARTICLE
By: Ansa, GA; Siddiqi, K; Walley, JD; Wei, X
Year Published: 2012   Source: INFECTIOUS DISEASES OF POVERTY   DOI: 10.1186/2049-9957-1-13   View article
Assessing the Impact of the Trauma Team Training Program in Tanzania ARTICLE
By: Bergman, S; Deckelbaum, D; Demyttenaere, S; Haas, B; Lett, R; Mbembati, N; Munthali, V; Museru, L; Razek, T
Year Published: 2008   Source: JOURNAL OF TRAUMA-INJURY INFECTION AND CRITICAL CARE   DOI: 10.1097/TA.0b013e318184a9fe   View article
Assessing the impact of Transnet's and Eskom's infrastructure investment programmes on the capital goods sector ARTICLE
By: Lydall, M
Year Published: 2009   Source: Development Southern Africa
Assessing the implementation of performance management of health care workers in Uganda ARTICLE
By: Dolamo, BL; Lutwama, GW; Roos, JH
Year Published: 2013   Source: BMC Health Services Research
Assessing the population health impact of market interventions to improve access to antiretroviral treatment ARTICLE
By: Bärnighausen, T; Kyle, M; Salomon, JA; Waning, B
Year Published: 2012   Source: Health Policy and Planning
Assessing the population-level impact of vouchers on access to health facility delivery for women in Kenya ARTICLE
By: Abuya, T; Askew, I; Bellows, B; Obare, F; Warren, C
Year Published: 2014   Source: SOCIAL SCIENCE & MEDICINE   DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2013.12.007   View article
Assessing the utilisation of a child health monitoring tool ARTICLE
By: Blaauw, R; Daniels, L; du Plessis, LM; Koen, N; Koornhof, L; Marais, ML; van Niekerk, E; Visser, J
Year Published: 2017   Source: SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF CHILD HEALTH   DOI: 10.7196/SAJCH.2017.v11i4.1326   View article
Assessing the utility of environmental factors and objectives in environmental impact assessment practice: Western Australian insights ARTICLE
By: Dahlitz, V; Morrison-Saunders, A
Year Published: 2015   Source: Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal
Assessment and evaluation of LIS education: Global commonalities and regional differences -South Africa, New Zealand, and U.S.A. ARTICLE
By: Britz, J; Dorner, D; Ocholla, D
Year Published: 2013   Source: Libri   DOI: 10.1515/libri-2013-0011   View article
Assessment of knowledge, interventional practices for, and impact of malaria in pregnancy among parturient women in a Nigerian tertiary healthcare facility ARTICLE
By: Ande, ABA; Enato, EFO; Obieche, AO
Year Published: 2015   Source: Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
Assessment of the monitoring and evaluation system for integrated community case management (iCCM) in Ethiopia: A comparison against global benchmark indicators ARTICLE
By: Bekele, A; Demeke, B; Guenther, T; Hazel, E; Lemma, I; Mamo, D
Year Published: 2014   Source: Ethiopian Medical Journal
Assessment of universal access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services in Egypt ARTICLE
By: Oraby, D
Year Published: 2015   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v3i2.147   View article
Association between health systems performance and treatment outcomes in patients co-infected with MDR-TB and HIV in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: Implications for TB programmes ARTICLE
By: Brust, JCM; Loveday, M; Master, I; Ngozo, J; Padayatchi, N; Roberts, J; Voce, A; Wallengren, K
Year Published: 2014   Source: PLoS ONE
Association of the ANRS-12126 Male Circumcision Project with HIV Levels among Men in a South African Township: Evaluation of Effectiveness using Cross-sectional Surveys ARTICLE
By: Auvert, B; Bouscaillou, J; Lewis, D; Lissouba, P; Mahiane, SG; Peytavin, G; Puren, A; Rech, D; Singh, B; Sitta, R; Taljaard, D
Year Published: 2013   Source: PLoS Medicine
Assumption-aware tools and agency; an interrogation of the primary artifacts of the program evaluation and design profession in working with complex evaluands and complex contexts ARTICLE
By: Morrow, N; Nkwake, AM
Year Published: 2016   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning   DOI: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2016.05.011   View article
A strategy for monitoring and evaluating massive open online courses ARTICLE
By: Chapman, SA; Deacon, A; Goodman, S; Jawitz, J
Year Published: 2016   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning   DOI: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2016.04.006   View article
A systematic review of mentoring nursing students in clinical placements ARTICLE
By: Jamookeeah, D
Year Published: 2011   Source: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NURSING   DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2702.2010.03571.x   View article
A systemic review of the management of HIV/AIDS epidemic in Botswana ARTICLE
By: Mothibi, J; Prakash, J
A universal testing and treatment intervention to improve HIV control: One-year results from intervention communities in Zambia in the HPTN 071 (PopART) cluster-randomised trial ARTICLE
By: Ayles, H; Beyers, N; Bock, P; Donnell, D; El-Sadr, WM; Fidler, S; Floyd, S; Griffith, S; Hayes, RJ; Piwowar-Manning, E; Sabapathy, K; Schaap, A; Shanaube, K
Year Published: 2017   Source: PLoS Medicine
Awareness and practice of breast screening and its impact on early detection and presentation among breast cancer patients attending a clinic in Lagos, Nigeria ARTICLE
By: Afolayan, MO; Habeebu, MO; Lawal, AO; Mofikoya, B; Olajide, TO; Ugburo, AO
Year Published: 2014   Source: Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice
Barriers affecting effective monitoring and evaluation of poverty alleviation projects within Waterberg District ARTICLE
By: Dipela, MP; Mohapi, BJ
Year Published: 2021   Source: Social Work/Maatskaplike Werk   DOI: 10.15270/52-2-948   View article
Barriers to and facilitators for female participation in an HIV prevention project in Rural Ethiopia: Findings from a qualitative evaluation ARTICLE
By: Bekele, A; Cummings, B; Ghile, T; Mengistu, M; Negash, W
Year Published: 2006   Source: Culture, Health and Sexuality
Baseline evaluation of routine HIV testing among tuberculosis patients in Botswana ARTICLE
By: Almquist, J; Gammino, VM; Jimbo, W; Kilmarx, PH; Mboya, JJ; Nelson, LJ; Nkubito, G; Obita, G; Roels, TH; Samandari, T; Sheth, AN; Wells, CD
Year Published: 2008   Source: International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
Baseline for the evaluation of a National Action Plan for Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children using the UNAIDS core indicators: A case study in Zimbabwe ARTICLE
By: Bergua, J; Dhlembeu, N; Keogh, E; Mafico, M; Monasch, R; Saito, S
Year Published: 2007   Source: Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies
Baseline health conditions in selected communities of northern Sierra Leone as revealed by the health impact assessment of a biofuel project ARTICLE
By: Divall, MJ; Fofanah, I; Hodges, MH; Knoblauch, AM; Koroma, MM; Righetti, AA; Turay, H; Utzinger, J; Winkler, MS
Year Published: 2014   Source: International Health
Beneficiaries' perceptions and reported use of unconditional cash transfers intended to prevent acute malnutrition in children in poor rural communities in Burkina Faso: Qualitative results from the MAM'Out randomized controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Ait Aissa, M; Houngbe, F; Huneau, J-F; Kolsteren, P; Lompo, P; Tonguet-Papucci, A; Yameogo, WME
Year Published: 2017   Source: BMC Public Health
Benefits and impacts of THRIP-supported applied research projects ARTICLE
By: Dassah, MO; Uken, E
Year Published: 2010   Source: Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology
Benefits of transport subsidisation: Comparing findings from a customer perception survey and Most Significant Change Technique interviews ARTICLE
By: Burger, B; Rabie, B
Year Published: 2019   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v7i1.371   View article
Better Antiretroviral Therapy Outcomes at Primary Healthcare Facilities: An Evaluation of Three Tiers of ART Services in Four South African Provinces ARTICLE
By: Bock, P; Fatti, G; Grimwood, A
Year Published: 2010   Source: PLoS ONE   DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0012888   View article
Between power and perception: Understanding youth perspectives in participatory monitoring and evaluation (PM&E) in Ghana ARTICLE
By: Boadu, ES; Ile, I
Year Published: 2019   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning   DOI: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2019.101683   View article
Beyond Indicators: Advances in Global HIV Monitoring and Evaluation During the PEPFAR Era ARTICLE
By: Bouey, PD; Curtis, S; Hochgesang, M; Idele, P; Jefferson, B; Lemma, W; Myrick, R; Nuwagaba-Biribonwoha, H; Porter, LE; Prybylski, D; Souteyrand, Y; Tulli, T
Year Published: 2012   Source: JAIDS-JOURNAL OF ACQUIRED IMMUNE DEFICIENCY SYNDROMES   DOI: 10.1097/QAI.0b013e31825cf345   View article
Beyond Smiling: The Evaluation of a Positive Psychological Intervention Aimed at Student Happiness ARTICLE
By: Rothmann, S; Van Zyl, LE
Year Published: 2012   Source: JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY IN AFRICA   DOI: 10.1080/14330237.2012.10820541   View article
Biological and behavioural impact of an adolescent sexual health intervention in Tanzania: a community-randomized trial ARTICLE
By: Anemona, A; Balira, R; Changalucha, J; Cleophas-Mazige, B; Everett, D; Gavyole, A; Grosskurth, H; Hayes, RJ; Mabey, DC; Makokha, MJ; Mosha, F; Obasi, AIN; Parry, JV; Plummer, ML; Ross, D; Terris-Prestholt, F; Wight, D
Year Published: 2007   Source: AIDS
Breaking community barriers to polio vaccination in northern nigeria: The impact of a grass roots mobilization campaign (Majigi) ARTICLE
By: Aliyu, GG; Aliyu, MH; El-Kamary, SS; Gasasira, A; Mandawari, SU; Nasidi, A; Nasiru, S-G; Waziri, H; Zubair, M
Year Published: 2012   Source: Pathogens and Global Health
Building a palliative care program in ethiopia: The impact on HIV and AIDS patients and their families ARTICLE
By: Horne, CJ; Stuer, F; Wube, M
Year Published: 2010   Source: Journal of Pain and Symptom Management
Building capacity for AIDS NGOs in southern Africa: evaluation of a pilot initiative ARTICLE
By: Hartwig, KA; Humphries, D; Matebeni, Z
Year Published: 2008   Source: HEALTH PROMOTION INTERNATIONAL   DOI: 10.1093/heapro/dan013   View article
Building capacity for antiretroviral delivery in South Africa: A qualitative evaluation of the PALSA PLUS nurse training programme ARTICLE
By: Bateman, E; Bheekie, A; English, R; Fairall, LR; Lewin, S; Mayers, P; Stein, J; Zwarenstein, M
Year Published: 2008   Source: BMC Health Services Research   DOI: 10.1186/1472-6963-8-240   View article
Building capacity to measure long-term impact on women's empowerment: CARE's Women's Empowerment Impact Measurement Initiative ARTICLE
By: Berkowitz, L; Gillingham, S; Karim, N; Picard, M
Year Published: 2014   Source: Gender and Development
Building leadership capacity An evaluation of the University of Cape Town's Emerging Student Leaders Programme ARTICLE
By: Goodman, S; Mukoza, SK
Year Published: 2013   Source: INDUSTRY AND HIGHER EDUCATION   DOI: 10.5367/ihe.2013.0147   View article
'By seeing with our own eyes, it can remain in our mind': Qualitative evaluation findings suggest the ability of participatory video to reduce gender-based violence in conflict-affected settings ARTICLE
By: Acosta, A; Cooper, CM; Goodsmith, L; Gurman, TA; McCray, PA; Trappler, RM
Year Published: 2014   Source: Health Education Research
Call for global health-systems impact assessments ARTICLE
By: Bryant, M; Chowdhury, M; Dearden, K; De Maeseneer, J; Egilman, D; Lanata, CF; Mosley, H; Sanders, D; Swanson, RC
Year Published: 2009   Source: The Lancet
Can a standards-based approach improve access to and quality of primary health care? Findings from an end-of-project evaluation in Ghana ARTICLE
By: Allen, C; Boadu, RO; Lailari, A; Maly, C; Rosado, C; Vikpeh-Lartey, B
Year Published: 2019   Source: PLoS ONE   DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0216589   View article
Can child-focused sanitation and nutrition programming improve health practices and outcomes? Evidence from a randomised controlled trial in Kitui County, Kenya ARTICLE
By: Gimaiyo, G; Lehmann, L; McManus, J; Moloney, G; Robins, A; Singh, S; Trevett, A; Yarri, M
Year Published: 2019   Source: BMJ Global Health
Can environmental performance rating programmes succeed in Africa? An evaluation of Ghana's AKOBEN project ARTICLE
By: Darko-Mensah, AB; Okereke, C
Year Published: 2013   Source: Management of Environmental Quality
Can health promotion videos ‘go viral’? A non-randomised, controlled, before-and-after pilot study to measure the spread and impact of local language mobile videos in Burkina Faso ARTICLE
By: Belem, M; Head, R; Hollowell, J; Lamahewa, K; Lamoukri, R; Lavoie, M; Murray, J; Remes, P; Salouka, S; Swigart, T
Year Published: 2019   Source: Global Health Action
Can lay health workers increase the uptake of childhood immunisation? Systematic review and typology ARTICLE
By: Glenton, C; Lewin, S; Scheel, IB; Swingler, GH
Year Published: 2011   Source: Tropical Medicine and International Health   DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3156.2011.02813.x   View article
Can massive open online courses fill African evaluation capacity gaps? ARTICLE
By: Engel, H; Khumalo, LS; Mapitsa, CB; Wooldridge, D
Year Published: 2019   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v7i1.372   View article
Can palliative care integrated within HIV outpatient settings improve pain and symptom control in a low-income country? A prospective, longitudinal, controlled intervention evaluation ARTICLE
By: Alexander, C; Collins, K; Combo, E; Harding, R; Loy, G; Memiah, P; Patrick, G; Sigalla, G; Simms, V
Year Published: 2013   Source: AIDS CARE-PSYCHOLOGICAL AND SOCIO-MEDICAL ASPECTS OF AIDS/HIV   DOI: 10.1080/09540121.2012.736608   View article
Can Peer Education Make a Difference? Evaluation of a South African Adolescent Peer Education Program to Promote Sexual and Reproductive Health ARTICLE
By: Flisher, AJ; Mason-Jones, AJ; Mathews, C
Year Published: 2011   Source: AIDS and Behavior   DOI: 10.1007/s10461-011-0012-1   View article
Can personal initiative training improve small business success? A longitudinal South African evaluation study ARTICLE
By: Frese, M; Friedrich, C; Glaub, M; Solomon, G
Year Published: 2013   Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATION   DOI: 10.5367/ijei.2013.0129   View article
Can training in advanced clinical skills in obstetrics, neonatal care and leadership, of non-physician clinicians in Malawi impact on clinical services improvements (the ETATMBA project): a process evaluation ARTICLE
By: Chimwaza, W; Davies, D; Ellard, DR; Griffiths, F; Kamwendo, F; O'Hare, JP; Quenby, S
Year Published: 2014   Source: BMJ Open   DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2014-005751   View article
Can’t see the wood for the logframe: Integrating logframes and theories of change in development evaluation ARTICLE
By: Freer, G; Lemire, S
Year Published: 2019   Source: Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation   DOI: 10.3138/cjpe.53007   View article
Capitalizing on the Characteristics of mHealth to Evaluate Its Impact ARTICLE
By: Burbach, R; Cole-Lewis, H; Cosmaciuc, R; Dusabe, S; Kanter, AS; Kaonga, NN; Mechael, P; Namakula, P; Nemser, B; Ohemeng-Dapaah, S; Shemsanga, M
Year Published: 2012   Source: Journal of Health Communication   DOI: 10.1080/10810730.2012.679847   View article
Caring for the caregiver: Evaluation of support groups for guardians of orphans and vulnerable children in Kenya ARTICLE
By: Jarabi, B; Rice, J; Thurman, TR
Year Published: 2012   Source: AIDS CARE-PSYCHOLOGICAL AND SOCIO-MEDICAL ASPECTS OF AIDS/HIV   DOI: 10.1080/09540121.2011.644229   View article
Case Study: The Impact of the ACU-PAL Scheme for the Provision of Journal Subscriptions to Libraries in Developing Countries ARTICLE
By: Ahenkorah-Marfo, M; Senyah, Y
Year Published: 2012   Source: Serials Librarian   DOI: 10.1080/0361526X.2012.700776   View article
Case study used to guide the development of effectiveness principles for Principles-Focused Evaluation ARTICLE
By: Cromhout, PB; Turner, RE
Year Published: 2020   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v8i1.416   View article
Cash transfers and the social determinants of health: Towards an initial realist program theory ARTICLE
By: Owusu-Addo, E; Renzaho, AMN; Smith, BJ
Year Published: 2019   Source: Evaluation   DOI: 10.1177/1356389018814868   View article
Cash transfer to adolescent girls and young women to reduce sexual risk behavior (CARE): Protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Casalini, C; Changalucha, J; Drake, M; Kalage, E; Komba, A; Kuringe, E; Majani, E; Materu, J; Mbita, G; Mjungu, D; Nnko, S; Nyato, D; Shao, A; Wambura, M
Year Published: 2019   Source: Journal of Medical Internet Research
Cell Phone-Based and Internet-Based Monitoring and Evaluation of the National Antiretroviral Treatment Program During Rapid Scale-Up in Rwanda: TRACnet, 2004-2010 ARTICLE
By: Binagwaho, A; Cishahayo, S; Karema, C; Lowrance, DW; Muhayimpundu, R; Nsanzimana, S; Nyemazi, JP; Raghunathan, PL; Riedel, DJ; Ruton, H
Year Published: 2012   Source: JAIDS-JOURNAL OF ACQUIRED IMMUNE DEFICIENCY SYNDROMES   DOI: 10.1097/QAI.0b013e31823e2278   View article
Challenges in implementing a participatory evaluation approach: A case study of the Limpopo Literacy Teaching Evaluation Project ARTICLE
By: Makgamatha, MM
Year Published: 2009   Source: EDUCATION AS CHANGE   DOI: 10.1080/16823200902940730   View article
Changing HIV Clinical Knowledge and Skill in Context: The Impact of Longitudinal Training in the Southeast United States ARTICLE
By: Culyba, RJ; McGee, BT; Weyer, D
Year Published: 2011   Source: Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care   DOI: 10.1016/j.jana.2010.07.005   View article
Changing patterns of health in communities impacted by a bioenergy project in Northern Sierra Leone ARTICLE
By: Bah, MS; Divall, MJ; Hodges, MH; Kamara, HI; Kargbo, A; Knoblauch, AM; Nyorkor, ED; Paye, J; Turay, H; Utzinger, J; Winkler, MS; Zhang, Y
Year Published: 2014   Source: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health   DOI: 10.3390/ijerph111212997   View article
Chief audit executives' perceptions of drivers of moral courage: Tunisian evidence ARTICLE
By: Hussainey, K; Khelil, I; Noubbigh, H
Year Published: 2018   Source: International Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Performance Evaluation   DOI: 10.1504/IJAAPE.2018.095107   View article
Children’s perceptions of their right to quality healthcare in Uganda: Critical gaps in programme and policy development ARTICLE
By: Nankunda, HK
Year Published: 2015   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v3i2.155   View article
Civil Society Organizations and Evaluation: Lessons from Africa ARTICLE
By: Chaplowe, SG; Engo-Tjéga, RB
Year Published: 2007   Source: Evaluation   DOI: 10.1177/1356389007075227   View article
Clarifying concepts and categories of assumptions for use in evaluation ARTICLE
By: Morrow, N; Nkwake, AM
Year Published: 2016   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning   DOI: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2016.05.014   View article
Cluster-Randomized Controlled Study of SMS Text Messages for Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV in Rural Kenya ARTICLE
By: Kassaye, SG; Kose, J; Machekano, R; Matu, L; McOdida, P; Muthama, D; Ong'Ech, J; Simiyu, R; Sirengo, M; Syengo, T
Year Published: 2016   Source: AIDS Research and Treatment
Cohort trial reveals community impact of insecticide-treated nets on malariometric indices in urban Ghana ARTICLE
By: Barnish, G; Bates, I; Donnelly, MJ; Klinkenberg, E; McCall, PJ; Onwona-Agyeman, KA; Verhoeff, FH; Wilson, MD
Year Published: 2010   Source: Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene   DOI: 10.1016/j.trstmh.2010.03.004   View article
Collecting evidence on the use of parliamentary oversight tools: A South African case study ARTICLE
By: Janse van Rensburg, W; Neethling, T; Vreÿ, F
Year Published: 2020   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v8i1.424   View article
Combating human trafficking in Nigeria: An evaluation of state policies and programmes ARTICLE
By: Duru, EJC; Ogbonnaya, UM
Year Published: 2012   Source: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences   DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2012.v3n3p161   View article
Communicating HIV and AIDS, what works? A report on the impact evaluation of Soul City's fourth series ARTICLE
By: Goldstein, S; Japhet, G; Scheepers, E; Usdin, S
Year Published: 2005   Source: Journal of Health Communication
Community-based ecotourism: Its socio-economic impacts at Boabeng-Fiema Monkey Sanctuary, Ghana ARTICLE
By: Eshun, G; Tonto, JNP
Year Published: 2014   Source: Bulletin of Geography   DOI: 10.2478/bog-2014-0045   View article
Community-based educational interventions for prevention of type II diabetes: a global systematic review and meta-analysis ARTICLE
By: Abdekhoda, M; Azimi, S; Bhalla, HDRD; Fathifar, Z; Haidar, N; Javadivala, Z; Shaghaghi, A; Shirvani, T
Year Published: 2021   Source: SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS   DOI: 10.1186/s13643-021-01619-3   View article
Community-Based Evaluation of PMTCT Uptake in Nyanza Province, Kenya ARTICLE
By: John-Stewart, G; Kinuthia, J; Kohler, PK; Laserson, KF; Mills, LA; Odhiambo, F; Okanda, J; Olilo, G; Voss, J; Zierler, B
Year Published: 2014   Source: PLoS ONE   DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0110110   View article
Community based interventions for strengthening adolescent sexual reproductive health and rights: how can they be integrated and sustained? A realist evaluation protocol from Zambia ARTICLE
By: Blystad, A; Goicolea, I; Hurtig, AK; Kinsman, J; Makasa, MC; Michelo, C; Mulubwa, C; Musonda, P; Sandøy, IF; Zulu, JM
Year Published: 2018   Source: Reproductive Health   DOI: 10.1186/s12978-018-0590-8   View article
Community health worker support to improve HIV treatment outcomes for older children and adolescents in Zimbabwe: a process evaluation of the ZENITH trial ARTICLE
By: Mujuru, HA
Year Published: 2018   Source: Implementation Science   DOI: 10.1186/s13012-018-0762-5   View article
Community impact of HIV status disclosure through an integrated community home-based care programme ARTICLE
By: Ncama, B; Uys, L
Year Published: 2006   Source: African Journal of AIDS Research
Community-level impact of the reproductive health vouchers programme on service utilization in Kenya ARTICLE
By: Abuya, T; Askew, I; Bellows, B; Njuki, R; Obare, F; Sunday, J; Warren, C
Year Published: 2013   Source: Health Policy and Planning   DOI: 10.1093/heapol/czs033   View article
Community reactions to the introduction of permethrin-treated bed nets for malaria control during a randomized controlled trial in Western Kenya ARTICLE
By: Alaii, JA; Hawley, WA; Kachur, SP; Mwenesi, H; Nahlen, BL; Phillips-Howard, PA; Shelley, K; Van Den Borne, HW; Vulule, JM
Year Published: 2003   Source: American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
Community resource centres in Mtwara, Lindi and Ruvuma regions in Tanzania: an evaluation of their development needs, usefulness, and the way forward ARTICLE
By: Mcharazo, AAS
Comparative analysis of the factors contributing to sustainability of a food and nutrition intervention programme: Two case studies from South Africa ARTICLE
By: Duvenage, SS; Egal, AA; Lyford, C; Oldewage-Theron, WH
Year Published: 2018   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning   DOI: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2018.08.003   View article
Comparative Evaluation of Adolescents' Use of Public Libraries in the Nigerian States of Osun and Oyo ARTICLE
By: Bamise, OF; Oyedapo, RO
Year Published: 2012   Source: Public Library Quarterly
Comparing a paper based monitoring and evaluation system to a mHealth system to support the national community health worker programme, South Africa: An evaluation ARTICLE
By: Doherty, T; Friedman, I; Jassat, W; Neupane, S; Odendaal, WA; Schneider, H
Year Published: 2014   Source: BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making
Complexities and challenges of academic programme self-evaluation: A case of two department ARTICLE
By: Selesho, JM
Year Published: 2013   Source: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences
Comprehensive Community Initiative: Evaluation of a transformation system in Mhakwe community in Zimbabwe ARTICLE
By: Groenewald, I; Matondi, PB; Tirivanhu, P
Year Published: 2015   Source: Development Southern Africa   DOI: 10.1080/0376835X.2015.1063983   View article
Conceptualising the effectiveness of impact assessment processes ARTICLE
By: Bond, A; Chanchitpricha, C
Year Published: 2013   Source: Environmental Impact Assessment Review   DOI: 10.1016/j.eiar.2013.05.006   View article
Conceptualizing Evaluation in African Contexts ARTICLE
By: Chilisa, B; Gaotlhobogwe, M; Koloi-Keaikitse, S; Major, TE
Year Published: 2018   Source: New Directions for Evaluation   DOI: 10.1002/ev.20332   View article
Conclusion: Agency in the face of complexity and the future of assumption-aware evaluation practice ARTICLE
By: Morrow, N; Nkwake, AM
Year Published: 2016   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning   DOI: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2016.05.013   View article
Conditional cash transfer and/or lipid-based nutrient supplement targeting the first 1000 d of life increased attendance at preventive care services but did not improve linear growth in young children in rural Mali: Results of a cluster-randomized control ARTICLE
By: Adubra, L; Fortin, S; Kameli, Y; Le Port, A; Mahamadou, T; Martin-Prevel, Y; Ruel, MT; Savy, M
Year Published: 2019   Source: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Conditional cash transfers and uptake of and retention in prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission care: A randomised controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Behets, F; Chalachala, JL; Edmonds, A; Kawende, B; Moracco, KE; Okitolonda, EW; Ravelomanana, NLR; Thirumurthy, H; Thompson, D; Wenzi, LK; Yotebieng, M
Year Published: 2016   Source: The Lancet HIV
Conditional cash transfers to increase retention in PMTCT care, antiretroviral adherence, and postpartum virological suppression: A randomized controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Behets, F; Edmonds, A; Kawende, B; Moracco, KE; Okitolonda, EW; Tabala, M; Thirumurthy, H; Wenzi, LK; Yotebieng, M
Year Published: 2016   Source: Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes
Conditional cash transfers to retain rural Kenyan women in the continuum of care during pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period: Protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Batura, N; Copas, A; Dickin, S; Eleveld, A; Fielding, M; Haghparast-Bidgoli, H; Mwaki, A; Noel, S; Ochieng, CA; Odera, S; Odhiambo, A; Onyango, S; Palmer, T; Shannon, G; Skordis, J; Vanhuyse, F
Year Published: 2019   Source: Trials
Conflicting priorities: evaluation of an intervention to improve nurse-parent relationships on a Tanzanian paediatric ward ARTICLE
By: Chandler, CIR; Manongi, RN; Mwangi, R; Nasuwa, FR; Poulsen, A; Reyburn, H
Year Published: 2009   Source: Human Resources for Health   DOI: 10.1186/1478-4491-7-50   View article
Constructionist career counseling of undergraduate students: An experimental evaluation ARTICLE
By: Obi, OP
Year Published: 2015   Source: Journal of Vocational Behavior
Context matters: interpreting impact findings in child survival evaluations ARTICLE
By: Amaral, J; Bryce, J; El Arifeen, S; Habicht, JP; Huicho, L; Manzi, F; Pariyo, G; Schellenberg, JA; Scherpbier, RW; Victora, CG
Year Published: 2005   Source: Health Policy and Planning
Contribution analysis as an evaluation strategy in the context of a sector-wide approach: Performance-based health financing in Rwanda ARTICLE
By: Gaisbauer, F; Krapp, S; Noltze, M; Schwedersky, T
Year Published: 2014   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v2i1.81   View article
Conversations about measurement and evaluation in impact investing ARTICLE
By: Choda, A; Teladia, M
Year Published: 2018   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v6i2.332   View article
Cost and impact of scaling up interventions to save lives of mothers and children: Taking South Africa closer to MDGs 4 and 5 ARTICLE
By: Barron, P; Chola, L; Hofman, K; Kerber, K; Pillay, Y; Tugendhaft, A
Year Published: 2015   Source: Global Health Action
Cost-benefit analysis of a PMTCT program in Mozambique ARTICLE
By: Osman, NB; Peffer, D; Vaz, P
Year Published: 2002   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning   DOI: 10.1016/S0149-7189(02)00054-X   View article
Cost-benefit and extended cost-effectiveness analysis of a comprehensive adolescent pregnancy prevention program in Zambia: Study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Johansson, KA; Kampata, L; Mori, AT; Musonda, P; Robberstad, B; Sandøy, IF
Year Published: 2017   Source: Trials
Cost-effective model for monitoring medicine use in Namibia: Outcomes and implications ARTICLE
By: Bayobuya, P; Kagoya, HR; Kibuule, D; Lates, J; Niaz, Q; Rennie, TW
Year Published: 2017   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v5i2.213   View article
Cost-effectiveness analysis of clinical specialist outreach as compared to referral system in Ethiopia: An economic evaluation ARTICLE
By: Kifle, YA; Nigatu, TH
Year Published: 2010   Source: Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation
Cost-effectiveness of alternative strategies for initiating and monitoring highly active antiretroviral therapy in the developing world ARTICLE
By: Ebrahim, O; Efrusy, MB; Mazonson, PD; Sanne, IM; Santas, CC; Vijayaraghavan, A
Year Published: 2007   Source: Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes
Cost-effectiveness of childhood pneumococcal vaccination program in Ethiopia: results from a quasi-experimental evaluation ARTICLE
