African Evaluation Database

Articles Metadata

The metadata for the Evaluation Articles section in AfrED currently include the following fields (please note that not all fields are displayed yet):

  1. Author information (surname, initials and first name)
  2. Article title
  3. Source title and informal (Journal name, volume and issue)
  4. Core evaluation journal or not
  5. Year of publication
  6. Abstract (where available)
  7. DOI (where available)
  8. Addresses of all authors
  9. Link to the article (if open access)

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This page displays the contents of the Articles collection. The results can be filtered using the search box at the top of the page, and the items displayed can be exported, up to a maximum of 50 items (all the items on a page).

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About the Evaluation Articles collection

AfrED contains information on journal articles in the field of M&E that were published in peer-reviewed journals and indexed either in the CAWeb of Science or Scopus databases. Our criterion for the article to be included in the database is that at least one of the (co-)authors of the article must have an African address or institutional affiliation.

Using a set of search terms (for example “evaluat*”, “outcome”, “impact asses*”, *monitor* and others) queries were run on both databases for the period between 2000 and 2022. We also added a search for all articles in dedicated evaluation journals, including the African Evaluation Journal, Evaluation and Program Planning, the American Evaluation Journal, the Canadian Journal of Evaluation and New Directions for Evaluation. This search resulted in a very large and broad set of records (more than 9 000 articles). We thus embarked on a process where each article was visually inspected (by three members of the CREST team) in order to identify articles that are unambiguously about evaluating some program or intervention or at least address a relevant theme in programme evaluation. At the moment there are 953 unique articles in the current version of AfrED.


The Articles collection supports the following queries:

Top evaluation article journals

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Articles by year of publication

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Articles by journal classification

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Articles by journal classification per year

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Articles (953)