By: Addissie, A; Andersson, R; Kebede, TT; Svensson, M; Trollfors, B
Year Published: 2019   Source: BMC Public Health   DOI: 10.1186/s12889-019-7423-8   View article
Cost-effectiveness of educational outreach to primary care nurses to increase tuberculosis case detection and improve respiratory care: economic evaluation alongside a randomised trial ARTICLE
By: Bachmann, MO; Bateman, ED; Bheekie, A; Chapman, R; English, R; Fairall, LR; Lombard, CJ; Majara, BP; Mayers, P; Niessen, LW; Peters, AC; Van Rensburg, D; Zwarenstein, M
Year Published: 2010   Source: Tropical Medicine and International Health   DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3156.2009.02455.x   View article
Cost evaluation of reproductive and primary health care mobile service delivery for women in two rural districts in South Africa ARTICLE
By: Bruce, S; Firnhaber, C; Lince-Deroche, N; Molefi, S; Schnippel, K; Van Den Handel, T
Year Published: 2015   Source: PLoS ONE   DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0119236   View article
Counseling and testing TB patients for HIV: evaluation of three implementation models in Kinshasa, Congo ARTICLE
By: Bahati, ER; Behets, F; Jarrett, N; Kokolomani, J; Sabue, M; Van Rie, A; Westreich, D
Year Published: 2008   Source: International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
Creation and evaluation of EMR-based paper clinical summaries to support HIV-care in Uganda, Africa ARTICLE
By: Bwana, M; Emenyonu, N; Kembabazi, A; Musinguzi, N; Nkuyahaga, F; Shen, C; Tierney, WM; Were, MC
Year Published: 2010   Source: International Journal of Medical Informatics
Critical evaluation of two models for entrepreneurial education An improved model through integration ARTICLE
By: Nieman, G; Pretorius, M; van Vuuren, J
Year Published: 2005   Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT   DOI: 10.1108/09513540510607743   View article
Dealing with context in logic model development: Reflections from a realist evaluation of a community health worker programme in Nigeria ARTICLE
By: Ebenso, B; Ensor, T; Etiaba, E; Ezumah, N; Hicks, JP; Huss, R; Manzano, A; Mirzoev, T; Newell, J; Onwujekwe, O; Uzochukwu, B
Year Published: 2019   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning
Decline in early life mortality in a high HIV prevalence rural area of South Africa: Evidence of HIV prevention or treatment impact? ARTICLE
By: Bland, RM; Herbst, AJ; Ndirangu, J; Newell, M-L; Tanser, F
Year Published: 2010   Source: AIDS
Decolonising and indigenising evaluation practice in Africa: Roadmap for mainstreaming the Made in Africa Evaluation approach ARTICLE
By: Dlakavu, A; Mathebula, J; Mkhize, S
Year Published: 2022   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/AEJ.V10I1.620   View article
Decolonizing and indigenizing evaluation practice in Africa: Toward African relational evaluation approaches ARTICLE
By: Chilisa, B; Gaotlhobogwe, M; Major, TE; Mokgolodi, H
Year Published: 2016   Source: Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation   DOI: 10.3138/cjpe.30.3.05   View article
Design and evaluation of a drama-based intervention to promote voluntary counseling and HIV testing in a south African community ARTICLE
By: Bekker, LG; Middelkoop, K; Myer, L; Smit, J; Wood, R
Year Published: 2006   Source: Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Design and implementation of a citizen technician-based suspended sediment monitoring network: Lessons from the Tsitsa River catchment, South Africa ARTICLE
By: Bannatyne, LJ; Nyamela, N; Rowntree, KM; van der Waal, BW
Year Published: 2017   Source: WATER SA   DOI: 10.4314/wsa.v43i3.01   View article
Design and methods for a quasi-experimental pilot study to evaluate the impact of dual active ingredient insecticide-treated nets on malaria burden in five regions in sub-Saharan Africa ARTICLE
By: Abilio, AP; Adeleke, MA; Adeogun, A; Adeolu, AT; Ali, O; Awolola, ST; Babarinde, D; Beylerian, E; Candrinho, B; Churcher, T; Debe, S; Digre, P; Fornadel, C; Gansane, A; Gogue, C; Guelbeogo, WM; Guglielmo, F; Hakizimana, E; Ingabire, CM; Kagone, M; Kangoye, D; Kawakyu, N; Koenker, H; Maikore, I; Marrenjo, D; Mbituyumuremyi, A; Mohammed, AB; Mwesigwa, J; NFale, S; Obi, E; Okoko, OO; Robertson, M; Salvador, C; Sanou, A; Savaio, B; Scates, S; Shannon, J; Sherrard-Smith, E; Singirankabo, JH; Tuyishime, A; Tynuv, KT; Uhomoibhi, P; Uwimana, A; Wagman, J; Yukich, J
Year Published: 2022   Source: MALARIA JOURNAL   DOI: 10.1186/s12936-021-04026-0   View article
Design, implementation and evaluation of a training programme for school teachers in the use of malaria rapid diagnostic tests as part of a basic first aid kit in southern Malawi ARTICLE
By: Ali, D; Brooker, S; Chimuna, T; Halliday, KE; Mathanga, DP; Mazinga, C; Melody, D; Mtali, A; Mwenda, R; Ndau, S; Phondiwa, E; Roschnik, N; Sande, J; Verney, A; Witek-McManus, S
Year Published: 2015   Source: BMC Public Health   DOI: 10.1186/s12889-015-2228-x   View article
Designing a global monitoring system for pilot introduction of a new contraceptive technology, subcutaneous DMPA (DMPA-SC) ARTICLE
By: Kaboré, A; Namagembe, A; Ndione, I; Siddo, D; Stout, A; Wood, S
Year Published: 2018   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning   DOI: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2018.03.004   View article
Designing diagnostics in complexity: Measuring technical and contextual aspects in monitoring and evaluation systems ARTICLE
By: Korth, MT; Mapitsa, CB
Year Published: 2017   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v5i1.196   View article
Designing self-evaluation instruments for academic programmes: Lessons and challenges ARTICLE
By: Ansah, F
Year Published: 2010   Source: Evaluation and Research in Education   DOI: 10.1080/09500791003717238   View article
Design of an impact evaluation using a mixed methods model - An explanatory assessment of the effects of results-based financing mechanisms on maternal healthcare services in Malawi ARTICLE
By: Bärnighausen, T; Bossert, T; Brenner, S; De Allegri, M; Mathanga, DP; Muula, AS; Robyn, PJ; Sarker, M
Year Published: 2014   Source: BMC Health Services Research
Developing and implementing monitoring and evaluation methods in the new era of expanded care and treatment of HIV/AIDS ARTICLE
By: Bessinger, R; Bicego, G; Fiorentino, RK; Fronczak, N; Marconi, K; Noriega-Minichiello, S; Novak, J; Pappas, G; Peersman, G; Rugg, D; van Praag, E; Wolf, RC
Year Published: 2004   Source: New Directions for Evaluation   DOI: 10.1002/ev.124   View article
Developing and validating a measure of monitoring and evaluation for the South Africa skills development context ARTICLE
By: Tshilongamulenzhe, MC
Year Published: 2015   Source: Foundations of Management   DOI: 10.1515/fman-2015-0039   View article
Developing an evaluation framework for university-driven technology-based, innovation for inclusive development (UTI4ID) projects ARTICLE
By: Bam, WG; Botha, L; Grobbelaar, SS
Year Published: 2019   Source: Research Evaluation   DOI: 10.1093/reseval/rvz021   View article
Developing, conducting and evaluating the internship preparatory program (Ipp) ARTICLE
By: Soliman, ES
Year Published: 2022   Source: ANNALS OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY   DOI: 10.1186/s12936-021-04026-0   View article
Developing evaluation standards and assessing evaluation quality ARTICLE
By: Beney, T; Everett, M; Goldman, I; Jacob, C; Leslie, M; Moodley, N; Podems, D
Year Published: 2015   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v3i1.112   View article
Developing, implementing and evaluating a simulation learning package on post-partum haemorrhage for undergraduate midwifery students in KwaZulu-Natal ARTICLE
By: Amod, HB; Brysiewicz, P
Year Published: 2017   Source: Health SA Gesondheid   DOI: 10.1016/j.hsag.2016.11.004   View article
Developing South Africa’s national evaluation policy and system: First lessons learned ARTICLE
By: Amisi, MM; Buthelezi, T; Goldman, I; Hercules, A; Jacob, C; Mathe, JE; Narsee, H; Ntakumba, S; Sadan, M
Year Published: 2015   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v3i1.107   View article
Developmental monitoring using caregiver reports in a resource-limited setting: the case of Kilifi, Kenya ARTICLE
By: Abubakar, A; Bomu, G; Holding, P; Van Baar, A; Van de Vijver, F
Year Published: 2010   Source: ACTA PAEDIATRICA   DOI: 10.1111/j.1651-2227.2009.01561.x   View article
Development and evaluation of a childbirth education programme for Malawian women ARTICLE
By: Hauck, Y; Malata, A; McCaul, K; Monterosso, L
Year Published: 2007   Source: JOURNAL OF ADVANCED NURSING   DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2007.04380.x   View article
Development and Evaluation of a Littering Intervention Program among a Group of South African University Students ARTICLE
By: Coetzee, HHC; Huyser, MMM; Nell, WHW
Year Published: 2021   Source: Ecopsychology   DOI: 10.1089/eco.2020.0061   View article
Development and evaluation of an international, interdisciplinary palliative care workshop in Botswana ARTICLE
By: Bloom, AM; Ersek, M; McMenamin, EM; Mokotedi, M; Sebego, M; Shaibu, S
Year Published: 2010   Source: International Journal of Palliative Nursing
Development and evaluation of pictograms on medication labels for patients with limited literacy skills in a culturally diverse multiethnic population ARTICLE
By: Awaisu, A; Dowse, R; El Badawi, A; Jean, L; Kheir, N; Radoui, A
Year Published: 2014   Source: RESEARCH IN SOCIAL & ADMINISTRATIVE PHARMACY   DOI: 10.1016/j.sapharm.2013.11.003   View article
Development and evaluation of the Primary Healthcare-based Physiotherapy Intervention and its effects on selected indices of stroke recovery ARTICLE
By: Hamzat, TK; Olaleye, O; Owolabi, M
Year Published: 2013   Source: International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation
Development and formative evaluation of a family-centred adolescent HIV prevention programme in South Africa ARTICLE
By: Finestone, M; Nice, JK; Spyrelis, A; Taylor, TM; Thurman, TR; Visser, M
Year Published: 2018   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning   DOI: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2018.03.002   View article
Development and formative evaluation of a visual e-tool to help decision makers navigate the evidence around health financing ARTICLE
By: Bricki, N; Dutoit, X; Kembhavi, G; Pagel, C; Pulkki-Brännström, A-M; Rosato, M; Skordis-Worrall, J; Utley, M
Year Published: 2012   Source: Journal of Medical Internet Research   DOI: 10.2196/resprot.2173   View article
Development and implementation of a process evaluation for intervention quality improvement of a community-based behavioral HIV intervention trial in Tanzania ARTICLE
By: Balvanz, P; Conserve, DF; Kajula, LJ; Kajuna, D; Kilonzo, MN; Maman, S; Mulawa, MI; Mwikoko, G; Singh, B; Yamanis, TJ
Year Published: 2021   Source: JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH-HEIDELBERG   DOI: 10.1007/s10389-021-01618-7   View article
Development and piloting of a mother and child intervention to promote resilience in young children of HIV-infected mothers in South Africa ARTICLE
By: Boeving-Allen, A; Eloff, I; Ferreira, R; Finestone, M; Forsyth, BWC; Sikkema, KJ; Visser, M
Year Published: 2012   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning   DOI: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2012.04.001   View article
Development Impact of Advocacy Initiatives in Solid Waste Management in Nigeria ARTICLE
By: Ajaero, CK; Nzeadibe, TC
Year Published: 2011   Source: Environment, Development and Sustainability
Development of a coping intervention to improve traumatic stress and HIV care engagement among South African women with sexual trauma histories ARTICLE
By: Choi, KW; Ciya, N; Joska, JA; Knettel, BA; Knippler, ET; Robertson, C; Sikkema, KJ; Watt, MH
Year Published: 2018   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning   DOI: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2018.02.007   View article
Development of an intervention to improve mental health for obstetric fistula patients in Tanzania ARTICLE
By: Bangser, M; Browning, A; Masenga, GG; Mosha, MV; Nyindo, PM; Sikkema, KJ; Velloza, J; Watt, MH; Wilson, SM
Year Published: 2015   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning   DOI: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2015.01.007   View article
Development of a participatory monitoring and evaluation strategy ARTICLE
By: Forde, S; Holte-McKenzie, M; Theobald, S
Year Published: 2006   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning   DOI: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2006.08.007   View article
Development of South Africa’s national evaluation policy and system 2011−2014 ARTICLE
By: Amisi, MM
Year Published: 2015   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v3i1.109   View article
Diagnosing monitoring and evaluation capacity in Africa ARTICLE
By: Khumalo, LS; Mapitsa, CB
Year Published: 2018   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v6i1.255   View article
Diarrhea prevention in people living with HIV: An evaluation of a point-of-use water quality intervention in Lagos, Nigeria ARTICLE
By: Adeleye, OA; Aghoghovbia, TS; Akinfolayan, O; Akinpelumi, AA; Barzilay, EJ; Blanton, EM; Coldiron, ME; Gilpin, U; Hoekstra, RM; LaTrielle, A; Quick, R
Direct provision versus facility collection of HIV self-tests among female sex workers in Uganda: A cluster-randomized controlled health systems trial ARTICLE
By: Bärnighausen, T; Barresi, LG; Haberer, JE; Kayiira, P; Magoola, J; McConnell, MA; Musoke, DK; Nakitende, A; Ngabirano, T; Oldenburg, CE; Ortblad, KF; Taasi, G
Year Published: 2017   Source: PLoS Medicine
Doctoral training in Uganda: Evaluation of mentoring best practices at Makerere university college of health sciences ARTICLE
By: Kamya, MR; Katamba, A; Kaye, DK; Mayanja-Kizza, H; Nakanjako, D; Okello, E; Sewankambo, NK
Year Published: 2014   Source: BMC Medical Education
Does peer monitoring influence choices between cash and food? Findings from a field experiment ARTICLE
By: Lentz, E; Mude, A; Ouma, R
Year Published: 2016   Source: FOOD POLICY   DOI: 10.1016/j.foodpol.2016.10.004   View article
Does the Good Schools Toolkit Reduce Physical, Sexual and Emotional Violence, and Injuries, in Girls and Boys equally? A Cluster-Randomised Controlled Trial ARTICLE
By: Allen, E; Devries, KM; Knight, L; Kyegombe, N; Naker, D; Parkes, J
Year Published: 2017   Source: Prevention Science
Does training improve the business performance of small-scale entrepreneurs? An evaluative study ARTICLE
By: Frese, M; Friedrich, C; Glaub, M; Gramberg, K
Year Published: 2006   Source: INDUSTRY AND HIGHER EDUCATION
Do peer educators make a difference? An evaluation of a youth-led HIV prevention model in Zambian Schools ARTICLE
By: Bratt, J; Denison, JA; Kabaso, M; Torpey, K; Tsui, S; Weaver, MA
Year Published: 2012   Source: Health Education Research   DOI: 10.1093/her/cyr093   View article
Early changes in farmers’ adoption and use of an improved maize seed: An assessment of the impact of demos and field days ARTICLE
By: Bagamba, F; Kamau, MW; Mukundi, J; Riungu, C; Toel, R
Year Published: 2018   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v6i1.278   View article
Economic Evaluation of a Child Health Days Strategy to Deliver Multiple Maternal and Child Health Interventions in Somalia ARTICLE
By: Durry, E; Everard, M; Kamadjeu, R; Mirza, IR; Nandy, R; Vijayaraghavan, M; Wallace, AS
Year Published: 2012   Source: JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES   DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jir772   View article
Economic evaluation of a cluster randomized trial of interventions to improve health workers' practice in diagnosing and treating uncomplicated malaria in cameroon ARTICLE
By: Achonduh, OA; Cundill, B; Drake, TL; Mangham-Jefferies, L; Mbacham, W; Onwujekwe, O; Wiseman, V
Year Published: 2014   Source: Value in Health
Economic evaluation of a combined microfinance and gender training intervention for the prevention of intimate partner violence in rural South Africa ARTICLE
By: Barnett, T; Ferrari, G; Hargreaves, JR; Jan, S; Kim, JC; Morison, LA; Phetla, G; Porter, JDH; Pronyk, P; Watts, CH
Year Published: 2011   Source: Health Policy and Planning
Economic evaluation of a mentorship and enhanced supervision program to improve quality of integrated management of childhood illness care in rural Rwanda ARTICLE
By: Hirschhorn, LR; Iyer, HS; Magge, H; Manzi, A; Mugunga, JC; Nkikabahizi, F
Year Published: 2018   Source: PLoS ONE   DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0194187   View article
Economic evaluation of Health Extension Program packages in Ethiopia ARTICLE
By: Alemayehu, S; Alemayehu, YK; Asfaw, E; Assebe, LF; Belete, WN; Godana, KT; Teklu, AM; Yigezu, A
Year Published: 2021   Source: PLOS ONE   DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0246207   View article
Economic Evaluation of Public Health Interventions: An Application to Interventions for the Prevention of Violence Against Women and Girls Implemented by the 'What Works to Prevent Violence Against Women and Girls?' Global Program ARTICLE
By: Ferrari, G; Jewkes, R; Michaels-Igbokwe, C; Torres-Rueda, S; Vassall, A; Watts, CH
Year Published: 2021   Source: JOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE   DOI: 10.1177/088626051988511   View article
Economic evaluation of smallholder subsistence livestock production: lessons from an Ethiopian goat development program ARTICLE
By: Ayalew, W; Bruns, E; King, JM; Rischkowsky, B
Year Published: 2003   Source: ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS
Economic support to improve tuberculosis treatment outcomes in South Africa: A qualitative process evaluation of a cluster randomized controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Lewin, S; Lutge, E; Volmink, J
Year Published: 2014   Source: Trials
Effectiveness of an HIV-risk reduction intervention to reduce HIV transmission among serodiscordant couples in Durban, South Africa. A randomized controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Gomo, E; Liu, H; Mashaphu, S; Mthiyane, T; Wyatt, GE; Zhang, M
Effectiveness of Baby Friendly Community Initiative (BFCI) on complementary feeding in Koibatek, Kenya: A randomized control study ARTICLE
By: Iron-Segev, S; Kimiywe, J; Maingi, M
Year Published: 2018   Source: BMC Public Health
Effectiveness of community-based directly observed treatment for tuberculosis in an urban setting in Tanzania: A randomised controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Egwaga, S; Kapalata, N; Morkve, O; Wandwalo, E
Year Published: 2004   Source: International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
Effectiveness of community-based peer-led diabetes self-management programmes (COMP-DSMP) for improving clinical outcomes and quality of life of adults with diabetes in primary care settings in low and middle-income countries (LMIC): a systematic review a ARTICLE
By: Engel, M; Kalula, S; Kengne, AP; Levitt, NS; Peer, N; Raubenheimer, P; Werfalli, M
Year Published: 2015   Source: BMJ Open   DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-007635   View article
Effectiveness of health education intervention in improving knowledge, attitude, and practices regarding Tuberculosis among HIV patients in General Hospital Minna, Nigeria – A randomized control trial ARTICLE
By: Bisallah, CI; Ibrahim, N; Iliyasu, Z; Lye, M-S; Onyilo, MO; Rampal, L; Sidik, SM
Year Published: 2018   Source: PLoS ONE   DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0192276   View article
Effectiveness of integrated nutrition interventions on childhood stunting: a quasi-experimental evaluation design ARTICLE
By: Bogale, T; Elisaria, E; Festo, C; Mrema, J; Segafredo, G
Year Published: 2021   Source: BMC NUTRITION   DOI: 10.1186/s40795-021-00421-7   View article
Effectiveness of interventions to reduce indoor air pollution and/or improve health in homes using solid fuel in lower and middle income countries: protocol for a systematic review ARTICLE
By: Armah, FA; Emina, J; Juvekar, S; Luginaah, I; Ochieng, CA; Quansah, R; Semple, S
Year Published: 2015   Source: SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS   DOI: 10.1186/s13643-015-0012-8   View article
Effectiveness of nutrition training of health workers toward improving caregivers' feeding practices for children aged six months to two years: a systematic review ARTICLE
By: Jimba, M; Mlunde, LB; Poudel, KC; Shakya, P; Sunguya, BF; Urassa, DP; Yasuoka, J
Year Published: 2013   Source: NUTRITION JOURNAL   DOI: 10.1186/1475-2891-12-66   View article
Effectiveness of One-Way Text Messaging on Attendance to Follow-Up Cervical Cancer Screening Among Human Papillomavirus-Positive Tanzanian Women (Connected2Care): Parallel-Group Randomized Controlled Trial ARTICLE
By: Andersen, MS; Kjaer, SK; Linde, DS; Manongi, RN; Mwaiselage, JD; Rasch, V
Year Published: 2020   Source: Journal of Medical Internet Research
Effectiveness of the Common Elements Treatment Approach (CETA) in reducing intimate partner violence and hazardous alcohol use in Zambia (VATU): A randomized controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Bolton, P; Glass, N; Kane, JC; Kmett Danielson, C; Mayeya, J; Melendez, F; Murray, LK; Murray, SM; Paul, R; Simenda, F; Skavenski van Wyk, S
Year Published: 2020   Source: PLoS Medicine   DOI: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1003056   View article
Effectiveness of the Diagnose-Intervene-Verify-Adjust (DIVA) model for integrated primary healthcare planning and performance improvement: an embedded mixed methods evaluation in Kaduna state, Nigeria ARTICLE
By: Eboreime, EA; Eyles, J; Ibisomi, L; Ihebuzor, N; Nxumalo, N; Ramaswamy, R
Year Published: 2019   Source: BMJ Open   DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-026016   View article
Effectiveness of training and educational programs for hospital managers: A systematic review ARTICLE
By: Alijanzadeh, M; Aryankhesal, A; Belorgeot, VD; Beyranvand, T; Mannion, R; Ravaghi, H
Year Published: 2021   Source: HEALTH SERVICES MANAGEMENT RESEARCH   DOI: 10.1177/0951484820971460   View article
Effective or just practical? An evaluation of an online postgraduate module on evidence-based medicine (EBM) ARTICLE
By: Rohwer, A; Van Schalkwyk, S; Young, T
Year Published: 2013   Source: BMC Medical Education
Effect of a 20-week physical activity intervention on selective attention and academic performance in children living in disadvantaged neighborhoods: A cluster randomized control trial ARTICLE
By: Adams, L; Du Randt, R; Gall, S; Gerber, M; Joubert, N; Ludyga, S; Müller, I; Nqweniso, S; Pühse, U; Seelig, H; Smith, D; Steinmann, P; Utzinger, J; Walter, C
Year Published: 2018   Source: PLoS ONE
Effect of a 2-day communication skills training on nursing and midwifery students' empathy: A randomised controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Alhassan, M
Year Published: 2019   Source: BMJ Open
Effect of a behaviour change intervention on the quality of peri-urban sanitation in Lusaka, Zambia: a randomised controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Aunger, R; Bosomprah, S; Chilengi, R; Chipungu, J; Curtis, V; Tidwell, JB
Year Published: 2019   Source: The Lancet Planetary Health
Effect of a bereavement support group on female adolescents' psychological health: a randomised controlled trial in South Africa ARTICLE
By: Luckett, BG; Nice, JK; Spyrelis, A; Taylor, TM; Thurman, TR
Year Published: 2017   Source: The Lancet Global Health
Effect of a clinical decision support system on early action on immunological treatment failure in patients with HIV in Kenya: A cluster randomised controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Abu-Hanna, A; Cornet, R; de Keizer, N; Katana, A; Kwaro, D; Langat, P; Muthusi, K; Mwalili, S; Ojwang, JK; Okeyo, N; Oluoch, T; Santas, X
Year Published: 2016   Source: The Lancet HIV
Effect of a nutrition education programme on clinical status and dietary behaviours of adults with type 2 diabetes in a resource-limited setting in South Africa: A randomised controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Gericke, GJ; Muchiri, JW; Rheeder, P
Year Published: 2016   Source: Public Health Nutrition
Effect of a school-based hand hygiene program for Malawian children: A cluster randomized controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Lee, P; Lee, R; Mbakaya, BC
Year Published: 2019   Source: American Journal of Infection Control   DOI: 10.1016/j.ajic.2019.06.009   View article
Effect of community health clubs on child diarrhoea in western Rwanda: cluster-randomised controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Clasen, T; Crossett, E; Grépin, KA; Habyarimana, J; Jack, W; Mfura, L; Rwabufigiri, BN; Schmidt, W-P; Sinharoy, SS; Wendt, R
Year Published: 2017   Source: The Lancet Global Health
Effect of educational outreach to nurses on tuberculosis case detection and primary care of respiratory illness: Pragmatic cluster randomised controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Bachmann, MO; Bateman, ED; Bheekie, A; Chapman, RD; English, R; Fairall, LR; Joubert, G; Lombard, CJ; Majara, BP; Mayers, P; Peters, AC; Van Rensburg, D; Zwarenstein, M
Year Published: 2005   Source: British Medical Journal
Effect of text message, phone call, and in-person appointment reminders on uptake of repeat HIV testing among outpatients screened for acute HIV infection in Kenya: A randomized controlled trial ARTICLE
By: De Rinke Wit, TF; Gichuru, EN; Graham, SM; Mugo, PM; Mwashigadi, GM; Prins, HAB; Sanders, EJ; Thiong'o, AN; Wahome, EW
Year Published: 2016   Source: PLoS ONE
Effect of the PREPARE intervention on sexual initiation and condom use among adolescents aged 12-14: A cluster randomised controlled trial in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania ARTICLE
By: Aarø, LE; De Vries, H; Eggers, SM; Kaaya, SF; Kajula, LJ; Kilonzo, MN; Mmbaga, EJ; Wubs, A
Year Published: 2017   Source: BMC Public Health   DOI: 10.1186/s12889-017-4245-4   View article
Effect on maternal and child health services in Rwanda of payment to primary health-care providers for performance: an impact evaluation ARTICLE
By: Basinga, P; Binagwaho, A; Gertler, PJ; Soucat, ALB; Sturdy, J; Vermeersch, CMJ
Year Published: 2011   Source: LANCET
Effects of a four-year health systems intervention on the use of maternal and infant health services: results from a programme evaluation in two districts of rural Chad ARTICLE
By: Erismann, S; Gami, J-P; Lechthaler, F; Ouedraogo, B; Prytherch, H; Revault, D
Year Published: 2021   Source: BMC PUBLIC HEALTH   DOI: 10.1186/s12889-021-12330-2   View article
Effects of a health educational intervention on malaria knowledge, motivation, and behavioural skills: A randomized controlled trial PACTR201610001823405 PACTR ARTICLE
By: Audu, B; Bachok, N; Balami, AD; Said, SM; Zulkefli, NAM
Year Published: 2019   Source: Malaria Journal   DOI: 10.1186/s12936-019-2676-3   View article
Effects of a large-scale distribution of water filters and natural draft rocket-style cookstoves on diarrhea and acute respiratory infection: A cluster-randomized controlled trial in Western Province, Rwanda ARTICLE
By: Clasen, T; Kirby, MA; Musafiri, S; Nagel, CL; Ngirabega, JD; Rosa, G; Thomas, EA; Zambrano, LD
Year Published: 2019   Source: PLoS Medicine   DOI: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1002812   View article
Effects of a multimedia campaign on HIV self-testing and PrEP outcomes among young people in South Africa: a mixed-methods impact evaluation of ''MTV Shuga Down South'' ARTICLE
By: Baker, V; Birdthistle, I; Cawood, C; Cousens, S; Khanyile, D; Mulwa, S; O'Donnell, D; Sarrassat, S
Year Published: 2022   Source: BMJ GLOBAL HEALTH   DOI: 10.1136/bmjgh-2021-007641   View article
Effects of a school-based health intervention program in marginalized communities of port elizabeth, South Africa (the kazibantu study): Protocol for a randomized controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Adams, L; Aerts, A; Damons, BP; Degen, J; Du Randt, R; Gall, S; Gani, Z; Gerber, M; Gresse, A; Joubert, N; Marais, T; Müller, I; Nqweniso, S; Probst-Hensch, N; Seelig, H; Smith, D; Steinmann, P; Utzinger, J; Van Greunen, D; Wadhwani, C; Walter, C
Year Published: 2019   Source: Journal of Medical Internet Research
Effects of a School-Based Intervention on Frequency and Quality of Adolescent-Parent/Caregiver Sexuality Communication: Results from a Randomized-Controlled Trial in Uganda ARTICLE
By: Aarø, LE; Banura, C; Bastien, S; Katahoire, AR; Klepp, K-I; Muhwezi, WW; Wubs, A
Year Published: 2019   Source: AIDS and Behavior   DOI: 10.1007/s10461-018-2249-4   View article
Effects of a social accountability approach, CARE's Community Score Card, on reproductive health-related outcomes in Malawi: A cluster-randomized controlled evaluation ARTICLE
By: Galavotti, C; Gullo, S; Hastings, P; Kuhlmann, AS; Marti, CN; Msiska, T
Year Published: 2017   Source: PLoS ONE   DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0171316   View article
Effects of improved water, sanitation, and hygiene and improved complementary feeding on environmental enteric dysfunction in children in rural Zimbabwe: A cluster-randomized controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Giallourou, N; Gough, EK; Humphrey, JH; Jamell, M; Kosek, P; Majo, FD; Moulton, LH; Mutasa, K; Ntozini, R; Panic, G; Prendergast, AJ; Smith, LE; Stoltzfus, RJ; Swann, JR
Year Published: 2020   Source: PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases
Effects of nutrition and hygiene education on oral health and growth among toddlers in rural Uganda: follow-up of a cluster-randomised controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Atukunda, P; Diep, LM; Iversen, PO; Muhoozi, GKM; Skaare, AB; Westerberg, AC; Willumsen, T
Year Published: 2018   Source: Tropical Medicine and International Health
Effects of PACK guide training on the management of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease by primary care clinicians: A pragmatic cluster randomised controlled trial in Florianópolis, Brazil ARTICLE
By: Anderson, L; Bachmann, MO; Bateman, ED; Cornick, RV; Cruz, AA; Fairall, LR; Georgeu-Pepper, D; Lombard, CJ; Natal, S; Pacheco De Andrade, M; Stelmach, R; Wattrus, C; Zepeda, J; Zonta, R
Year Published: 2019   Source: BMJ Global Health   DOI: 10.1136/bmjgh-2019-001921   View article
Effects of PREPARE, a Multi-component, School-Based HIV and Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Prevention Programme on Adolescent Sexual Risk Behaviour and IPV: Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial ARTICLE
By: Aarø, LE; De Koker, P; De Vries, PJ; Eggers, SM; Koech, J; Mason-Jones, AJ; Mathews, C; McClinton Appollis, T; Mtshizana, Y; Townsend, L; Wubs, A
Year Published: 2016   Source: AIDS and Behavior
Effects of the Informed Health Choices primary school intervention on the ability of children in Uganda to assess the reliability of claims about treatment effects: a cluster-randomised controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Austvoll-Dahlgren, A; Chalmers, I; Ding, Y; Fretheim, A; Glenton, C; Kaseje, M; Lewin, S; Morelli, A; Nsangi, A; Oxman, AD; Rosenbaum, S; Semakula, D; Sewankambo, NK
Year Published: 2017   Source: The Lancet   DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(17)31226-6   View article
Efficacy of informal peace committees to peacebuilding: Evidence from Seke district, Zimbabwe ARTICLE
By: Chivasa, N
Year Published: 2017   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v5i2.241   View article
Efficiency evaluation of urban and rural municipal water service authorities in South Africa: A data envelopment analysis approach ARTICLE
By: Brettenny, W; Sharp, G
Year Published: 2016   Source: WATER SA   DOI: 10.4314/wsa.v42i1.02   View article
Efforts in collaboration and coordination of HIV/AIDS monitoring and evaluation: Contributions and lessons of two U.S. government agencies in a global partnership ARTICLE
By: Heckert, KA; Marconi, K; Novak, J; Peersman, G; Rugg, D; Spencer, J
Year Published: 2004   Source: New Directions for Evaluation   DOI: 10.1002/ev.123   View article
E-learning's impact on the academic performance of student-teachers: A curriculum lens ARTICLE
By: Lumadi, MW
Year Published: 2013   Source: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences
Empowering HIV-infected women in low-resource settings: A pilot study evaluating a patient-centered HIV prevention strategy for reproduction in Kisumu, Kenya ARTICLE
By: Bukusi, EA; Cohan, D; Cohen, CR; Guzé, MA; Mmeje, O; Murage, A; Njoroge, BW; Ondondo, RO; Shade, SB; van der Poel, S; Wekesa, P
Year Published: 2019   Source: PLoS ONE   DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0212656   View article
Enhancing and promoting data management and systematic monitoring for an improved HIV/AIDS programs in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia ARTICLE
By: Abayneh, SA; Amdino, W; Endale, M; Eyayu, F; Getachew, D; Habte, D; Melaku, Z; Teklebirhan, E; Wesene, AS; Woldemichael, D; Yirga, D; Zeidan, M; Zemenfeskudus, S; Zewdie, R
Year Published: 2022   Source: BMC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH   DOI: 10.1186/s12913-021-07442-9   View article
Enhancing classroom teaching through Interactive Radio in South African primary schools: An evaluation of the OLSET programme ARTICLE
By: Naidoo, G; Potter, C
Year Published: 2012   Source: AFRICA EDUCATION REVIEW   DOI: 10.1080/18146627.2012.742659   View article
Enhancing Participatory Evaluation of Land Management through Photo Elicitation and Photovoice ARTICLE
By: Austin, DE; Els, Y; Kellner, K; Kong, TM; Orr, BJ
Year Published: 2015   Source: Society and Natural Resources
Enhancing students’ reading comprehension performance through think and search questions. A study of selected secondary schools in Kaduna, Nigeria ARTICLE
By: Yusuf, H
Year Published: 2015   Source: Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology
Enhancing teacher assessment practices in South African schools: Evaluation of the assessment resource banks ARTICLE
By: Kanjee, A
Year Published: 2009   Source: EDUCATION AS CHANGE   DOI: 10.1080/16823200902940599   View article
Ensuring water availability in Mekelle City, Northern Ethiopia: evaluation of the water supply sub-project ARTICLE
By: Oyedotun, TT
Year Published: 2017   Source: APPLIED WATER SCIENCE   DOI: 10.1007/s13201-017-0568-7   View article
Equipping family physician trainees as teachers: a qualitative evaluation of a twelve-week module on teaching and learning ARTICLE
By: Cilliers, FJ; Coetzee, F; De Villiers, M; Herman, N; van Heusden, M; von Pressentin, KB
Year Published: 2014   Source: BMC Medical Education   DOI: 10.1186/1472-6920-14-228   View article
Essential newborn care in rural settings: The case of Warrap State in South Sudan ARTICLE
By: Brown, KM; Cherian, DT; Hedrick, JA; Moore, EC; Rosales, AC; Walumbe, E
Year Published: 2014   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v2i1.80   View article
Establishing and maintaining an online community of academics: Longitudinal evaluation of a virtual conference series ARTICLE
By: Pollock, C; Straker, L; Thatcher, A
Year Published: 2011   Source: International Journal of Web Based Communities
Estimating PMTCT's impact on heterosexual HIV transmission: A mathematical modeling analysis ARTICLE
By: Baeten, JM; Barnabas, RV; Cassels, S; Celum, C; Goodreau, SM; John-Stewart, G; Khanna, AS; Murnane, PM; Roberts, ST; Ying, R
Year Published: 2015   Source: PLoS ONE
Estimating the impact of establishing family housing on the annual risk of HIV infection in South African mining communities ARTICLE
By: Gebrekristos, HT; Lurie, MN; Resch, SC; Zuma, K
Year Published: 2005   Source: Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Estimating the public health impact of the effect of herpes simplex virus suppressive therapy on plasma HIV-1 viral load ARTICLE
By: Baggaley, RF; Chapman, R; Delany, S; De Wolf, F; Fraser, C; Ghani, AC; Griffin, JT; Hollingsworth, TD; Mayaud, P; Nagot, N; Weiss, HA
Year Published: 2009   Source: AIDS   DOI: 10.1097/QAD.0b013e32832aadf2   View article
Estimating vertically acquired HIV infections and the impact of the prevention of mother-to-child transmission program in Zimbabwe: Insights from decision analysis models ARTICLE
By: Boily, M-C; Chikhata, F; Dube, S; Gregson, S; Mahomva, A; Mugurungi, O
Year Published: 2008   Source: Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes   DOI: 10.1097/QAI.0b013e31816bcdbb   View article
Evaluability Assessment of an immunization improvement strategy in rural Burkina Faso: Intervention theory versus reality, information need and evaluations ARTICLE
By: Bibeau, G; Kouyaté, B; Nguyen, V-K; Sanou, A
Year Published: 2011   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning   DOI: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2010.10.005   View article
Evaluability perspectives: An empirical investigation of programme evaluability in different practice contexts ARTICLE
By: Boodhoo, A; Louw-Potgieter, J
Year Published: 2020   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v8i1.434   View article
Evaluate experiences: a qualitative technique to complement quantitative impact assessments ARTICLE
By: Carter, J
Year Published: 2009   Source: JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENT EFFECTIVENESS   DOI: 10.1080/19439340902727628   View article
Evaluating a complex research capacity-building intervention: Reflections on an evaluation of the African Institutions Initiative ARTICLE
By: Bonfoh, B; Chataway, J; Cochrane, G; Ezeh, A; Marjanovic, S; Nyirenda, M; Robin, E; Rweyemamu, M; Sewankambo, NK
Year Published: 2017   Source: Evaluation   DOI: 10.1177/1356389016682759   View article
Evaluating a multi-component, community-based program to improve adherence and retention in care among adolescents living with HIV in Zimbabwe: Study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Apollo, T; Araya, R; Bernays, S; Cowan, FM; Mangenah, C; Mangezi, W; Mavhu, W; Mufuka, J; Mvududu, K; Weiss, HA; Willis, N
Year Published: 2017   Source: Trials
Evaluating an HIV and AIDS Community Training Partnership Program in five diamond mining communities in South Africa ARTICLE
By: Molomo, B; Nkomo, N; Peltzer, K; Rispel, LC
Year Published: 2010   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning   DOI: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2010.02.001   View article
Evaluating development programs: Building joint activity ARTICLE
By: Van Vlaenderen, H
Year Published: 2001   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning   DOI: 10.1016/S0149-7189(01)00028-3   View article
Evaluating effectiveness and constraints of private sector agricultural extension services of the Green River Project in Imo and Rivers States, Nigeria ARTICLE
By: Akinnagbe, OM; Iwuchukwu, JC; Ogbonna, OI; Onwubuya, EA
Year Published: 2016   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v4i1.118   View article
Evaluating feasibility, reach and potential impact of a text message family planning information service in Tanzania ARTICLE
By: Lasway, C; L'Engle, KL; Ndakidemi, E; Vandat, HL; Zan, T
Year Published: 2013   Source: CONTRACEPTION   DOI: 10.1016/j.contraception.2012.07.009   View article
Evaluating financial education initiatives in South Africa: The importance of multiple evaluation approaches ARTICLE
By: Massey, E; Smit, C; Wyatt, A
Year Published: 2016   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v4i1.125   View article
Evaluating food safety training impact on food handlers in the food service industry ARTICLE
By: Ababio, PF
Year Published: 2011   Source: Food Science and Technology
Evaluating Health Workers' Potential Resistance to New Interventions: A Role for Discrete Choice Experiments ARTICLE
By: Antwi, G; Chandramohan, D; Greenwood, B; Jones, C; Lagarde, M; Paintain, LS; Tagbor, H; Webster, J
Year Published: 2011   Source: PLoS ONE   DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0023588   View article
Evaluating Helping Babies Breathe: training for healthcare workers at hospitals in Rwanda ARTICLE
By: Baribwira, C; Essen, B; Musafili, A; Persson, LA; Rukundo, A
Year Published: 2013   Source: ACTA PAEDIATRICA   DOI: 10.1111/apa.12034   View article
Evaluating knowledge, attitudinal, and behavioral change effects from a multinational HIV/AIDS education program for youth1 ARTICLE
By: Apamo, P; Bois, I; Garcia, F; Hardré, PL; Mutheu, L; Ndege, M
Year Published: 2010   Source: Educational Research and Evaluation   DOI: 10.1080/13803611.2010.498705   View article
Evaluating operationalisation of integrated monitoring and evaluation system in Kisumu County: Implications for policy makers ARTICLE
By: Warinda, E
Year Published: 2019   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v7i1.385   View article
Evaluating team project-work using triangulation: lessons from communities in northern Ghana ARTICLE
By: Clark, G; Jasaw, GS
Year Published: 2014   Source: JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHY IN HIGHER EDUCATION   DOI: 10.1080/03098265.2014.936311   View article
Evaluating the effectiveness of a strategy for teaching neonatal resuscitation in West Africa ARTICLE
By: Bose, C; Engmann, C; Enweronu-Laryea, CC; Osafo, A
Year Published: 2009   Source: RESUSCITATION   DOI: 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2009.08.005   View article
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Complex, Multi-component, Dynamic, Community-Based Injury Prevention Interventions: A Statistical Framework ARTICLE
By: Bangdiwala, SI; Bulbulia, S; Hassem, T; Isobell, D; Pretorius, K; Seedat, S; Suffla, S; Swart, L-A; Taliep, N; van Niekerk, A
Year Published: 2018   Source: Evaluation and the Health Professions   DOI: 10.1177/0163278717709562   View article
Evaluating the effect of innovative motivation and supervision approaches on community health worker performance and retention in Uganda and Mozambique: Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Hill, Z; Källander, K; Kasteng, F; Kirkwood, BR; Lingam, R; Meek, S; Soremekun, S; Strachan, D; Tibenderana, J; Vassall, A
Year Published: 2015   Source: Trials
Evaluating the effect of interventions for strengthening non-physician anesthetists’ education in Ethiopia: a pre- and post-evaluation study ARTICLE
By: Asemu, YM; Desta, FA; Scheele, F; van den Akker, T; Yigzaw, T
Year Published: 2021   Source: BMC Medical Education   DOI: 10.1186/s12909-021-02851-0   View article
Evaluating the effects of community-based organization engagement on HIV and AIDS-related risk behavior in Kenya ARTICLE
By: Bonnel, R; Fruh, J; Godoy-Garraza, L; Kakietek, J; Manteuffel, BA; Murithi, P; N'Jie, N; Orago, A; Riehman, KS; Rodriguez-Garcia, R
Year Published: 2013   Source: AIDS CARE-PSYCHOLOGICAL AND SOCIO-MEDICAL ASPECTS OF AIDS/HIV   DOI: 10.1080/09540121.2013.778383   View article
Evaluating the feasibility and acceptability of a community dialogue intervention in the prevention and control of schistosomiasis in Nampula province, Mozambique ARTICLE
By: Antonio, V; Graham, K; Jive, E; King, R; Leitao, J; Martin, S; Rassi, C
Year Published: 2021   Source: PLOS ONE   DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0255647   View article
Evaluating the impact of a community-based livelihood intervention on child protection: A mixed method approach ARTICLE
By: Doh, D; Galukande, M; Kamara, J; Renzaho, AMN
Year Published: 2022   Source: CHILD & FAMILY SOCIAL WORK   DOI: 10.1111/cfs.12874   View article
Evaluating the impact of a community health worker programme on non-communicable disease, malnutrition, tuberculosis, family planning and antenatal care in Neno, Malawi: Protocol for a stepped-wedge, cluster randomised controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Cundale, K; Dullie, L; Dunbar, EL; Gupta, R; Jumbe, A; Kachimanga, C; Lilford, RJ; McBain, R; Michaelis, A; Nazimera, L; Nhlema, B; Taylor, C; Watson, SI; Wroe, EB
Year Published: 2018   Source: BMJ Open
Evaluating the impact of adaptation interventions on vulnerability and livelihood resilience ARTICLE
By: Di Gregorio, M; Doggart, N; Gaworek-Michalczenia, MF; Mbogo, J; Sallu, SM
Year Published: 2022   Source: CLIMATE AND DEVELOPMENT   DOI: 10.1080/17565529.2021.2018987   View article
Evaluating the impact of agricultural extension programmes in sub-Saharan Africa: Challenges and prospects ARTICLE
By: Taye, H
Year Published: 2013   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v1i1.19    View article
Evaluating the impact of a Special Library and Information Service ARTICLE
By: Botha, E; Erasmus, R; Van Deventer, M
Year Published: 2009   Source: Journal of Librarianship and Information Science   DOI: 10.1177/0961000609102833   View article
Evaluating the impact of a youth polar expedition alumni programme on post-trip pro-environmental behaviour: a community-engaged research approach ARTICLE
By: Hehir, C; Maher, PT; Ribeiro, MA; Stewart, EJ
Year Published: 2021   Source: JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE TOURISM   DOI: 10.1080/09669582.2020.1863973   View article
Evaluating the impact of community health volunteer home visits on child diarrhea and fever in the volta region, ghana: A cluster-randomized controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Awoonor-Williams, JK; Cha, S; Cho, Y; Degley, JK; Kim, H; Lee, J; Ma, Y; Sudfeld, CR
Year Published: 2019   Source: PLoS Medicine   DOI: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1002830   View article
Evaluating the impact of DREAMS on HIV incidence among adolescent girls and young women: A population-based cohort study in Kenya and South Africa ARTICLE
By: Baisley, K; Birdthistle, I; Chimbindi, N; Dreyer, J; Floyd, S; Glynn, J; Gourlay, A; Kamire, V; Khagayi, S; Kwaro, D; Mthiyane, N; Phillips-Howard, PA; Shahmanesh, M
Year Published: 2021   Source: PLOS MEDICINE   DOI: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1003837   View article
Evaluating the Impact of Formative Assessment Intervention and Experiences of the Standard 4 Teachers in Teaching Higher-Order-Thinking Skills in Mathematics ARTICLE
By: Combrinck, C; Moyo, SE; Van Staden, S
Year Published: 2022   Source: FRONTIERS IN EDUCATION   DOI: 10.3389/feduc.2022.77143   View article
Evaluating the Impact of Health Programmes on Productivity ARTICLE
By: Burns, J; Keswell, M; Thornton, R
Year Published: 2012   Source: African Development Review   DOI: 10.1111/1467-8268.12002   View article
Evaluating the impact of health system strengthening on HIV and sexual risk behaviors in Nigeria ARTICLE
By: Adebajo, S; Ahonsi, B; Anyanti, J; Eluwa, GI; Fajemisin, O; Idogho, O
Year Published: 2015   Source: Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes   DOI: 10.1097/QAI.0000000000000701   View article
Evaluating the impact of the community-based health planning and services initiative on uptake of skilled birth care in Ghana ARTICLE
By: Atkinson, PM; Baschieri, A; Falkingham, J; Frempong-Ainguah, F; Gething, PW; Harfoot, AJP; Johnson, FA; Matthews, Z; Nyarko, P
Year Published: 2015   Source: PLoS ONE   DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0120556   View article
Evaluating the impact of the institutional repository, or positioning innovation between a rock and a hard place ARTICLE
By: Thomas, G
Year Published: 2007   Source: New Review of Information Networking   DOI: 10.1080/13614570802105992   View article
Evaluating the impact of Zimbabwe's prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission program: Population-level estimates of HIV-free infant survival pre-option A ARTICLE
By: Buzdugan, R; Cowan, FM; Dirawo, J; Dufour, M-SK; Hakobyan, A; Mahomva, A; McCoy, SI; Mugurungi, O; Mujuru, HA; Musarandega, R; Mushavi, A; Padian, NS; Petersen, M; Watadzaushe, C
Year Published: 2015   Source: PLoS ONE   DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0134571   View article
Evaluating the implementation of home delivery of medication by community health workers during the COVID-19 pandemic in Cape Town, South Africa: a convergent mixed methods study ARTICLE
By: Besada, D; Daviaud, E; Mash, RJ; Roman, D; Schouw, D
Year Published: 2022   Source: BMC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH   DOI: 10.1186/s12913-022-07464-x   View article
Evaluating the Implementation of Injury Prevention Strategies in Rugby Union and League: A Systematic Review using the RE-AIM Framework ARTICLE
By: Barden, C; Bekker, S; Brown, JC; McKay, CD; Stokes, KA
Year Published: 2021   Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE   DOI: 10.1055/a-1212-0649   View article
Evaluating the implementation of the standard treatment guidelines (STGs) and essential medicines list (EML) at a public South African tertiary institution and its associated primary health care (PHC) facilities ARTICLE
By: Govender, T; Perumal-Pillay, VA; Suleman, F
Year Published: 2021   Source: JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL POLICY AND PRACTICE   DOI: 10.1186/s40545-021-00390-z   View article
Evaluating the Practices and Challenges of Youth Volleyball Development in Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia by Using the CIPP Model ARTICLE
By: Abrham, T; Tadesse, T; Teshome, Z; Wolde, B
Year Published: 2022   Source: HEALTHCARE   DOI: 10.3390/ healthcare10040719   View article
Evaluating the sustainability of health programmes: A literature review ARTICLE
By: Cekan, J; Ishola, F
Year Published: 2019   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v7i1.369   View article
Evaluating the Uptake, Acceptability, and Effectiveness of Uliza! Clinicians' HIV Hotline: A Telephone Consultation Service in Kenya ARTICLE
By: Bukusi, EA; Cohen, CR; Karari, C; Kulzer, J; Marima, R; Penner, J; Tittle, R
Year Published: 2011   Source: TELEMEDICINE AND E-HEALTH   DOI: 10.1089/tmj.2010.0220   View article
Evaluating the utilisation of resources in higher education institutions: The case of teaching space at a ugandan university ARTICLE
By: Ssempebwa, J
Year Published: 2011   Source: Evaluation   DOI: 10.1177/1356389011411610   View article
Evaluating transformation progress of historically disadvantaged South Africans: Programme perspective on the downstream petroleum industry ARTICLE
By: Fagbadebo, OM; Ile, I; Makiva, M
Year Published: 2019   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v7i1.373   View article
Evaluating work-based learning Insights from an illuminative evaluation study of work-based learning in a vocational qualification ARTICLE
By: Van Rensburg, E
Year Published: 2008   Source: INDUSTRY AND HIGHER EDUCATION
Evaluation2 – Evaluating the national evaluation system in South Africa: What has been achieved in the first 5 years? ARTICLE
By: Adams, C; Deliwe, CN; Dumisa, S; Fraser, D; Goldman, I; Griessel, A; Ishmail, Z; Masangu, TW; Robertsen, J; Smith, LR; Taylor, S; Waller, CE; Wilson, G; Wyatt, A
Year Published: 2019   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v7i1.400   View article
Evaluation capacity assessment of the transport sector in South Africa: An innovative approach ARTICLE
By: Bless, BD; Gebremichael, EK; Tsotsotso, K
Year Published: 2017   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v5i1.188   View article
Evaluation capacity development in Africa: Current landscape of international partners’ initiatives, lessons learned and the way forward ARTICLE
By: Tarsilla, M
Year Published: 2014   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v2i1.89   View article
Evaluation competencies of professional and non-professional teachers in Nigeria ARTICLE
By: Ololube, NP
Year Published: 2008   Source: Studies in Educational Evaluation   DOI: 10.1016/j.stueduc.2008.01.004   View article
Evaluation culture and good governance: Is there a link? ARTICLE
By: Boodhoo, A; Dahler-Larsen, P
Year Published: 2019   Source: Evaluation   DOI: 10.1177/1356389018819110   View article
Evaluation development in Senegal ARTICLE
By: Lomeña-Gelis, M
Year Published: 2013   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v1i1.23    View article
Evaluation in African contexts: The promises of participatory approaches in theory-based evaluations ARTICLE
By: Dahler-Larsen, P; Mbava, NP
Year Published: 2019   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v7i1.383   View article
Evaluation involvement of local HIV/AIDS non-governmental organisations in Benin ARTICLE
By: Agonnoude, MT; Champagne, FWJ; Leduc, N
Year Published: 2016   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v4i1.178   View article
Evaluation of 2 Intervention Models to Integrate Family Planning Into Worker Health and Livelihood Programs in Egypt: A Difference-in-Differences Analysis ARTICLE
By: Dwyer, SC; Essam, M; Jain, A; Tawab, NA; Tobey, E
Year Published: 2021   Source: Global Health Science and Practice   DOI: 10.9745/GHSP-D-21-00124   View article
Evaluation of a 5-year programme to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV infection in Northern Uganda ARTICLE
By: Ahoua, L; Ayikoru, H; Balkan, S; Gnauck, K; Odar, E; Odaru, G; Olson, D; Ondoa-Onama, C; Pinoges, L; Pujades-Rodríguez, M
Year Published: 2010   Source: Journal of Tropical Pediatrics
Evaluation of a Cape Town safety intervention as a model for good practice: A partnership between researchers, community and implementing agency ARTICLE
By: Cassidy, T; Galuszka, J; Matzopoulos, R; Ntshingwa, M
Year Published: 2015   Source: Stability
Evaluation of a case management program for HIV clients in Rwanda ARTICLE
By: Dushimimana, A; Haas, LJ; Lavin, B; Mock, N; Thurman, TR
Year Published: 2010   Source: AIDS CARE-PSYCHOLOGICAL AND SOCIO-MEDICAL ASPECTS OF AIDS/HIV   DOI: 10.1080/09540120903443376   View article
Evaluation of a Communication Campaign To Improve Continuation Among First-Time Injectable Contraceptive Users in Nyando District, Kenya ARTICLE
By: Ambasa-Shisanya, C; Burke, HM
Year Published: 2014   Source: INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES ON SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH   DOI: 10.1363/4005614   View article
Evaluation of a community-based HIV test and start program in a conflict affected rural area of Yambio County, South Sudan ARTICLE
By: Achut, V; Aderie, EM; Alonso, B; Descalzo-Jorro, V; Eltom, M; Ferreyra, C; Moreto-Planas, L; Temessadouno, FW; Tut, B
Year Published: 2021   Source: PLOS ONE   DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0254331   View article
Evaluation of a community-based mobile video breastfeeding intervention in Khayelitsha, South Africa: The Philani MOVIE cluster-randomized controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Adam, M; Baernighausen, T; Dronavalli, M; Gates, J; Job, N; Johnston, J; Kuhnert, K-L; LeFevre, AE; Le Roux, I; Mabaso, B; Mbewu, N; McMahon, SA; Mkunqwana, N; Porwal, A; Prober, C; Suri, P; Tomlinson, M; Vandormael, A
Year Published: 2021   Source: PLOS MEDICINE   DOI: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1003744   View article
Evaluation of a Community-Based Trapping Program to Collect Simulium ochraceum sensu lato for Verification of Onchocerciasis Elimination ARTICLE
By: Adeleke, MA; Cupp, EW; Rodríguez-Luna, IC; Rodríguez-Pérez, MA; Unnasch, TR
Year Published: 2014   Source: PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases   DOI: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0003249   View article
Evaluation of a decentralised primary health care training programme ARTICLE
By: Mabaso, SS; van der Merwe, MM
Year Published: 2008   Source: Africa Journal of Nursing and Midwifery
Evaluation of a health education program for improving uptake of HIV self-testing by men in Rwanda: a pilot pragmatic randomized control trial ARTICLE
By: Dzinamarira, T; Mashamba-Thompson, TP; Muvunyi, CM
Year Published: 2021   Source: Pilot and Feasibility Studies   DOI: 10.1186/s40814-021-00940-x   View article
Evaluation of a home-based voluntary counselling and testing intervention in rural Uganda ARTICLE
By: Katongole, G; Nyanzi, B; Ruberantwari, A; Ssesanga, D; Whitworth, J; Wolff, B
Year Published: 2005   Source: Health Policy and Planning
Evaluation of alcohol screening and brief intervention in routine practice of primary care nurses in Vhembe district, South Africa ARTICLE
By: Azwihangwisi, M; Babor, T; Matseke, G; Peltzer, K
Year Published: 2008   Source: Croatian Medical Journal   DOI: 10.3325/cmj.2008.3.392   View article
Evaluation of a learner-designed course for teaching health research skills in Ghana ARTICLE
By: Agbenyega, T; Akoto, AYO; Ansong, D; Bates, I; Bedu-Addo, G; Karikari, P; Nsiah-Asare, A
Year Published: 2007   Source: BMC Medical Education
Evaluation of a masculinity and gender equality intervention for primary school boys ARTICLE
By: Visser, M
Year Published: 2021   Source: Journal of Psychology in Africa   DOI: 10.1080/14330237.2021.1978165   View article
Evaluation of an academic support workshop on assessment by hospitality lecturers at a university in South Africa. ARTICLE
By: Gwandure, C; Machingambi, S; Nkomo, T
Year Published: 2021   Source: African Perspectives of Research in Teaching and Learning
Evaluation of an Advocacy Programme for Mental Health Care Users in South Africa: A Mixed Methods Study ARTICLE
By: Davies, T; Lund, C; Roomaney, R; Sorsdahl, K
Year Published: 2022   Source: Community Mental Health Journal   DOI: 10.1007/s10597-021-00877-8   View article
Evaluation of an educational program to control asthma in school age children in the Morelos state, Mexico [Evaluación de un programa educativo para el control del asma en niños de edad escolar en el estado de Morelos, México] ARTICLE
By: Catalán, M; Gardida, A; Rojas, M; Tavera, A
Year Published: 2002   Source: Revista del Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias
Evaluation of an External Quality Assessment Program for HIV Testing in Haiti, 2006-2011 ARTICLE
By: Anselme, R; Balajee, SA; Boncy, J; Buteau, J; Dahourou, G; Louis, FJ; Marston, B; Ndongmo, C; Vertefeuille, J
Year Published: 2013   Source: AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY   DOI: 10.1309/AJCPYWX49IZSQKFS   View article
Evaluation of an HIV/AIDS peer education programme in a South African workplace ARTICLE
By: Myers, JE; Sloan, NM
Evaluation of antiretroviral therapy (ART)-related counselling in a workplace-based ART implementation programme, South Africa ARTICLE
By: Baggaley, RF; Charalambous, S; Churchyard, GJ; Du Toit, JD; Dwadwa, T; Grant, AD; Pemba, L; Stenson, AL
Evaluation of antiretroviral treatment programme monitoring in Eastern Cape, South Africa ARTICLE
By: Kaposhi, BM; Mqoqi, N; Schopflocher, D
Year Published: 2015   Source: Health Policy and Planning
Evaluation of a peer-based mental health support program for adolescents orphaned by AIDS in South Africa ARTICLE
By: Mokomane, Z; Thupayagale-Tshweneagae, G
Year Published: 2014   Source: Japan Journal of Nursing Science   DOI: 10.1111/j.1742-7924.2012.00231.x   View article
Evaluation of a Peer Network-Based Sexual Risk Reduction Intervention for Men in Beer Halls in Zimbabwe: Results from a Randomized Controlled Trial ARTICLE
By: Chasakara, C; Chirowodza, A; Fritz, K; Kellogg, T; Makumbe, K; Mashoko, C; McFarland, W; Woelk, G; Wyrod, R
Year Published: 2011   Source: AIDS and Behavior   DOI: 10.1007/s10461-011-9922-1   View article
Evaluation of a photo-poster on nurses' perceptions of teething problems in South-western Nigeria ARTICLE
By: Aderinokun, GA; Bankole, OO; Denloye, OO
Year Published: 2005   Source: Public Health   DOI: 10.1016/j.puhe.2004.05.019   View article
Evaluation of a pilot programme and a follow-up study of infant feeding practices during the scaled-up programme in Botswana: Programme Review Team, PMTCT Advisory Group and Infant Feeding Study Group ARTICLE
By: Luo, C
Year Published: 2002   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning   DOI: 10.1016/S0149-7189(02)00053-8   View article
Evaluation of a Positive Psychology Group Intervention in Nature for Young Cancer Survivors to Promote Well-Being and Post-Cancer Identity Development ARTICLE
By: Albers, T; Husson, O; Sleeman, SHE; Weiss, LA
Year Published: 2021   Source: Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology   DOI: 10.1089/jayao.2020.0147   View article
Evaluation of artisan training in metal silo construction for grain storage in Africa: Impact on uptake, entrepreneurship and income ARTICLE
By: De Groote, H; Gitonga, ZM; Ndegwa, MK
Year Published: 2015   Source: International Journal of Educational Development
Evaluation of a safer male circumcision training programme for ndebele traditional surgeons and nurses in gauteng, south africa: using direct observation of circumcision procedures ARTICLE
By: Banyini, M; Kanta, X; Peltzer, K
Evaluation of a safer male circumcision training programme for traditional surgeons and nurses in the Eastern Cape, South Africa ARTICLE
By: Kanta, X; Nqeketo, A; Peltzer, K; Petros, G
Evaluation of a school-based intervention programme for South African children of divorce ARTICLE
By: Botha, CJ; Wild, LG
Year Published: 2013   Source: Journal of Child and Adolescent Mental Health   DOI: 10.2989/17280583.2013.768528   View article
Evaluation of a school-based nutrition and physical activity programme for grade 4 learners in the Western Cape province ARTICLE
By: Draper, CE; Forbes, J; Jacobs, KL; Lambert, EV; Mash, RJ
Year Published: 2013   Source: South African Family Practice
Evaluation of a tailored intervention to improve management of overweight and obesity in primary care: Study protocol of a cluster randomised controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Agarwal, S; Baker, R; Bodicoat, DH; Krause, J; Ring, A; Rogers, S; Shepherd, D; Wensing, M
Year Published: 2014   Source: Trials   DOI: 10.1186/1745-6215-15-82   View article
Evaluation of a U.S. Evidence-based Parenting Intervention in Rural Western Kenya: From parents matter! To families matter! ARTICLE
By: Buve, A; Marum, E; Menten, J; Miller, KS; Obong'o, CO; Ochura, J; Otwoma, NJ; Poulsen, MN; Vandenhoudt, H; Wyckoff, SC
Year Published: 2010   Source: AIDS Education and Prevention
Evaluation of a Well-Established Task-Shifting Initiative: The Lay Counselor Cadre in Botswana ARTICLE
By: Houghton, N; Kejelepula, M; Ledikwe, JH; Maupo, K; Mbayi, B; O'Malley, G; Sebetso, S; Semo, B; Smith, M; Thankane, K; Thekiso, M
Year Published: 2013   Source: PLoS ONE   DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0061601   View article
Evaluation of a workplace HIV treatment programme in South Africa ARTICLE
By: Charalambous, S; Churchyard, GJ; Fielding, KL; Grant, AD; Hamilton, R; Innes, C; Kumaranayake, L; Muirhead, D; Pemba, L
Year Published: 2007   Source: AIDS
Evaluation of Back to Basics mathematics workbooks: a randomised control trial of the Primary Mathematics Research Project ARTICLE
By: Fleisch, B; Herholdt, R; Sapire, I; Taylor, N
Year Published: 2011   Source: South African Journal of Education
Evaluation of Berhane Hewan: A Program To Delay Child Marriage in Rural Ethiopia ARTICLE
By: Erulkar, AS; Muthengi, E
Evaluation of "Biruh Tesfa" (Bright Future) program for vulnerable girls in Ethiopia ARTICLE
By: Ambelu, W; Erulkar, AS; Ferede, A; Girma, W
Year Published: 2013   Source: Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies   DOI: 10.1080/17450128.2012.736645   View article
Evaluation of breast cancer awareness among women presenting with newly diagnosed breast disease at Universitas Hospital (Bloemfontein, South Africa) ARTICLE
By: Matatiele, PR; Van den Heever, WMJ
Year Published: 2008   Source: South African Family Practice
Evaluation of caregivers' knowledge, beliefs and practices regarding oral lesions in HIV-patients: A pilot study ARTICLE
By: Ayo-Yusuf, O; Kolisa, Y
Year Published: 2013   Source: Health SA Gesondheid
Evaluation of cash transfer programs in sub-Saharan Africa: A methodological review ARTICLE
By: Owusu-Addo, E; Renzaho, AMN; Smith, BJ
Year Published: 2018   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning   DOI: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2018.02.010   View article
Evaluation of community-based rehabilitation programs in Ghana and Benin [Evaluation de la réadaptation à base communautaire (RBC) au Ghana et au Bénin] ARTICLE
By: Agbogbe, N; Barima, O; Jadin, O
Year Published: 2005   Source: Medecine Tropicale
Evaluation of community contribution to tuberculosis control in Cape Town, South Africa ARTICLE
By: Azevedo, V; Dikweni, L; Dudley, L; Grant, R; Mahers, D; Schoeman, JH
Year Published: 2003   Source: International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
Evaluation of community-driven smallholder irrigation in dryland South Pare Mountains, Tanzania: A case study of Manoo micro dam ARTICLE
By: Makurira, H; Mul, M; Savenije, HHG; Uhlenbrook, S; Vyagusa, NF
Year Published: 2007   Source: Physics and Chemistry of the Earth
Evaluation of community eye outreach programs for early glaucoma detection in Nigeria ARTICLE
By: Fawole, OI; Olawoye, O; Ritch, R; Teng, CC
Year Published: 2013   Source: Clinical Ophthalmology   DOI: 10.2147/OPTH.S46823   View article
Evaluation of community intervention with pit latrines for trachoma control in Ghana, Mali, Niger and Nigeria ARTICLE
By: Amadou, A; Cromwell, EA; Emerson, PM; Jip, N; Kamissoko, Y; King, JD; Ngondi, J; Rodgers, AF; Rotondo, LA
Year Published: 2009   Source: International Health
Evaluation of directly observed treatment for tuberculosis in the Bojanala health district, North West Province of South Africa ARTICLE
By: Ogunbanjo, GA; Tumbo, JM
Year Published: 2011   Source: African Journal of Primary Health Care and Family Medicine
Evaluation of directly observed treatment short courses at a secondary health institution in Ibadan, Oyo State, Southwestern Nigeria ARTICLE
By: Adegoke, OA; Orokotan, OA
Year Published: 2013   Source: ASIAN PACIFIC JOURNAL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE   DOI: 10.1016/S1995-7645(13)60170-4   View article
Evaluation of economic costs of a measles outbreak and outbreak response activities in Keffa Zone, Ethiopia ARTICLE
By: Abraham, M; Birhane, H; Endailalu, TB; Goodson, JL; Grant, G; Letamo, Y; Masresha, BG; Petu, A; Vijayaraghavan, M; Wallace, AS
Year Published: 2014   Source: Vaccine   DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2014.06.035   View article
Evaluation of employee assistance programmes: Theoretical guidelines for practice ARTICLE
By: Khorombi, N; Sithole, S
Year Published: 2009   Source: Social Work
Evaluation of facilitative supervision visits in primary health care service delivery in Northern Ghana ARTICLE
By: Aikins, M; Ikeda, T; Laar, A; Nang-Beifubah, A; Nonvignon, J; Nyonator, F; Sackey, S; Woode, G
Year Published: 2013   Source: BMC Health Services Research   DOI: 10.1186/1472-6963-13-358   View article
Evaluation of HIV/AIDS prevention-reduction services of Anambra state (Nigeria) action campagne (Ansaca) from 2004- 2006 ARTICLE
By: Bernardette, E; Ezeokana, JO; Nnedum, OAU; Ntomchukwu, MS
Year Published: 2012   Source: European Journal of Social Sciences
Evaluation of HIV/AIDS prevention through peer education, counselling, health care, training and urban refuges in Ghana ARTICLE
By: Shrestha, R
Year Published: 2002   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning   DOI: 10.1016/S0149-7189(02)00052-6   View article
Evaluation of HIV/AIDS secondary school peer education in rural Nigeria ARTICLE
By: Otte, WM; van der Maas, F
Year Published: 2009   Source: Health Education Research   DOI: 10.1093/her/cyn056   View article
Evaluation of household latrine coverage in Kewot woreda, Ethiopia, 3 years after implementing interventions to control blinding trachoma ARTICLE
By: Ayalew, F; Cromwell, EA; Damte, M; Emerson, PM; Gebre, T; King, JD; Ross, RK; Teferi, T
Year Published: 2011   Source: International Health   DOI: 10.1016/j.inhe.2011.06.007   View article
Evaluation of integrated community case management in eight districts of Central Uganda ARTICLE
By: Abusu, JO; Bwanika, JB; Byabasheija, R; Diaz, T; Kaggwa, FM; Lodda, CC; Magumba, G; Meier, JE; Mubiru, D; Opio, AC; Patel, J
Year Published: 2015   Source: PLoS ONE   DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0134767   View article
Evaluation of integrated registers for tuberculosis and HIV surveillance in children, Ethiopia, 2007-2009 ARTICLE
By: Assefa, D; Cain, K; Click, ES; Fantu, R; Feleke, B; Gadisa, T; Melaku, Z; Menzies, H; Pevzner, E
Year Published: 2012   Source: International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease   DOI: 10.5588/ijtld.11.0655   View article
Evaluation of knowledge levels amongst village AIDS committees after undergoing HIV educational sessions: results from a pilot study in rural Tanzania ARTICLE
By: Epsley, EJ; Nhandi, B; Todd, J; Urassa, M; Wringe, A
Year Published: 2011   Source: BMC International Health and Human Rights   DOI: 10.1186/1472-698X-11-14   View article
Evaluation of lay health workers' needs to effectively support anti-tuberculosis treatment adherence in Malawi ARTICLE
By: Barnsley, J; Chan, AK; Joshua, M; Martiniuk, ALC; Puchalski Ritchie, LM; Schull, MJ; Van Lettow, M; Zwarenstein, M
Year Published: 2012   Source: International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
Evaluation of malaria prevention strategies during pregnancy in Ndola, Zambia ARTICLE
By: Mash, RJ; Mulamba, M
Year Published: 2010   Source: African Journal of Primary Health Care and Family Medicine
Evaluation of mHealth strategies to optimize adherence and efficacy of Option B+ prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission: Rationale, design and methods of a 3-armed randomized controlled trial ARTICLE
By: DeRenzi, B; Drake, AL; John-Stewart, G; Kinuthia, J; Matemo, D; Perrier, T; Richardson, BA; Ronen, K; Unger, JA
Year Published: 2017   Source: Contemporary Clinical Trials
Evaluation of patients' satisfaction with quality of care provided at the National Health Insurance Scheme clinic of a tertiary hospital in South-Eastern Nigeria ARTICLE
By: Ifedigbo, CV; Iloh, GUP; Iwuamanam, KD; Njoku, PU; Odu, FU; Ofoedu, JN
Year Published: 2012   Source: Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice   DOI: 10.4103/1119-3077.104529   View article
Evaluation of progress with using community conversation as a strategy to encourage district level abandonment of female genital mutilation and/or cutting in 10 districts in Ethiopia ARTICLE
By: Alem, E; Hailu, E; Kibur, M; Mitik, L; Pearson, R; Sesay, I; Siyoum, H; Suyama, M
Year Published: 2013   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v1i1.11    View article
Evaluation of School-Based Health Education Intervention on the Incidence of Soil-Transmitted Helminths in Pupils of Rural Communities of Eastern Kogi State, North Central Nigeria ARTICLE
By: Alabi, AB; Alkazmi, L; Batiha, GE; Bayo, K; Chikezie, FM; Kabir, J; Kogi, E; Luka, SA; Opara, KN; Yaro, CA; Yunusa, SI
Year Published: 2022   Source: JOURNAL OF PARASITOLOGY RESEARCH   DOI: 10.1155/2022/3117646   View article
Evaluation of the child growth monitoring programme in two Zimbabwean provinces ARTICLE
By: Archary, M; Mahomed, S; Marume, A
Year Published: 2022   Source: African Journal of Primary Health Care and Family Medicine   DOI: 10.4102/PHCFM.V14I1.3373   View article
Evaluation of the Direct Health Facility Financing Program in Improving Maternal Health Services in Pangani District, Tanzania ARTICLE
By: Manzi, F; Pasape, L; Tani, K; Tukay, SM
Year Published: 2021   Source: International Journal of Women's Health   DOI: 10.2147/IJWH.S333900   View article
Evaluation of the implementation of a quality improvement program through morbidity and mortality reviews in a developing country ARTICLE
By: Amrani, L; Belkhadir, Z; Benkabbou, A; El Ahmadi, B; Ghannam, A; Lahnaoui, O; Majbar, MA; Mohsine, R; Souadka, A
Year Published: 2022   Source: Annals of Medicine and Surgery   DOI: 10.1016/j.amsu.2022.103987   View article
Evaluation of the national tuberculosis surveillance and response systems, 2018 to 2019: National tuberculosis, leprosy and buruli ulcer control programme, Abuja, Nigeria ARTICLE
By: Aworh, MK; Kwaghe, AV; Umeokonkwo, CD
Year Published: 2020   Source: Pan African Medical Journal   DOI: 10.11604/pamj.2020.35.54.21493   View article
Evaluation of the rural response system intervention to prevent violence against women: findings from a community-randomised controlled trial in the Central Region of Ghana ARTICLE
By: Adanu, RMK; Addo-Lartey, AA; Chirwa, ED; Coker-Appiah, D; Jewkes, R; Ogum Alangea, D; Sikweyiya, Y
Year Published: 2020   Source: Global Health Action
Evaluation of the tuberculosis control program in South West Cameroon: Factors affecting treatment outcomes ARTICLE
By: Atekem, KA; Ndip, LM; Ndip, RN; Tanih, NF
Year Published: 2018   Source: International Journal of Mycobacteriology   DOI: 10.4103/ijmy.ijmy_20_18   View article
Evaluation research on the food security programme effectiveness towards managing food insecurity at a South African university ARTICLE
By: Kolanisi, U; Naidoo, K; Sabi, SC; Siwela, M
Year Published: 2021   Source: Journal of Consumer Sciences (Former Journal of Family Ecology and Consumer Sciences)
Evaluations of effective coverage of maternal and child health services: A systematic review ARTICLE
By: Dawson, A; Gebremedhin, AF; Hayen, A
Year Published: 2022   Source: Health Policy and Planning   DOI: 10.1093/heapol/czac034   View article
Evaluative tools in impact investing: Three case studies on the use of theories of change ARTICLE
By: Nixon, D; Vaca, S; Verrinder, NB; Zwane, K
Year Published: 2018   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v6i2.340   View article
Evaluator competencies and professionalizing the field: Where are we now? ARTICLE
By: Podems, D
Year Published: 2013   Source: Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation
Evaluator competencies in university-based evaluation training programs ARTICLE
By: Ghere, G; King, JA; Minnema, J; Stevahn, L
Year Published: 2005   Source: Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation
Evaluator competencies: The south african government experience ARTICLE
By: Goldman, I; Jacob, C; Podems, D
Year Published: 2013   Source: Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation
Evidence-based monitoring and evaluation of the faith-based approach to HIV prevention among Christian and Muslim youth in Wakiso district in Uganda ARTICLE
By: Ainomugisha, D; Guwatudde, D; Kagimu, M; Kaye, S; Lutalo, I; Rwabukwali, C; Walakira, Y
Year Published: 2012   Source: AFRICAN HEALTH SCIENCES   DOI: 10.4314/ahs.v12i2.7   View article
Evidence from epidemic appraisals in Nigeria ARTICLE
By: Blanchard, J; Daniel, U; Ezire, O; Ezirim, IO; Ogungbemi, K
Year Published: 2015   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v3i2.153   View article
Experiences of training and implementation of integrated management of childhood illness (IMCI) in South Africa: a qualitative evaluation of the IMCI case management training course ARTICLE
By: Horwood, C; Qazi, S; Rollins, N; Vermaak, K; Voce, A
Year Published: 2009   Source: BMC PEDIATRICS   DOI: 10.1186/1471-2431-9-62   View article
Exploring the use of the ICT in supporting dyslexic students' preferred learning styles : A preliminary evaluation ARTICLE
By: Benmarrakchi, FE; Elhore, A; El Kafi, J; Haie, S
Year Published: 2017   Source: EDUCATION AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES   DOI: 10.1007/s10639-016-9551-4   View article
Facilitating health-enabling social contexts for youth: qualitative evaluation of a family-based HIV-prevention pilot programme ARTICLE
By: Bhana, A; Paruk, Z; Petersen, I
Year Published: 2009   Source: AJAR-AFRICAN JOURNAL OF AIDS RESEARCH   DOI: 10.2989/AJAR.2009.   View article
Facing up to (online) fashion and fads … Face-to-face contact is here to stay in M&E capacity building. Evidence from 35 National Evaluation Societies ARTICLE
By: Dewachter, S; Holvoet, N
Year Published: 2016   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v4i1.158   View article
Factors affecting use of permethrin-treated bed nets during a randomized controlled trial in Western Kenya ARTICLE
By: Alaii, JA; Gimnig, JE; Hawley, WA; Kolczak, MS; Nahlen, BL; Odhacha, A; Oloo, AJ; Phillips-Howard, PA; Ter Kuile, FO; Vulule, JM
Year Published: 2003   Source: American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
Failing to catch up in reading in the middle years: The findings of the impact evaluation of the Reading Catch-Up Programme in South Africa ARTICLE
By: Fleisch, B; Mabogoane, TW; Schoer, V; Taylor, S
Year Published: 2017   Source: International Journal of Educational Development   DOI: 10.1016/j.ijedudev.2016.11.008   View article
Farm-worker housing in South Africa: An evaluation of an off-farm housing project ARTICLE
By: Hartwig, R; Marais, L
Year Published: 2005   Source: HOUSING STUDIES
''Feeling part of a network of learning in health promotion'': An evaluation of a postgraduate peer-mentoring scheme in Ghana ARTICLE
By: Agyeniwah, S; Annan, GK; Cross, R; Fiave, J; Lowcock, D
Year Published: 2019   Source: INNOVATIONS IN EDUCATION AND TEACHING INTERNATIONAL   DOI: 10.1080/14703297.2019.1625799   View article
Feminist evaluation in the international development context ARTICLE
By: Bamberger, M; Podems, D
Year Published: 2002   Source: New Directions for Evaluation   DOI: 10.1002/ev.68   View article
Finding common ground: A participatory approach to evaluation ARTICLE
By: Klugman, B; Sutherland, C
Year Published: 2013   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v1i1.39   View article
Fostering CHANGE: Lessons from implementing a multi-country, multi-sector nutrition-sensitive agriculture project ARTICLE
By: Klemm, R; Nielsen, J; Nordhagen, S; Smith, E; van Mourik, T
Year Published: 2019   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning   DOI: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2019.101695   View article
Fostering interest in research: evaluation of an introductory research seminar at hospitals in rural Rwanda ARTICLE
By: Amoroso, C; Aquino, T; Cortas, C; Finnegan, K; Hamon, JK; Hedt-Gauthier, BL; Iribagiza, MK; Kamanzi, E; Manikuzwe, A; Schneider, S; van Griensven, J; Zachariah, R
Year Published: 2014   Source: PUBLIC HEALTH ACTION   DOI: 10.5588/pha.14.0093   View article
From evidence to values-based decision making in African parliaments ARTICLE
By: Ali, AJ; Khumalo, LS
Year Published: 2020   Source: Evaluation Journal of Australasia   DOI: 10.1177/1035719X20918370   View article
From public health and demographic research to decision making: An intervention study in Giza Governorate-Egypt ARTICLE
By: Abd El Razik, MS; Rashad Salem, M
Year Published: 2019   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning   DOI: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2019.101704   View article
Gender responsiveness diagnostic of national monitoring and evaluation systems – methodological reflections ARTICLE
By: Jansen van Rensburg, MS; Mapitsa, CB
Year Published: 2017   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v5i1.191   View article
Getting to the roots of evaluation capacity building in the global south: Multiple streams model to frame the agenda status of evaluation in Turkey ARTICLE
By: Cakici, H
Year Published: 2016   Source: Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation   DOI: 10.3138/cjpe.30.3.03   View article
Global standards for monitoring and evaluating national AIDS programs: Challenges, concerns, and needs of developing countries ARTICLE
By: Meda, N
Year Published: 2004   Source: New Directions for Evaluation
Good practices, drawbacks and improvement strategies in external peer monitoring and evaluation: A case of Uganda National Council for Higher Education ARTICLE
By: Ssentamu, PN
Year Published: 2018   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v6i1.261   View article
Hand washing with soap and WASH educational intervention reduces under-five childhood diarrhoea incidence in Jigjiga District, Eastern Ethiopia: A community-based cluster randomized controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Gasana, J; Hashi, A; Kumie, A
Year Published: 2017   Source: Preventive Medicine Reports
Health evaluations in Africa – A review of the health strand held at the 7th Biennial Conference of the African Evaluation Association ARTICLE
By: Berhane, E
Year Published: 2015   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v3i2.170   View article
HIV self-testing among female sex workers in Zambia: A cluster randomized controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Bärnighausen, T; Barresi, LG; Chanda, MM; Chongo, S; Dunn, C; Fullem, A; Harling, G; Kamungoma, N; Kanchele, C; Mwale, M; Oldenburg, CE; Ortblad, KF
Year Published: 2017   Source: PLoS Medicine
Home-based intervention to test and start (HITS) protocol: A cluster-randomized controlled trial to reduce HIV-related mortality in men and HIV incidence in women through increased coverage of HIV treatment ARTICLE
By: Adeagbo, OA; Baërnighausen, T; Blandford, A; Dobra, A; Kim, HY; Mathenjwa, T; Matthews, P; McGrath, N; Sartorius, B; Seeley, J; Shahmanesh, M; Tanser, F; Wyke, S; Yapa, HM; Zuma, T
Year Published: 2019   Source: BMC Public Health
Household Water Quality Testing and Information: Identifying Impacts on Health Outcomes and Sanitation- and Hygiene-Related Risk-Mitigating Behaviors ARTICLE
By: Gerber, N; Okyere, CY; Pangaribowo, EH
Year Published: 2019   Source: Evaluation Review   DOI: 10.1177/0193841X19885204   View article
How do community health committees contribute to capacity building for maternal and child health? A realist evaluation protocol ARTICLE
By: Conteh, M; Dunne, N; Gaudrault, M; Gilmore, B; Larkan, F; McAuliffe, E; Mollel, H; Tumwesigye, NM; Vallières, F
Year Published: 2016   Source: BMJ Open   DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-011885   View article
How effective are poor schools? Poverty and educational outcomes in South Africa ARTICLE
By: van der Berg, S
Year Published: 2008   Source: Studies in Educational Evaluation   DOI: 10.1016/j.stueduc.2008.07.005   View article
How people with disabilities experience programs to prevent intimate partner violence across four countries ARTICLE
By: Dunkle, K; Stern, E; van der Heijden, I
Year Published: 2020   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning   DOI: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2019.101770   View article
HPTN 068: A Randomized Control Trial of a Conditional Cash Transfer to Reduce HIV Infection in Young Women in South Africa—Study Design and Baseline Results ARTICLE
By: Agyei, Y; Andrew, P; Daniel, T; Gómez-Olivé, FX; Hughes, JP; Kahn, K; Laeyendecker, O; Mabuza, W; MacPhail, C; Pettifor, AE; Piwowar-Manning, E; Rosenberg, M; Selin, A; Suchindran, C; Tollman, SM; Twine, R; Wagner, RG; Wang, J
Year Published: 2016   Source: AIDS and Behavior   DOI: 10.1007/s10461-015-1270-0   View article
Human rights as a new development paradigm: A think piece on implications for monitoring and evaluation ARTICLE
By: Patel, M
Year Published: 2018   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v6i1.263   View article
Human subjects protection in the African context ARTICLE
By: Howell, E; Obado-Joel, J
Year Published: 2016   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v4i1.106   View article
Impact evaluation and synthesis–how far are they being used in low- and middle-income countries? ARTICLE
By: Goldman, I; Licona, HG; Manning, R
Year Published: 2022   Source: Journal of Development Effectiveness   DOI: 10.1080/19439342.2022.2102056   View article
Impact evaluation of the Kenya frontline field epidemiology training program: Repeated-measures study ARTICLE
By: Boru, WG; Githuku, JN; Kanyina, E; Obonyo, M; Omballa, V; Oyugi, EO; Ransom, J; Roka, ZG
Year Published: 2021   Source: JMIR Medical Education   DOI: 10.2196/18956   View article
Impact measurement: towards creating a flexible evaluation design for academic literacy interventions ARTICLE
By: Butler, G; Fouche, I; van Dyk, T
Year Published: 2016   Source: STELLENBOSCH PAPERS IN LINGUISTICS-SPIL   DOI: 10.5774/45-0-202   View article
Impact of a community health worker HIV treatment and prevention intervention in an HIV hotspot fishing community in Rakai, Uganda (mLAKE): Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Amico, KR; Bollinger, RC; Chang, LW; Gray, RH; Hutton, H; Kennedy, CE; Kong, X; Mbabali, I; Nakigozi, G; Nalugoda, F; Quinn, TC; Reynolds, SJ; Serwadda, D; Wawer, MJ
Year Published: 2017   Source: Trials
Impact of a family clinic day intervention on paediatric and adolescent appointment adherence and retention in antiretroviral therapy: A cluster randomized controlled trial in Uganda ARTICLE
By: Asire, B; Elyanu, P; Graves, JC; Lukabwe, I; Mirembe, B; Mirembe, E; Moberley, SA; Musinguzi, J; Prescott, MR; Prust, ML; Schellack, CJ
Year Published: 2018   Source: PLoS ONE
Impact of a national deworming campaign on the prevalence of soil-transmitted helminthiasis in Uganda (2004-2016): Implications for national control programs ARTICLE
By: Adriko, M; Arinaitwe, M; Kabatereine, NB; M. Tukahebwa, E; Nanyunja, M; Tinkitina, B
Year Published: 2018   Source: PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases   DOI: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0006520   View article
Impact of capacity building interventions on individual and organizational competency for HPSR in endemic disease control in Nigeria: a qualitative study ARTICLE
By: Arize, I; Etiaba, E; Ezenwaka, U; Ezumah, N; Mbachu, C; Nwankwor, C; Okeke, C; Onwujekwe, O; Uzochukwu, B
Year Published: 2020   Source: Implementation Science
Impact of Dupoto-e-Maa education project on dropout rate and academic performance ARTICLE
By: Ndung’u, SM; Ouda, JB
Year Published: 2016   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v4i1.131   View article
Impact of emergency mass immunisations on measles control in displaced populations in Gulu district, Northern Uganda ARTICLE
By: Babikako, HM; Mupere, E; Onek, P
Year Published: 2005   Source: East African Medical Journal
Impact of export promotion and market development on social welfare in South Africa: Evidence from the agricultural sector ARTICLE
By: Lubinga, MH; Mazibuko, NB; Ngqangweni, S; Nyhodo, BB; Potelwa, YX
Year Published: 2018   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v6i2.245   View article
Impact of facility- and community-based peer support models on maternal uptake and retention in Malawi's option B+ HIV prevention of mother-to-child transmission program: A 3-arm cluster randomized controlled trial (PURE Malawi) ARTICLE
By: Cataldo, F; Chimbwandira, F; Chiwaula, L; Eliya, M; Gugsa, S; Hosseinipour, MC; Kapito-Tembo, A; Kasende, F; Kaunda-Khangamwa, B; Kayoyo, V; Phiri, S; Rosenberg, NE; Sampathkumar, V; Schouten, E; Stanley, C; Trapence, C; Tweya, H; Van Lettow, M
Year Published: 2017   Source: Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes
Impact of facility-based mother support groups on retention in care and PMTCT outcomes in rural Zimbabwe: The EPAZ cluster-randomized controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Font, H; Foster, G; Kangwende, A; Magezi, V; Maphosa, T; Orne-Gliemann, J; Rusakaniko, S; Sengai, T; Shumba, B; Zambezi, P
Year Published: 2017   Source: Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes   DOI: 10.1097/QAI.0000000000001360   View article
Impact of nutrition education on diabetes knowledge and attitudes of adults with type 2 diabetes living in a resource-limited setting in South Africa: A randomised controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Gericke, GJ; Muchiri, JW; Rheeder, P
Year Published: 2016   Source: Journal of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Diabetes of South Africa   DOI: 10.1080/16089677.2016.1200324   View article
Impact of participatory training of smallholder pig farmers on knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding biosecurity for the control of African swine fever in Uganda ARTICLE
By: Amia, WC; Dione, MM; Dohoo, I; Ndiwa, N; Ouma, E; Poole, J; Wieland, B
Year Published: 2020   Source: Transboundary and Emerging Diseases   DOI: 10.1111/tbed.13587   View article
Impact of rehabilitation programs on dependency and functional performance of patients with major lower limb amputations A retrospective chart review in western Saudi Arabia ARTICLE
By: Abuznadah, WT; AlHarthi, AS; AlSofyani, MA; Farahat, FM
Year Published: 2016   Source: SAUDI MEDICAL JOURNAL   DOI: 10.15537/smj.2016.10.16033   View article
Impact of school health programme on urinary schistosomiasis control in schoolchildren in Kilosa, Tanzania. ARTICLE
By: Mapunjo, E; Mkopi, A; Mshinda, H; Mushi, FC; Urassa, H
Year Published: 2005   Source: Tanzania health research bulletin
Impact of traditional birth attendant training in Mozambique: A controlled study ARTICLE
By: Chadreque, MA; Floriano, F; Gloyd, S; Nyangezi, JM; Platas, A; Seunda, M
Year Published: 2001   Source: Journal of Midwifery and Women's Health
Impact oriented monitoring: A new methodology for monitoring and evaluation of international public health research projects ARTICLE
By: Ambali, A; Gallego, JM; Gómez-Núñez, AJ; Guinea, J; Jaramillo, H; Latorre, C; Mangwende, T; Ngum, N; Patiño, A; Sela, E; Srivanichakorn, S; Thepthien, B
Year Published: 2015   Source: Research Evaluation   DOI: 10.1093/reseval/rvu034   View article
Implementation and Evaluation of Educational Videos to Improve Cancer Knowledge and Patient Empowerment ARTICLE
By: Bingo, S; Chen, JS; Chikasema, M; Chiyoyola, S; Ellis, GK; Gopal, S; Kaimila, B; Kasonkanji, E; Kayira, E; Manda, A; Mtangwanika, A; Nyirenda, R; Salima, A; Seguin, R; Tewete, B; Tilly, AE; Tomoka, T; Westmoreland, KD; Zuze, T
Year Published: 2022   Source: JCO Global Oncology   DOI: 10.1200/GO.21.00315   View article
Implementation and evaluation of the Helping Babies Breathe curriculum in three resource limited settings: does Helping Babies Breathe save lives? A study protocol ARTICLE
By: Gisore, P
Year Published: 2014   Source: BMC PREGNANCY AND CHILDBIRTH   DOI: 10.1186/1471-2393-14-116   View article
Implementation evaluation of the business process services incentive programme ARTICLE
By: Mashalaba, N; Mathe, JE; Singh, R; Wyatt, A
Year Published: 2015   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v3i1.146   View article
Implementation of a community-based intervention in the most rural and remote districts of Zambia: a process evaluation of safe motherhood action groups ARTICLE
By: Jacobs, C; Michelo, C; Moshabela, M
Year Published: 2018   Source: Implementation Science   DOI: 10.1186/s13012-018-0766-1   View article
Implementation of a fidelity monitoring process to assess delivery of an evidence-based adherence counseling intervention in a multi-site biomedical HIV prevention study ARTICLE
By: Baeten, JM; Balán, IC; Giguere, R; Hillier, S; Lentz, C; Mayo, AJ; Mgodi, NM; Palanee-Phillips, T; Rael, CT; Soto-Torres, L
Year Published: 2020   Source: AIDS CARE-PSYCHOLOGICAL AND SOCIO-MEDICAL ASPECTS OF AIDS/HIV   DOI: 10.1080/09540121.2019.1709614   View article
Implementation of a malaria prevention education intervention in Southern Ethiopia: a qualitative evaluation ARTICLE
By: Anthierens, S; Bastiaens, H; Biresaw, G; Endashaw, G; Masne, M; Massebo, F; Shewangizaw, M; Tunje, A; Van Geertruyden, J-P; Zerdo, Z
Year Published: 2022   Source: BMC Public Health   DOI: 10.1186/s12889-022-14200-x   View article
Implementation of a project-based comprehensive monitoring and evaluation strategy in Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire: Key lessons ARTICLE
By: Chachu, DO
Year Published: 2019   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v7i1.387   View article
Implementation of the Good School Toolkit in Uganda: a quantitative process evaluation of a successful violence prevention program ARTICLE
By: Allen, E; Child, JC; Devries, KM; Elbourne, D; Knight, L; Kyegombe, N; Mirembe, A; Naker, D; Nakuti, J; Namy, S; Sturgess, J; Walakira, EJ
Year Published: 2018   Source: BMC Public Health   DOI: 10.1186/s12889-018-5462-1   View article
Implementation of the HealthKick intervention in primary schools in low-income settings in the Western Cape Province, South Africa: a process evaluation ARTICLE
By: Barkhuizen, G; Dalais, L; De Villiers, A; Draper, CE; Fourie, I; Hill, J; Lambert, EV; Lombard, CJ; Steyn, NP
Year Published: 2015   Source: BMC Public Health   DOI: 10.1186/s12889-015-2157-8   View article
Implementing community-directed treatment with ivermectin for the control of onchocerciasis in Uganda (1997-2000): An evaluation ARTICLE
By: Habomugisha, P; Katabarwa, MN; Richards Jr., FO
Year Published: 2002   Source: Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology
Implementing nurse-initiated and managed antiretroviral treatment (NIMART) in South Africa: a qualitative process evaluation of the STRETCH trial ARTICLE
By: Bachmann, MO; Bateman, ED; Colvin, CJ; Draper, B; Fairall, LR; Georgeu, D; Lewin, S; Uebel, K; Zwarenstein, M
Year Published: 2012   Source: Implementation Science   DOI: 10.1186/1748-5908-7-66   View article
Improvements in health-related quality of life and function in middle-aged women with chronic diseases of lifestyle after participating in a non-pharmacological intervention programme: A pragmatic randomised controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Barnes, RY; Jelsma, J; Parker, R
Year Published: 2019   Source: African Journal of Disability   DOI: 10.4102/ajod.v8i0.428   View article
Improving parenting practices and development for young children in Rwanda: Results from a randomized control trial ARTICLE
By: Abimpaye, M; Ashford, R; Dusabe, C; Nzabonimpa, JP; Pisani, L
Year Published: 2020   Source: International Journal of Behavioral Development
Indigenous Made in Africa Evaluation Frameworks: Addressing Epistemic Violence and Contributing to Social Transformation ARTICLE
By: Chilisa, B; Mertens, DM
Year Published: 2021   Source: American Journal of Evaluation   DOI: 10.1177/1098214020948601   View article
Informed health choices intervention to teach primary school children in low-income countries to assess claims about treatment effects: process evaluation ARTICLE
By: Dahlgren, A; Fretheim, A; Glenton, C; Kaseje, M; Lewin, S; Nsangi, A; Nyirazinyoye, L; Oxman, AD; Rose, CJ; Rosenbaum, S; Semakula, D; Sewankambo, NK
Year Published: 2019   Source: BMJ Open   DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030787   View article
Innovative public-private partnership to target subsidised antimalarials: A study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial to evaluate a community intervention in Western Kenya ARTICLE
By: Laktabai, J; Lesser, A; Maffioli, E; Menya, D; Mohanan, M; Platt, A; Prudhomme O'Meara, W; Turner, EL
Year Published: 2017   Source: BMJ Open   DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-013972   View article
Institutional design and utilisation of evaluation results in Uganda’s public universities: Empirical findings from Kyambogo University ARTICLE
By: Basheka, BC; Kabuye, J
Year Published: 2017   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v5i1.190   View article
Institutionalising and streamlining development monitoring and evaluation in post-revolutionary Egypt: A readiness primer ARTICLE
By: Abdelhamid, D; El Baradei, L; Wally, N
Year Published: 2014   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v2i1.57   View article
Institutionalising the evaluation function: A South African study of impartiality, use and cost ARTICLE
By: Blaser Mapitsa, C; Chirau, TJ
Year Published: 2019   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning   DOI: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2019.04.005   View article
Integrating Human Rights in Program Evaluation: Lessons From Law and Health Programs in Kenya ARTICLE
By: Cohen, J; Ezer, T; Gathumbi, A; Gruskin, S; Kameri-Mbote, P; Safreed-Harmon, K; Waller, E
Year Published: 2015   Source: New Directions for Evaluation   DOI: 10.1002/ev.20120   View article
Integration of postpartum healthcare services for HIV-infected women and their infants in South Africa: A randomised controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Abrams, EJ; Brittain, K; Hsiao, N-Y; Lesosky, M; McIntyre, JA; Mellins, CA; Myer, L; Phillips, TK; Remien, RH; Zerbe, A
Year Published: 2018   Source: PLoS Medicine   DOI: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1002547   View article
Internal whole-school evaluation in South Africa: The influence of holistic staff capacity ARTICLE
By: Govender, N; Grobler, B; Mestry, R
Year Published: 2016   Source: EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATION & LEADERSHIP   DOI: 10.1177/1741143215595414   View article
Intervention Increases Physical Activity and Healthful Diet Among South African Adolescents Over 54 Months: A Randomized Controlled Trial ARTICLE
By: Icard, LD; Jemmott, JB; Jemmott, LS; Makiwane, M; Ngwane, Z; O'Leary, A; Zhang, J
Year Published: 2019   Source: Journal of Adolescent Health   DOI: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2019.01.027   View article
Is Programme Evaluation the Same as Social Impact Measurement? ARTICLE
By: Tsotsotso, K
Year Published: 2021   Source: Journal of Social Entrepreneurship   DOI: 10.1080/19420676.2019.1683877   View article
Is South Africa closing the health gaps between districts? Monitoring progress towards universal health service coverage with routine facility data ARTICLE
By: Boerma, T; Cois, A; Day, C; Gray, A; Massyn, N; Ndlovu, N
Year Published: 2021   Source: BMC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH   DOI: 10.1186/s12913-021-06171-3   View article
"it's important to take your medication everyday okay?" An evaluation of counselling by lay counsellors for arv adherence support in the Western Cape, South Africa ARTICLE
By: Cloete, A; Dewing, S; Louw, J; Mathews, C; Schaay, N; Simbayi, L
Year Published: 2013   Source: AIDS and Behavior   DOI: 10.1007/s10461-012-0211-4   View article
Kangaroo Mother Care: A randomized controlled trial on effectiveness of early Kangaroo Mother Care for the low birthweight infants in Addis Ababa, ethiopia ARTICLE
By: Kassie, A; Worku, B
Year Published: 2005   Source: Journal of Tropical Pediatrics
Kangaroo mother care for the prevention of neonatal hypothermia: A randomised controlled trial in term neonates ARTICLE
By: Ambalavanan, N; Carlo, WAS; Choe, EA; Chomba, E; Major, M; Mwenechanya, M; Newton, R; Ramani, M; Travers, CP
Year Published: 2018   Source: Archives of Disease in Childhood   DOI: 10.1136/archdischild-2017-313744   View article
Keeping health staff healthy: evaluation of a workplace initiative to reduce morbidity and mortality from HIV/AIDS in Malawi ARTICLE
By: Bemelmans, M; Chiomba, H; Ford, N; Hermann, K; Jalasi, W; Mwagomba, B; Pasulani, O; Philips, M; Tayub, SN; van den Akker, T
Year Published: 2011   Source: Journal of the International AIDS Society   DOI: 10.1186/1758-2652-14-1   View article
Lay counsellor-based risk reduction intervention with HIV positive diagnosed patients at public HIV counselling and testing sites in Mpumalanga, South Africa ARTICLE
By: Matseke, G; Peltzer, K; Simbayi, L; Tabane, C
Year Published: 2010   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning   DOI: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2010.03.002   View article
Lay health worker intervention with choice of DOT superior to standard TB care for farm dwellers in South Africa: A cluster randomised control trial ARTICLE
By: Clarke, M; Dick, J; Diwan, VK; Lombard, CJ; Zwarenstein, M
Year Published: 2005   Source: International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
Learning about fishery management: Evaluation of a contextualized responsive evaluation approach ARTICLE
By: Kouévi, AT; Leeuwis, C; van Mierlo, B
Year Published: 2013   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning   DOI: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2013.06.004   View article
Learning from a cluster randomized controlled trial to improve healthcare workers’ access to prevention and care for tuberculosis and HIV in Free State, South Africa: the pivotal role of information systems ARTICLE
By: Adu, PA; Nophale, L; Yassi, A; Zungu, M
Year Published: 2016   Source: Global Health Action
Lesson plan analysis protocol (LPAP): A useful tool for researchers and educational evaluators ARTICLE
By: Byukusenge, C; Byusa, E; Habiyaremye, HT; Mbonyiryivuze, A; Mukagihana, J; Ndihokubwayo, K
Year Published: 2022   Source: HELIYON   DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2022.e08730   View article
Lessons learned from implementing Indashyikirwa in Rwanda- an adaptation of the SASA! approach to prevent and respond to intimate partner violence ARTICLE
By: Martins, S; Stefanik, L; Stern, E; Uwimpuhwe, S; Yaker, R
Year Published: 2018   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning   DOI: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2018.08.005   View article
Lessons learnt from comprehensive evaluation of community-based education in Uganda: a proposal for an ideal model community-based education for health professional training institutions ARTICLE
By: Atuyambe, LM; Burnham, G; Groves, S; Kasozi, AN; Kaye, DK; Kijjambu, S; Mbalinda, SN; Muhwezi, WW; Mwanika, A; Nabirye, RC; Okullo, I; Oria, H
Year Published: 2011   Source: BMC Medical Education   DOI: 10.1186/1472-6920-11-7   View article
Linking at-risk South African girls to sexual violence and reproductive health services: A mixed-methods assessment of a soccer-based HIV prevention program and pilot SMS campaign ARTICLE
By: Barkley, C; DeCelles, J; Harrison, A; Hershow, RB; Merrill, KG; Rakosa, B
Year Published: 2018   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning   DOI: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2018.04.010   View article
Looking beneath the surface of a preceptor-training programme through a realist evaluation ARTICLE
By: Botma, Y; Hugo, L
Year Published: 2019   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning   DOI: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2019.01.005   View article
Low-Intensity Resistance Training and Compression Garment in the Management of Breast Cancer–Related Lymphedema: Single-Blinded Randomized Controlled Trial ARTICLE
By: EL-Sabagh, RM; Gwada, RFM; Mersal, A-ELAE; Omar, GSM; Omar, MTA
Year Published: 2019   Source: Journal of Cancer Education
Macro and micro determinants of project performance ARTICLE
By: Assefa, Y; Rivera, OP; Vencatachellum, D
Year Published: 2014   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v2i1.86   View article
Macro-level drivers of multidimensional poverty in sub-Saharan Africa: Explaining change in the Human Poverty Index ARTICLE
By: Prince, H
Year Published: 2014   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v2i1.73   View article
Major factors influencing HIV/AIDS project evaluation ARTICLE
By: Green, JM; Niba, MB
Year Published: 2005   Source: Evaluation Review   DOI: 10.1177/0193841X05276654   View article
Making a difference in the real world? A meta-analysis of the quality of use-oriented research using the Research Quality Plus approach ARTICLE
By: McLean, RKD; Sen, K
Year Published: 2019   Source: Research Evaluation   DOI: 10.1093/reseval/rvy026   View article
Managing relationships in qualitative impact evaluation of international development: QuIP choreography as a case study ARTICLE
By: Allan, C; Belay, M; Copestake, J; Goshu, T; Mvula, P; Remnant, F; Thomas, E; Van Bekkum, W; Zerahun, Z
Year Published: 2018   Source: Evaluation   DOI: 10.1177/1356389018763243   View article
Mapping Structural Influences on Sex and HIV Education in Church and Secular Schools in Zimbabwe ARTICLE
By: Hallfors, DD; Mpofu, E; Mutepfa, MM
Year Published: 2012   Source: Evaluation and the Health Professions   DOI: 10.1177/0163278712443962   View article
Maternal HIV disclosure to young HIV-uninfected children: an evaluation of a family-centred intervention in South Africa ARTICLE
By: Arteche, AX; Bland, RM; Mkwanazi, N; Rochat, TJ; Stein, A
Year Published: 2014   Source: AIDS   DOI: 10.1097/QAD.0000000000000333   View article
Measuring our investment in the future ARTICLE
By: de Witt, S
Year Published: 2018   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v6i2.343   View article
Measuring the effect of Evaluation Capacity Building Initiatives in Africa: A review ARTICLE
By: Morkel, C; Ramasobana, M
Year Published: 2017   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v5i1.187   View article
Measuring the impact of non-monetary incentives on facility delivery in rural Zambia: A clustered randomised controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Chanda-Kapata, P; Connor, AL; Guo, E; Lambo, N; Nambao, M; Phiri, C; Wang, P
Year Published: 2016   Source: Tropical Medicine and International Health
Mechanisms for inspiring action in South African youth ARTICLE
By: Asbury, N; Waller, CE; Wheaton, P
Year Published: 2016   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v4i1.120   View article
Mental and Physical Health Effect of Rural-Urban Migration in South Africa: A Quasi-Experimental Impact Evaluation Study ARTICLE
By: Capazario, B; Kollamparambil, U
Year Published: 2022   Source: JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENT STUDIES   DOI: 10.1080/00220388.2022.2048654   View article
Mission as ''saving'' abandoned infants in Johannesburg inner city: An evaluation of the Door of Hope Mission ARTICLE
By: Mangayi, LC
Year Published: 2019   Source: HTS TEOLOGIESE STUDIES-THEOLOGICAL STUDIES   DOI: 10.4102/hts.v75i4.5534   View article
Mixed method approaches to evaluate conservation impact: evidence from decentralized forest management in Tanzania ARTICLE
By: Burgess, ND; Chamshama, SAO; Dons, K; Isango, JA; Kajembe, GC; Lund, JF; Meilby, H; Moyo, F; Mwakalukwa, EE; Ngaga, YM; Ngowi, SE; Njana, MA; Skeie, K; Theilade, I; Treue, T
Year Published: 2015   Source: ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION   DOI: 10.1017/S0376892914000241   View article
Mixed methods evaluation of a primary eye care training programme for primary health workers in Morogoro Tanzania ARTICLE
By: Gilbert, CE; Hunter, J; Jolley, E; Mafwiri, MM; Schmidt, E
Year Published: 2016   Source: BMC NURSING   DOI: 10.1186/s12912-016-0163-5   View article
Mobile messaging support versus usual care for people with type 2 diabetes on glycemic control: Protocol for a multicenter randomized controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Besada, D; Bobrow, K; Cooper, S; Crampin, A; Daviaud, E; Farmer, A; Leon, NH; Levitt, NS; Namadingo, H; Ngoma, J; Norris, S; Nyirenda, M; Pauly, B; Phiri, E; Prince, J; Springer, D; Tarassenko, L; Williams, N; Yu, L-M
Year Published: 2019   Source: Journal of Medical Internet Research   DOI: 10.2196/12377   View article
Monitoring and evaluation design of Malawi's Right Foods at the Right Time nutrition program ARTICLE
By: Aburto, N; Christian, P; Dinucci, A; Farhikhtah, A; Hurley, KM; Kang, Y; Klemm, R; Lee Shu Fune, W; Mitra, M; Molinas, L; Phuka, J; Ruel-Bergeron, JC; West, K
Year Published: 2019   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning   DOI: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2018.11.001   View article
Monitoring and Evaluation of African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD): An Exemplar of Managing for Impact in Development Evaluation ARTICLE
By: Brandon, PR; Noordeloos, M; Ofir, Z; Smith, NL
Year Published: 2014   Source: American Journal of Evaluation   DOI: 10.1177/1098214013509876   View article
Monitoring and evaluation of COVID-19 response in the WHO African region: challenges and lessons learned ARTICLE
By: Bishikwabo, N; Cabore, J; Farham, B; Flahault, A; Impouma, B; Karamagi, H; Keiser, O; Mboussou, F; Mlanda, T; Moeti, M; Moussana, F; Muhammad, AB; Pervilhac, C; Saturday, T; Talisuna, A; Wolfe, CM
Year Published: 2021   Source: Epidemiology and Infection   DOI: 10.1017/S0950268821000807   View article
Monitoring and evaluation of loveLife's AIDS prevention and advocacy activities in South Africa, 1999-2001 ARTICLE
By: Hlongwa, L; Stadler, J
Year Published: 2002   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning   DOI: 10.1016/S0149-7189(02)00048-4   View article
Monitoring and evaluation of sport-based HIV/AIDS awareness programmes: Strengthening outcome indicators ARTICLE
By: Maleka, EN
Year Published: 2017   Source: SAHARA J-JOURNAL OF SOCIAL ASPECTS OF HIV-AIDS   DOI: 10.1080/17290376.2016.1266506   View article
Monitoring community-directed treatment programmes for sustainability: Lessons from the African Programme for Onchocerciasis Control (APOC) ARTICLE
By: Amazigo, UV; Dadzie, KY; Jiya, J; Ndyomugyenyi, R; Noma, M; Obono, M; Remme, JHF; Roungou, J-B; Sékétéli, A
Year Published: 2002   Source: Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology
Multi-media campaign exposure effects on knowledge and use of condoms for STI and HIV/AIDS prevention in Uganda ARTICLE
By: Bessinger, R; Gupta, N; Katende, C
Year Published: 2004   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning   DOI: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2004.07.003   View article
NEWHINTS cluster randomised trial to evaluate the impact on neonatal mortality in rural Ghana of routine home visits to provide a package of essential newborn care interventions in the third trimester of pregnancy and the first week of life: trial protoco ARTICLE
By: Asbroek, G; Danso, S; Gyan, T; Hanson, K; Hill, Z; Kirkwood, BR; Lewandowski, RE; Manu, A; Owusu-Agyei, S; Pitt, C; Soremekun, S; Tawiah-Agyemang, C; Weobong, B
Year Published: 2010   Source: Trials   DOI: 10.1186/1745-6215-11-58   View article
Occupational exposures and utilisation of HIV postexposure prophylaxis amongst health workers of three hospitals in Tanzania’s Lake Zone ARTICLE
By: Bergson, S; Fernando, G; Kabyemera, R; Kalolo, A
Year Published: 2015   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v3i2.152   View article
One-year evaluation of the impact of an emergency obstetric and neonatal care training program in Western Kenya ARTICLE
By: Bocking, AD; Caloia, D; Chemwolo, B; Maina, L; Omenge, E; Sitters, J; Spitzer, RF; Steele, SJ; Thorne, J; van den Akker, A; Yarmoshuk, A
Year Published: 2014   Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGY & OBSTETRICS   DOI: 10.1016/j.ijgo.2014.05.023   View article
Operationalising an effective monitoring and evaluation system for local government: Considerations for best practice ARTICLE
By: Kariuki, P; Reddy, P
Year Published: 2017   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v5i2.240   View article
Outcome evaluation of capacity building and mentorship partnership (CBMP) program on data quality in the public health facilities of Amhara National Regional State, Ethiopia: a quasi-experimental evaluation ARTICLE
By: Alemu, MB; Asressie, M; Atnafu, A; Endehabtu, BF; Gebremedhin, T; Tilahun, B
Year Published: 2021   Source: BMC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH   DOI: 10.1186/s12913-021-07063-2   View article
Parental engagement in preventive youth health care: Effect evaluation ARTICLE
By: Bontje, MCA; Crone, MR; de Ronde, RW; Dubbeldeman, EM; Kamphuis, M; Reis, R
Year Published: 2021   Source: CHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES REVIEW   DOI: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2020.105724   View article
Parenting for lifelong health: A pragmatic cluster randomised controlled trial of a non-commercialised parenting programme for adolescents and their families in South Africa ARTICLE
By: Boyes, ME; Catanho, R; Cluver, LD; De Stone, S; Doubt, J; Gardner, F; Lachman, JM; Lombard, CJ; Meinck, F; Nocuza, M; Nzima, D; Redfern, A; Romero, RH; Salah, N; Shenderovich, Y; Sibanda, N; Steinert, JI; Tsoanyane, S; Ward, CL; Wittesaele, C
Year Published: 2018   Source: BMJ Global Health   DOI: 10.1136/bmjgh-2017-000539   View article
Parenting for Lifelong Health for Young Children: a randomized controlled trial of a parenting program in South Africa to prevent harsh parenting and child conduct problems ARTICLE
By: Cluver, LD; Gardner, F; Hutchings, J; Kassanjee, R; Lachman, JM; Little, F; Nhapi, R; Ward, CL; Wessels, IM
Year Published: 2020   Source: Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines   DOI: 10.1111/jcpp.13129   View article
Participatory Assessment of Development Interventions: Lessons Learned From a New Evaluation Methodology in Ghana and Burkina Faso ARTICLE
By: Bélemvire, A; de Groot, D; Dietz, T; Millar, D; Obeng, F; Pouw, N; Rijneveld, W; Van der Geest, K; Vlaminck, Z; Zaal, F
Year Published: 2017   Source: American Journal of Evaluation   DOI: 10.1177/1098214016641210   View article
Participatory evaluation for development: Examining research-based knowledge from within the African context ARTICLE
By: Chouinard, J; Cousins, J
Year Published: 2013   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v1i1.43   View article
Peek Community Eye Health - MHealth system to increase access and efficiency of eye health services in Trans Nzoia County, Kenya: Study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Bastawrous, A; Burton, M; Gichuhi, S; MacLeod, D; Rono, H; Wanjala, E
Year Published: 2019   Source: Trials
Phase II mixed methods’ feasibility cluster randomised controlled trial of a novel community-based enhanced care intervention to improve person-centred outcomes for people living with HIV in Ghana ARTICLE
By: Abas, M; Abboah-Offei, M; Ansa, GA; Bristowe, K; Harding, R; Higginson, I; Oppong-Agyei, YD; Vanderpuye-Donton, NA
Pilot evaluation of a partner-supported online reading intervention for Grade 3–6 children ARTICLE
By: Dean, JC; Le Roux, JH; Pascoe, MD
Year Published: 2021   Source: Child Language Teaching and Therapy   DOI: 10.1177/0265659021989   View article
Piloting a participatory, community-based health information system for strengthening communitybased health services: Findings of a cluster-randomized controlled trial in the slums of Freetown, Sierra Leone ARTICLE
By: Christensen, M; Conteh, A; Hutain, J; Kamara, MS; O'Connor, EC; Perry, HB; Samba, TT; Sarriot, E
Year Published: 2019   Source: Journal of Global Health   DOI: 10.7189/jogh.09.010418   View article
Planning and implementing a national monitoring and evaluation system in Ghana: A participatory and decentralized approach ARTICLE
By: Anie, SJ; Tettey Larbi, E
Year Published: 2004   Source: New Directions for Evaluation
Planning an integrated agriculture and health program and designing its evaluation: Experience from Western Kenya ARTICLE
By: Cole, DC; Girard, AW; Grant, F; Levin, C; Loechl, C; Low, J; Sindi, K; Thiele, G
Year Published: 2016   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning   DOI: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2016.03.001   View article
Policies for evidence: A comparative analysis of Africa's national evaluation policy landscape ARTICLE
By: Amisi, MM; Chirau, TJ; Mapitsa, CB
Year Published: 2021   Source: Evidence & Policy   DOI: 10.1332/174426421X16104826256918   View article
Policy evaluation, randomized controlled trials, and external validity—A systematic review ARTICLE
By: Langbein, J; Peters, J; Roberts, G
Year Published: 2016   Source: Economics Letters   DOI: 10.1016/j.econlet.2016.08.013   View article
Policy indicator consistency and coherence in measuring public sector development programmes in South Africa ARTICLE
By: Cloete, F
Year Published: 2018   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v6i2.338   View article
Policy issues for improving monitoring and evaluation of agricultural extension programmes in Nigeria ARTICLE
By: Matthew, AO; Olatunji, OM
Year Published: 2016   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v4i1.122   View article
Pragmatic economic evaluation of community-led delivery of HIV self-testing in Malawi ARTICLE
By: Chilongosi, R; Corbett, EL; Fielding, KL; Hartzold, K; Indravudh, PP; Johnson, C; Kumwenda, MK; Maheswaran, H; Mphande, S; Nyirenda, R; Sande, LA; Terris-Prestholt, F
Year Published: 2021   Source: BMJ GLOBAL HEALTH   DOI: 10.1136/bmjgh-2020-004593   View article
Prevalence and risk factors for sexual assault among class 6 female students in unplanned settlements of Nairobi, Kenya: Baseline analysis from the IMPower & Sources of Strength cluster randomized controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Amuyunzu-Nyamongo, M; Baiocchi, M; Friedberg, R; Oguda, G; Otieno, D; Rosenman, E; Sarnquist, C
Year Published: 2019   Source: PLoS ONE   DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0213359   View article
Preventing violence against children in schools (PVACS): Protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial of the EmpaTeach behavioural intervention in Nyarugusu refugee camp ARTICLE
By: Allen, E; Barongo, V; Devries, KM; Fabbri, C; Greco, G; Kaemingk, M; Qiu, M; Rodrigues, K; Shayo, E; Steinacher, R; Tol, W
Year Published: 2019   Source: BMC Public Health   DOI: 10.1186/s12889-019-7627-y   View article
Preventing violence against refugee adolescent girls: Findings from a cluster randomised controlled trial in Ethiopia ARTICLE
By: Asghar, K; Baysa, AA; Falb, KL; Gessesse, TT; Neiman, A; Seff, I; Stark, L; Ward, L; Yu, G
Year Published: 2018   Source: BMJ Global Health   DOI: 10.1136/bmjgh-2018-000825   View article
Process evaluation of a brief messaging intervention to improve diabetes treatment adherence in sub-Saharan Africa ARTICLE
By: Bobrow, K; Cooper, S; Crampin, A; Farmer, A; Leon, NH; Levitt, NS; Mwantisi, C; Namadingo, H; Nyasulu, M; Sicwebu, N
Year Published: 2021   Source: BMC Public Health   DOI: 10.1186/s12889-021-11552-8   View article
Process evaluation of a cash transfer program in rural Togo: an opportunity for operational troubleshooting ARTICLE
By: Seye, M
Process evaluation of a community mobilization intervention for preventing men's partner violence use in peri-urban South Africa ARTICLE
By: Christofides, N; Hatcher, AM; Khumalo, M; McBride, R-S; Munshi, S; Rebombo, D
Year Published: 2020   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning   DOI: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2019.101727   View article
Process evaluation of a comprehensive sexuality education intervention in primary schools in South Western Uganda ARTICLE
By: Bruce, K; Coene, G; Ivanova, O; Kaziga, R; Kemigisha, E; Leye, E; Michielsen, K; Ninsiima, AB; Nyakato, VN; Ruzaaza, GN
Year Published: 2019   Source: SEXUAL & REPRODUCTIVE HEALTHCARE   DOI: 10.1016/j.srhc.2019.06.006   View article
Process evaluation of a National Primary Eye Care Programme in Rwanda ARTICLE
By: Bright, T; Faal, H; Ford, S; Mathenge, W; Yip, JLY
Year Published: 2018   Source: BMC Health Services Research   DOI: 10.1186/s12913-018-3718-1   View article
Process evaluation of an implementation strategy to support uptake of a tuberculosis treatment adherence intervention to improve TB care and outcomes in Malawi ARTICLE
By: Chan, AK; Hamid, JS; Kip, EC; Makwakwa, A; Martiniuk, ALC; Mundeva, H; Ritchie, LMP; Schull, MJ; Straus, SE; Van Lettow, M; Van Schoor, V; Zwarenstein, M
Year Published: 2021   Source: BMJ Open   DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-048499   View article
Process evaluation of an intervention to improve access to injectable contraceptive services through patent medicine vendors in Nigeria: a mixed methods study ARTICLE
By: Adebayo, AM; Ajayi, O; Ajuwon, AJ; Akindele, AO; Okunade, FT; Oluwasanu, MM; Stanback, J
Year Published: 2021   Source: JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL POLICY AND PRACTICE   DOI: 10.1186/s40545-021-00336-5   View article
Process evaluation of a pre-adolescent transdisciplinary health intervention for inter-generational outcomes ARTICLE
By: Arthur, K; Christofides, N; Nelson, G
Year Published: 2021   Source: PLOS ONE   DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0261632   View article
Process Evaluation of a Randomized Controlled Trial of Group Support Psychotherapy for Depression Treatment Among People with HIV/AIDS in Northern Uganda ARTICLE
By: Kanters, S; Mills, EJ; Mojtabai, R; Musisi, S; Nachega, JB; Nakimuli-Mpungu, E; Ndyanabangi, S; Okello, J; Wamala, K
Year Published: 2017   Source: Community Mental Health Journal   DOI: 10.1007/s10597-017-0129-4   View article
Process evaluation of a school-based HIV/AIDS intervention in South Africa ARTICLE
By: Ahmed, N; Flisher, AJ; Jansen, S; Klepp, K; Mathews, C; Mukoma, W; Schaalma, H
Year Published: 2009   Source: SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH   DOI: 10.1177/1403494808090631   View article
Process evaluation of peer-to-peer delivery of HIV self-testing and sexual health information to support HIV prevention among youth in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: Qualitative analysis ARTICLE
By: Adeagbo, OA; Chimbindi, N; Corbett, L; Cowan, FM; Dlamini, N; Dreyer, J; Gumede, D; Harling, G; Hatzold, K; Herbst, C; Johnson, C; Luthuli, M; McGrath, N; Okesola, N; Seeley, J; Shahmanesh, M; Sherr, L; Subedar, H; Xulu, S
Year Published: 2022   Source: BMJ Open   DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-048780   View article
Process evaluation of PrEP implementation in Kenya: adaptation of practices and contextual modifications in public HIV care clinics ARTICLE
By: Baeten, JM; Bukusi, EA; Irungu, EM; Morton, JF; Mugo, NR; Mugwanya, KK; Ngure, K; Odoyo, J; O'Malley, G; Wamoni, E
Year Published: 2021   Source: JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL AIDS SOCIETY   DOI: 10.1002/jia2.25799   View article
Process Evaluation of Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV Service at Gondar City Administration Governmental Health Facilities, Northwest Ethiopia: A Mixed Approach Case Study Evaluation Design ARTICLE
By: Kebede, S; Muche, GA; Terefe, B
Year Published: 2021   Source: HIV AIDS-RESEARCH AND PALLIATIVE CARE   DOI: 10.2147/HIV.S340103   View article
Process evaluation of the community-based newborn care program implementation in Geze Gofa district, south Ethiopia: a case study evaluation design ARTICLE
By: Alemayehu, YK; Daka, DW; Debie, A; Gebremedhin, T; Yitbarek, K
Year Published: 2019   Source: BMC PREGNANCY AND CHILDBIRTH   DOI: 10.1186/s12884-019-2616-9   View article
Process Evaluation of “The Hygienic Family” Intervention: A Community-Based Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Project in Rural Malawi ARTICLE
By: Beattie, TK; Chidziwisano, K; Kambala, C; Morse, T; Panulo, M; Tilley, E
Year Published: 2022   Source: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health   DOI: 10.3390/ijerph19116771   View article
Process evaluation of the Intervention with Microfinance for AIDS and Gender Equity (IMAGE) in rural South Africa ARTICLE
By: Bonell, C; Busza, J; Hargreaves, JR; Hatcher, AM; Kim, JC; Morison, LA; Phetla, G; Porter, J; Pronyk, P; Strange, V; Watts, CH
Year Published: 2010   Source: Health Education Research   DOI: 10.1093/her/cyp054   View article
Process evaluation of the SHARE intervention for preventing intimate partner violence and HIV infection in Rakai, Uganda ARTICLE
By: Bonnevie, E; Gray, RH; Kagaayi, J; Kigozi, G; McClendon, KA; Nakyanjo, N; Nalugoda, F; Namatovu, F; Wagman, JA; Wawer, MJ
Year Published: 2018   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning   DOI: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2017.12.009   View article
Process evaluation of the teacher training for an AIDS prevention programme ARTICLE
By: Ahmed, N; Flisher, AJ; Jansen, S; Mathews, C; Mukoma, W; Schaalma, H
Year Published: 2006   Source: Health Education Research   DOI: 10.1093/her/cyl031   View article
Process use: A case narrative from Southern Africa ARTICLE
By: Podems, D
Year Published: 2007   Source: New Directions for Evaluation   DOI: 10.1002/ev.245   View article
Project YES! Youth Engaging for Success: A randomized controlled trial assessing the impact of a clinic-based peer mentoring program on viral suppression, adherence and internalized stigma among HIV-positive youth (15-24 years) in Ndola, Zambia ARTICLE
By: Abrams, EA; Burke, VM; Denison, JA; Frimpong, C; Merrill, KG; Miti, S; Mwansa, JK; Nonyane, BAS
Year Published: 2020   Source: PLoS ONE   DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0230703   View article
Promoting food security and well-being among poor and HIV/AIDS affected households: Lessons from an interactive and integrated approach ARTICLE
By: Broerse, J; Bunders, J; Meincke, M; Mudhara, M; Swaans, K
Year Published: 2009   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning   DOI: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2008.09.002   View article
Promoting hygienic weaning food handling practices through a community-based programme: Intervention implementation and baseline characteristics for a cluster randomised controlled trial in rural Gambia ARTICLE
By: Bradley, C; Cairncross, S; Ensink, J; Hemming, K; Jarju, A; Manaseki-Holland, S; Manjang, B; Martin, JT; Sowe, J
Year Published: 2018   Source: BMJ Open   DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-017573   View article
Protocol for process evaluation of integration of mental health into primary healthcare in two states in Nigeria: the mhSUN programme ARTICLE
By: Akande, Y; Eaton, J; Ekpe, EE; Gureje, O; Nwefoh, E; Onukogu, Y; Sheikh, TL
Year Published: 2021   Source: BJPSYCH OPEN   DOI: 10.1192/bjo.2021.7   View article
Providers' perspectives on male involvement in family planning in the context of a cluster-randomized controlled trial evaluating integrating family planning into HIV care in Nyanza Province, Kenya ARTICLE
By: Baum, S; Bukusi, EA; Cohen, CR; Grossman, D; Newmann, SJ; Onono, M; Steinfeld, RL; Tao, AR
Year Published: 2015   Source: AIDS CARE-PSYCHOLOGICAL AND SOCIO-MEDICAL ASPECTS OF AIDS/HIV   DOI: 10.1080/09540121.2014.954982   View article
Qualitative evaluation of a positive prevention training for health care providers in Mozambique ARTICLE
By: Cummings, B; Gutin, SA; Jaiantilal, P; Johnson, K; Mbofana, F; Rose, CD
Year Published: 2014   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning
Qualitative evaluation of primary care providers experiences of a training programme to offer brief behaviour change counselling on risk factors for non-communicable diseases in South Africa ARTICLE
By: Everett-Murphy, K; Malan, Z; Mash, RJ
Year Published: 2015   Source: BMC FAMILY PRACTICE   DOI: 10.1186/s12875-015-0318-6   View article
Quality assurance of health management information system in Kayunga district, Uganda ARTICLE
By: Kagoya, HR; Kibuule, D
Year Published: 2018   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v6i2.238   View article
'Quality is Bound Up With Our Values': evaluating the quality of mentoring programmes ARTICLE
By: Mcmillan, W; Parker, M
Year Published: 2005   Source: QUALITY IN HIGHER EDUCATION   DOI: 10.1080/13538320500175142   View article
Quantitative evaluation of a subject-specific essay-writing intervention ARTICLE
By: Carstens, A; Fletcher, L
Year Published: 2009   Source: SOUTHERN AFRICAN LINGUISTICS AND APPLIED LANGUAGE STUDIES   DOI: 10.2989/SALALS.2009.   View article
Quantitative evidence for the benefits of Moving the Goalposts, a Sport for Development project in rural Kenya ARTICLE
By: Cronin, T; Forde, S; Woodcock, A
Year Published: 2012   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning   DOI: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2012.01.001   View article
Quantitative process evaluation of a community-based HIV/AIDS behavioural intervention in rural Uganda ARTICLE
By: Basajja, V; Kamali, A; Kamulegeya, I; Kanyesigye, E; Kinsman, J; Nakiyingi, J; Schenk, K; Whitworth, J
Year Published: 2002   Source: Health Education Research
Quasi-experimental evaluation of a national primary school HIV intervention in Kenya ARTICLE
By: Gichuru, M; Maticka-Tyndale, E; Wildish, J
Year Published: 2007   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning   DOI: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2007.01.006   View article
Quasi-experimental evaluation using confirmatory procedures: A case study of an economic and social empowerment intervention to reduce girls’ vulnerability to HIV in rural Mozambique ARTICLE
By: Burke, HM; Eichleay, MA; Field, S; González-Calvo, L; Moon, TD
Year Published: 2019   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning   DOI: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2019.101721   View article
Randomized controlled ethanol cookstove intervention and blood pressure in pregnant nigerian women ARTICLE
By: Adu, D; Alexander, D; Dutta, A; Ibigbami, T; Karrison, T; Morhason-Bello, O; Northcross, A; Ojengbede, O; Olamijulo, J; Olopade, CO; Pandya, R; Wilson, N
Year Published: 2017   Source: American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine   DOI: 10.1164/rccm.201606-1177OC   View article
Randomized Controlled Pilot Study of Antiretrovirals and a Behavioral Intervention for Persons with Acute HIV Infection: Opportunity for Interrupting Transmission ARTICLE
By: Chege, W; Chen, JS; Dennis, AM; Eron, JJ; Golin, CE; Hoffman, IF; Hosseinipour, MC; Kamanga, G; Miller, WC; Nsona, D; Pasquale, DK; Pettifor, AE; Phiri, S; Powers, KA; Rucinski, KB; Rutstein, SE
Year Published: 2019   Source: Open Forum Infectious Diseases
Randomized controlled trial evaluating the effect of an interactive group counseling intervention for HIV-positive women on prenatal depression and disclosure of HIV status ARTICLE
By: Antelman, G; Blander, J; Chopyak, E; Cyprian, F; Emmons, KM; Kaaya, SF; Levine, M; Matsumoto, K; Smith Fawzi, MC
Year Published: 2013   Source: AIDS CARE-PSYCHOLOGICAL AND SOCIO-MEDICAL ASPECTS OF AIDS/HIV   DOI: 10.1080/09540121.2013.763891   View article
Randomized controlled trial of a book-sharing intervention in a deprived South African community: effects on carer–infant interactions, and their relation to infant cognitive and socioemotional outcome ARTICLE
By: Cooper, PJ; Dadomo, H; De Pascalis, L; MacLachlan, B; Murray, L; Tomlinson, M; Vally, Z; Woodward, C
Year Published: 2016   Source: Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines   DOI: 10.1111/jcpp.12605   View article
Randomized controlled trial of a parenting program to reduce the risk of child maltreatment in South Africa ARTICLE
By: Cluver, LD; Gardner, F; Hutchings, J; Lachman, JM; Mlotshwa, S; Ward, CL; Wessels, IM
Year Published: 2017   Source: Child Abuse and Neglect
Randomized, controlled trial of prescribing training in a South African Province ARTICLE
By: Meyer, JC; Möller, H; Summers, RS
Year Published: 2001   Source: Medical Education
Randomized impact evaluation of education interventions: experiences and lessons from a reading to learn intervention in East Africa ARTICLE
By: Abuya, B; Admassu, K; Musyoka, P; Mutisya, M; Ngware, MW; Oketch, M
Year Published: 2015   Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH & METHOD IN EDUCATION   DOI: 10.1080/1743727X.2014.965252   View article
Reaching early adolescents with a complex intervention for HIV prevention: findings from a cohort study to evaluate DREAMS in two informal settlements in Nairobi, Kenya ARTICLE
By: Birdthistle, IA; Floyd, S; Gourlay, A; Maina, BW; Mulwa, S; Orindi, BO; Osindo, J; Wambiya, EO; Ziraba, A
Year Published: 2021   Source: BMC PUBLIC HEALTH   DOI: 10.1186/s12889-021-11017-y   View article
Realist evaluation of the antiretroviral treatment adherence club programme in selected primary healthcare facilities in the metropolitan area of Western Cape Province, South Africa: a study protocol ARTICLE
By: Marchal, B; Mukumbang, FC; Van Belle, S; Van Wyk, B
Year Published: 2016   Source: BMJ Open   DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-009977   View article
Realist Evaluation of the Early-Stage Implementation of a Smartphone-Based Disease Surveillance Project in Two Armed-Conflict Communities in Nigeria ARTICLE
By: Mustapha, BM; Utulu, SCA
Realist evaluation of the role of the Universal Health Coverage Partnership in strengthening policy dialogue for health planning and financing: a protocol ARTICLE
By: Dravé, M; Emilie, R; Porignon, D; Rajan, D; Ridde, V; Sam, O
Year Published: 2019   Source: BMJ Open   DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-022345   View article
Realist evaluation to improve health systems responsiveness to neglected health needs of vulnerable groups in Ghana and Vietnam: Study protocol ARTICLE
By: Agyepong, IA; Ashinyo, ME; Awini, E; Chi, NTQ; Danso-Appiah, A; de Chavez, AC; Duong, DTT; Gyimah, L; Ha, BTT; Hicks, JP; Kane, S; Manzano, A; Mirzoev, T; Thi, LMP; Trang, DTH; Vui, LT; Yevoo, L
Year Published: 2021   Source: PLOS ONE   DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0245755   View article
Real-time evaluation pros and cons: Lessons from the Gavi Full Country Evaluation in Zambia ARTICLE
By: Chompola, A; Kashinka, E; Masiye, F; Moyo, F; Ndlovu, O; Simuyemba, MC; Sinyangwe, A
Year Published: 2020   Source: Evaluation   DOI: 10.1177/1356389019901314   View article
Reducing routine vaccination dropout rates: evaluating two interventions in three Kenyan districts, 2014 ARTICLE
By: Arvelo, W; Gura, Z; Haji, A; Lowther, S; Ngan'ga, Z; Sandhu, H; Tabu, C
Year Published: 2016   Source: BMC Public Health   DOI: 10.1186/s12889-016-2823-5   View article
Reducing violence against children by implementing the preventative intervention Interaction Competencies with Children for Teachers (ICC-T): Study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial in Southwestern Uganda ARTICLE
By: Hecker, T; Hermenau, K; Nkuba, M; Ssenyonga, J
Year Published: 2018   Source: Trials
Reflecting on an impact evaluation of the Grade R programme: Method, results and policy responses ARTICLE
By: Deliwe, CN; Jacob, C; Mabogoane, TW; Samuels, M-L; Shepherd, D; Taylor, S; van der Berg, S
Year Published: 2015   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v3i1.139   View article
Reshaping development evaluation: Meeting the challenges of a changing context ARTICLE
By: Bruce, K; Dickman, J; Khan, M; MacPherson, N; Mannino, CA; Vandelanotte, J
Year Published: 2014   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v2i1.98   View article
Responding to policy makers'' evaluation needs: combining experimental and quasi-experimental approaches to estimate the impact of performance based financing in Burkina Faso ARTICLE
By: De Allegri, M; Haidara, O; Hamadou, S; Hien, H; Hillebrecht, M; Lohmann, J; Robyn, PJ; Souares, A
Year Published: 2019   Source: BMC Health Services Research   DOI: 10.1186/s12913-019-4558-3   View article
Revisiting decoloniality for more effective research and evaluation ARTICLE
By: Auriacombe, C; Cloete, F
Year Published: 2019   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v7i1.363   View article
Revisiting monitoring and evaluation strategies for applied drama and theatre practice in African contexts ARTICLE
By: Chinyowa, KC
Year Published: 2011   Source: RIDE-THE JOURNAL OF APPLIED THEATRE AND PERFORMANCE   DOI: 10.1080/13569783.2011.589994   View article
Role of an international non-governmental organisation in strengthening health systems in fragile-state context: Evaluation results from South Sudan ARTICLE
By: Anderson, FWJ; Cherian, DT; Hedrick, JA; Holloway, R; Rosales, AC; Walumbe, E
Year Published: 2015   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v3i2.162   View article
Role of human capital in the promotion of technological progress, economic growth and development in Africa: A case study of Kenya ARTICLE
By: Alani, J
Year Published: 2018   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v6i1.227   View article
Rooting Evaluation Guidelines in Relational Ethics: Lessons From Africa ARTICLE
By: Mapitsa, CB; Ngwato, TP
Year Published: 2019   Source: American Journal of Evaluation   DOI: 10.1177/1098214019859652   View article
Rural response system to prevent violence against women: methodology for a community randomised controlled trial in the central region of Ghana ARTICLE
By: Adanu, RMK; Addo-Lartey, AA; Chirwa, ED; Coker-Appiah, D; Jewkes, R; Ogum Alangea, D; Sikweyiya, Y
Year Published: 2019   Source: Global Health Action
Scaling up a school-based sexual and reproductive health intervention in rural Tanzania: a process evaluation describing the implementation realities for the teachers ARTICLE
By: Andrew, B; Changalucha, J; Kimaryo, M; Kishamawe, C; Nyalali, K; Obasi, AIN; Remes, P; Renju, J
Year Published: 2010   Source: Health Education Research   DOI: 10.1093/her/cyq041   View article
Scaling-up health information systems to improve HIV treatment: An assessment of initial patient monitoring systems in Mozambique ARTICLE
By: Hochgesanga, M; Leslie, H; Moran, L; Nhampossa, L; Packel, L; Richards, J; Shade, SB; Zamudio-Haas, S
Year Published: 2017   Source: International Journal of Medical Informatics   DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2016.11.002   View article
Scaling up nurse education: An evaluation of a national PhD capacity development programme in South Africa, in the context of the global shortage of nursing graduates ARTICLE
By: Bruce, J; Comiskey, CM; Klopper, H; Matthews, A; Mulaudzi, M; Williamson, C
Year Published: 2015   Source: NURSE EDUCATION TODAY   DOI: 10.1016/j.nedt.2015.01.003   View article
School feeding reduces anemia prevalence in adolescent girls and other vulnerable household members in a cluster randomized controlled trial in Uganda ARTICLE
By: Adelman, S; Alderman, H; Gilligan, DO; Konde-Lule, J
Year Published: 2019   Source: Journal of Nutrition   DOI: 10.1093/jn/nxy305   View article
School monitoring and change: a critical examination of Whole School-Evaluation ARTICLE
By: de Clercq, F
Year Published: 2007   Source: EDUCATION AS CHANGE
School Self-Evaluation and the Nature of Support System for Basic Schools in Ghana ARTICLE
By: Cobbinah, JE; Eshun, ES
Year Published: 2021   Source: SAGE OPEN   DOI: 10.1177/21582440211022   View article
Sexual violence among adolescent girls and young women in Malawi: A cluster-randomized controlled implementation trial of empowerment self-defense training ARTICLE
By: Decker, MR; Maksud, N; Ndinda, E; Ndirangu, M; Omondi, B; Ross, B; Sinclair, J; Wood, SN; Yenokyan, G
Year Published: 2018   Source: BMC Public Health   DOI: 10.1186/s12889-018-6220-0   View article
Shamba Maisha: Pilot agricultural intervention for food security and HIV health outcomes in Kenya: design, methods, baseline results and process evaluation of a cluster-randomized controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Bukusi, EA; Butler, LM; Cohen, CR; Dworkin, SL; Hatcher, AM; Otieno, P; Rheingans, R; Scow, KM; Shiboski, S; Steinfeld, RL; Weiser, SD; Weke, E
Year Published: 2015   Source: SPRINGERPLUS   DOI: 10.1186/s40064-015-0886-x   View article
SMS behaviour change communication and eVoucher interventions to increase uptake of cervical cancer screening in the Kilimanjaro and Arusha regions of Tanzania: A randomised, double-blind, controlled trial of effectiveness ARTICLE
By: Aronson, KJ; Day, A; Erwin, E; Feksi, A; Ginsburg, O; MacHeku, G; Magoma, B; Marandu, PD; Oneko, O; Sleeth, J; West, N; Yeates, K
Year Published: 2019   Source: BMJ Innovations
Southern African AIDS Trust - An evaluation of the process and outcomes of community-based partner graduation ARTICLE
By: Ismail, H; Simon, LD
Staff training and ambulatory tuberculosis treatment outcomes: A cluster randomized controlled trial in South Africa ARTICLE
By: Dick, J; Lewin, S; Lombard, CJ; Zwarenstein, M
Year Published: 2005   Source: Bulletin of the World Health Organization
State and use of monitoring and evaluation systems in national and provincial departments ARTICLE
By: Chitepo, N; Umlaw, F
Year Published: 2015   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v3i1.134   View article
Statistical design and analysis plan for an impact evaluation of an HIV treatment and prevention intervention for female sex workers in Zimbabwe: A study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Cambiano, V; Cowan, FM; Davey, C; Fearon, E; Hargreaves, JR; Phillips, A
Year Published: 2016   Source: Trials   DOI: 10.1186/s13063-015-1095-1   View article
Statistical methods and the evaluation of school-based AIDS education in Africa ARTICLE
By: Kamali, A; Kinsman, J; Whitworth, J
Year Published: 2000   Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STD & AIDS
Stepping Stones and Creating Futures Intervention to Prevent Intimate Partner Violence Among Young People: Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial ARTICLE
By: Abdelatif, N; Chirwa, ED; Gibbs, A; Jewkes, R; Mkhwanazi, S; Ntini, N; Shai, N; Sikweyiya, Y; Washington, L; Willan, S
Year Published: 2020   Source: Journal of Adolescent Health   DOI: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2019.10.004   View article
Strengthening Anglophone Africa M&E systems: A CLEAR-AA perspective on guiding principles, challenges and emerging lessons ARTICLE
By: Chirau, TJ; Dlakavu, A; Masilela, B
Year Published: 2022   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v10i1.601   View article
Strengthening capacity for monitoring and evaluation through short course training in Kenya ARTICLE
By: Kisio, E; Njatha, M; Onyango, N; Onyango, R; Wao, H
Year Published: 2017   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v5i1.192   View article
Strengthening capacity in hospitals to reduce perinatal morbidity and mortality through a codesigned intervention package: protocol for a realist evaluation as part of a stepped-wedge trial of the Action Leveraging Evidence to Reduce perinatal morTality a ARTICLE
By: Abejirinde, IOO; Benova, L; Dossou, J-P; Hanson, C; Marchal, B; Meja, S; Metogni, CB; Mkoka, DA; Namazzi, G; Pleguezuelo, VC; Sidney, K
Year Published: 2022   Source: BMJ OPEN   DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-057414   View article
Strengthening Evaluation for Development ARTICLE
By: Ofir, Z
Year Published: 2013   Source: American Journal of Evaluation   DOI: 10.1177/1098214013497531   View article
Strengthening monitoring and evaluation (M&E) and building sustainable health information systems in resource limited countries: lessons learned from an M&E task-shifting initiative in Botswana ARTICLE
By: Grignon, J; Lebelonyane, R; Ledikwe, JH; Ludick, S; Matshediso, E; Mpofu, M; Semo, B; Sento, B
Year Published: 2014   Source: BMC Public Health   DOI: 10.1186/1471-2458-14-1032   View article
Strengthening patient-centred communication in rural Ugandan health centres: A theory-driven evaluation within a cluster randomized trial ARTICLE
By: Chandler, CIR; DiLiberto, D; Haaland, A; Nabirye, C; Nayiga, S; Staedke, SG; Taaka, L
Year Published: 2014   Source: Evaluation   DOI: 10.1177/1356389014551484   View article
Stretching between learning and accountability: Experiences of South African non-governmental organisations ARTICLE
By: Kachur, D; Soal, S; Van Blerk, R
Year Published: 2016   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v4i1.71   View article
Student evaluation of the impact of changes in teaching style on their learning: a mixed method longitudinal study ARTICLE
By: Ameh, CA; Dabo, F; Faragher, B; Gopalakrishnan, S; Jones, S; Kanu, H; Kanu, R; Labicane, RR; Mansary, M; Sam, B; van den Broek, N
Year Published: 2018   Source: BMC NURSING   DOI: 10.1186/s12912-018-0293-z   View article
Students' evaluations of the use of e-learning in a collaborative project between two South African universities ARTICLE
By: Bozalek, V; Carolissen, R; Leibowitz, B; Rohleder, P; Swartz, L
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Students' evaluations of the use of e-learning in a collaborative project between two South African universities ARTICLE
By: Bozalek, V; Carolissen, R; Leibowitz, B; Rohleder, P; Swartz, L
Year Published: 2008   Source: Higher Education
"Students want HIV testing in schools" a formative evaluation of the acceptability of HIV testing and counselling at schools in Gauteng and North West provinces in South Africa ARTICLE
By: Madiba, S; Mokgatle, M
Year Published: 2015   Source: BMC Public Health   DOI: 10.1186/s12889-015-1746-x   View article
Study protocol of "Our Choice": A randomized controlled trial of the integration of safer conception counseling to transform HIV family planning services in Uganda ARTICLE
By: Beyeza-Kashesya, J; Birungi, J; Finocchario-Kessler, S; Goggin, K; Gwokyalya, V; Hurley, EA; Mindry, D; Wagner, GJ; Wanyenze, RK
Year Published: 2018   Source: Implementation Science
Study protocol: realist evaluation of effectiveness and sustainability of a community health workers programme in improving maternal and child health in Nigeria ARTICLE
By: Ebenso, B; Ensor, T; Etiaba, E; Ezumah, N; Hicks, JP; Huss, R; Manzano, A; Mirzoev, T; Newell, J; Onwujekwe, O; Uzochukwu, B
Year Published: 2016   Source: Implementation Science   DOI: 10.1186/s13012-016-0443-1   View article
Substance use and sexual risk prevention in Cape Town, South Africa: An evaluation of the HealthWise program ARTICLE
By: Caldwell, LL; Flisher, AJ; Graham, JW; Mathews, C; Palen, L-A; Smith, EA; Vergnani, T; Wegner, L
Year Published: 2008   Source: Prevention Science   DOI: 10.1007/s11121-008-0103-z   View article
Supplementary immunization activities (SIAs) in South Africa: Comprehensive economic evaluation of an integrated child health delivery platform ARTICLE
By: Bertram, MY; Hofman, KJ; Jamison, DT; Jassat, W; Murray, CJL; Tollman, SM; Verguet, S
Year Published: 2013   Source: Global Health Action
Supportive supervision and constructive relationships with healthcare workers support CHW performance: Use of a qualitative framework to evaluate CHW programming in Uganda ARTICLE
By: Brenner, JL; Kyomuhangi, T; Ludwick, T; Manalili, K; Robinson, S; Turyakira, E
Year Published: 2018   Source: Human Resources for Health   DOI: 10.1186/s12960-018-0272-1   View article
Supportive supervision from a roving nurse mentor in a community health worker programme: a process evaluation in South Africa ARTICLE
By: Goudge, J; Griffiths, F; Malatji, H
Year Published: 2021   Source: BMC Health Services Research   DOI: 10.1186/s12913-022-07635-w   View article
Syndrome packets and health worker training improve sexually transmitted disease case management in rural South Africa: Randomized controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Floyd, K; Harrison, A; Karim, SA; Lombard, CJ; Lurie, MN; Ntuli, N; Wilkinson, D
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Systematic monitoring of male circumcision scale-up in Nyanza, Kenya: Exploratory factor analysis of service quality instrument and performance ranking ARTICLE
By: Bertrand, JT; Omondi Aduda, DS; Onyango, M; Onyango, R; Ouma, C
Year Published: 2014   Source: PLoS ONE
Systematic Monitoring of Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision Scale-Up: Adoption of Efficiency Elements in Kenya, South Africa, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe ARTICLE
By: Aduda, DO; Bertrand, JT; Castor, D; Farrell, M; Frade, S; Loolpapit, M; Machaku, MD; Mavhu, W; Njeuhmeli, E; Oyango, M; Perry, L; Rech, D; Spyrelis, A
Year Published: 2014   Source: PLoS ONE   DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0082518   View article
Taking care to the patients: a qualitative evaluation of a community-based ART care program in northern Namibia ARTICLE
By: Baughman, AL; Hamunime, N; Hong, SY; Katirayi, L; Mengistu, A; Mitruka, K; Mutandi, G; Shoopala, N; Woelk, G
Year Published: 2022   Source: BMC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH   DOI: 10.1186/s12913-022-07928-0   View article
Targeting the worst-off for free health care: A process evaluation in Burkina Faso ARTICLE
By: Bicaba, A; Haddad, S; Kadio, K; Kafando, Y; Ouedraogo, M; Ridde, V; Yaogo, M
Year Published: 2011   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning   DOI: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2011.03.007   View article
Task shifting for scale-up of HIV care: Evaluation of nurse-centered antiretroviral treatment at Rural Health Centers in Rwanda ARTICLE
By: Binagwaho, A; Lowrance, DW; Price, J; Shumbusho, F; Turate, I; Van Griensven, J; Weaver, MA
Year Published: 2009   Source: PLoS Medicine   DOI: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1000163   View article
Task-shifting to community health workers: Evaluation of the performance of a peer-led model in an antiretroviral program in Uganda ARTICLE
By: Alamo, S; Colebunders, RL; Kenneth, E; Laga, M; Sunday, P; Wabwire-Mangen, F
Year Published: 2012   Source: AIDS Patient Care and STDs   DOI: 10.1089/apc.2011.0279   View article
Task shifting to improve the provision of integrated chronic care: realist evaluation of a lay health worker intervention in rural South Africa ARTICLE
By: Gomez-Olive, FX; Goudge, J; Kabudula, C; Limbani, F; Thorogood, M
Year Published: 2019   Source: BMJ Global Health   DOI: 10.1136/bmjgh-2018-001084   View article
Testing a counselling intervention in antenatal care for women experiencing partner violence: a study protocol for a randomized controlled trial in Johannesburg, South Africa ARTICLE
By: García-Moreno, C; Hatcher, AM; MacPhail, C; Mokoatle, K; Pallitto, C; Stöeckl, H; Woollett, N
Year Published: 2016   Source: BMC Health Services Research
Text messages to increase attendance to follow-up cervical cancer screening appointments among HPV-positive Tanzanian women (Connected2Care): Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Andersen, MS; Kjaer, SK; Linde, DS; Manongi, RN; Mwaiselage, JD; Rasch, V
Year Published: 2017   Source: Trials
The Amagugu intervention for disclosure of maternal HIV to uninfected primary school-aged children in South Africa: a randomised controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Bland, RM; Cortina-Borja, M; Rochat, TJ; Stein, A; Tanser, F
Year Published: 2017   Source: The Lancet HIV
The appropriateness of a realist review for evaluating the South African Housing Subsidy Programme ARTICLE
By: Amisi, MM; Cloete, JS; Marais, L
Year Published: 2018   Source: SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE   DOI: 10.17159/sajs.2018/4472   View article
The B Movement in East Africa: A shift in the culture of business ARTICLE
By: Muiru, OW
Year Published: 2019   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v7i1.333   View article
The branch performance tool: A methodological approach for continuous monitoring of programme efficiencies of service delivery interventions ARTICLE
By: Rajakaruna, RMD; Senadhira, K; Suranga, SS
Year Published: 2019   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v7i1.262   View article
The community-based malaria control programme in Tigray, northern Ethiopia. A review of programme set-up, activities, outcomes and impact ARTICLE
By: Bosman, A; Getachew, A; Ghebreyesus, TA; Minass, M; Teklehaimanot, A; Tesfay, W; Witten, KH; Yohannes, AM
Year Published: 2000   Source: Parassitologia
The Contribution of Quality in Education For All in Sub-Saharan Africa: An Analysis Based on the Shapley-Owen-Shorrocks Approach ARTICLE
By: Foueka, R
Year Published: 2017   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v5i2.133   View article
The design and evaluation of a hope enhancement programme for adults ARTICLE
By: Pretorius, C; Temane, M; Venter, C; Wissing, M
Year Published: 2008   Source: JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY IN AFRICA
The design, implementation and evaluation of computerized clinic patient management and clinician order entry systems in a PMTCT clinic in Uganda ARTICLE
By: Kavuma, M; Mars, M
Year Published: 2011   Source: 2011 IST-Africa Conference Proceedings, IST 2011
The design of a contextualized responsive evaluation framework for fishery management in Benin ARTICLE
By: Kouévi, AT; Leeuwis, C; Van Mierlo, B; Vodouhê, SD
Year Published: 2013   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning   DOI: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2012.04.004   View article
The effectiveness and acceptability of mobile telephone adherence support for management of depression in the Mental Health in Primary Care (MeHPriC)project, Lagos, Nigeria: A pilot cluster randomised controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Adegbaju, A; Adegbokun, A; Adesoji, O; Adewuya, AO; Momodu, O; Olibamoyo, O
Year Published: 2019   Source: Journal of Affective Disorders
The effectiveness of media use in health education: Evaluation of an HIV/AIDS television campaign in Ethiopia ARTICLE
By: Farr, AC; Jarato, K; Menard, T; Witte, K
Year Published: 2005   Source: Journal of Health Communication   DOI: 10.1080/10810730590934244   View article
The effect of a conditional cash transfer on HIV incidence in young women in rural South Africa (HPTN 068): a phase 3, randomised controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Agyei, Y; Andrew, P; Eshleman, SH; Gómez-Olivé, FX; Hughes, JP; Kahn, K; Khoza, N; Laeyendecker, O; Mabuza, W; MacPhail, C; Mokoena, I; Pettifor, AE; Selin, A; Suchindran, C; Tollman, SM; Townley, E; Twine, R; Wagner, RG; Wang, J
Year Published: 2016   Source: The Lancet Global Health
The effect of a continuous quality improvement intervention on retention-in-care at 6 months postpartum in a PMTCT program in Northern Nigeria: Results of a cluster randomized controlled study ARTICLE
By: Ajibola, A; Alo, OD; Becquet, E; Ezebuka, O; Falade, J; Famuyide, B; Imarhiagbe, C; Obi, A; Odoh, D; Ogirima, F; Ojong-Etta, B; Oronsaye, F; Osibo, B; Oyeledun, B; Phillips, A; Shaffer, N; Uthman, AK
Year Published: 2017   Source: Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes
The effect of an interactive weekly mobile phone messaging on retention in prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV program: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial (WELTEL PMTCT) ARTICLE
By: Awiti, PO; Belloco, R; Dusabe, J; Ekström, AM; Grotta, A; Lester, R; Mwangi, J; Ternent, L; Thorson, A; Van Der Kop, M; Were, E
Year Published: 2016   Source: BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making   DOI: 10.1186/s12911-016-0321-4   View article
The effect of educational intervention on shaping safe sexual behavior based on problem-based pedagogy in the field of sex education and reproductive health: clinical trial among adolescents in Tanzania ARTICLE
By: Kibusi, SM; Millanzi, C; Osaki, WC
Year Published: 2022   Source: HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY AND BEHAVIORAL MEDICINE   DOI: 10.1080/21642850.2022.2046474   View article
The Effect of Monitoring: How Data Collection Type and Frequency Boosts Participation and the Adoption of Best Practices in a Coffee Agronomy Training Program in Rwanda ARTICLE
By: Gathani, S; Gomez, MP; Sabates, R; Stoelinga, D
Year Published: 2016   Source: Evaluation Review   DOI: 10.1177/0193841X16633584   View article
The effect of text message reminders to health workers on quality of care for Malaria, Pneumonia, and Diarrhea in Malawi: A cluster-randomized, controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Bauleni, A; Gumbo, A; Kobayashi, M; Mathanga, DP; Moyo, D; Mwandama, D; Namuyinga, R; Nsona, H; Rowe, AK; Shah, MP; Steinhardt, LC; Troell, P; Zurovac, D
Year Published: 2019   Source: American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene   DOI: 10.4269/ajtmh.18-0529   View article
The effect of the Alive & Thrive initiative on exclusive breastfeeding in rural Burkina Faso: a repeated cross-sectional cluster randomised controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Cousens, S; Cresswell, JA; Diallo, AH; Filippi, V; Ganaba, R; Sarrassat, S; Somé, H
Year Published: 2019   Source: The Lancet Global Health
The effects of a locally developed mHealth intervention on delivery and postnatal care utilization; A prospective controlled evaluation among health centres in Ethiopia ARTICLE
By: Abdullah, M; Dinant, G-J; Fantahun, M; Shiferaw, S; Spigt, M; Tekie, M
Year Published: 2016   Source: PLoS ONE
The effects of coloniality and international development assistance on Made in Africa Evaluation: Implications for a decolonised evaluation agenda ARTICLE
By: Khumalo, SL
Year Published: 2022   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v10i1.628   View article
The effects of the integration of an economic strengthening and HIV prevention education programme on the prevalence of sexually transmitted infections and savings behaviours among adolescents: A full-factorial randomised controlled trial in South Africa ARTICLE
By: Bernholc, A; Bezuidenhout, C; Burke, HM; Chen, M; Medina-Marino, A; Murray, K; Ngwepe, P
Year Published: 2020   Source: BMJ Global Health
The emergence of government evaluation systems in Africa: The case of Benin, Uganda and South Africa ARTICLE
By: Byamugisha, A; Goldman, I; Gounou, A; Lubanga, TW; Ntakumba, S; Rot-Munstermann, K; Smith, LR; Sossou, D
Year Published: 2018   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v6i1.253   View article
The energy transition patterns of low-income households in South Africa: An evaluation of energy programme and policy ARTICLE
By: Fraser, G; Israel-Akinbo, S; Snowball, J
Year Published: 2018   Source: Journal of Energy in Southern Africa   DOI: 10.17159/2413-3051/2017/v29i3a3310   View article
The Enhanced Mentor Mother ProgrAm (EMMA) for the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV in Kenya: Study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Bii, MM; Coakley, P; Halim, N; Larson, BA; Sawe, F; Sugut, W; Tsikhutsu, I; Wolfman, V
Year Published: 2018   Source: Trials
The evaluation of an intervention programme for reception learners who experience barriers to learning and development ARTICLE
By: Rossi, J; Stuart, A
Year Published: 2007   Source: South African Journal of Education
The evaluation of a telephonic wellness coaching intervention for weight reduction and wellness improvement in a community-based cohort of persons with serious mental illness ARTICLE
By: Carrara, H; Claassen, A; Dayakalashe, NM; Myer, L; Stein, DJ; Temmingh, H; Van Zyl, S
Year Published: 2013   Source: Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease   DOI: 10.1097/NMD.0000000000000036   View article
The evaluation of a training programme based on Paulo Freire's views on community practice: A South African example ARTICLE
By: Nel, H
Year Published: 2014   Source: Social Work (South Africa)
The evaluation of bedside teaching an instrument for staff evaluation and student experience: A pilot study at a South African university ARTICLE
By: Green-Thompson, L; Mcinerney, P; Veller, M
Year Published: 2010   Source: South African Journal of Surgery
The evaluative role of legislatures in creating a responsive executive ARTICLE
By: Zantsi, R
Year Published: 2020   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v8i1.432   View article
The feasibility of measuring and monitoring social determinants of health and the relevance for policy and programme - a qualitative assessment of four countries ARTICLE
By: Ataguba, JE; Bao, GK; Blas, E; Gerecke, MR; Huda, TM; Rasella, D
Year Published: 2016   Source: Global Health Action   DOI: 10.3402/gha.v9.29002   View article
The feasibility, time savings and economic impact of a designated time appointment system at a busy HIV care clinic in Kenya: A randomized controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Bukusi, ES; Cohen, CR; Kibaara, CK; Kwena, ZA; Njoroge, BW; Oyaro, P; Shikari, R
Year Published: 2015   Source: Journal of the International AIDS Society
The impact of a 10-week physical activity intervention programme on selective metabolic syndrome markers in black adolescents ARTICLE
By: Kruger, HS; Moss, SJ; Van Rooyen, JM; Zeelie, A
Year Published: 2009   Source: South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation
The impact of a community awareness strategy on caregiver treatment seeking behaviour and use of artemether-lumefantrine for febrile children in rural Kenya ARTICLE
By: Jones, C; Okiro, EA; Snow, RW; Todd, J; Wasunna, B; Webster, J
Year Published: 2015   Source: PLoS ONE
The impact of a community-based pilot health education intervention for older people as caregivers of orphaned and sick children as a result of HIV and AIDS in South Africa ARTICLE
By: Boon, H; James, S; Reddy, P; Ruiter, RAC; Van Den Borne, B; Williams, E
Year Published: 2009   Source: Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology   DOI: 10.1007/s10823-009-9101-2   View article
The impact of a community service learning project on the professional growth of pre-service teachers [Die trefkrag van'n gemeenskapsdiens leerprojek op die professionele ontwikkeling van onderwysstudente] ARTICLE
By: Bansilal, S; Mthembu, Z
Year Published: 2011   Source: Acta Academica
The impact of a developmental movement programme on the performance of rural hearingimpaired children on the Griffiths Scales of Mental Development ARTICLE
By: Bothma, J-MVDM; Dunn, M; Kokot, S
Year Published: 2014   Source: South African Journal of Psychology   DOI: 10.1177/0081246313516254   View article
The impact of a faculty development programme for health professions educators in sub-Saharan Africa: An archival study ARTICLE
By: Bezuidenhout, J; Burch, VC; Frantz, JM; Mthembu, S; Rowe, M; Tan, C; Van Heerden, B; Van Wyk, J
Year Published: 2015   Source: BMC Medical Education   DOI: 10.1186/s12909-015-0320-7   View article
The impact of a food security program on household food consumption in Northwestern Ethiopia: A matching estimator approach ARTICLE
By: Abebaw, D; Fentie, Y; Kassa, B
Year Published: 2010   Source: FOOD POLICY   DOI: 10.1016/j.foodpol.2010.01.002   View article
The impact of agricultural innovation system interventions on rural livelihoods in Malawi ARTICLE
By: Kirsten, JF; Mapila, MAT; Meyer, F
Year Published: 2012   Source: Development Southern Africa
The impact of a home visitation programme on household hazards associated with unintentional childhood injuries: A randomised controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Jordaan, E; Odendaal, WA; Seedat, S; van Niekerk, A
Year Published: 2009   Source: Accident Analysis and Prevention
The impact of AIDS on government service delivery: The case of the Zambia Wildlife Authority ARTICLE
By: Feeley, F; Fox, MP; Hamazakaza, P; Rosen, S
Year Published: 2007   Source: AIDS   DOI: 10.1097/01.aids.0000279694.61652.e3   View article
The impact of a labour-intensive road construction programme in the Vhembe District, Limpopo Province ARTICLE
By: Musekene, EN
Year Published: 2013   Source: Development Southern Africa
The impact of a mental health teaching programme on rural and urban secondary school students' perceptions of mental illness in southwest Nigeria ARTICLE
By: Adedokun, B; Bella-Awusah, T; Dogra, N; Omigbodun, O
Year Published: 2014   Source: Journal of Child and Adolescent Mental Health
The impact of a multiple intelligences teaching approach drug education programme on drug refusal skills of Nigerian pupils ARTICLE
By: Ezedum, CE; Nwagu, EKN
Year Published: 2015   Source: Global Health Promotion
The impact of an alcohol harm reduction intervention on interpersonal violence and engagement in sex work among female sex workers in Mombasa, Kenya: Results from a randomized controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Green, S; Kingola, N; L'Engle, KL; Martin, SL; Mwarogo, P; Parcesepe, AM; Sinkele, W; Speizer, IS; Suchindran, C
Year Published: 2016   Source: Drug and Alcohol Dependence
The impact of an employee wellness programme in clothing/textile manufacturing companies: A randomised controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Edries, N; Jelsma, J; Maart, S
Year Published: 2013   Source: BMC Public Health   DOI: 10.1186/1471-2458-13-25   View article
The impact of an environmental tax on electricity generation in South Africa ARTICLE
By: Adams, PD; Blignaut, J; Mabugu, M; Seymore, R; Van Heerden, JH
Year Published: 2010   Source: Journal for Studies in Economics and Econometrics
The impact of an exercise training intervention on cortisol levels and post-traumatic stress disorder in juveniles from an Ugandan refugee settlement: Study protocol for a randomized control trial ARTICLE
By: Ainamani, HE; Akko, DP; Budde, H; Murillo-Rodríguez, E; Weierstall, R
Year Published: 2018   Source: Trials
The impact of an HIV and AIDS life skills program on secondary school students in Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa ARTICLE
By: James, S; McCauley, A; Reddy, P; Ruiter, RAC; Van Den Borne, B
Year Published: 2006   Source: AIDS Education and Prevention   DOI: 10.1521/aeap.2006.18.4.281   View article
The impact of an intervention to change health workers' HIV/AIDS attitudes and knowledge in Nigeria: A controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Edem, C; Ekure, E; Essien, E; Ezedinachi, E; Ita, O; Meremiku, M; Ross, M
Year Published: 2002   Source: Public Health   DOI: 10.1038/   View article
The impact of an mHealth monitoring system on health care utilization by mothers and children: an evaluation using routine health information in Rwanda ARTICLE
By: Berhe, A; Gaju, E; Grépin, KA; Law, MR; Musabyimana, A; Ngenzi, J; Nzabonimana, E; Ruton, H
Year Published: 2018   Source: Health Policy and Planning   DOI: 10.1093/heapol/czy066   View article
The impact of a school-based safe water and hygiene programme on knowledge and practices of students and their parents: Nyanza Province, western Kenya, 2006 ARTICLE
By: Ayalo, M; Freeman, MC; Hoekstra, RM; Migele, J; Mwaki, A; Ombeki, S; O'Reilly, CE; Quick, R; Ravani, M
Year Published: 2008   Source: Epidemiology and Infection   DOI: 10.1017/S0950268807008060   View article
The impact of a school-based water supply and treatment, hygiene, and sanitation programme on pupil diarrhoea: A cluster-randomized trial ARTICLE
By: Brumback, B; Clasen, T; Dreibelbis, R; Freeman, MC; Greene, LE; Muga, R; Rheingans, R; Saboori, S
Year Published: 2014   Source: Epidemiology and Infection
The impact of a small-scale irrigation scheme on malaria transmission in Ziway area, Central Ethiopia ARTICLE
By: Alemu, D; Alemu, Y; Boelee, E; Kibret, S; Petros, B; Tekie, H
Year Published: 2010   Source: Tropical Medicine and International Health
The impact of a sport-for-education programme in the South African context of poverty ARTICLE
By: Burnett, C
Year Published: 2014   Source: Sport in Society
The impact of a supportive supervision intervention on health workers in Niassa, Mozambique: A cluster-controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Bradley, S; Cambe, I; Galligan, M; Madede, T; McAuliffe, E; Patricio, SR; Sidat, M; Uduma, O
Year Published: 2017   Source: Human Resources for Health
The impact of a training programme incorporating the conceptual framework of the International Classification of Functioning (ICF) on behaviour regarding interprofessional practice in Rwandan health professionals: A cluster randomized control trial ARTICLE
By: Cilliers, FJ; Jelsma, J; Kagwiza, J; Sagahutu, JB
Year Published: 2020   Source: PLoS ONE   DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0226247   View article
The impact of brief quality improvement (QI) projects by medical students in primary care in Gauteng or the North West Province, South Africa ARTICLE
By: Sondzaba, N; van Deventer, C
Year Published: 2012   Source: African Journal of Primary Health Care and Family Medicine   DOI: 10.4102/phcfm.v4i1.383   View article
The impact of community level treatment and preventative interventions on trachoma prevalence in rural Ethiopia ARTICLE
By: Andreasen, A; Cumberland, P; Edwards, T; Hailu, G; Harding-Esch, E; Mabey, DC; Todd, J
Year Published: 2008   Source: International Journal of Epidemiology
The Impact of Company-Level ART Provision to a Mining Workforce in South Africa: A Cost–Benefit Analysis ARTICLE
By: Brink, B; Churchyard, GJ; Grant, AD; Meyer-Rath, G; Muirhead, D; Pienaar, J; van Zyl, A; Vickerman, P; Watts, CH
Year Published: 2015   Source: PLoS Medicine
The impact of contributory pension scheme on workers' savings in Nigeria ARTICLE
By: Babatunde, MA
Year Published: 2012   Source: Social Sciences (Pakistan)
The impact of early monitored management on survival in hospitalized adult Ugandan patients with severe sepsis: A prospective intervention study ARTICLE
By: Baeten, JM; Banura, P; Burke, R; Horton, CL; Iga, B; Jacob, ST; Mayanja-Kizza, H; Meya, D; Moore, CC; Nakiyingi, L; Reynolds, SJ; Scheld, WM; Wald, A
Year Published: 2012   Source: Critical Care Medicine   DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0b013e31824e65d7   View article
The impact of face-to-face tutorials on College of Education students: A case of Unisa’s Ekurhuleni Regional Service Centre ARTICLE
By: Molepo, L; Mothudi, H
Year Published: 2014   Source: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences
The impact of Ghana's R3M programme on the provision of safe abortions and postabortion care ARTICLE
By: Ahiadeke, C; Bankole, A; Blades, N; Juarez, F; Sundaram, A
Year Published: 2015   Source: Health Policy and Planning
The impact of group counseling on depression, post-traumatic stress and function outcomes: A prospective comparison study in the Peter C. Alderman trauma clinics in northern Uganda ARTICLE
By: Adaku, A; Alderman, S; Allden, K; Kinyanda, E; Musisi, S; Nakimuli-Mpungu, E; Nakku, J; Okello, J; Pavia, A
Year Published: 2013   Source: Journal of Affective Disorders   DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2013.05.055   View article
The impact of health behaviour change intervention on indoor air pollution indicators in the rural North West Province, South Africa ARTICLE
By: Barnes, B; Mathee, A; Thomas, E
Year Published: 2011   Source: Journal of Energy in Southern Africa
The impact of health education on reproductive health knowledge among adolescents in a rural Nigerian community ARTICLE
By: Mba, CI; Obi, SN; Ozumba, BC
Year Published: 2007   Source: JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY   DOI: 10.1080/01443610701478991   View article
The impact of improved neonatal intensive care facilities on referral pattern and outcome at a teaching hospital in Ghana ARTICLE
By: Enweronu-Laryea, CC; Nkyekyer, K; Rodrigues, OP
Year Published: 2008   Source: JOURNAL OF PERINATOLOGY   DOI: 10.1038/jp.2008.61   View article
The impact of Infection Prevention and control (IPC) bundle implementation on IPC compliance during the Ebola virus outbreak in Mbandaka/Democratic Republic of the Congo: A before and after design ARTICLE
By: Abok, P; Aruna, A; Balde, T; Diallo, B; Diaz, J; Djingarey, MH; Dovlo, D; Fall, IS; Formenty, P; Fortin, A; Houndjo, B; Kabego, L; Mbuyi, J; Mossoko, M; Ngandu, J-P; Omba, G; Ousman, K; Talisuna, A; Yao, M
Year Published: 2019   Source: BMJ Open
The impact of integrated prevention and treatment on child malnutrition and health: the PROMIS project, a randomized control trial in Burkina Faso and Mali ARTICLE
By: Becquey, E; Coulibaly, L; Huybregts, L; Khassanova, R; Le Port, A; Leroy, JL; Rawat, R; Ruel, MT; Zongrone, A
Year Published: 2017   Source: BMC Public Health   DOI: 10.1186/s12889-017-4146-6   View article
The impact of internet use on teaching, learning and research activities in Nigerian universities A case study of Obafemi Awolowo University ARTICLE
By: Nwezeh, CMT
Year Published: 2010   Source: Electronic Library   DOI: 10.1108/02640471011081960   View article
The Impact of Interventions to Prevent Neonatal Healthcare-associated Infections in Low- and Middle-income Countries: A Systematic Review ARTICLE
By: Brotherton, H; Chimhini, G; Chimhuya, S; Coffin, S; Cotton, MF; da Silva, ARA; Dramowski, A; Fitzgerald, C; Neal, SR; Olaru, ID; Russell, N; Seale, AC; Sharmand, M; Whittmann, S; Zingg, W
Year Published: 2022   Source: PEDIATRIC INFECTIOUS DISEASE JOURNAL   DOI: 10.1097/INF.0000000000003320   View article
The impact of mass media interventions on tuberculosis awareness, health-seeking behaviour and health service utilisation: A systematic review protocol ARTICLE
By: Bekker, LG; Nglazi, MD; Shey, MS; Uthman, O; Wiysonge, CS; Wood, R
Year Published: 2014   Source: BMJ Open   DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2013-004302   View article
The Impact of Mentor Mother Programs on PMTCT Service Uptake and Retention-in-Care at Primary Health Care Facilities in Nigeria: A Prospective Cohort Study (MoMent Nigeria) ARTICLE
By: Adejuyigbe, E; Adeyemi, OA; Afe, AJ; Bassey, E; Charurat, ME; Cornelius, LJ; Galadanci, H; Isah, HO; Jolaoso, I; Okundaye, JN; Sam-Agudu, NA; Wiwa, OM
Year Published: 2014   Source: JAIDS-JOURNAL OF ACQUIRED IMMUNE DEFICIENCY SYNDROMES   DOI: 10.1097/QAI.0000000000000331   View article
The impact of microcredit programmes on survivalist women entrepreneurs in The Gambia and Senegal ARTICLE
By: Casier, B
The impact of peer outreach on HIV knowledge and prevention behaviours of male sex workers in Mombasa, Kenya ARTICLE
By: Geibel, S; King'ola, N; Luchters, S; Temmerman, M
Year Published: 2012   Source: SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED INFECTIONS   DOI: 10.1136/sextrans-2011-050224   View article
The impact of pharmaceutical care intervention on the quality of life of nigerian patients receiving treatment for type 2 diabetes ARTICLE
By: Adibe, MO; Aguwa, CN; Ukwe, CV
Year Published: 2013   Source: Value in Health Regional Issues
The impact of post-matriculation examination screening on reported cases of examination malpractice in a Nigerian University: A preliminary analysis ARTICLE
By: Owie, I
Year Published: 2008   Source: European Journal of Social Sciences
The impact of preschool feeding programmes on the growth of disadvantaged young children in developing countries: a systematic review of randomised trials ARTICLE
By: Els, A; Walsh, C
The impact of primary healthcare in reducing inequalities in child health outcomes, Bogotá - Colombia: An ecological analysis ARTICLE
By: Hernández, J; Labonte, R; Martínez, J; Mosquera, PA; Sanders, D; San Sebastián, M; Vega, R
Year Published: 2012   Source: International Journal for Equity in Health   DOI: 10.1186/1475-9276-11-66   View article
The impact of provider-initiated (opt-out) HIV testing and counseling of patients with sexually transmitted infection in Cape Town, South Africa: A controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Leon, NH; Lewin, S; Lombard, CJ; Mathews, C; Naidoo, P
Year Published: 2010   Source: Implementation Science
The impact of public access venue information and communication technologies in Botswana public libraries ARTICLE
By: Renken, J; Sey, A; Totolo, A
Year Published: 2015   Source: Evidence Based Library and Information Practice
The impact of Ready-to-Use Supplementary Food (RUSF) in targeted supplementation of children with moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) in South Africa ARTICLE
By: Lategan, R; Raubenheimer, J; Steenkamp, L
Year Published: 2015   Source: South African Family Practice
The impact of reducing financial barriers on utilisation of a primary health care facility in Rwanda ARTICLE
By: Bonds, MH; Dhillon, RS; Fraden, M; Ndahiro, D; Ruxin, J
Year Published: 2012   Source: GLOBAL PUBLIC HEALTH   DOI: 10.1080/17441692.2011.593536   View article
The impact of rural electrification on rural micro-enterprises in niger delta, nigeria ARTICLE
By: Akpan, U; Essien, M; Isihak, S
Year Published: 2013   Source: Energy for Sustainable Development
The impact of safer breastfeeding practices on postnatal HIV-1 transmission in Zimbabwe ARTICLE
By: Humphrey, JH; Iliff, PJ; Marinda, ET; Moulton, LH; Mutasa, K; Nathoo, KJ; Piwoz, EG; Tavengwa, NV; Ward, BJ; Zunguza, CD
Year Published: 2007   Source: American Journal of Public Health
The impact of SASA!, a community mobilization intervention, on reported HIV-related risk behaviours and relationship dynamics in Kampala, Uganda ARTICLE
By: Abramsky, T; Devries, KM; Heise, L; Kyegombe, N; Michau, L; Musuya, T; Nakuti, J; Starmann, E; Watts, CH
Year Published: 2014   Source: Journal of the International AIDS Society
The impact of school mapping in the development of education in Tanzania: An assessment of the experiences of six districts ARTICLE
By: Agu, AO; Galabawa, JCJ; Miyazawa, I
Year Published: 2002   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning   DOI: 10.1016/S0149-7189(01)00046-5   View article
The impact of school subsidies on HIV-related outcomes among adolescent female orphans ARTICLE
By: Cho, H; Hallfors, DD; Iritani, B; Luseno, W; Mapfumo, J; Miller, T; Rusakaniko, S; Zhang, L
Year Published: 2015   Source: Journal of Adolescent Health   DOI: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2014.09.004   View article
The impact of service-learning on two groups of South African dental students ARTICLE
By: Bhayat, A; Rudolph, MJ; Vergotine, G; Yengopal, V
Year Published: 2011   Source: Journal of Dental Education
The impact of stakeholder involvement in evaluation system design: Lessons from the zimbabwe education sector experiences ARTICLE
By: Cishe, EN; Mapangwana, N; Musodza, BR
Year Published: 2021   Source: Journal of Educational and Social Research   DOI: 10.36941/JESR-2021-0057   View article
The impact of structured support groups for pregnant South African women recently diagnosed HIV positive ARTICLE
By: Forsyth, BWC; Jeffery, B; Kershaw, TS; Makin, JD; Mundell, JP; Sikkema, KJ; Visser, MJ
Year Published: 2011   Source: Women and Health   DOI: 10.1080/03630242.2011.606356   View article
The impact of supervision on stock management and adherence to treatment guidelines: A randomized controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Laing, R; Moore, H; Todd, CH; Trap, B
Year Published: 2001   Source: Health Policy and Planning   DOI: 10.1093/heapol/16.3.273   View article
The impact of the 2013 WHO antiretroviral therapy guidelines on the feasibility of HIV population prevention trials ARTICLE
By: Anglaret, X; Dabis, F; Freedberg, K; Losina, E; Newell, M-L; Pei, P; Ross, E; Scott, C; Tanser, F; Thiebaut, R; Walensky, R; Weinstein, M
Year Published: 2014   Source: HIV Clinical Trials   DOI: 10.1310/hct1505-185   View article
The impact of the Adolescent Girls Empowerment Program (AGEP) on short and long term social, economic, education and fertility outcomes: A cluster randomized controlled trial in Zambia ARTICLE
By: Austrian, K; Behrman, JR; Bweupe, M; Digitale, J; Hewett, PC; Jackson Hachonda, N; Soler-Hampejsek, E
Year Published: 2020   Source: BMC Public Health   DOI: 10.1186/s12889-020-08468-0   View article
The Impact of the African Youth Alliance Program on the Sexual Behavior of Young People in Uganda ARTICLE
By: Ali, D; Colvin, CE; Karim, AM; Patykewich, L; Posner, J; Rutaremwa, G; Williams, T
Year Published: 2009   Source: Studies in Family Planning
The impact of the Ethiopian health extension program and health development army on maternal mortality: A synthetic control approach ARTICLE
By: Alemu, G; Bedi, A; Mebratie, A; Rieger, M; Wagner, N
Year Published: 2019   Source: SOCIAL SCIENCE & MEDICINE
The impact of the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief on expansion of HIV care services for adult patients in western Kenya ARTICLE
By: Einterz, R; Kimaiyo, S; Musick, B; Nyandiko, W; Sidle, J; Siika, A; Tierney, WM; Wools-Kaloustian, K; Yiannoutsos, CT
Year Published: 2009   Source: AIDS   DOI: 10.1097/QAD.0b013e32831cc0e6   View article
The impact of the school-based Psychosocial Structured Activities (PSSA) program on conflict-affected children in northern Uganda ARTICLE
By: Ager, A; Akesson, B; Boothby, N; Flouri, E; McCollister, F; Okot, B; Stark, L
Year Published: 2011   Source: Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines   DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-7610.2011.02407.x   View article
The impact of training non-physician clinicians in Malawi on maternal and perinatal mortality: a cluster randomised controlled evaluation of the enhancing training and appropriate technologies for mothers and babies in Africa (ETATMBA) project ARTICLE
By: Davies, D; Ellard, DR; Kamwendo, F; Kandala, N-B; Mhango, C; O’Hare, JP; Quenby, S; Simkiss, D
Year Published: 2012   Source: BMC PREGNANCY AND CHILDBIRTH   DOI: 10.1186/1471-2393-12-116   View article
The impact of voluntary counselling and testing services on sexual behaviour change and HIV incidence: observations from a cohort study in rural Tanzania ARTICLE
By: Cawley, C; Kumugola, Y; Michael, D; Slaymaker, E; Todd, J; Urassa, M; Wringe, A; Zaba, B
Year Published: 2014   Source: BMC Infectious Diseases   DOI: 10.1186/1471-2334-14-159   View article
The impact on nurses and nurse managers of introducing PEPFAR clinical services in urban government clinics in Uganda ARTICLE
By: Coutinho, A; Groves, S; Kyegombe, N; Leontsini, E; Manabe, Y; Nankumbi, J
Year Published: 2011   Source: BMC International Health and Human Rights
The impacts of integrated youth training farm as a capacity building center for youth agricultural empowerment in Kwara State, Nigeria ARTICLE
By: Latopa, A-LA; Rashid, SNAS
Year Published: 2015   Source: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences   DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n5p524   View article
The implementation and evaluation of a behaviour-based safety intervention at an iron ore mine ARTICLE
By: Moller, GP; Rothmann, S
The implementation and evaluation of a resiliency programme for children ARTICLE
By: De Villiers, M; van den Berg, H
Year Published: 2012   Source: South African Journal of Psychology
The influence of health system organizational structure and culture on integration of health services: the example of HIV service monitoring in South Africa ARTICLE
By: Blaauw, D; Fonn, S; Kawonga, M
Year Published: 2016   Source: Health Policy and Planning   DOI: 10.1093/heapol/czw061   View article
The Kenya cancer research and control stakeholder program: Evaluating a bilateral partnership to strengthen national cancer efforts ARTICLE
By: Asirwa, FC; Brand, NR; Buchanan Lunsford, N; Cira, M; Dawsey, SM; Duncan, K; Galassi, A; Karagu, A; Korir, A; Kupfer, L; Loehrer, PJ; Makumi, D; Morgan, C; Muchiri, L; Sayed, S; Topazian, H; Welch, J; Williams, MJ
Year Published: 2018   Source: Journal of Cancer Policy
The Kusamala Program for primary caregivers of children 6-59 months of age hospitalized with severe acute malnutrition in Malawi: Study protocol for a cluster-randomized controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Bandsma, RHJ; Bourdon, C; Bwanali, M; Daniel, AI; Gladstone, M; Njirammadzi, J; Potani, I; van den Heuvel, M; Voskuijl, WP
Year Published: 2017   Source: Trials
The last one heard: The importance of an early-stage participatory evaluation for programme implementation ARTICLE
By: Gilmore, B; McAuliffe, E; Muyambi, G; Tumwesigye, NM; Vallières, F
Year Published: 2014   Source: Implementation Science   DOI: 10.1186/s13012-014-0137-5   View article
The Long-Term Fertility Impact of the Navrongo Project in Northern Ghana ARTICLE
By: Adongo, P; Bawah, AA; Baynes, C; Jackson, EF; Macleod, B; Phillips, JS; Williams, J
Year Published: 2012   Source: Studies in Family Planning   DOI: 10.1111/j.1728-4465.2012.00316.x   View article
The Long-Term Impact of the MEMA kwa Vijana Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Intervention: Effect of Dose and Time since Intervention Exposure ARTICLE
By: Changalucha, J; Doyle, AM; Hayes, RJ; Kapiga, S; Maganja, K; McCormack, S; Ross, DA; Watson-Jones, D; Weiss, HA
Year Published: 2011   Source: PLoS ONE   DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0024866   View article
The methodology of HIV/AIDS impact studies: a review of current practices ARTICLE
By: Arntz, T; Booysen, F
Year Published: 2003   Source: SOCIAL SCIENCE & MEDICINE
The method, rights and resources model for evaluation of the effectiveness of environmental impact assessment systems ARTICLE
By: Machaka, RK
Year Published: 2017   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v5i2.200   View article
The National Evaluation of Malawi's PMTCT Program (NEMAPP) study: 24-month HIV-exposed infant outcomes from a prospective cohort study ARTICLE
By: Auld, A; Jahn, A; Kalua, T; Kim, E; Landes, M; Nyirenda, R; Schouten, E; Tippett Barr, BA; van Lettow, M; van Oosterhout, JJ; Wadonda, N
Year Published: 2021   Source: HIV MEDICINE   DOI: 10.1111/hiv.13209   View article
The need for theory evaluation in global citizenship programmes: The case of the GCSA programme ARTICLE
By: Field, C; Goodier, S; Goodman, S
Year Published: 2018   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning   DOI: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2017.08.011   View article
The next frontier for measurement and evaluation: Social impact measurement for impact investing and market solutions ARTICLE
By: Hoffman, SA; Olazabal, VM
Year Published: 2018   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v6i2.342   View article
Theory-driven process evaluation of the SHINE trial using a program impact pathway approach ARTICLE
By: Humphrey, JH; Jones, AD; Maluccio, JA; Mbuya, MNN; Moulton, LH; Ntozini, R; Stoltzfus, RJ
Year Published: 2015   Source: Clinical Infectious Diseases   DOI: 10.1093/cid/civ716   View article
Theory-informed interventions to improve the quality of tuberculosis evaluation at Ugandan health centers: A quasi-experimental study ARTICLE
By: Ayakaka, I; Cattamanchi, A; Chaisson, LH; Davis, JL; Haguma, P; Handley, MA; Katamba, A; Miller, C; Mugabe, F; Ochom, E; Vittinghoff, E
Year Published: 2015   Source: PLoS ONE   DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0132573   View article
The perceived impact of the Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education and Training as an academic development intervention in an Institution of Higher Learning ARTICLE
By: Jonas, N; Muhuro, P; Nkonki, V; Ntlabathi, S; Riley, A; Scheckle, L
Year Published: 2014   Source: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences
The Philani MOVIE study: A cluster-randomized controlled trial of a mobile video entertainment-education intervention to promote exclusive breastfeeding in South Africa ARTICLE
By: Adam, M; Bärnighausen, T; Johnston, J; Kirton, A; LeFevre, AE; Le Roux, I; Mbewu, N; McMahon, SA; Prober, C; Strydom, S-L; Tomlinson, M
Year Published: 2019   Source: BMC Health Services Research   DOI: 10.1186/s12913-019-4000-x   View article
The pilot evaluation for the National Evaluation System in South Africa – A diagnostic review of early childhood development ARTICLE
By: Buthelezi, T; Davids, M; Goldman, I; Mabogoane, TW; Moeng, TL; Richter, L; Samuels, M-L; September, R
Year Published: 2015   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v3i1.141   View article
The PREVENT study to evaluate the effectiveness and acceptability of a community-based intervention to prevent childhood tuberculosis in Lesotho: Study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial ARTICLE
By: El-Sadr, WM; Frederix, K; Hesseling, A; Hirsch-Moverman, Y; Howard, AA; Lebelo, L; Lekhela, T; Maama, LB; Mantell, JE; Nachman, SA
Year Published: 2017   Source: Trials
The PRIME trial protocol: Evaluating the impact of an intervention implemented in public health centres on management of malaria and health outcomes of children using a cluster-randomised design in Tororo, Uganda ARTICLE
By: Chandler, CIR; DiLiberto, D; Dorsey, G; Kamya, MR; Maiteki-Sebuguzi, C; Nankya, F; Staedke, SG; Webb, E
Year Published: 2013   Source: Implementation Science   DOI: 10.1186/1748-5908-8-114   View article
The PROCESS study: a protocol to evaluate the implementation, mechanisms of effect and context of an intervention to enhance public health centres in Tororo, Uganda ARTICLE
By: Chandler, CIR; DiLiberto, D; Hutchinson, E; Kamya, MR; Kayendeke, M; Kizito, J; Maiteki-Sebuguzi, C; Nabirye, C; Nayiga, S; Staedke, SG; Taaka, L
Year Published: 2013   Source: Implementation Science   DOI: 10.1186/1748-5908-8-113   View article
The Program Impact Pathways Analysis: a key step for a successful process evaluation ARTICLE
By: Seye, M
The rise of assertive community interventions in South Africa: A randomized control trial assessing the impact of a modified assertive intervention on readmission rates; a three year follow-up ARTICLE
By: Botha, UA; Galal, U; Jordaan, E; Koen, L; Niehaus, DJH
Year Published: 2014   Source: BMC Psychiatry
The role of Egyptian State Awards in changing researchers' performance in the science and technology sector ARTICLE
By: Ibrahim, B
Year Published: 2020   Source: Research Evaluation   DOI: 10.1093/reseval/rvz038   View article
The role of monitoring and evaluation in climate change mitigation and adaptation interventions in developing countries ARTICLE
By: Ssekamatte, D
Year Published: 2018   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v6i1.254   View article
The role of monitoring and evaluation in six South African reading programmes ARTICLE
By: Boodhoo, A; Grigg, D; Joffe, J; Louw-Potgieter, J; Mulenga, C; Okeyo, A; Schkolne, D; van der Merwe, N; Zuma, M
Year Published: 2016   Source: SOUTHERN AFRICAN LINGUISTICS AND APPLIED LANGUAGE STUDIES   DOI: 10.2989/16073614.2016.1262270   View article
The role of social media in reshaping the academic activities of vocational and technical education lecturers in Nigeria ARTICLE
By: Jebba, AM; Umaru, NN
Year Published: 2019   Source: International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education   DOI: 10.11591/ijere.v8i4.20305   View article
The Safe Start trial to assess the effect of an infant hygiene intervention on enteric infections and diarrhoea in low-income informal neighbourhoods of Kisumu, Kenya: A study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Allen, E; Anderson, J; Aseyo, E; Baker, KK; Cumming, O; Czerniewska, A; Dreibelbis, R; Mumma, J; Simiyu, S
Year Published: 2019   Source: BMC Infectious Diseases
The search for a method to unpack urban complexity: Case study of the City of Johannesburg ARTICLE
By: Narsoo, S; Ndhlovu, L; Smith, LR
Year Published: 2017   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v5i1.195   View article
The six-sphere framework: A practical tool for assessing monitoring and evaluation systems ARTICLE
By: Crawley, KD
Year Published: 2017   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v5i1.193   View article
The socioeconomic impact of antiretroviral treatment on individuals in Soweto, South Africa ARTICLE
By: Chhagan, V; Luiz, J; Martinson, N; McIntyre, JA; Mohapi, L
Year Published: 2008   Source: Health Sociology Review
The South African system of evaluating and rating individual researchers: Its merits, shortcomings, impact and future ARTICLE
By: Blankley, W; Pienaar, M; Schirge, GU; Von Gruenewaldt, G
Year Published: 2000   Source: Research Evaluation   DOI: 10.3152/147154400781777395   View article
The START Study to evaluate the effectiveness of a combination intervention package to enhance antiretroviral therapy uptake and retention during TB treatment among TB/HIV patients in Lesotho: rationale and design of a mixed-methods, cluster-randomized tr ARTICLE
By: Daftary, A; Frederix, K; Gross, T; Hirsch-Moverman, Y; Howard, AA; Maama, LB; Saito, S; Wu, Y
Year Published: 2016   Source: Global Health Action   DOI: 10.3402/gha.v9.31543   View article
The Stepping Stones and Creating Futures intervention to prevent intimate partner violence and HIV-risk behaviours in Durban, South Africa: study protocol for a cluster randomized control trial, and baseline characteristics ARTICLE
By: Chirwa, ED; Ferrari, G; Gibbs, A; Jewkes, R; Khumalo, T; Mbatha, N; Ntini, N; Shai, N; Sikweyiya, Y; Strauss, M; Washington, L; Willan, S
Year Published: 2017   Source: BMC Public Health
The Tanzania Connect Project: a cluster-randomized trial of the child survival impact of adding paid community health workers to an existing facility-focused health system ARTICLE
By: Baynes, C; Exavery, A; Helleringer, S; Hingora, A; Jackson, E; Kante, M; Manzi, F; Pemba, S; Phillips, JF; Ramsey, K
Year Published: 2013   Source: BMC Health Services Research   DOI: 10.1186/1472-6963-13-S2-S6   View article
The therapeutic benefits of sport in the rehabilitation of young sexual offenders: A qualitative evaluation of the Fight with Insight programme ARTICLE
By: Draper, CE; Errington, S; Makhita, S; Omar, S
Year Published: 2013   Source: Psychology of Sport and Exercise   DOI: 10.1016/j.psychsport.2013.02.004   View article
The use of continuous household surveys to generate timely data for annual programme outcome monitoring: Experience from the Integrated Family Health Program in Ethiopia ARTICLE
By: Ali, I; Hagos, KL; Kassie, G; Kibret, MA; Tefera, BB; Zerihun, H
Year Published: 2018   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v6i1.252   View article
The use of indicators within a comprehensive impact assessment approach in three South African research programmes ARTICLE
By: Esterhuizen, JMC; Liebenberg, GF
The use of schools for malaria surveillance and programme evaluation in Africa ARTICLE
By: Brooker, S; Gitonga, CW; Kolaczinski, JH; Noor, AM; Snow, RW
Year Published: 2009   Source: Malaria Journal   DOI: 10.1186/1475-2875-8-231   View article
The utility of stakeholder involvement in the evaluation of communitybased health promotion programmes ARTICLE
By: Edusah, SE; Owusu-Addo, E; Sarfo-Mensah, P
Year Published: 2015   Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTH PROMOTION AND EDUCATION   DOI: 10.1080/14635240.2015.1030033   View article
The value of intervening for intimate partner violence in South African primary care: Project evaluation ARTICLE
By: Joyner, K; Mash, RJ
Year Published: 2011   Source: BMJ Open   DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2011-000254   View article
The value of large-scale randomised control trials in system-wide improvement: The case of the Reading Catch-Up programme ARTICLE
By: Fleisch, B; Mabogoane, TW; Schöer, V; Taylor, S
Year Published: 2017   Source: South African Journal of Education   DOI: 10.15700/saje.v37n1a1248   View article
The value of small group learning: an evaluation of an innovative CPD programme for primary care medical practitioners ARTICLE
By: Bresick, G; De Villiers, M; Mash, RJ
Year Published: 2003   Source: Medical Education
The Video intervention to Inspire Treatment Adherence for Life (VITAL Start): Protocol for a multisite randomized controlled trial of a brief video-based intervention to improve antiretroviral adherence and retention among HIV-infected pregnant women in M ARTICLE
By: Abrams, EJ; Ahmed, S; Chitani, MJ; Ciaranello, A; Flick, R; Hartig, M; Kazembe, PN; Kim, MH; Markham, C; Mazenga, A; Mkandawire, A; Mphande, M; Myer, L; Nyirenda, R; Sabelli, R; Simon, K; Tembo, TA; Wetzel, E; Yu, X
Year Published: 2020   Source: Trials   DOI: 10.1186/s13063-020-4131-8   View article
"This Clinic Is Number One": A Qualitative Study of Factors That Contribute Toward "Successful" Care at a South African Pediatric HIV/AIDS Clinic ARTICLE
By: Watermeyer, J
Year Published: 2012   Source: Evaluation and the Health Professions   DOI: 10.1177/0163278712445472   View article
Three years of a literacy development project in South Africa: An outcomes evaluation ARTICLE
By: Condy, J; Donald, D
Year Published: 2005   Source: AFRICA EDUCATION REVIEW   DOI: 10.1080/18146620408566288   View article
Towards rigorous practice: A framework for assessing naturalistic evaluations in the development sector ARTICLE
By: de Wet, JP; Phillips, T
Year Published: 2017   Source: Evaluation   DOI: 10.1177/1356389016682777   View article
Towards Universal Health Coverage: An Evaluation of Rwanda Mutuelles in Its First Eight Years ARTICLE
By: Basinga, P; Binagwaho, A; Chin, B; Hill, K; Hirschhorn, LR; Lewandowski, LJ; Lu, C; Murray, M
Year Published: 2012   Source: PLoS ONE   DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0039282   View article
Tracking implementation and (un)intended consequences: a process evaluation of an innovative peripheral health facility financing mechanism in Kenya ARTICLE
By: Goodman, C; Kedenge, S; Molyneux, S; Tsofa, B; Waweru, E
Year Published: 2016   Source: Health Policy and Planning   DOI: 10.1093/heapol/czv030   View article
Traditional birth attendants, HIV/AIDS and safe delivery in the Eastern Cape, South Africa - Evaluation of a training programme ARTICLE
By: Henda, N; Peltzer, K
Year Published: 2006   Source: South African Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Traditional circumcision during manhood initiation rituals in the Eastern Cape, South Africa: A pre-post intervention evaluation ARTICLE
By: Kanta, X; Nqeketo, A; Peltzer, K; Petros, G
Year Published: 2008   Source: BMC Public Health
Traditional healers for HIV/AIDS prevention and family planning, Kiboga district, Uganda: Evaluation of a program to improve practices ARTICLE
By: Butler, LM; Chen, SY; Kabatesi, D; Kamya, MR; King, R; Mandel, J; McFarland, W; Namugenyi, A; Ssali, A
Year Published: 2005   Source: AIDS and Behavior   DOI: 10.1007/s10461-005-9019-9   View article
Training community healthcare workers on the use of information and communication technologies: A randomised controlled trial of traditional versus blended learning in Malawi, Africa ARTICLE
By: Cecil, E; Chirambo, BG; Dharmayat, K; Hardy, V; Lee, H-Y; Mastellos, N; Mkandawire, W; Ngalande, E; O'Donoghue, JM; Tran, T; Wong, CCP; Wu, JT-S
Year Published: 2018   Source: BMC Medical Education
Training of workplace-based clinical trainers in family medicine, South Africa: Before-and-after evaluation ARTICLE
By: Blitz, J; Edwards, J; Mash, RJ; MowleII, S
Year Published: 2018   Source: African Journal of Primary Health Care and Family Medicine   DOI: 10.4102/phcfm.v10i1.1589   View article
Transforming south african libraries through leadership education: A programme evaluation ARTICLE
By: Hart, GC
Year Published: 2014   Source: Libri
Transforming voluntary organisations for professional evaluation into central pillars of national evaluation systems ARTICLE
By: Amisi, MM; Dlakavu, A; Fish, T; Masvaure, S
Year Published: 2022   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v10i1.608   View article
Transition program for adolescents with congenital heart disease in transition to adulthood: protocol for a mixed-method process evaluation study (the STEPSTONES project) ARTICLE
By: Bratt, EL; Gyllensten, H; Moons, P; Saarijärvi, M; Wallin, L
Year Published: 2019   Source: BMJ Open   DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-028229   View article
Turning around an ailing district hospital: a realist evaluation of strategic changes at Ho Municipal Hospital (Ghana) ARTICLE
By: Dedzo, M; Kegels, G; Marchal, B
Year Published: 2010   Source: BMC Public Health   DOI: 10.1186/1471-2458-10-787   View article
Two-year evaluation of Intermittent Preventive Treatment for Children (IPTc) combined with timely home treatment for malaria control in Ghana ARTICLE
By: Ahorlu, CK; Koram, KA; Seake-Kwawu, A; Weiss, MG
Year Published: 2011   Source: Malaria Journal   DOI: 10.1186/1475-2875-10-127   View article
Two-year impact of community-based health screening and parenting groups on child development in Zambia: Follow-up to a cluster-randomized controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Banda, B; Chipili, MM; Fink, G; Hamer, DH; Hughes, RC; Rockers, PC; Zanolini, A
Year Published: 2018   Source: PLoS Medicine
Two-year virologic outcomes of an alternative AIDS care model: Evaluation of a peer health worker and nurse-staffed community-based program in uganda ARTICLE
By: Alamo, S; Chang, LW; Christopher, J; Guma, S; Juncker, M; Montis, JP; Omasete, R; Quinn, TC; Reynolds, SJ; Suntoke, T
Year Published: 2009   Source: Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes   DOI: 10.1097/QAI.0b013e3181988375   View article
Understanding and optimising the social impact of venture capital: Three lessons from Ghana ARTICLE
By: Agyeyomah, C; Barnett, C; Ismaila, H; Jackson, E; O'Flynn, P
Year Published: 2018   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v6i2.335   View article
Understanding causal pathways within health systems policy evaluation through mediation analysis: an application to payment for performance (P4P) in Tanzania ARTICLE
By: Anselmi, L; Binyaruka, P; Borghi, J
Year Published: 2017   Source: Implementation Science   DOI: 10.1186/s13012-016-0540-1   View article
Understanding sexual and reproductive health needs of adolescents: Evidence from a formative evaluation in Wakiso district, Uganda Adolescent Health ARTICLE
By: Apolot, RR; Atuyambe, LM; Bukenya, J; Kibira, SPS; Muhumuza, C; Mulogo, E
Year Published: 2015   Source: Reproductive Health
Understanding the impact of a microfinance-based intervention on women's empowerment and the reduction of intimate partner violence in South Africa ARTICLE
By: Busza, J; Hargreaves, JR; Kim, JC; Morison, LA; Ndhlovu, LX; Phetla, G; Porter, JDH; Pronyk, P; Watts, CH
Year Published: 2007   Source: American Journal of Public Health
Understanding the role of the OneLove campaign in facilitating drivers of social and behavioral change in Southern Africa: A qualitative evaluation ARTICLE
By: Jana, M; Letsela, L; Scheepers, E; Weiner, R
Year Published: 2015   Source: Journal of Health Communication
Undertaking a complex evaluation of safe motherhood in rural Burkina Faso ARTICLE
By: Byass, P; Conombo, SG; De Brouwere, V; Graham, WJ; Meda, N; Zombre, DS
Year Published: 2008   Source: Tropical Medicine and International Health   DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3156.2008.02081.x   View article
UN Women’s experience with strengthening evaluation systems in Africa: Enhancing quantity, quality and use of evaluations ARTICLE
By: Merkle, C
Year Published: 2016   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v4i1.127   View article
Up-skilling associate clinicians in Malawi in emergency obstetric, neonatal care and clinical leadership: The ETATMBA cluster randomised controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Chimwaza, W; Davies, D; Ellard, DR; Kamwendo, F; Kandala, N-B; Kihaile, P; Mbaruku, G; Mhango, C; Nyamtema, A; O’Hare, JP; Quenby, S; Shemdoe, A; Simkiss, D
Year Published: 2016   Source: BMJ Global Health
Usability and user evaluation of an integrated multimedia e-learning management system ARTICLE
By: Jakovljevic, M; Rupere, T
Usability evaluation of frugal innovation: A case of mobile training for micro businesses in Tanzania ARTICLE
By: Gomera, WC; Oreku, GS; Oyelere, SS; Suhonen, J; Tedre, M; Tukiainen, M
Year Published: 2021   Source: AFRICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION & DEVELOPMENT   DOI: 10.1080/20421338.2020.1772951   View article
Use of evidence in policy making in South Africa: An exploratory study of attitudes of senior government officials ARTICLE
By: Cronin, GP; Sadan, M
Year Published: 2015   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v3i1.145   View article
Use of financial incentives and text message feedback to increase healthy food purchases in a grocery store cash back program: A randomized controlled trial ARTICLE
By: Buttenheim, AM; Gopalan, A; Lim, R; Paramanund, J; Patel, D; Shaw, PA; Volpp, KG; Zhu, J
Year Published: 2019   Source: BMC Public Health
Use of the most significant change technique to evaluate intervention in promoting childbirth spacing in Nigeria ARTICLE
By: AbodunrinM, OS; Aisiri, A; Akintola, OA; Edozieuno, A; Fagbemi, B; Laleye, O; Olarewaju, O
Year Published: 2020   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v8i1.426   View article
Using a theory driven approach to develop and evaluate a complex mental health intervention: the friendship bench project in Zimbabwe ARTICLE
By: Chibanda, D; Cowan, FM; Lund, C; Munetsi, E; Verhey, R
Year Published: 2016   Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MENTAL HEALTH SYSTEMS   DOI: 10.1186/s13033-016-0050-1   View article
Using community indicators for evaluating research and development programmes: experiences from Malawi ARTICLE
By: Kaaria, SF; Magombo, T; Mapila, MAT; Njuki, J
Year Published: 2008   Source: DEVELOPMENT IN PRACTICE   DOI: 10.1080/09614520802181913   View article
Using Delphi Technique and the P-Process model to assess health communication programmes in Nigeria ARTICLE
By: Iwuagwu, S; Onigbanjo-Williams, A
Year Published: 2015   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v3i2.157   View article
Using electronic technology to improve clinical care - results from a before-after cluster trial to evaluate assessment and classification of sick children according to Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) protocol in Tanzania ARTICLE
By: Hedt-Gauthier, BL; Lesh, N; Mitchell, M; Msellemu, D; Nkaka, M
Year Published: 2013   Source: BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making   DOI: 10.1186/1472-6947-13-95   View article
Using mobile health technology and community health workers to identify and refer caesarean-related surgical site infections in rural Rwanda: A randomised controlled trial protocol ARTICLE
By: Gaju, E; Gruendl, M; Habiyakare, C; Hedt-Gauthier, BL; Kateera, F; Koch, R; Matousek, A; Nahimana, E; Nkurunziza, T; Ntakiyiruta, G; Riviello, R; Sonderman, KA
Year Published: 2018   Source: BMJ Open   DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-022214   View article
Using organisational memory in evaluations ARTICLE
By: Jansen van Rensburg, MS
Year Published: 2014   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v2i1.75   View article
Using participatory impact diagrams to evaluate a community development project in Kenya ARTICLE
By: Kariuki, J; Njuki, J
Year Published: 2013   Source: DEVELOPMENT IN PRACTICE   DOI: 10.1080/09614524.2013.753031   View article
Utilisation-focused evaluation of ICT in education: The case of DFAQ consultation space ARTICLE
By: Brown, I; Ng'ambi, D
Year Published: 2004   Source: EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY
Utilizing community health worker data for program management and evaluation: Systems for data quality assessments and baseline results from Rwanda ARTICLE
By: Basinga, P; Drobac, P; Farmer, DB; Hedt-Gauthier, BL; Hirschhorn, LR; Karamaga, A; Mitsunaga, T; Mugeni, C; Ngabo, F; Ngizwenayo, E
Year Published: 2013   Source: SOCIAL SCIENCE & MEDICINE   DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2013.02.033   View article
Validating an evaluation school functionality tool ARTICLE
By: Bisgard, JL; Roper, M; Taimo, L; Tjasink, K
Year Published: 2020   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v8i1.423   View article
Vijana Vijiweni II: a cluster-randomized trial to evaluate the efficacy of a microfinance and peer health leadership intervention for HIV and intimate partner violence prevention among social networks of young men in Dar es Salaam ARTICLE
By: Balvanz, P; Conserve, DF; Hill, L; Kajula, LJ; Kajuna, D; Kilonzo, MN; Leatherman, S; Maman, S; McNaughton Reyes, HL; Mulawa, MI; Mwikoko, G; Singh, B; Yamanis, TJ
Year Published: 2016   Source: BMC Public Health   DOI: 10.1186/s12889-016-2774-x   View article
What Is the Impact of Home-Based HIV Counseling and Testing on the Clinical Status of Newly Enrolled Adults in a Large HIV Care Program in Western Kenya? ARTICLE
By: Braitstein, P; Kimaiyo, S; Mamlin, J; Ndege, S; Wachira, J
Year Published: 2012   Source: Clinical Infectious Diseases   DOI: 10.1093/cid/cir789   View article
What works for poor farmers? Insights from South Africa’s national policy evaluations ARTICLE
By: Chapman, SA; Louw, J; Tjasink, K
Year Published: 2021   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/aej.v9i1.548   View article
When does rigorous impact evaluation make a difference? The case of the Millennium Villages ARTICLE
By: Clemens, MA; Demombynes, G
Year Published: 2011   Source: JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENT EFFECTIVENESS   DOI: 10.1080/19439342.2011.587017   View article
When the trivial becomes meaningful: Reflections on a process evaluation of a home visitation programme in South Africa ARTICLE
By: Marais, S; Munro, S; Odendaal, WA; van Niekerk, A
Year Published: 2008   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning   DOI: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2008.02.006   View article
When to Randomize: Lessons From Independent Impact Evaluation of Reading to Learn (RtL) Programme to Improve Literacy and Numeracy in Kenya and Uganda ARTICLE
By: Abuya, B; Kassahun, A; Musyoka, P; Mutisya, M; Ngware, MW; Oketch, M
Year Published: 2014   Source: Peabody Journal of Education   DOI: 10.1080/0161956X.2014.862470   View article
Which farmers benefit most from sustainable intensification? An ex-ante impact assessment of expanding grain legume production in Malawi ARTICLE
By: Franke, AC; Giller, KE; van den Brand, G
Year Published: 2014   Source: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF AGRONOMY   DOI: 10.1016/j.eja.2014.04.002   View article
Whither Made in Africa Evaluation: Exploring the future trajectory and implications for evaluation practice ARTICLE
By: Tirivanhu, P
Year Published: 2022   Source: African Evaluation Journal   DOI: 10.4102/AEJ.V10I1.614   View article
WHO HIV clinical staging or CD4 cell counts for antiretroviral therapy eligibility assessment? An evaluation in rural Rakai district, Uganda ARTICLE
By: Gray, RH; Kagaayi, J; Makumbi, F; Nakigozi, G; Reynolds, SJ; Serwadda, D; Wawer, MJ
Year Published: 2007   Source: AIDS   DOI: 10.1097/QAD.0b013e32810c8dce   View article
Whose involvement? - can hierarchical valuation scheme intercede for participatory methods for evaluating secondary forest resource use? ARTICLE
By: Dovie, DBK
Year Published: 2003   Source: FOREST POLICY AND ECONOMICS
Who views what? Impact assessment through the eyes of farmers, development organization staff and researchers ARTICLE
By: Cosyns, H; De Wulf, R; Van Damme, P
Year Published: 2013   Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND WORLD ECOLOGY   DOI: 10.1080/13504509.2013.806372   View article
Why do women pay more than they should? A mixed methods study of the implementation gap in a policy to subsidize the costs of deliveries in Burkina Faso ARTICLE
By: Bado, A; Kadio, K; Kouanda, S; Ridde, V; Yameogo, M
Year Published: 2013   Source: Evaluation and Program Planning   DOI: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2012.09.005   View article
Why performance-based contracting failed in Uganda - An " open-box" evaluation of a complex health system intervention ARTICLE
By: McPake, B; Palmer, N; Ssengooba, F
Year Published: 2012   Source: SOCIAL SCIENCE & MEDICINE   DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2012.02.050   View article
Wildlife based land reform and its impact on household food security - A case from Zimbabwe ARTICLE
By: Mushuku, A; Ngwenya, TA
Year Published: 2014   Source: Journal of Rural Development
Workforce innovation through mentoring: An action research approach to programme evaluation ARTICLE
By: Akhurst, J; Lawson, S
Year Published: 2013   Source: International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation
Working practices and incomes of health workers: Evidence from an evaluation of a delivery fee exemption scheme in Ghana ARTICLE
By: Aikins, M; Kusi, A; Witter, S
Year Published: 2007   Source: Human Resources for Health   DOI: 10.1186/1478-4491-5-2   View article